Ch. 5 | Secret Tunnel

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Once the horse passed a ditch, and a few bridges were naturally formed by all the rocks drooping down into the darkness, the animal, and the two who rode it stepped out from the gloom and into the gleaming light of the Eversky Mountain. It was blinding, but colours, trees, and water quickly turned into their original, brisk shades.

It was a sight to behold, even though they'd been in and out of this place many times. Jyuzou was awestruck at the beauty of the surrounding terrain, and a smile appeared on his face, even if there were woes earlier.

The rocky mounts had patches and tufts of grass growing on either flat parts or the sides of the stones, turning into a moss-like pattern which carried up to the very walls that protected this town, obviously made out of formations. There were exactly three waterfalls which could be seen at all times. One was rather small and flowed carefully into the rivers erected beneath the stone paths or all the grass that hid flowers.

The second one was in the direction of the Orange Mountains, and by that rule, Hakh-Nivena. It had a wide opening, but much like the first one, flew calmly, gracefully hitting the ground and bouncing off to the surrounding terrain, creating a small ecosystem of flowers, bushes and different little crowns. The last one was the most grandeur, as it was the biggest, and even had a reserved area, fenced out by small, white wooden gates. Its opening was circular, and led to the darkness, while the big wash carried in smells coming from the caves, be it the damp rocks or something Mirillians would call the 'gloom scent', either way, it was a pleasant aroma, and scattered itself around Eversky.

Visiting its white trees with black stripes, which grew either in pairs or big groups near the sides of the wooden, triangular or rectangular houses, or into the bushes, where small, orange foxes hid from the sun rays when they got too harsh, or even into the bigger pools of water naturally forming themselves further from the bridges which helped the people living there cross from one isle to the other.

"Heh," Atomu chuckled a little. "It's always a sight for sore eyes."

"I still can't believe a place as beautiful as this exists in our world." Jyuzou continued.

"Maybe that's why it's guarded?" Atomu asked.

"Yes, and no." Bancho stepped out of the shadows, atop his companion, Pearl. He jumped down the horse and stuffed his travelling pillow under the saddle. "To many, Eversky is the last safe refuge in Errarion, especially now that Mistwick's safety has become obsolete. But, there aren't many people who knew about its existence in the first place."

"Wh-" Jyuzou shook his head. "When did you get here?"

"Told you Pearl is faster than that little horse of yours," Bancho muttered. "Don't underestimate this stallion!" he petted her back, and she gave him a rather mean look. As Bancho entailed, Pearl eventually came back to him on a hot evening in Gorro.

"Wait, I don't think I get what you mean." Atomu shook his head, and the two jumped off their horse. At this exact moment, different Erans, all dressed in satin, white robes came up to the three and carefully grabbed onto the ropes around the horses' teeth politely leading them to a nearby pen with a smile on their face. One of the Erans bowed, and Bancho raised his hand as if signalling that it was okay for them to continue. Atomu scratched his neck. "Why did you say no, then?"

"Its natural beauty is, for the simple reason, that to its people, this is a city of beliefs. I thought I told you that already, Jyuzou."

"I didn't think it was that important to relay it." Jyuzou fixed his glasses, while Atomu seemed hurt about this entire dilemma. Bancho started treading forwards, among the sun shining into the small town and the clouds which, when pierced by the sharp, white mountaintops, disappeared, leaving clear skies.

"The white robes aren't style." Bancho continued, looking around as the people carried many objects to little statues of hands all around Eversky, either on hilltops or beside homes, big or small. "They're not wearing them for comfort either. The Erans here, and their families, they devote themselves to Pasto."

Jyuzou unhesitantly took his journal out. "The belief in the three God hands!" he added, while some Erans turned their heads to him.

Bancho sighed. "This place exists because there's no other real home to these beliefs in our world. At least, all the others aren't safe, and their faith is fading out. Erans of Eversky... they're so far into what they preach, that they say it happens once a year, on the first of Dear." Bancho continued, and Atomu raised a finger. "No one else can see them. The hands, coming from the skies." he turned to the others. "You've noticed it, haven't you? The silence," he muttered, and the three took a moment to listen to all the noises made by the waterfalls hitting the ground and the foxes shuffling around in bushes, running freely.

"They believe that humans have no match to nature and the things the hands have brought into this world. The Erans are pitying themselves, for being the only living beings that supposedly know the truth. Outside town, if they ever leave, they never say a thing. They want to convince those who have heard of the myth that it doesn't exist. But, I think it's special to us too." Bancho smiled. "Whatever you believe in, this is the right place for you to be. I think, for one." he threw a silver coin up into the air. "Atomu, tower or writings?" he caught the coin midair.

"T-Tower?" Atomu tilted his head.

"Even luck sits by your side." he opened his hand, revealing the side of the coin depicting a tower. Atomu opened his mouth slightly, and Jyuzou nodded.

The three continued down a few paths, before reaching a house they'd known well. Opening its door, a familiar figure revealed itself, standing in the doorway with his hands extended.

"Jyuzou!" Morio yelled out, immediately hugging his friend. "You all came, you all finally came!" he screamed.

"Wow." Jyuzou stepped back, smiling, putting a hand on Morio's forearm, pushing a little. "Hi, Morio."

"Oh, what's with the lack of enthusiasm?" Bancho peeked his head in, and Morio almost jumped on his neck, pulling the old man down. "Argh, Morio!"

"Hands that grip onto things a little too strong. There's your answer!" Jyuzou folded his arms, with a smirk, walking over to Morio's bed and sitting down.

Bancho eventually escaped his grasp, sitting on an old chair, and breathing heavily.

"Morio," Atomu said. "Hi, Morio." he waved, thinking the ripple of pressure sent by the little rascal was over, but the Morian gathered enough strength for one final jump, leaving them all well-hugged, and happy about the visit.


"Tell me, what happened, Mr Bancho?" Morio jumped around. "Did you fight any demons? Were there any goblins?"

"No, um..." Bancho raised a finger.

"What were you doing those past days, actually, all of you, tell me!" Morio clenched his fist. "I wanna hear all of your stories! The tales of Errarion! Come on!" he banged a bit on the bed's mattress.

"Nothing happened." Jyuzou smiled, shrugging his arms.

"Huh?!" Morio seemed offended. "What do you mean nothing happened?! Something always happens!"

"Jyuzou seems to be happy about doing nothing at all," Atomu noted.


"Well, if you must know, with Herbes starting, I revamped all of the flower drawings in my journal." he fixed his glasses, taking the book out of his jacket. "See? I improved my technique a bit, and added colours, although there was no pink, so I had to colour this part of the Stem Flower yellow-" Jyuzou looked over as Morio's facial expression was unlike anything he ever saw. Boredom, combined with exhaustion. "D-DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MY TALES OR NOT?!"

"Never mind!" Morio shot up. "Atomu, Mr Bancho! You must've done something crazy, right?" he pointed. "Eh, eh?"

"Sorry, Morio. I was just... out earning money in Magna. Had to save up a bit." Atomu brushed sweat off his forehead, playing with a strand of hair.

"Didn't you say that you gave half to the casino owners so Chyuuichi-" Jyuzou raised his head, and suddenly, Atomu's bag was nervously thrown across the room, landing in Jyuzou's face.

"Okay, Mr Bancho!" Morio desperately smiled, pinching onto the last bits of hope.

Bancho scratched his temple. "Just doing errands. Learning news about Errarion."

"Ah." Morio's smile faded. "The entire Yule, you guys! And... nothing?"

Jyuzou fidgeted his fingers a bit, and Atomu looked away stressfully.

"If I had all that time to spend outside of this stupid town then I'd already set out towards Lignoria!" he stood up on the bed. "Swinging my sword back and forth, slaying through all those demons and the creatures standing in my way!" he smirked, taking the Victis sword, and presenting his skills. But eventually, he sat down, looking at the others.

"Something is coming up though," Bancho added, and the three looked at him, curious.

"An adventure?" Morio leaned in.

"I guess you could call it that." Bancho nodded, Atomu tilted his head while Jyuzou looked through something in his journal.

"What adventure?" Atomu looked at him, and Bancho glanced at him, nodding his head. Atomu did not understand whatever he tried relaying.

"Then, when you're back, tell me all about it!" Morio smiled. "Ooh! Yes!" Morio clenched his fist.

Bancho scratched his chin, thinking things through. He looked at the small scars on Morio's arms, and near his face, but the smile which painted and sharpened all his details broke through all the weary notions. The sun rays from outside and the small wind moved the curtains around and showered the young Morian's face with gleaming light.

"It's been a year since you came to this town," Bancho uttered, breathing out. "...and you... as well as Zuimu, haven't left ever since. Some scars don't heal as easily as the others, but a person themselves, might just go back to who they once were."

Atomu looked over at Bancho, who stood up, walking over to Morio's bed. He recalled Jyuzou's words, realising what was to happen. Jyuzou and Atomu gulped simultaneously, and Bancho took out the Gloria sword from the sheath that lay on the small shelf next to Morio. He crouched, carefully placing the weapon in Morio's shaky hands.

The Morian carefully analysed its blade and then shook his head.

"No?" Bancho asked.

"No, I just. I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me." Morio asked.

Jyuzou sighed, unable to fight the smile on his face. "You're not going to stay here any longer, Morio."

"WHAT?!" Morio yelled out.

"Argh! I was supposed to say that!" Bancho swung his fist.

"I wasn't even considered," Atomu whispered.

"WOO-HOO!" Morio screamed out and jumped out of bed, running into the wooden closet, and taking all his dried and washed clothes.

"Morio," Bancho muttered.

"Oh my Shin, oh my Shin!" Morio slid into his pants, put on his big, brown boots, slid on his beige button-up, buttoned his vest, and wrapped himself around with the Talia cloak. "Shin! Shin!"

"Morio!" Bancho reached his hand out, but the Morian swung the door open, feeling the gentle breeze surround him. He breathed in, but before he knew it, his face turned sour. "It's not Yule anymore."

Morio threw the Talia cloak down, and quickly unbuttoned his vest, refusing to do anything else anymore, simply trying to enjoy the moment, despite all the heat surrounding him. He failed to take notice of the lack of Jyuzou's sweater, and Atomu's coat, but Bancho still paraded around in his winter outfit, for whatever reason.

Bancho sighed, putting his chin on his hand. "It's the entire world with this kid." he shook his head, and Jyuzou stood up, following Morio outside.

"Mistwick it is, then!" Morio rolled his sleeves up. "How's Victoria? Did she miss me?" he asked, turning to Jyuzou. The other Morian scratched his head.

"I haven't been to Mistwick," Jyuzou answered.

"R-Really?" Morio seemed a little confused, stopping his upbeat tempo.

"I wanted to wait for you. Seems like the right time finally came." Jyuzou put his hand over his neck.

"Oh, Jyuzou!" Morio hugged him again. "When did you become such a sweetheart?"

"Too tight! TOO TIGHT!" the sweetheart yelled out.

"Mr Bancho?" Atomu put his head down, barely squeezing through the doorway, following the Wise.


"What adventure were you talking about?" the Paladian asked, raising an eyebrow. Bancho glimpsed at the two Morians, who seemed to have gotten into a harmless fight.

"SHUT UP MORIO!" Jyuzou screamed.

"BACK TO YOU, GLASSY IDIOT!" he pointed, as the residents of Eversky gave them very concerned looks.

"You'll learn soon," Bancho answered. "All of you will." he smiled. "It's something that only fits the best of the best."

Atomu's eyes widened a bit, and he looked down. "Something for Demonears?"

"No." Bancho shook his head. "For people that your friend would deem special." he smiled.

"Huh?" Atomu squinted his eyes and stuck his teeth out.

Through the fervour of rolling in the grass and pushing hands on shoulders, Morio spotted a silhouette standing atop one of the exits to the waterfalls. His eyes shone, and with a smile, he stood up, almost kicking Jyuzou's stomach.

"HEY!" A voice echoed, and the Erans seemed annoyed, only furrowing their eyebrows and giving the group mean looks. Bancho tried diluting the tension by walking up to one of them and whispering something.

"CHYUUICHI!" Morio yelled back, jumping up a few times and waving.

"YO, MORIN!" Chyuuichi gave him a thumbs up.

Jyuzou sat up, spewing out some grass, and Morio started running towards the Mirillian. "Oh, come on!" The Morian stood up too, chasing after Morio.

The Paladian looked at Bancho again, breathing out.

"Go on," Bancho instructed.

"What about Zuimu?" Atomu asked. "Is she leaving too?"

Bancho slowly shook his head. "I'll take care of things from here." he smiled, reassuringly.

Atomu breathed out, closing his eyes. "W-Wait for me!" he yelled, waving his hand back and forth, and sprinting right after the others.

What came after was Chyuuichi's extensive guide on how to climb up the side of the second-biggest waterfall in Eversky. Instead of going down and helping the others, he pointed towards rocks that he thought were stable enough to grab onto, even though most of them shook a bit and one even crumbled upon Atomu's nervous touch. The Morians passed this challenge with ease, and as you might have guessed, it was the Paladian that struggled. Chyuuichi finally gave in, harmonically jumping down the rocks and helping Atomu up.

Eversky existed on the edge of both Malikan and Shimori, but none of these places were home to what Paladians were good at, which means that Atomu's time to shine was still far away.

The four found themselves at the edge, looking inside the dim cave.

"What do y'all think?" Chyuuichi crossed his arms, stepping into the water, obviously resisting its small currents.

"It's a waterfall alright," Jyuzou smirked, stepping in as well.

"Pff, just a waterfall, oh, young Morian!" Chyuuichi furrowed an eyebrow. "It's a secret tunnel!"

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