Episode 11: Halloween Special pt 2: talking and questions

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Everyone in the shuttlebay had a panicked look on their face. Flurry Heart was on the loose in Starfleet Academy, and as big as the place was, there was no telling what could happen in the time it would take to find her.

Cadance looked Jessica's way. "Jessica, are there any areas that cadets can't get into?"

Jessica's mind raced as she called up her mental list of restricted areas. "Teacher's lounges, faculty offices without an appointment, and also the armory without permission."

Twilight nodded. "You and shining better do that detection spell fast, or whatever it is you do to track her down." Cadance and shining nodded as they lit their horns. A few seconds of silence later, their horns dimmed and both let out a frustrated sigh.

"Darn it Flurry, this is why you don't teleport off on a strange planet."

Twilight arched an eyebrow. "That didn't work?"

Cadance shook her head. "For some reason, the detection spell isn't working. It might be interference or something."

Moondancer was still looking around. "So we need to search this whole place to find her?"

Jessica sighed. "And this place is MASSIVE."

Twilight nodded. "Well we got a big group here. I don't think she can hide for long with all of us searching."

Sunset nodded. "Yeah. If we pair off, we can cover more ground more quickly."

Twilight nodded. "Then let's do it. Everyone pair off. Spike, you go with the CMC. Moondancer, with me, Jessica, would you mind going with shining and cadance? To make sure they don't get lost too?"

Jessica nodded. "Aye aye twilight, and I'll see if Ivan T'Nea and Luke can help."

Twilight smiled. "Alright everypony, lets find Flurry."

Elsewhere in the Academy, Ivan, Luke, and T'Nea were in the courtyard, deep in the books with homework, and casually talking.

"So, anyone excited for the Halloween Dance this Friday?"

T'Nea nodded. "I definitely am. Ever since my mom and I first arrived here, I've always looked forward to Halloween. This year I'm going as a cheerleader.

Luke smiled. "That's a good choice. I'm gonna go as Darth Vader from the Original Star Wars Trilogy. I'm nearly done with the costume. All I need is to make the little control panel thingy that's on his chest and I'm all good."

Ivan arched any eyebrow. "I fail to see why dressing up and impersonating someone else can be seen as fun."

Luke chuckled. "It's mainly for the little kids. But it can be fun for all ages. Jessica and I certainly have fun with it."

T'Nea nodded. "Speaking of, I wonder what Jessica's going as."

Luke was about to reply when all of a sudden, a puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere, causing the three to involuntarily back away, right onto their backs on the ground off the benches that they were sitting at. They scrambled to their feet just as the smoke cleared, and the sight before them was shocking. In front of them was a tiny light pink foal with wings and a horn.

T'Nea was the first to speak. "I'm not the only one seeing this right?"

Luke nodded. "A quadruped with wings and a horn, Wait a minute, twilight's one of those, what species did she say that was called again?"

Ivan answered. "An Alicorn. And it looks like this one is in its infancy.

The baby Alicorn turned its head to stare at each of the three, a smile on its face. A second later, it broke down giggling. The three cadets stared at it in confusion.

T'Nea looked towards luke. "Hey, Luke, by any chance, do you think your sister has anything on our surprise guest?"

Again, Luke was about to answer, but he was again interrupted by all their combadges beeping, followed by Jessica's voice. "Luke, Ivan, T'Nea, you guys there?"

T'Nea pressed her combadge to answer Jessica. "Yeah, we're all here. What's up Jessica?"

"Twilight's family is visiting, but their foal teleported away."

Luke pressed his combadge to join in the conversation. "Perchance, is the foal an Alicorn with light pink fur?"

"Yeah, how did—she's with you guys!"

Ivan pressed his combadge. "We are currently in the quad, we were working on homework until your missing foal popped out of nowhere."

They all heard a different voice from their badges. "Is she ok? Did she get hurt?"

T'Nea took a quick look at the filly, who had taken to levitating a stylus pen to occupy herself, and to her, it didn't look like the filly had any injuries or scratches. "Though I'm really not an expert on Alicorn health, she looks to be unharmed. Right now she's just levitating my stylus pen."

They all heard a collective sigh, followed by Jessica's voice. "Whatever you do, do not let Flurry out of your sight, her parents' method of tracking her doesn't work on earth and she doesn't have a combadge so we can't track her on our tracker apps."

Luke smiled. "Don't worry Jess, we won't let her get away from us."

"Thanks guys. See you in a few."

The connection was cut as the trio in the quad returned their attention to Flurry. Who had put the stylus down and focused her adorable eyes on Luke.

Luke and his friends sat back down at the table and Luke reached out with a hand. "Hello there Flurry. You certainly know how to make an entrance don'tcha. I'm Luke." Flurry flapped her wings and launched herself into Luke, who caught her with a slight grunt. "Oof, and you can pack a punch."

T'Nea cooed. "Aww, she likes you Luke."

Luke chuckled while Ivan took a closer look at Flurry. "She seems to have more strength then you would think."

Luke chuckled. "Never judge a holonovel by its projection." Flurry let out a soft giggle.

In a corridor inside. Jessica had just got off the comma with her friends. Cadance let out a sigh of relief. "Thank celestia Flurry's Safe.

Shining eyed Jessica. "She, is safe with your friends right Jessica?"

Jessica nodded as they started walking towards the quad. "They would never do anything to hurt a fly. Luke is my twin brother so I'll trust him with my life any day, and T'Nea and Ivan have both gained that level of trust in the two months we've known each other. Flurry is in good hands." Jessica pressed her badge again. "Jessica to Equine cadets, Flurry Heart's been been found. She's in the quad with Luke, T'Nea and Ivan. Let's all converge there." Jessica cut the connection again.

Shining and cadance sighed in relief. "Now all we have to do is get there before she can teleport off again. Which can happen at any moment."

Cadance nodded, then a thought occurred to her. "Hey Jessica, a minute ago, did you say something about being able to track your pin communication devices?"

Jessica nodded. "Our combadges all give off a signal of some sort regardless if they're transmitting communications or not. So, with a tracker app that all Starfleet Academy cadets are required to have in case of emergency, we can pinpoint where a combadge is at all times, and since it's a rule that said combadges have to be on your person at all times during the day, where the combadge is, the person likely is."

Shining smiled. "That sounds handy. Perchance, do you think Flurry could have one?"

Jessica smiled and nodded. "We can get it, and a synced tracker PADD made as soon as we see a replicator. Then, Flurry will never be able to hide again."

Cadance chuckled. "Except when we're playing hide and seek. Because using the tracker is cheating."

Jessica nodded. "Yeah. Though I'm willing to bet that more often than not only flurry's playing that game."

Shining nodded. "It's her favorite game."

Jessica chuckled as they walked into a hub area, which had quite a few cadets just standing around socializing, Jessica noticed that it was one of the replicator rooms. Jessica smiled at this. "Look at that, there's a replicator right over there. It shouldn't take more then a few minutes so do you guys mind waiting here?"

Shining shook his head. "I don't mind, especially if it means I know where my daughter is at all times this week.

Cadance chuckled. "I'll go with you if you don't mind Jessica. There's actually something I want to talk to you about."

Jessica arched an eyebrow, but nodded all the same. "Sure thing." Jessica and cadance headed over to the wall, where Jessica presses a button. "Combadge tracker, with communication functionality." The computer heard her request and immediately went to work, while cadance shot jessica a questioning look. Jessica shrugged. "Combadges have communication functionality, you never know when that might come in handy." Cadance smiled and nodded. A few seconds of awkward silence before Jessica spoke again. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Cadance turned her head towards Jessica with a smirk. "A little dragon told me that there was a Halloween Dance this Friday."

Jessica nodded. "Starfleet Academy hosts it, but its open to the general public too. From what I'm told it's always a blast."

Cadance nodded. "I'm sure. You thinking of asking twilight to it?"

Jessica's mind froze as she suddenly realized that spike told Cadance, the PRINCESS OF LOVE, and twilight's sister, about her crush on twilight. Of course she'd ask her about it.

Jessica recovered from her shock enough to form a response. "Spike told you didn't he."

Cadance nodded. "So, how did it happen? How long? And how big of a crush is it?"

Jessica sighed in defeat, making a mental note to pull spike aside and ask him just how many he told in his letters.

Elsewhere, twilight and Moondancer has just got off the coms with Jessica and both let out a sigh of relief. "Thank celestia Flurry ended up in trusted hooves. Can you imagine what would happen if she got somewhere she wasn't supposed to?"

Moondancer nodded. "She could've gotten hurt, or worse." Both twilight and Moondancer shuddered are the thought of something happening to their sweet little niece. Moondancer turned to look down the corridor. "We should head to the quad, sooner rather then later."

Twilight nodded. "Agreed, this way." Moondancer followed twilight as they headed down the hall.

After a moment of silence, Moondancer gave twilight a smirk. "So, care to shed some light on this crush that you've developed on your human roommate?" Twilight tensed up a little, but kept walking alongside Moondancer.

"How did you—"

"Spike told sweetie belle and Cadance and I coaxed her into telling us."

Twilight let out a groan before sighing in defeat. "It's more than a crush Moonie, I can't get her out of my mind. Every time we're together my heart beats faster, every hoofbump or high hoove between us makes me feel ecstatic, she's confident, kind, caring, I can listen to her talk all day long, and her singing voice? The most beautiful thing I've ever heard. And don't even get me started on her personality. I've never felt this way about anypony before."

Moondancer gave Twilight a confused look. "What about that one stallion, Flash Sentry, didn't he catch your eye at one point despite your swinging towards mares?"

Twilight shook her head. "That was a passing crush on the Flash Sentry from the Alternate Universe. It would never have worked."

"But now you think it could work with this one?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. It could, especially if Jessica returns my feelings."

Moondancer smiled. "Then what's stopping you?"

"The possibility that it could all be for not? I mean, I've thought about any possible way to tell her, from asking her to the dance this Friday and telling her then, to just outright telling her now, but I'm scared that it could all blow up in my face." She heard quiet snickering and looked over to see her dead sister trying not to laugh. "Moondancer!"

Moondancer calmed down enough to talk. "I'm sorry Twily, but are you serious right now?"

Twilight arched an eyebrow. "What?"

"You're seriously telling me that you, the personal student of princess celestia, the element of magic, and the savior of Equestria several times over, are scared?"

Twilight arched an eyebrow again. "Why is that surprising?"

"Because you've seen things that would make a pony cower in fear several times over, hay, you've actually been to Tartarus, and came back alive, you've never shown any fear during those times so why should now be any different?"

"Because this time my happiness is at stake and you know how I prefer to be happy."

Moondancer nodded. "Oh yeah, I still remember that one time you got so angry you turned into a white hot mane on fire pony."

Twilight shuddered. "Let's not bring that up again. I had nightmares for weeks after that incident."

Moondancer chuckled. "Fine. But I think you have nothing to fear here."

"Does she like me back or something?"

Moondancer wanted to tell Twilight the truth, but Sweetie Belle made it clear that it wasn't their place to say that. So she regretfully opted for less truthful answer. "I don't know. But it seems to me like no matter what, she'll still want to be your friend. From what Sweetie Belle and your letters, as few as they are, have said. She's not one to end a friendship over something like this."

Twilight nodded. "She isn't, she told me herself that she's still good friends with everyone she's ever dated."

Moondancer nudged twilight. "So at the very least you'll still have her as a friend."

"Yeah but things between us will never be the same after I confess to her."

Moondancer shrugged. "Maybe things will change, maybe they won't, but one thing is abundantly clear."

Twilight cocked her head to the side in curiosity. "What's that?"

Moondancer smirked. "There's a dance coming up, and you are asking Jessica to it."


Moondancer interrupted her. "Don't even try to say that you don't want to twilight. I know you, and you want to ask her. I mean, just from the way you've described her just now makes me think you would blast me into the sun if I asked her to the dance before you."

Twilight gasped. "Moondancer! I would never even think about doing such a thing. Just like shining is our BBBFF, and Cadance is our BBSFF, we're BTSFFs for life. Best Twin Sister Friends Forever. Nothing will ever change that."

Moondancer chuckled and wrapped a foreleg around twilight. "Not even you turning into a reclusive hermit bookworm who's only concern is studying."

Twilight chuckled nervously. "Yeah, can we not bring that up either?"

Moondancer nodded. "Only if you promise that as soon as you see her next, you'll ask Jessica to the dance. Seriously Twi, from What Sweetie Belle has told me about Jessica's personality, you have an actual chance with her."

Twilight sighed. "You really think so?"

Moondancer nodded. "I do. Oh, and consider this too. If you don't ask her the next time you see her. Cadance and I will force you to by mentioning to Jessica that you have something to ask her."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright, fine. When we get to the quad, I'll ask her to the dance."

Moondancer smiled. "Trust me twi, you'll feel a lot better once you've made you're feelings known."

"If you say so."

"I say so, because I know you twily."

Back in the quad, T'Nea, Ivan, and Luke were keeping Flurry occupied. Well, Luke and T'Nea were keeping her occupied. Ivan was just staring at them, as if trying to understand what was happening. T'Nea caught sight of Ivan and smirked. "You know Ivan, I think Flurry here would like to see how Vulcans entertain their young."

Ivan shook his head. "Vulcans do not entertain our young, we educate them on suppressing their emotions and teach them how to embrace logic."

Luke chuckled. "Oh come on Ivan, give it a try. There isn't ANYTHING Vulcans do to calm down their young? Because those infants can't have the ability to suppress emotions right from the get-go. That sounds to me like a school course."

Ivan sighed. "Indeed. There is one thing that I enjoyed when I was around Flurry's age. Let's see if Flurry here enjoys it."

Luke nodded and turned his attention to Flurry. "Hey Flurry, look what Ivan can do. Can you look at Ivan?" Flurry turned her cute little head to look at Ivan expectantly. Ivan responded by reaching into his bag and pulling out a tablet like device. Luke, T'Nea, and Flurry were looking at him curiously.

Ivan explained. "This is a holographic image creator PADD. It allows for 3 dimensional drawings to be created and come to life."

"Ooh, that sounds fun."

Ivan nodded. "And I have been told my creations were interesting in and of themselves."

T'Nea smiled. "Then go on. Wow us with some of that Vulcan creativity."

Ivan nodded and went to work.

Meanwhile, having finished the combadge and tracker PADD, Jessica, Shining, and Cadance were on their way to the quad, Jessica just finishing going over how the things work.

"So, anytime you want to call up Flurry's position, as long as she has her new combadge on, just hit this button right here—" Jessica pointed to a little red button on the tracker. "—and the tracker will instantly pick up Flurry. No matter where she is."

Shining nodded. "What's the range on this thing?"

Jessica thought for a second, mentally calling up the general range of a combadge. "As long as she stays within a 60 kilometer radius, the tracker will be able to keep track of her 24/7."

Cadance's eyes widened. "Whoo. That's a long tracking distance."

Jessica chuckled. "Yeah, these things are pretty overpowered. I doubt you'll even need all of that distance but hey, better to be ridiculously safe than sorry right?"

Shining and Cadance chuckled. "I suppose so."

"Yeah, though honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if we did need the full—WHAT IN THE FLAMING HAY IS THAT?!"

Jessica, momentarily confused by Shining's sudden outburst, looked the direction he was pointing, and her eyes widened as she saw a massive holographic dragon in the sky.

"A holographic dragon?!"

Shining and cadance relaxes a little when they heard holographic fly out of Jessica's mouth, but still.

"Where does a hologram like that come from?"

Jessica started looking around for the source of the projection, and saw her friends, most of them, gazing up in Aww of the creation. Jessica then remembered something she read about Vulcans.

"Don't worry guys. It's just my friend Ivan thinking creating a 3D live action dragon with his holoprojecting sketch pad is a way to get Flurry's attention. Suffice to say, it's probably working."

Shining and Cadance eased up a little. "All the same, we should probably get over there fast."

Jessica nodded. "Agreed."

Over to said group, they were all staring at the dragon that Ivan managed to create. Rarity more impressed than others. "My my darling, this is simply DIVINE!"

Rara nodded. "You Ivan, are a true artist."

Ivan nodded. "So I have been told. Though this isn't anything special."

All eyes stared at Ivan in shock. "This isn't anything special?! Ivan, NONE of us could do anything close to this!"

"Yeah. Don't sell yourself short"

Ivan rolled his eyes. "It really is nothing special. It was really just a way to entertain Flurry here."

T'Nea took a look at the Alicorn foal, and saw that she was entranced by the giant dragon. "You definitely succeeded. She can't stop staring at it."

"You know Ivan, if you wanted to entertain Flurry with your artistic skills, I think you could've chosen that wouldn't terrify her parents at first." Everyone turned to see Jessica and two ponies Luke, T'Nea, and Ivan didn't recognize. Flurry, who had finally torn her eyes away from the dragon, saw the two ponies and immediately took off towards them. Cadance and shining caught her and held on tight.

"Flurry! Thank celestia your ok!"

"Don't teleport off without warning again!"

Flurry nodded her head, while Jessica walked over to her no pony friends, who gave her a smile.

"So, Jessica. Who exactly are those three? We've met the CMC, but who else is visiting?"

Jessica turned her attention to Cadance Shining and Flurry. "Those three are princess Cadance, Prince shining armor, and their daughter Flurry Heart. They and Twilight's twin sister Moondancer are here for the week, and they brought the CMC with them."

Luke's eyes widened. "We just babysat for ROYALTY?!"

T'Nea's Heart started pounding. "Oh I really hope we didn't do anything wrong with her."

"Oh, I've found that they're pretty laid back on the whole royalty thing. If how they acted around me is any indication."

T'Nea eyed Jessica. "So, what, they want to be treated like anyone else or something?"

"Yes, we're just here to visit our sister, nothing more." The four non ponies jumped back when they noticed that shining and Cadance had approached them.

"Would you be Luke, T'Nea and Ivan?"

Luke, T'Nea, and Ivan nodded. Shining smiled. "Thanks for making sure Flurry here stayed safe after she got away from us, I'm sorry she popped out of nowhere on you."

Ivan shook his head. "It was no trouble your majesties."

T'Nea nodded. "We're just glad she didn't hurt herself. It would be a lousy start to a vacation."

Cadance chuckled. "Yeah."

Jessica reached into her pocket and pulled out Flurry's new combadge, instead of the rectangle that was common at the Academy, it was in the shape of the Starfleet delta that was the standard issue badge of the entire organization.

Jessica held it out for Flurry to see. "Hey Flurry, I got something for ya." Flurry saw the badge and smiled, reaching out to grab it.

Luke saw it and gave Jessica a confused look. "Why did got make Flurry a combadge?"

Cadance answered. "Our usual way of detecting where Flurry is doesn't work on this planet for some reason."

Jessica continued. "So I suggested that Flurry have a combadge that's connected to a tracking PADD. That's why we took longer then you'd think. We had to stop at a replicator."

Spike, who had been listening in on the conversation, nodded. "That's a smart idea. What's the range on it?"

"60 kilometers. Standard."

Starlight's eyes widened. "60 kilometers is STANDARD?!"

Pinkie smiled. "Wow. That's a really long distance. You could run around Ponyville at least a billion times to cover that distance."

That got a chuckle out of everyone as Jessica walked closer to Flurry. Who was still trying to grab the combadge out of her hand. Jessica chuckled as she tried to stick the badge onto Flurry. "Flurry, you have to sit still or I can't put this on you."

Cadance's horn lit up as the combadge in Jessica's hand lifted out of it into the air. "Here, let me do it. She only listens to me in this regard."

Jessica nodded. "Stick it wherever you want but if she's the least bit interested, I'd put it to the left on her upper chest. Her left."

Cadance nodded as she turned her attention to Flurry, while Jessica felt tugging on her pant leg. She looked down to see spike smiling up at her. "Hey Jessica, come over here and meet the CMC." Rather then wait for Jessica to answer, spike grabbed her hand and pulled her over to where the CMC were talking to Starlight. Spike cleared his throat to get their attention. "Hey guys! This is my roommate Jessica. The one I told you about."

The CMC all smiled up at Jessica.

"Howdy Jessica. It's nice to meet ya. I'm Applebloom."

"The name's scootaloo."

"Sweetie Belle, Spike's marefriend." Spike blushed at that.

"Diamond Tiara."

"And Silver Spoon."

Jessica knelt down and shook hooves with all 5 of them. "It's nice to meet all of you. Welcome to earth."

"Thanks. This is a beautiful planet. Much like Equuis, with a considerable lack of magic."

Jessica chuckled. "Yeah. Humans have never seen real magic until we made first contact with Equuis 15 years ago. And even then, earth's only just now seeing real magic thanks to our Equine cadets."

Sweetie Belle chuckled. "I'll bet. Have there been any incidents yet?"

Jessica chuckled. "Other then Pinkie Pie seemingly breaking the laws of physics on a daily basis and being just the most random person I've ever met? The only incident happened just now with Flurry."

That got a chuckle out of everyone. Knowing Pinkie and her tendencies. After a moment, the chuckling died down and Sweetie Belle looked to Jessica. "So, spike tells me there's a Halloween dance this Friday. That should in be fun right?"

Jessica shrugged. "I've never been to a Halloween Dance hosted by Starfleet Academy before, but with Pinkie and Rarity planning it, it should be a blast." Jessica turned her attention to spike. "Did you ask Sweetie to the dance spike?"

Spike chuckled. "As soon as I confirmed that she would be able to do so."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah. He asked me through a letter. But I can get past that since it was literally the only way he could ask me. How about you Jessica? You asking twilight to the dance?"

Jessica inwardly groaned. She and Cadance had a long talk about her feelings for Twilight, ending with Cadance basically insisting that she ask her to the dance. "Cadance and I had a long talk about that on our way here actually. She said she could sense the love I feel for her—"

"So you DO love her. Knew it." Sweetie Belle interjected, which Jessica ignored.

"—and she thinks I should ask her. This could be my best chance to tell her. But I'm afraid she'll reject me."

Diamond Tiara offered Jessica a reassuring smile. "Well, you'll never know unless you try. Plus. Cadance is the Princess of Love on Equuis, so it's probably a very good idea to listen to her advice."

Silver Spoon nodded. "Yeah. And besides, from the way spike was talking about you, cross referenced with how Twilight is, I don't think you need to fear rejection. After all, you two are so alike, I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the night, you two were together."

Jessica chuckled. "Yeah. That's actually what I'm hoping for." Spike looked behind him and saw Twilight and Moondancer headed straight for them.

Spike turned back and nudged Jessica in the arm, whispering. "Go over there and ask. Come on. The worst she could do is say no."

Jessica took a deep breath, then exhaled. "Alright. Whoo, wish me luck." Jessica got up and turned to head over to where twilight and Moondancer were talking to shining, Twilight fawning over Flurry.

"Aww, look how cute Flurry is with her little combadge."

Moondancer nodded. "It was rather smart of Jessica to come up with using a combadge linked to a tracker to keep tabs on Flurry."

Jessica smiled as she reached the group. "I'm glad you think so. You can't always rely on magic to fix your problems, then again the same can be said for technology too, but it's more reliable than magic in this case."

Twilight smiled as she saw Jessica coming. "Jessica. Hi."

"Hey Twilight. Um, can I, talk to you for a minute? Maybe away from everyone else?"

Twilight slowly nodded. "Um, sure."

Jessica and twilight moved a short distance from the rest of the gang, T'Nea immediately noticing and nudging Luke. "Hey Luke. Look at that."

Luke looked to where T'Nea was pointing and saw that twilight and Jessica had separated from the group. By this point Starlight and rainbow noticed too.

Rainbow smirked. "Anypony want to place bets on who'll ask who?"

Starlight snickered. "I'm guessing Jessica."

Luke snickered. "If twilight doesn't beat her to it."

Back over to Jessica and twilight, Jessica took a deep breath. "So, twilight, you know the Halloween Dance coming up in a week."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah."

"Would you be—"


"—interested in going to—what?!" Jessica froze, trying to process what twilight said.

Twilight collected and repeated herself. "Will you go to the Halloween Dance with me? As friends?" Twilight mentally kicked herself for adding that last part. Why did she have to add that last part?!

Jessica meanwhile was a tiny bit disappointed that twilight wanted to go as friends, but it was better than nothing. Jessica collected herself and smiled. "Um, sure. Yeah sure we can go as friends."

Twilight smiled. "Great. So, it's a...date...then?"

Jessica nodded. "Um, yeah, yeah it's a, date." Jessica and twilight high hoofed. While Jessica heard NM's voice again.

"Oh, I am so going to have fun ruining this little date of yours."

Jessica inwardly groaned. "I swear to god if you want to give me nightmares, fine, whatever, but that's where you're fun stays until the dance is over."

"We'll see about that you brat."

Jessica blocked NM off as she allowed joy to wash over her. She was looking forward to Friday. To her date with Twilight.

To be continued.

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