Episode 2: Dorm Bonding

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Darkness had fallen upon the academy as the turbolift opened and let out its occupants, the Equuis cadets and Jessica and Luke. Pinkie pie, who had somehow gotten free of rarity's magic, was burning off sugar rush level energy.

"Oh my gosh that was amazing this place is so huge can you believe it I can't I can't wait to make friends with everyone here I know we need to throw a party and invite everyone!" Rarity facehoofed.

"I am gonna have some words with that mare tonight. Jessica, these dorms can be soundproofed right?" Jessica nodded.

"Voice activated."

"Great." Applejack let out a yawn.

"Well, I don't know about y'all, but I'm beat, and if we're focusing our energy into studying all weekend We're all gonna need some sleep." Rara nodded.

"Yeah, Hey Jessica, what time do you want us all to meet in that study room you showed us?"

"How does, 9:30AM sound to everyone?" Everyone voiced their agreement. Luke too.

"Yeah, That sounds good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go fish out my study videos. Just in case some of us are more the movie types." Rainbow smiled.

"Yeah, that's my kind of learning."

After a few more minutes of small talk, everyone headed to their quarters to turn in for the night. Leaving Jessica and her roommates at their door. They entered and were met with several boxes splayed out on the floor. Spike groaned.

"Oh right, I forgot we still need to unpack. This is gonna take all night." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on spike, if we work quickly we'll be done in no time." Jessica nodded.

"It's better if you just get it out of the way now spike. Otherwise you'll keep putting it off and it'll never get done. I still got a few posters of Galactic Explorer Daring do and and a few Star Wars posters that're sitting under my bed. I keep meaning to hang them up on the wall but other things like reading and stargazing take priority, along with a little guitar practice." Twilight beamed.

"You're a daring do fan?" Jessica nodded.

"Only ever since I could read. I've read every book, more then once, I've seen every movie, more then once, and I even met her at a book signing she did on the planet Risa." Twilight gasped.

"Nice, I met her with rainbow dash one time she was having trouble finishing a story" Jessica chuckled.

"So, you're a fan of her too huh?"

"It's my favorite franchise in the galaxy. In my opinion it's the BEST franchise in the galaxy." Jessica shook her head.

"While it is a good franchise, in my opinion NOTHING beats Star Wars. You ever heard of it?" Twilight and spike shook their heads.

"Is that some sort of space movie?"

"It's one of, if not the biggest franchise in the galaxy. There's an entire 9 movie saga about a family as they are constantly at the front lines fighting to save the galaxy from the forces of evil. It's a real good saga." Jessica reached under her bed and grabbed a rolled up poster, she got back on her feet and unrolled it, holding it up for twilight and spike to see. "I have a poster for every movie Star Wars has under its belt. From the original trilogy all the way to the grand finale. The rise of skywalker. Which comes out this winter." Twilight and spike studied the poster in curiosity.

"Hm, it does look interesting. How extensive is this Star Wars franchise?" Jessica rolled the poster back up and put it on her bed.

"Oh, it's very extensive. Do not even get me started on it if you want to sleep tonight." That got a chuckle out of everyone in the room. Spike used a sharp claw to cut the tape off a box.

"Hey, how about we continue talking while unpacking, hey, Jessica, you don't mind if I hang up a few posters of my own right?" Jessica nodded.

"Not at all. mi casa es tu casa." Spike and Twilight arched an eyebrow, it took a few seconds for Jessica to realize why. "It's Spanish for my home is your home." Twilight and spike nodded their understanding. Jessica moved over to the book case in the room. "Moving right along, you two can put your books in here with mine. Just, please keep the book case organized." Spike and twilight nodded.

"Got it." Jessica smiled as she finished making sure her books were all to one side of the case.

"So, aside from Daring Do, what else do you guys like?" Twilight's horn lit up and several books came flying out of one of the boxes and into the air.

"Well, when I'm not hanging out with my friends, I usually can be found reading a good book. If it's not Daring do, it's something about Starswhirl the Bearded, astronomy, or anything magic." Spike giggled.

"Yeah, and she likes to stay up late to read. So don't be surprised if you wake up and see a light purple glow." Jessica chuckled as she backed away from the case.

"I'll keep that in mind. Ok twilight, um, float them over, I guess." Twilight sent the books flying onto the bookcase beside Jessica's books. Jessica was able to read each of the book titles as they settled in the bookcase. She took note of several of them being about astronomy. "You sure brought a lot of books on astronomy twilight. By any chance do you stargaze a lot?" Twilight nodded.

"Yeah. I do, and I am so excited to start doing it on another world, I can't wait to see all the new constellations, and that lookout you showed us earlier today is the perfect spot, thanks Jessica." Jessica chuckled.

"It's open for cadets 24/7. I've already logged several days worth of time up there stargazing myself." Twilight beamed.

"Hey, maybe we could stargaze together sometime. You could help me identify constellations." Jessica nodded.

"Sure. I'm always happy to have a stargazing buddy. Usually it's my brother. Though he is not a night person, usually the night ends with me having to carry him back to his dorm." Twilight and spike chuckled.

"Let me guess, he falls asleep when the clock hits 9:00pm?" Jessica nodded.

"At the latest. There are times when I catch him sleeping at 7:00pm and most cadets stay up until 11 either having fun or studying. And no, that doesn't mean he's an early riser. I'm sure that if he could, he'd sleep all the time." Twilight chuckled.

"Spike's the same way, he just loves to sleep." Spike rolled his eyes.

"I'm a baby dragon twilight, what do you expect?" Jessica arched an eyebrow.

"Wait, baby dragon?" Spike nodded.

"By dragon time, I'm only a toddler." Twilight nodded.

"Dragons have a lifespan of hundreds of years, so it takes longer for them to grow then most others." Jessica nodded.

"So, if he's a baby by dragon time, and you two were assigned together to the same dorm, spike does that mean twilight's your legal guardian?" Twilight and spike looked at each other, then back to Jessica.

"Well, she did hatch my egg, she's taken care of me my whole life, so I guess in the strictest sense, yeah. Yeah she is my legal guardian." Twilight nodded.

"But really its always been more of a brother/sister relationship then anything else." Jessica smiled.

"Well it's still very sweet of you Twilight to look after spike. It must not have been easy." Twilight and spike laughed.

"Oh, you don't know the half of it. There have been plenty of times spike made me want to pull my mane out. Mainly because he always has his nose in those power ponies comics of his." Spike chuckled as he pulled out a poster from a box and unrolled it.

"They're only the greatest team of ponies ever assembled. 6 mares, facing off against countless bad guys, and saving the day with the power of friendship! Seriously, I was in nerd heaven when we got teleported into the comic, uh, Jessica, do you have any fasteners." Jessica nodded walked over to her desk and pulled out a small box of fasteners from the drawer.

"Help yourself." She tossed the box to spike, who nodded. Jessica's thought for a moment. "Actually, spike, toss me a bundle from in there, since I'm thinking about it, I'll finally put up my own posters." Spike reached in and pulled out a ball of magnets, which he tossed into Jessica's hand. "Thanks spike."

"No prob. You need a bundle twi?" Twilight shook her head.

"Nope, didn't bring any posters. Just some books, my telescope, and some stars charts, plus some personal hygiene supplies." Jessica giggled.

"Bare minimum type of packer huh?" Twilight nodded.

"Yeah. The brochure said to pack light. And since those fancy PADDs are the paper and quills around here, I didn't need to pack a year's worth of ink and parchment." Spike chuckled.

"Oh yeah, if we brought that, there wouldn't be any room to put all those boxes." Jessica nodded.

"Unless the ink bottles were very small." Spike waved it off.

"That wouldn't make a difference. Twilight goes through a hundred bottles of ink a week. Letters, essays, research notes, our basement in our treehouse back home is filled with scrolls written by twilight." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"It's something we scholars do spike. Oh, by the way, Jessica, how much data can one PADD store?" Jessica chuckled.

"Definitely more then a basement's worth. I'm not sure how much exactly, but you shouldn't have a problem with storage." Spike snickered.

"We'll see. I'm just waiting for next Friday when she starts getting nervous because she's used up all the storage." Twilight grabbed a pillow with her magic and threw it at spike.

"Just finish unpacking spike, we got a wonderful study weekend ahead of us." Jessica nodded.

"Right twilight. We got 4 weeks worth of material to cover. Hopefully we can pack it all into 2 days."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure we do." Jessica nodded.

In their quarters, Rarity had surrounded pinkie in her magic and plopped her on a bed. "Computer, be a dear and soundproof this room." A beep came, followed by a computer voice.

"Room soundproofed, no one will hear what is said in these quarters." Rarity nodded while pinkie cocked her head a little.

"Why did you soundproof these quarters? We shouldn't be too loud right?" Rarity sighed.

"Darling, you and I need to have a talk, and I soundproofed the room just in case I raise my voice to a less than desirable level." Pinkie arched an eyebrow.

"Why would you be yelling?" Rarity ignored her question.

"Listen, darling, this isn't Equuis, and this certainly isn't Ponyville." Pinkie smiled.

"Well course it isn't silly. We're at Starfleet academy in San Francisco on earth." Rarity nodded.

"Yes. That's where we are. And as such, people around here, well they don't know you as well as I do." Pinkie nodded.

"Well duh. I've never been here before. And I can't wait to make friends with everyone here!" Rarity nodded.

"I know Pinkie. But your unique method of making friends might be a little too crazy for the locals here." Pinkie arched an eyebrow.

"Too crazy?" Rarity nodded.

"Listen, I get you're excited and probably would love the chance to throw a party, but, do you think you can tone it down a bit? At least for the first few weeks?" Pinkie gained a sad expression on her face.

"You want me to change who I am?" Rarity shook her head.

"Oh heavens no darling, you're perfect just the way you are. All I'm asking is that you tone it down to a, hm, pinkie, show me what a 1 on the Pinkie excitement scale looks like please?" Pinkie remained still and her sad expression went unchanged.

"You're looking at it."

"Ok, then, ah, tone it down to a 4 when we're out there, can you do that for me, please?" Pinkie smiled, grabbed Rarity, and pulled her into a hug.

"I'd do anything for you rares." Rarity smiled as she returned pinkie's hug.

"Thanks cupcake. I love you. You know that right?" Pinkie nodded.

"Of course I do, and I love you just as much." Pinkie pulled away from Rarity just enough to plant a kiss on her lips, which was immediately reciprocated. And they stayed like that for a long time.

Starlight and sunset were sending objects flying around in their shared quarters, putting things How they wanted them, Sunset let out a chuckle. "You know, its funny. I thought I was done with school when I graduated CHS and moved back to Equestria, and here I am, about to go through another 4 years of school." Starlight smiled.

"But we're doing it so we can explore the galaxy in a high tech spacecraft that's more advanced then anything we've got back home. That's got to offset it right?" Sunset nodded.

"Of course! In that alternate universe this was a old time TV SHOW! Imagine my surprise when I learned that in this dimension, it's reality." Starlight chuckled.

"Yeah, I remember when we were watching the show at your place. I never stopped to think that it would be real in this dimension."

"Yeah. Come to think of it, starlight isn't that how we got together? By bonding over a sci-fi show?" Starlight nodded.

"Yep. Star Trek brought us together, and now we're LIVING the show! Is this awesome or what?"

"Totally awesome!" Starlight and Sunset high-hoofed.

"Should we let the others know we know what this is?"

"Nah, I think we should invoke the prime directive, and let them believe this doesn't resemble anything, at least until this weekend if Jessica asks us if we've heard of the prime directive."


"Hey Starlight?"


"I love you to the ends of the galaxy." Starlight smiled as she leaned in and kissed Sunset on the cheek.

"I love you too, my little center of my galaxy."

Down the hall, rainbow dash and Fluttershy were getting ready for bed, deciding to unpack the next day. "Ok, how in Equestria did I let you talk me into going to a school that has an aerial speed limit? Seriously, I was looking forward to doing earth's first sonic rainboom. Now I can't because of safety regulations? Are you kidding me?" Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow.

"Come on dashie, it's not that bad, at least now I don't have to worry about you getting hurt."

"Fluttershy, you know how I hate going slow."

"I do, but I also know that I would hate it if you got hurt. Remember the last time you got hurt?"

"How can I forget, you stayed with me the whole time I was in the hospital, and right around the time I got out, you confessed your feelings for me."

"I was so terrified that you wouldn't reciprocate, but after nearly losing you, I couldn't stand the thought of never telling you how I felt anymore." Rainbow sighed.

"I also seem to remember having to come find you and coaxing you out of the closet before asking you out on a date." Fluttershy blushed hard.

"I was too scared to see how you'd react."

"And yet there was nothing to be scared about. Speaking of, think you can handle being here? On another planet?" Fluttershy took a deep breath, then let it out.

"I've already convinced myself that this is just school, nothing scary should happen here, right?"

"We're training to be Starfleet officers in a spaceship roaming the unknown. That's the scary part I was talking about." Fluttershy nodded.

"With you by my side, I'll be perfectly fine." Rainbow smiled.

"And even though this is gonna sound completely sappy and cliche. I'll always be here for you. After all, we're in the same classes, save for our career specific classes. You're a medical major while I got pilot classes. But that shouldn't be a problem right?" Fluttershy nodded.

"I was basically a vet back on Equuis so medical school should be exciting, and the botanical gardens Jessica showed us? I can't wait to make friends with all the little critters there." Rainbow chuckled. Of course Fluttershy would find the botanical gardens the best thing outside of class. She was crazy for that kind of stuff.

"Knowing you, you'll probably drag me there every time you go." Fluttershy shook her head.

"Not every time, just the first time so you can be friends with the critters too, and on occasion when our dates just happen to be there."

"Alright flutters, only for you." Rainbow nuzzled Fluttershy on the cheek.

At the end of the hallway, Applejack was confused. "Now, I get that there's a mess hall, but why is there no kitchen space in here? Surely the mess hall can't be open 24/7, so what's a cadet to do when that's not an option?" Rara spotted something on the wall.

"Well, it looks like they installed those replication devices Jessica showed us earlier, my money is on that being our kitchen." Applejack studied the replicator.

"Looks to me more like a hole in the wall, and that apple pie from earlier, sure it was tasty, but it just wasn't real." Rara wrapped a foreleg around Applejack.

"Ok AJ, I get it, you're used to doing things for yourself and all the manual labor that it requires." Applejack nodded.

"I'm a farm girl, it's who I am." Rara nodded.

"And there's nothing wrong with that, I'm simply saying that you should give this place a chance, I mean, if you think about it, things like the replicator are really just streamlined versions of what we've got back home." Applejack nodded.

"I guess so, I think it's still gonna be hard for me to adjust though. Also, now where are we supposed to put the kitchen supplies I brought under the assumption that we would have a kitchen in here?" Rara chuckled.

"I'm sure we can mail them back to sweet Apple acres at some point. I mean, technology couldn't have replaced EVERYTHING, right?"

"I suppose not."

"Then tomorrow, we'll ask Jessica about the mailing system and we'll ship your kitchen materials back to Equuis. Ok?"

"Alright sugar. Now, lets get on to bed. I reckon Jessica's not gonna tolerate any sleeping in class over the weekend."

"Yeah, And twilight being the egghead she is, she'll probably cast some sort of spell on us all to keep us awake no matter what." AJ and Rara chuckled.

"You got that right Rara." The chuckling died down.

"Right, well, time for bed." They got ready for bed and settled down on the mattresses.

"G'night sugar."

"Night AJ."

To be continued.

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