Episode 22: It's a Pony Kind of Christmas: pt 4

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Nightlight heard a knock on the door. He put down the newspaper he was reading and got up off the couch, shouting into the kitchen in the process. "Honey! Someone's at the door!"

Velvet shouted back from the kitchen. "It's either family or somepony else."

Nightlight nodded as he reached the door, lit his horn, and opened it to reveal Moondancer, with a smile on her face. "Hi dad."

Nightlight's face lit up. "Moondancer!" Moondancer and Nightlight hugged. "It's good to see you moony."

Moondancer giggled. "Good to see you too. Is mom here?"

Nightlight nodded. "In the kitchen, cooking dinner."

Moondancer lifted an eyebrow as she walked in, the door closing behind her. "This early?"

Nightlight chuckled. "We have fifth-teen mouths to feed this year. That's a lot of dinner to make."

Moondancer chuckled. "Yes, I suppose that is a lot. So, what's for dinner tonight? Anything good?"

Velvet. Who had stepped out of the kitchen and joined them, answered Moondancer. "Pasta, soup, noodles, rice, salad. Quite the selection."

Moondancer smiled. "Sounds yummy."

Velvet nodded. "Hopefully everyone, including Jessica, will think so too."

Moondancer chuckled. "I'm sure they will. So. Anyone else here or is it just me right now?"

Nightlight nodded. "Last we heard Jessica Twilight and spike should be here within the hour, assuming Jessica survived meeting Princess Luna, and your aunts and uncles should be here in a few minutes."

Moondancer nodded. "Good." Moondancer caught sight of Flurry and smiled. "And there's my favorite niece!"

Flurry turned her head and saw her aunt Moondancer. Instantly smiling, she flapped her little wings and practically slammed into Moondancer. Wrapping her wings around her aunt in a hug.

Moondancer recoiled from the force and chuckled. "It's good to see you too." She noticed that Flurry was wearing the combadge Jessica gave her around Halloween. "And I see you're wearing your little combadge."

Flurry nodded and giggled. Nuzzling into Moondancer. Nightlight chuckled. "She's had that thing on all day everyday, from what we're told."

Velvet nodded. "She likes to pretend that she's a Starfleet cadet just like her aunt."

Moondancer chuckled. "Oh so we can expect to see her walking around saluting everyone and pretending to com people?"

Nightlight chuckled. "Thank celestia we found the thing's off switch, now that other combadges are within range we don't want them to accidentally pick up baby noises."

Moondancer chuckled. "No we do not. Especially since for all we know there could be other combadges currently within range."

Velvet nodded. "Yeah. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more Starfleet personnel at the Yule Ball. Either for security or diplomacy."

Moondancer smiled. "Oh yeah. I can't wait for that. Particularly finally seeing a 100% genuine smile from Twilight doing the Alicorn Winter Waltz. Hm. I wonder if she's told Jessica about that yet."

"So, mind filling your date to the Yule Ball in on this Alicorn Winter Waltz?" After bidding farewell for now to Luna and Celestia, the gang was walking through Canterlot, headed to the train station so the ones not related to the sparkles or dating one of them could catch the train to Ponyville.

Twilight shrank a little under her girlfriend's slightly annoyed questioning glare, sighing. "The Alicorn Winter Waltz is a Dance from an era before Equestria itself. The Alicorn Age. It's said that the ancient Alicorn civilization performed it in pairs once a year to celebrate the year that had passed and open the new year in good fortune."

Jessica nodded. "So it's like an ancient ritual."

Rarity nodded. "Indeed darling. One that has been performed at every Yule Ball since its conception. Traditionally it's performed by the Alicorns of Equestria and their partner, usually their suitor."

Jessica nodded. "And if they don't have a suitor, than they ask somepony to fill in that role. And Blueblood said he was looking forward to attend the ball with Twilight..." Jessica gave Twilight a questioning look.

Twilight sighed. "I'd rather not talk about how I ended up dancing with Blueblood, but suffice to say, he kinda forced it."

Jessica gave an understanding nod. "And now you can get rid of him because you have me. Ok. When were you going to tell me exactly?"

Sunset chuckled. "Yeah Twilight. When were you going to tell the love of your life what she had to do as your date to the Yule Ball?"

Twilight shot Sunset a look. "I actually forgot about the Yule Ball entirely. The only reason I even remembered to ask was because of Cadance."

Everyone chuckled. Applejack nodded towards Twilight. "Don'tcha worry Twilight. Your not the only one who forgot about things thanks to a certain night demon that we all know and loathe."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah Twi. Besides. It's not like the Alicorn Winter Waltz is a particularly hard routine to learn. You learned it in a day."

Cadance nodded. "Yeah. You don't have anything to worry about Jessica. Twilight and I will get you dancing like a pro in no time."

Jessica smiled, albeit nervously. "I hope so. I wouldn't want to cause a galactic incident with a misstep while doing this important tradition."

Twilight nodded. "Don't worry. I know you can do it." Twilight sighed. "I'm sorry for dropping this on you at the last minute. It honestly did slip my mind."

Jessica smiled and sighed wrapping an arm around Twilight. "It's alright Twilight. I would've appreciated a little more of a warning, but if both you and Cadance are saying that I can learn this in a day. Eh. Who am I to turn down a chance to dance with my girlfriend during the holidays?"

Everyone chuckled. Rara nodded. "It really is easy to learn Jessica. I was Luna's dance partner one year, she was able to teach me the entire routine in no time flat, and it's not something you forget."

Jessica chuckled. "If you say so Rara."

Spike chuckled. "I can't wait for tomorrow."

NM chuckled as well in Jessica's mind. "Oh it is going to be fun watching you humiliate yourself doing the Alicorn Winter Waltz."

Jessica groaned. "Oh so I'm not getting any help from you. Oh the horror. Not."

NM growled. "For your information you brat, no pony or being can do that Waltz better than me!"

Jessica was about to roll her eyes, but than smirked. "Oh yeah? I would say prove it but you haven't the strength to do so."

NM growled. "I do not need to posses you to do that!"

Jessica chuckled. "Well still, don't do it. I'd prefer to see the Alicorn Winter Waltz from Twilight over you."

NM growled as Jessica ended the connection.

From the outside, Twilight was trying to get Jessica to respond. "Jessica? Jessica."

Jessica shook her head as she finally heard Twilight. "What? You say something Twilight?"

Twilight shook her head. "No. But Starlight did. Talking to the Nightmare?"

Jessica chuckled. "Yeah." She turned to Starlight. "Sorry Starlight. What did you say?"

Starlight chuckled. "I was just wondering if the demon's said anything since we trapped her in your mind. Although the spaced out look on your face suggests yes."

Jessica chuckled. "Yeah. She was just bragging how she could do the Alicorn Winter Waltz better than anyone else or whatever."

Rainbow chuckled. "Pfft. Yeah. Not on her life. I bet that once Twilight and Cadance get you dancing, YOU'LL be doing it better than she ever could."

Jessica smiled, and than frowned as she realized something. "Hang on a sec, how am I even supposed to learn a dance that was designed by quadrupeds a millennia ago? A time where they probably had no idea bipedal creatures existed? Wouldn't I need four legs or something?"

Shining snickered. "Not since Celestia created a version of the dance that a bipedal like Discord can participate in."

Cadance caught on and started chuckling too. "Yeah. I remember that. Oh goodness I've never seen my auntie so flustered before."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Surely it couldn't have been THAT difficult to adapt it for bipedals?"

Cadance chuckled. "Oh have I got a story to tell you all."

Everyone listened intently as Cadance recounted the tale of how celestia came up with the bipedal adaptation of the Alicorn Winter Waltz.

Meanwhile, at the Sparkle household, Nightlight, Velvet, and Moondancer had just finished recounting Nightmare Moon's return to the rest of their family, and the girl who the demon was hiding in currently. Moondancer was wrapping up her bit. "So don't worry. Nightmare Moon won't be able to hurt anypony. Especially now that she's actually trapped inside Jessica's mind with no way of communicating with the outside world."

The six looked at each other with a mix of worry, concern, and uncertainty. After a moment, one of the adults spoke up. "So, Nightmare moon is back, and for the next few days, is going to be in this house."

Nightlight nodded. "Yep."

Another of the adults nodded. "And Twilight is knowingly bringing her host, Jessica Cosmos, here as her girlfriend."

Velvet nodded. "At our invitation, yes."

The third adult lifted an eyebrow. "Do you two not see the problem here? NIGHTMARE MOON IS COMING HERE!!"

Nightlight shook his head and sighed. "Believe me. We wish that weren't the case."

Velvet nodded. "But unfortunately. Wherever Jessica goes, Nightmare Moon goes."

"Then why did you invite that demon to spend hearth's warming with us?!" The last adult interjected. "She could kill us all within ten seconds!"

Moondancer shook her head. "As we JUST explained. Nightmare Moon is in no position to cause any real damage currently. She is trapped within the mind of Jessica, her UNWILLING HOST."

The first adult frowned. "How can you be so sure it isn't an act?"

Velvet shook her head. "Because A, Twilight and spike have been sharing a dorm with her for three months and so far nothing bad has happened to them..."

Nightlight nodded. "And B, Princess Celestia herself confirmed that Jessica and Nightmare Moon are two separate entities. The host the very incarnation of friendship compared to the spirit."

Moondancer nodded. "Look. All we're asking is that you give her a chance. Twilight's super excited that Jessica's going to be spending Hearth's Warming with us and I'm sure she's expecting that we'll all welcome Jessica with open forelegs. Do you really want burst Twilight's bubble? Jessica really is a nice girl once you get to know her."

For a few moments, nopony said word. The six extended family members not sure how to take the news. Then, one of the kids spoke. "Ok. So, I understood everything you three said. And I'm not sure about everypony else but here's what I think. I'm pretty certain that nopony here is crazy about Nightmare Moon being back, let alone anywhere near us. Am I right?" The filly looked around, seeing everypony nod. She smiled. "Moondancer you spent a week with Jessica right?"

Moondancer nodded. "That's right Sparkler."

Sparkler nodded. "And Nightlight, Velvet, you two spent a weekend with her alongside the princess, correct?"

Nightlight and Velvet nodded. Sparkler continued. "And you three are all saying that we can trust Jessica despite the demon in her head, and Celestia can back that up."

Moondancer nodded. Sparkler smiled. "Well. If Celestia is allowing her anywhere near Equuis, she obviously believes the demon is under control. So if the princess can trust her..." she turned to her parents, cousin, and aunt and uncle. "...I don't see why we can't at least try to do the same. I mean, think about it guys. If Jessica and Nightmare Moon were one person, don't you think Celestia would've picked up on that and handled it accordingly? Via a giant magical alpha strike?"

The other kid nodded. "Yeah. And yet. Instead of an alpha strike, the response is a containment spell to hinder the demon's power. Celestia wouldn't do that unless Jessica was the victim. Would she."

The adults pondered that for a moment before one of them spoke up. "You have a point Kick. Our fair princess does indeed value innocent lives."

Sparkler nodded. "So don't you think that would include Jessica if she's knowingly setting hoof on this planet with the demon still inside her?"

One of the adults nodded. "Yes. I suppose it would."

Kick smiled. "Also, I've always wanted to meet an alien. So I don't know about you guys but I'm giving her a chance."

Sparkler smiled as she wrapped a hoof around Kick. "As am I."

Nightlight, Velvet, and Moondancer all smiled. Happy and relieved that the kids were willing to play nice with Jessica.

The four adults looked at each other, then to their kids, and then to the three that initiated this conversation, the three smiled hopefully at them. Finally, they all came to the same decision. "Eh, What the hay. If the princess trusts Jessica. That's good enough for me."

"I didn't spend hours on a holiday sweater for Jessica for nothing. I just hope it fits her."

Velvet chuckled. "You asked me to ask their friend Rarity for Jessica's measurements last week Sunny Crisp. I'm sure it'll fit her."

Nightlight turned to the only ponies who haven't said anything yet. "Nightshade, Honey Pear?"

They sighed, then smiled. "If our niece trusts her. Than we can trust her too."

"I do have one question though."

Velvet raised an eyebrow. "What's that Nightshade?"

"Are we going to be able to feed her? Because if I remember correctly humans have a drastically different diet than equines."

Velvet chuckled. "Not so much on the vegetarian front. Twilight sent me a list of foods that were found on both Equuis and Earth so with there's a good chance that we won't poison Jessica."

That got a chuckle out of everypony. Moondancer nodded. "Yeah. That would really stink would it. She dies not because of the demon in her mind, but because of eating the wrong food." Everyone was still chuckling when they heard the front door opening.

The chuckling died down when they heard Shining shout. "Hey everypony! Guess who!"

Sparkler and Kick smiled as they dashed to the front door. " Shiny, Cady!"

"Twilight! Spike!" Kick flapped his wings and jumped into Twilight, wrapping his hooves around her while sparkler jumped onto shining.

Twilight chuckled as she caught her cousin. "Hey there Kick. You've grown since the last time I saw you."

Shining chuckled as he hugged Sparkler. "You too sparky."

Sparkler chuckled. "Yeah. We missed you guys."

Twilight chuckled. "We missed you too, it's so good to see you."

Kick and Sparkler let go of their cousins and turned to Spike. "Hey Spike."

"How's it going?"

Spike smiled as he enveloped Sparkler and Kick in a hug. "It's going good. How about you two? Staying out of trouble?"

Sparkler chuckled. "I have. Can't speak for Kicker here."

Kick chuckled. "I've been staying out of trouble. Kinda have to or it's coal from Santa Hooves." Sparkler and Kick then turned their attention to Jessica. "So. Twilight. You gonna introduce us to your special friend here?"

Twilight chuckled. "Sparkler, Kick, this is Jessica Cosmos. Jessica, meet my cousins, Sparkler Amethyst and Thunder Kicker."

Jessica knelt down and shook hand and hoof with Sparkler and Kicker. Sparkler smiled. "It's great to finally meet you Jessica. You can just call me Sparkler"

Kicker nodded. "And my friends call me Kicker. Kick within the family."

Jessica smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you Sparkler and Kicker. You two are the adorable pair aren't you."

Sparkler chuckled. "I like her already."

Kicker nodded. "She's definitely a keeper Twi."

That got all of them chuckling. They all heard a new voice coming from behind them. "I agree Kick. 100%." Everyone turned to see Nightlight smiling at the group.

Twilight smiled and trotted up to her her dad. "Dad."

Nightlight smiled and returned the hug. "It's good to see you Twilight."

"Good to see you too dad."

Spike hopped up and wrapped his arms around nightlight from behind. "Sup Nightlight."

Nightlight chuckled. "What's up spike. How're you?"


Nighlight chuckled. "That's good." He turned his attention to Jessica. "So. You survived meeting Princess Luna." He said in a neutral tone.

Jessica nodded. "Yeah. I did. Albeit with a little help from Twilight."

Twilight cleared her throat. "Ahem. A little?"

Jessica smiled and rolled her eyes. "Ok, a lot of help."

Twilight shot her a satisfied smiled and mouthed. 'Better.'

Nightlight chuckled. "Ah I'm just kidding. I knew you'd make it with Twilight watching your back. Now don't be a stranger and give this old stallion a hug."

Jessica complied and the two embraced each other. Jessica gave him a somewhat serious quizzical look. "Didn't know we were on hugging terms after only one meeting."

They heard Velvet chuckle. "Why wouldn't you be Jessica? The way Twilight talks about you your family already. And speaking of, there's still a few more ponies that would like to meet you so how about you all bring it to the living room eh?"

The crowd in the foyer nodded to each other then followed Nightlight to the living room. There, they saw Velvet with two unicorns, an Earth Pony, and a Pegasus. The four's eyes immediately were drawn to the human, only for a split second before turning their eyes to their niece. "Ah. Twilight. Spike. It's good to see you two."

Twilight smiled and trotted up to the four. "It's so good to see you guys. We missed you so much aunt Honey Pear, uncle Nightshade, aunt Sunny Crisp, Uncle Thuderhoof."

Twilight and spike, as well as shining and cadance, gave everyone in the living room a hug. Nightshade chuckled. "We missed you too Twily. We're glad that big fancy Starfleet Academy let you come home for the holidays."

Spike nodded. "Me too. As much as I love Earth, Equuis will always be my home."

Thunderhoof smiled. "Good. Never forget where you came from son." Thunderhoof chuckled until he lay eyes on Jessica, as did the other three ponies who hadn't met her yet.

Honey Pear was the first to speak. "You must be Jessica Cosmos, yes? The human girl who Twilight speaks highly of?"

Jessica nodded. "Yes. I am."

Twilight smiled. "Jessica, these are my uncles Nightshade and Thunderhoof, and my aunts Honey Pear and Sunny Crisp. Nightshade and Sunny crisp are on my dad's side of the family with Sparkler as their foal, Thunderhoof and Honey Pear are on my mom's side with Kicker as their foal.

Jessica nodded. "It's nice to meet you. All of you."

Sunny Crisp nodded. "We've heard a quite a bit about you dear, that your kind, caring, and a good friend. We've also been told something else..."

Honey Pear nodded. "Is it true? That you have, ahem, her, on your mind?"

Jessica sighed, and slowly nodded. "Yes. I have Nightmare Moon's spirit within my mind. Rest assured though that she will not be causing any trouble for anyone for a good long while."

Twilight nodded. "She's contained within Jessica's mind and can't project herself beyond it. Celestia herself helped to make sure of that."

Thunderhoof nodded. "Indeed, we were told as much. And if Princess Celestia herself trusts you despite the threat..." He trailed off, looking Jessica straight in the eye for a good minute before smiling. "Then that's good enough for me." Thunderhoof reached forward with his wing, grabbed Jessica's hand, and shook it wildly. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Jessica. You've certainly caused quite the stir around here."

Sparkler and Kicker both smiled and nodded. "Yeah Jessica!"

"We've never met an alien before. Much less a human."

"We have so many questions!"

Twilight watched with a warm smile as her uncles, aunts, and cousins crowded around Jessica and welcoming her, and let out a sigh of relief.

Moondancer noticed her sister's seemingly peaceful state. She smiled. "Finally at peace with Jessica being here eh Twilight?"

Twilight nodded. "Now that Jessica's safe from the princesses, and accepted by our extended family despite her currently harboring a demon, I can finally relax and enjoy the next several days. This is going to be the best Hearths Warming ever."

Miles away, in the quiet town of Ponyville, Sweetie Belle was waiting at Ponyville Train Station for the Friendship Express with Applebloom and Scootaloo, who were all waiting for their siblings to arrive.

Sweetie looked along the railway to see if she could see the train, but found nothing but train tracks. She groaned in frustration. "Oh com on. Where the hay is that train? It should be here by now."

Applebloom gave Sweetie Belle a reassuring smile. "It'll be here soon Sweetie. It's not gonna her here for another two minutes."

Scootaloo groaned. "I'm with Sweetie Belle on this one. That train had better get here early. It's freezing out here. Who's idea was it to wait at the train station for the train anyway?"

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both turned to their friend. "Yours." They borg deadpanned.

Scootaloo folded back her ears and chuckled nervously. "Oh, right. Ahem. Well, in my defense, I didn't think it would be this cold."

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle chuckled. "It's fine scoots."

"We're bundled up real good so we can stay out here for a little while longer."

"Just as long as the train gets here on time."

As if on cue to Sweetie Belle's statement, they all heard a train horn blasting in the distance. They all turned to see the Friendship Express coming up to the station.

Sweetie Belle smiled. "They're here! They're here they're here they're here!"

Applebloom chuckled. "You know Spike ain't gonna be with them right?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "What? I can't be excited to see my sister and her marefriend?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "You could at least tone it down a peg. You're being over dramatic."

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. "I'm surprised you aren't jumping for joy to see your surrogate sister. I seem to recall her challenging you to a race."

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah. But I'm a mature filly who knows how to keep her emotions in check."

Sweetie Belle just stuck her tongue out at scootaloo as the train slowed down to a halt right next to the platform. It's doors opened and a stream of ponies started walking out into Ponyville. The three fillies looked around for their sisters and their friends. As the stream of ponies slowly thinned, the three fillies slowly started frowning, not seeing their friends. "Hm. Maybe they missed the train?"

"Rainbow Dash! I told you I do not require your assistance!"

"Rarity, you are blocking the way, ponies behind us are getting mad, you didn't need to bring home EVERYTHING!!"

"Well excuse me for being prepared for the worst!"

The three fillies giggled at the outbursts. Of course Rarity would overpack. The three fillies got up off their flanks and ran to greet their friends, who had FINALLY emerged from the train.

"Applejack, Rara!"

"Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy!"

"Rarity! Pinkie Pie!"

The three leapt at the mares. Who managed to see them in time and catch them.

Rarity chuckled. "Sweetie Belle. What are you doing out here?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah sugarcube, it's freezing out here."

Scootaloo chuckled. "We wanted to greet you at the station."

Applejack nodded. "And make sure you got to Sugarcube Corner where Cheese Sandwich has everypony on for a massive welcome back party."

Hearing this, Pinkie gasped dramatically. "Cheese planned a party for me on my turf?! Without me?!"

She took off in a full gallop, darting straight for Sugarcube Corner. "Cheese Sandwich you had better not have used the Party Cave!!"

The gang watched her go and chuckled. Sweetie Belle turned to her sister. "Welcome back Rarity. I missed you so much."

Applebloom and Scootaloo also voiced their delight to have their siblings back home. Rainbow nodded as she hugged Scootaloo. "We missed you too. It's good to be home." Rainbow let go of Scootaloo and smiled. "So, how much faster have you gotten since I last saw ya squirt?"

Scootaloo instantly flared her wings and flapped them. "Faster than you I'll bet. I remember that Starfleet Academy has an aerial speed limit. Did that leave some rust?"

Rainbow laughed while flapping her own wings. "You want to do this now?"

Scootaloo nodded and gave Rainbow a determinate look. "Bring it."

Rainbow nodded. "Get ready to be left in the dust squirt."

They both took off in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. The rest of the gang watched and chuckled. "Well come on y'all. Let's make sure they actually get to where they're supposed to go."

Everypony nodded and started walking off the platform and into Ponyville, their home.

To be continued.

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