Chronicles of Marco's Broken Arm

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Star was sitting on her bed, pulling on her stripey tights and singing happily to herself when she heard someone call her name from the other room.


"Marco?" Star jumped off the bed and bounded out of her room. Marco's door was ajar. "Marco? You alright?" Star asked, knocking once before pushing it open.

Marco was sat on his bed with a white t-shirt on and tousled hair. He was blushing furiously and only had his underwear on on his bottom half. One of his arms was still in a stiff cast, and in his other hand he held a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Star?" He said, looking mortified. "This is really embarrassing, but do you think you could give us a hand getting my jeans on? I'm having a little difficultly..."

"Oh, sure, Marco," Star said, leaping over to him. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"Thanks, Star," sighed Marco, handing her the jeans. "We'd better hurry or we'll be late for school."

"Not to worry, Diaz, this won't take long."

Star could actually feel the heat radiating off Marco's cheeks as she climbed onto his bed and reached her arms around his hips. He struggled for a moment, then got his legs into the holes and Star began gently tugging the jeans up his legs. She accidently knocked his arm and heard him hiss in pain.

"Sorry!" She said. "I'm sorry!"

"No- it's fine-" Marco reassured her. "If you could just-"

They wiggled about a bit, trying to get the jeans over Marco's hips without Star touching ...anything. Finally they managed it, and Marco did up the fly and button with one hand, which Star thought was quite impressive. She didn't realise that although the task was complete, her hands were still around Marco's torso, her thumbs hooked into the waistband of his jeans, near the front bones of his pelvis.

There was a pause.

"Erm, Star," Marco said quietly. "You can let go now. They're on."

"Oh! Right! Sorry," Star said, flustered. But as she went to shift herself off the bed, Marco turned his head, and their cheeks bumped.

They stopped.

Star looked into Marco's eyes. They were wide and shining. A deep, chestnut brown. He had unusually long, dark lashes for a boy... She had never noticed that before.

"Star," Marco breathed.

There was a pause, in which they just looked at each other.

"Marco?" Star whispered.

Silence for a moment. Then Marco said,

"...Nothing," very quietly.

He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. They sat like that for a few moments.

Star suddenly snapped out of her reverie.

"Let's go," she said briskly, hopping off the bed. Today was not the day she dealt with her feelings for Marco. He was injured and they didn't have time for it. "Come on, we'll be late," she said, pulling Marco up with his uninjured arm.

Marco blinked, looking a little dazed, but stood up and followed Star out of the room, his red hoodie over his shoulder.

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