Shower- Part 1

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A/N- this is going to be a soft smutty chapter of Janna and Star in honour of the new Svtfoe episode in which (SPOILERS) Jackie is CLEARLY dating that French girl. I haven't written much smut before so please bare with; I just wanted to give it a go. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with it, and not that I think anyone would, but any homophobic comments will be deleated and blocked.  Thank you and please let me know what you think!

Star had been crying.

She was glad that Marco and Mr and Mrs Diaz were out: they would only fuss, and she didn't want to draw any attention to herself if she could help it.

She was sat in the shower with the water off, a towel wrapped around herself and her knees drawn up to her chest. Her hair, still wet, cascaded around her shoulders to the shower floor.

It was stupid.

Why did she feel so ashamed of this?

Star had been washing herself merrily, not anxious about anything, just enjoying the hot shower and the feeling of having the house to herself for the weekend, when suddenly Janna had popped into her mind.


Star was Janna's friend. One of her best friends. It wasn't odd to think about her... But was it odd, Star had wondered, for her to appear in Star's thoughts while she was alone... Naked?

Probably not, Star had thought. But she knew it was odd to think about her friend in the way she was thinking of Janna. She knew it wasn't normal to imagine her friend here with her, maybe showering too, maybe... Naked... Maybe kissing Star...

Star had suddenly had a wave of new feelings crash over her and she didn't know what to do. She had never felt this was about a girl before, only boys. Was she bisexual?

Marco had explained all the sexualities to her to stop her accidentally offending anyone. On Mewni there were no specific words for fancying different people.

Finally, Star had come to the conclusion that she must be bisexual, because no matter how she looked at it, Janna seemed the most fanciable person she knew right then.

Star didn't know what to think. It was a bit of a wake up call for her- a bit of an identity crisis. She wasn't against it in any way; she just wasn't sure how to deal with it.

She had turned off the water and wrapped the towel firmly around herself, then looked into the bathroom mirror and burst into tears. She retreated back into the shower, sank down to a sitting position, and hugged her legs.

Then her phone started ringing.

Star jumped and reached for it from the side next to the sink. She answered the face call and saw (her stomach lurched) Janna.

"Hey Star," Janna said. "I know Marco and his parents are away this weekend, so I was wondering if you wanted to- hey- have you been crying?"

"No," said Star quickly, wiping her eyes.

"Dont lie to me," Janna said sternly. "I'm coming over right now. I nicked Marco's dimensional scissors."

"No- Janna- you don't have to-" Star said uselessly, as Janna hung up and a rip appeared in the bathroom. Janna stepped through it and ran over to Star.

"Star!" She said anxiously, crouching down beside her. "What's wrong?"

She was very close. Star could smell the toothpaste on her breath. Spearmint.

"Janna..." She breathed.

"What it is?" Janna sat down beside Star and out an arm around her. "Did something happen?"

"No... Well, not really..." Star whispered. "I... Um... I realised something."


"Erm... Before I tell you, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Go for it."

"Janna... What is your sexual orientation?"

Janna hesitated.

"I'm pansexual," she said. "You?"

"I think I might be bisexual," Star said.

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