Breaking Star out

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Loki and Marco walked down the corridor of the school looking for Star. Whay if she wound up brainwashed like Ponyhead to be a "perfect rubber-stamp princess"? (I believe that there is no such thing as a perfect princess and the whole "rubber-stamp" is a stereotypical dipiction of how a princess is described.) Loki stole a key from one of the guards. They eventually found Star's cell. "Star!" The Mewnan princess opened the door. She looked ar both of them with a stoic look in her eyes. "Star, Loki and I are here to break you out." Her glare remain unchanged. "I do not approve of escaping."
"Star, it's me Marco. Don't you remeber?" He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Unhand me Marco. I am not escaping and that is final." It's just like Marco feared, Star was brainwashed. Loki made his scepter appear. "Princess Butterfly." Loki said disguising voice to sound like a petite young lady. "Forgive but..." Loki used his scepter and is snapped her out of it. "What? What happened? Marco?" He took her hand helping her up. "Your mom sent you here because you were wearing the mask wreaking havoc." He explained.

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