The end... or is it?!

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Star and Marco looked down at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge knowing that they have to once again search for the missing half. "Star, I'm sorry I trusted Loki into giving us the shard." She hugged him saying, "It's okay Marco. There's always never giving up. Who knows? Maybe we'll find it again." She gently kissed Marco's cheek. Marco kissed Star, but on her lips she gladly kissed back. "What are we gonna do with Loki?" She asked. Both of them dragged him into one of the dungeons with some help from Odin and Thor. "Did my bull fist just-" Thor cut her off, "Not exactly Lady Star, your attack mearly rendered him unconcious he shall awaken soon." Star felt relieved that she didn't cause too much damage. "Do you wish for Heimdall to escort you both back to Midgard through the Bifrost?" Asked Odin. Marco gave Star the dimensional scissors. "No thanks. We got these bad boys." Star cut a portal and hopped in. Leaving Thor confused. "Dimensional scissors?"

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