Ch.8 The Warrior Comes To Earth

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It was still afternoon, I say 5:45, a portal opened near by Marco's house, it was Star. Star came out first, then Marco and then (YN). He was observing the place knowing that he was in a different place.

"Well...welcome to earth (YN)." Says Star.

"E-Earth?" Says (YN)

"Yea, and this is my house, come in." Says Marco.

Star and Marco were welcoming (YN) to the house. The door opened as they entered the house.

"Welcome to mi casa." Says Marco.

(YN) was confused, not knowing what Marco said that last part of his sentence.

"He means his house." Ask Star.

"Oh." Says (Yn)

"Here sit down in the couch." Says Star.

(YN) sat on the couch as he observes the house for a while.

"Hey (YN), you hungry?" Ask Marco as he looks at the inside of his fridge.


"What you wanna eat?" Ask Star.

"A monster's tail."

Star and Marco were shocked of surprise when they heard what (YN) just said.

"E-Excuse me, come again?" Ask Marco.

"A monster's tail.."

"Uhmm, we...don't have monsters in earth." Ask Star.

"R-Really?" Ask (YN) with a confused face.

"Y-Yea...and speaking of that, what do you eat anyways?" Says Star.

"Well, I eat monsters and bugs and..."

"Whoa whoa whoa...hold that there, so you eat you eat monsters and bugs!?" Ask Marco with a shocking face.

"Yes, i eat them when they are either alive or dead."

"(YN), w-where do you live?" Ask Star.

"Well, everywhere, like in the forest, lakes and...mountains."

"B-But, do you even have a home?" Ask Star.


"...Not even ... parents?" Ask Marco.


"O-Oh...I'm s-sorry to hear that.." Says Star.

"Y-Yea...sorry dude." Says Marco

"It's okay..."

"But...What happen to them?"

(YN) stayed quiet for a moment as he respond.

"It happened 7 years ago..."


"I was from another dimension called Scopios, and I lived in a village called Mordoplis were not that poor, but we it was a good village. I lived with my mom and dad, My mom was a hard working mother, always cooking and cleaning, and my dad, well, let's say he was the hero of the village, he fought crime when the village is in danger, and I, I was just a 11 year old kid that wanted to be like him when I grow up. So My dad will always trained me hard in order to become like him. He trained me morning, afternoon, night. Day after day, I became better and better in each day, I knew that I was trained real well."

"My son, you've become a quite fighter." Ask (YN)'s dad. "I Gotta say (YN) every time I trained you, you are not just an unbeatable kid, you are a superhuman who's never once had his back since you were born, the day you were born son, you were different than the other babies, you stood on your feet, and slept in a chair, like the legends says, you have never lied down on your life, your a kid who looks down on the ground, you're always noble, calm and strong, you're perfect in every way, and that our brave and strong son."

"Really? You mean It father?" Ask (YN).

"Of course son, me and your mother have never had a son that is so calm, noble and strong, and we are happy to have you."

"Thanks father." Says (YN) as he hugs his dad.

"No problem son."

Then, (YN)'s mother came out from the house and called them over.

"Honey, (YN), dinners ready."

"Coming sweetie, come son, lets go take a break."

"Okay father."

-Minutes Later-

(YN), his dad and mom were at the table eating as (YN) finished first.

"Done." Ask (YN).

"Don't forget to take the dishes at the sink sweetie." Ask his mom.

"Yes mother." Says (YN) as he takes his plate to the sink.

"You see honey, our son is going to become stronger than his old man."

"I see, but don't forget he still need to study for his school."

"I know honey, don't worry."

"Oh, (YN) can you go to the lake and get some water, take the bucket with you." Says his mother.

"Yes mother."

(YN) went outside as he gets the empty bucket from the front door as he starts to head to the lake as there parents watch him.

"Just look at him, he is just so noble." Says (YN)'s mom.

"Yup." Says (YN)'s dad as he hugs her mom. "I gotta say, he will become a hero just like me."

"Of course he will."

Suddenly, they heard screams.

"What was that?!" Ask the mother.

"I don't know, go inside and don't come out."

"What about (YN)!?"

"I'll go look for him, stay out."

"O-Okay, be careful."

"I will sweetie." Says the dad as he kissed her.

(YN)'s dad went off running as he sees the villagers being under attacked.

"What the hell is going on?!"

As he got there, he witnessed to see monsters raiding the village.

"Please help us!!!" Screamed a villager.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Shouted (YN)'s dad.

"Oh thank goodness, the hero is here, please help us, there are monsters attacking us!!"

"Don't worry, go to a safe place, leave this to me."

"Thank you!"

The villager ran to a safe place as he sees monsters just attacking the village and the villagers.

"Alright you bastards, time to bring the pain."

(Monsters name: Jak, Jasper, Brock, Krank, and Tank.)

"Well, look at here, someone gots the balls to step up." Says Brock.

"Let's teach this punk a lesson." Ask Tank.

"You guys are no match for me." Says the father.

"You think you can take out five big and strong monsters, HAHA don't make me laugh."

"Stop being a bunch of cowards and fight me."

"You ask for it then!" Screamed Tank.

Tank charged for an attack to (YN)'s father, it (YN) had the advantage to strike first, he punched Tank in the gut, grabbed him from his legs spin ED him and throws him, causing him to crash to a wall.

"That son of a bitch is going to pay!" Yelled out Jasper.

"Bring it." Says (YN)'s father

Meanwhile at the lake, (YN) was filling the bucket with water as he sees dealers just eating grass.

"Heh, they look like a happy family, just like mines."

Suddenly, someone was approaching behind (YN), he then already knows that someone was behind him, he heard footsteps as he turned around quickly.

"Who's there!? I'm not scared, so don't even try scaring me, just come out, I may be a little kid, but still not scared, so come out!"

With brave and spirit, he had the guts to call out that was trying to come towards him, then a dark figure was standing g behind a big tree, then came walking towards, and revealed himself.

"Hello there little one."

"Who...Who are you?!" Ask (YN)

"The name is Toffee."


"Well, that's basically it, it's just Toffee."

"So it's just toffee."

"Yes Anyways, I came here to meet you, (YN)."

"Why, and how do you know my name!?"

"Oh (YN), you can't tell don't you, I have been watching you training with your old man, you may not see me, but I see you."

"That's weird."

"N-No, that's not weird,  what's weird is watching.-"

"Anyways! What's is your concern to come here anyways?!"

"What's the reason you mean? Hehe, well it's obvious young one, I am fight you!"

"What!? I just barely know you, and why you wanna fight me!?"

"You See, like I said, I have been watching you train really hard with your father, and what I see was spirit, a fighter, noble, calm, and the quite anger you got."

"Well, I just get angry when I'm not trying hard."

"I See, so you wanna fight?"

"Nah, I don't have time, I have to go him with parents."

(YN) then grabs the bucket of water and passed by Toffee.

"Parents? Hehe, I'm sure they are not home right now."

As (YN) heard Toffee, he stopped and dropped the bucket.

"What...What the hell your talking about?!"

"You See, There are monsters, or as I can say my men, they are out there raiding the village from my commands, and I know for a fact that your father is out there fighting them."

"Your lying, my dad can take them out, he can take everyone out!"

"Are sure about that, you don't want nothing bad to happen to your parents."

(YN) was so furious that he just wants to punch Toffee in the face to shut him up.

"Yes, come on now, get mad, and you will show me your fighting skills that your worthless, no good father has been training you for these past months."

"Shut Up!!!" Screamed (YN) as he charged for an attack to Toffee.

Toffee started to dodge the attacks (YN) as given, (YN) was so angry he can't even concentrate on targeting Toffee, all he did was miss and miss, and only kept punching trees.

"Such ferocious fighter." Says Toffee.

(YN) continues to fight Toffee as for now, Toffee has enough seeing (YN) showing his fighting skills.

"I think I seen enough."

Toffee used his tail to whip (YN), (YN) fell down to the ground, Toffee then jumped and stomped (YN) in the back with both feet. He then grabs him from the head and throws him to the lake. (YN) was just at the lake, laying down in pain and couldn't get up.

"Hmm, i thought you can do better, but I was wrong your just a weakling, just like your father."

(YN)'s eyes were being dozed and for a moment they were shut down as he was out.


Later, minutes have passed, I say 20. (YN)'s eyes were barely opening, he then gets up and has his hand on his back, not knowing what happened.

"Wh-What happened?"

He then realizes that he was fighting Toffee and his parents are in trouble.

"Oh no, the village, my parents!"

He gets up and starts to run to the village. 2 minutes later, he got there and just witnessed that his village was now destroyed, he then starts to walk to the village, seeing his people dead, laying down in the ground, the houses were destroyed, burned and damage. Then he sees his dad on the ground.


He ran towards his dad, got on his knees and lift his dad up from his head.


He then sees his dad chest that has a hole in it, blood everywhere on him.

"No...! No...!..."

"Why, you came (YN), What a surprise."

(Yn) then suddenly noticed he heard a voice, a voice he recognized. He looks forwards, looking at toffee and his men.


"Glad you came (YN), and I like you to meet my men, Jak, Brock, Jasper, Tank, and Crank."

"Like I Give a shit, you killed my father...wheres my mother?!"

"Oh don't worry, Tank?"

Tank took a step as he was grabbing (YN)'s mother from her hair.

"Let me go you bastards!!"

"Let her go Toffee!" Yelled (YN).

"As you wish, Tank, if you would."

Tank let's her go as she starts to run towards (YN), but then Toffee pointed his finger towards (YN)'s mother, and out of no where, he blasted a laser beam to (YN)'s mother from behind and collapse to the floor.


(YN) gets up and goes after her mother as she was on the ground, got to his knees and lifted her head up.


"Mother...Im was my fault that I wasn't there to help my dad out *sniffs*"

"S-Sweetie...I did to help your dad...b-but they were too strong...I...I couldn't do it...not even your father...I thought he could take those bastards out....b-but they were still too powerful..."

" not speak...your losing too much blood"

"(YN), before...before I rest...your father and i...wanted to tell you that...we are v-very proud of you *sniffs* and....we will always love you...mommy and daddy...will always love you....forever."

Then, she rest in piece, her eyes closed slowly as she passed away. (YN) was just looked at her mother, seeing her died with his very own eyes and still on his knees.

"Well, looks like they are gone forever." Say Toffee Like he didn't care.

"Hehe, now that brat has to live all by his own." Says Tank.

"Haha, yea...aww is the little one gonna cry? Does he miss his mommy and daddy, cause we don't give a shit!" Says Brock as he starts to tease him.

"Haha, nice one dude." Says Krank.

Once (YN) heard those mean words, he then gets up and then started to yell out of no where, he started to hold his head with both hands like a crazy person would do, he yelled and yelled after his eyes turned all red and then, a green light came from the clouds hit towards (YN) as he screamed, and then the ground started to shake, causing an earthquake.

"Wh-What the hell is going?!" Says Jasper.

"More importantly, where did that green light come from!?" Says Jak.

Then, lighting strikes came towards to the ground, hitting it from left to right where (YN) was standing.

"Th-The hell!? Lighting!?" Ask Jasper.

While the monster were freaking out not knowing what was going on, Toffee was watching (YN), just getting mad.

"Oh my, I think we got him mad."

Then everything stopped and silent as (YN) was standing, holding his hands as a fist and with a position like this

(This one)

And then all the sudden, he screamed again, but this time, there were lights flashing through the inside of his body, I say green lights, and then his face started to torn apart and exploded as everything started to change into different colors, blue, red, and then green. After that, the monsters looked at (YN), witnessing something they have never seen before. (YN) has change a bit, his hair was all spiked up, green-yellow, and his eyes were all white and has this green energy ki all over him.

"Wh-What happened!? Ask Jasper with a confused reply.

"He...He's different! Says Brock.

"Wh-What is he!?" Says Jak.

"He is the one, I was looking for." Says Toffee.

"The hell you talking about boss!?!" Ask Tank.

"It's him...The legendary warrior."

"Legendary warrior?! How the hell you know this boss?!"

"Don't worry about it, what you have to worry is take him out or he will kill you guys, now I'm going back to the castle."

"And your gonna leave us here!?" Says Krank.

"What? Don't tell me you guys are scared of him!?"

"N-No!" Says Brock.

"Then, finish him off, when you are done, then you can come back."

Toffee then left to the castle by opening a portal with his machete, as he left, the monsters had to deal with (YN), born legendary warrior.

"Come on now guys, he's just a little brat, we can take him, out, Brock show him who is he messing with."

"Not a problem." Says Brock as he cracks his knuckles and chuckles.

As Brock starts to approach to (YN), he then starts to get ready to strike (YN).

"Hehe, I will finish you off right now you brat!"

Brock lifts his arm up as he closed it into a fist and strikes it towards (YN)'s face, but once he did, Brock couldn't believe his eyes that he just seen (YN) just blocked it with one hand by grabbing it.

"Wh-What!?" Says Brock

"Brock, stop messing around, I know your way stronger than that punk."

Brock tried to free his arm.

"H-Hey, let go you little bastard!"

"The hell!?!! How can this kid be so strong!?"

(YN) then cracked Brock's arm ending up braking it with his hand.

"AAAAGH, D-DAMN IT!!!" Yelled Brock.

"Brock!!!" Yelled Jasper.

(YN) then gave Brock a heavy punch to the gut, causing Brock to open his mouth wide, spitting blood, then (YN) grabbed him from the legs, and throws him in the air. As he did, (YN) open his mouth wide open and created a energy ball and blasted it, targeting Brock in the sky and hit him, causing a big explosion.

"Brock!!" Screamed Tank.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Screamed (YN) as he turns around and faces the other monsters.

The monsters then sees Brock falling to the ground.

"B-Brock!" Yelled Tank.

"That...That little punk is gonna Pay!" Says Jak.

"Let's get him!" Yelled Krank.

The four of them ran up to (YN) as he screamed with rage and ran towards to the monsters as well. (YN) took out Jasper (YN) with a punch in the gut, and then gave him an elbow hit to his back, he then took out tank by punching him in the face and then throws an energy ball at him. He then targets at Jasper, as he screamed and ran up to Jasper as he got close to Jasper's chest to his chest and created an explosion causing him to flee as (YN) grabs him from the legs and started to swing at him around and throws him to the air, open his mouth wide, crested an energy ball, and blasted it towards Jasper, just like Brock.

"Jasper!! Nrgh, you little punk, I'll kill you!" Says Krank.

Krank pulled out his two knifes and started to swing es them towards (YN), but (YN) dodges every swing.

"Hold still you little no good son of a-"

(YN) then made Krank to shut up by fisting his whole arm into his mouth. He then lift him in the air and started slamming him into the ground several times and then took out his whole arm out from his mouth and then blasted him with his energy ball with his hands.

"Damn it, he's killing them one by one!" Says Tank.

(YN) then turns around and looks Tank and Jak.

"You!" Says (YN) with a deep angry voice.

" what!?" Ask Jak.

"I have an idea, create a distraction while I do a sneak attack on him from behind."


Jak goes and creates a distraction to (YN) while Tank gets a steal pole from the ground.

"Hey you!" Yelled Jak.

(YN) turns his focus on Jak.

"Yea kid I'm talking to you, I don't feel sorry about your parents, your dad was nothing but a weak king no good hero!"

Jak just made (YN) real mad for threating his own father.

"Nrrrgh!!!" Growls (YN) as he starts to walk towards Jak.

"Yea, that's right, come over here and your mother, please don't get me started with her..."

Jak then sees tank lifting the pole up and ready to knock out (YN) as Jak used his last words on (YN).

"Your mother never loved you, not even your father, why? Because your as weak and selfish as they are!"

"I got you now!" Yelled Tank as he striked the metal pole to (YN)'s head from behind.

As Tank hit (YN) with the metal pole on his head, he did the biggest mistake, the hit did no effect on (YN), he was just standing there still as he turned around and faced towards Tank.

"N-No...way...!" Says Tank.

" did didn't hurt him..!" Says Jak.

(YN) then closed his arm into a fist and gave Tank a big massive punch in the chest, causing to create a hole on his chest, (YN) then takes his arm out from the chest and as he did, he had blood all over on his arm, and had tank's heart as well. Tank gasp in pain as he started to die slowly.

"H-How...can...y-you be...this...strong...!" Says tank as he collapsed to the floor and died.

(YN) kept holding Tank's heart and then squeezed it into pieces. He now finally turns around and looks at Jak, as Jak started to get scared and tripped to the ground backing himself up away from (YN).

"G-Get away from monster..! Who the hell are!?! Get away from me...!"

(YN) then started to follow Jak as he then bumps into a dead end where he can no where run.

"Y-You think you can kill me...Hah! No way...I-I can easily kill you with my fist...that are made out of steal...!

Jak then touched the heavy rock as his hands turned into stone.

"Hehe, yes that's right kid, I have the power to absorb anything! And with this I can easily kill you because I am 10x stronger than you!"

"Heh." Smirks (YN).

"W-What the fuck are you laughing at!? Your about to get killed!"

"You can kill think you can kill...the devil."

"E-Enough! Devil or not I will end you!"

Jak then jumped into the air and came falling to the ground with his arms closed into a fist, targeting (YN).

"Go to hell!"

(YN) then jumped as well and flew towards Jak as he punched Jak so hard, he went through into his body.


Jak falls to the ground with a hole on his body as (YN) landed on his feet.

"Th-This...power....Nrgh...Im getting stronger...yes...much stronger....nrrrrrgh RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

(YN) started to scream in anger as he started to float in mid air and somehow he created a big green massive ball around him, it looked like it was an energy ball around him, so big that it caused to create more and started to destroy the village and the forest as well. After that, he then started to come to the ground and as he got there he then somehow was back to normal, his hair was no longer green-yellow, and his eyes were back to normal. He was on his knees, exhausted from all the fight he did and that energy he just had.

"I-It's...It's over..." Says (YN) tiredly.

He then gets up and looks around, seeing nothing but his village all destroyed, and his parents dead.

"I can't just leave you guys like that."

-10 minutes later-

(YN) was finishing digging a big hole on the ground, he then grabbed his parents and placed them there, he then buried them. As he did, he then gets a stone and the stone said, "Here lies the best parents, Father and Mother."

"I love you too...mother and father."

(YN) then placed a bunch of flowers on top of it and has the terms of a proud son. Suddenly, a portal opened feet's away from (YN). So he went to check what was going on. He hide behind the bushes as he saw guards coming out from that portal.

"Search everywhere men, we need to know what was the strange signal we picked up." Ask the captain.

(YN) then was kinda scared of what would they do if they had found him, and then saw the portal that was not too far from him. He had the idea to leave his dimension. So he ran up to the portal and jumped in it. Few minutes later, a portal opened itself, relieving (YN) from coming out from that portal as he falls to the ground and got up. He then noticed that he sees a big castle far away from him where he was standing in a hill, and knows that he was in another dimension, called Mewni.

End of Chapter 8

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