Chp.11 The Park

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It was still afternoon, 2:55, Star, Marco and (YN) we're walking at the park and saw there friends.

"Oh look there's our friends!" Says Star.

"Hey guys!" Yelled Marco as he waved.

"Marco, What's up dude." Says Jackie as she high fives Marco.

"Hey Jackie."

"Hi Jackie." Says Star.

"Hey Star."

"Hey Star...Heeeyy Marco." Says Janna.

" ...Hey Janna." Says Marco.

"Hey bro." Says Ferguson.

"Hey dude." Says Alfonso.

"Hey my broskiis."

"HI STAR!" Shouted StarFan13 as she hugged Star.

"Hi StarFan!" Says Star as she also hugs Her as well.

"What you guys doing?" Ask Marco.

"Oh you know we're just chillin, playing catch, when we heard you calling us." Says Jackie.

"So Star, Marco...Who's that behind ya?" Ask Janna as she started to get curious.

"Oh! Guys, I want y'all to meet our friend, (YN), (YN) there our friends, Jackie, Janna, StarFan13, Alfonso, and Ferguson." Says Star.

"Hey dude, nice shirt by the way, looking style." Says Jackie.


"Are you new here?" Ask Janna.


"Actually it's a long story." Says Marco.


"And that's how he got here." Says Marco

"Wow, it's ... pretty dark knowing what happen to (YN)'s last." Says Janna.

"Yea, so uncool." Says Jackie.

"It must be hard for you being alone with your family dude." Says Ferguson.

"I feel sorry for you." Says StarFan13.

"Yea, so sad man." Says Alfonso.

"It's okay guys." Says (YN).

"But don't worry man, we have your back, your our friends already." Says Jackie. "And besides, you seemed to look calm and quiet."

"He's always like this so calm...noble...and cute.." Says Star.

"What was that?" Ask Janna.

"Nothing! Hey let's play catch."

"Yea, come on (YN), you will have fun."


The guys were playing catch with the football. Jackie had the ball as she throws it to Marco.

"Catch Marco."

"I got it."

Marco catches the ball as she starts to throw it to Janna.

"Go far Janna."

Marco throws the ball at her as Janna starts to run and catches the ball.

"Got it."

Janna then throws the ball to Ferguson.

"Catch Chubby boy."

"Got it."

Ferguson throws the ball to Alfonso.

"Catch Alfonso."

"Good throw."

Alfonso catches the ball as he throws it to StarFan13.

"Heads up StarFan13."

"I got it, I got it!"

StarFan13 jumps and catches the ball as she then throws it to Star.

"Here Star, catch!"

She throws it to Star as she catches it.

"Got it, hey (YN), you ready?"


"Okay, here it comes."

Star throws the ball towards (YN) and catches it.

"Got it."

"Cool, now pass it back." Shouted Marco.

"Okay, here it comes."

(YN) raises his arm up as he gets ready to throw the ball to Marco. As he throws it, the ball went full speed and was going too fast directly to Marco, as if (YN) has throw the ball so fast, he blasted the ball like a cannon. Marco then realizes that the ball was going too fast and looked like he had no choice but to doge it.

"Oh Shit!"

Marco was lucky to dodge it. As he did, The ball hit directly to the tree and was stuck to it.

"Wow." Says Marco.

"Damn, now that's a throw!" Says Jackie.

"Nice throw new kid." Says Janna.

"Holy fuck!" Says Ferguson.

"Wh-What just happened?!" Says Alfonso.

"Oh my gosh...!" Says StarFan13.

"Wow (YN), you can really Throw." Says Star

"Hehe, yea."

Marco then gets up and sees the ball stuck into the tree.

"How can you can be that strong to...throw it so fast and blasted like it was nothing?!"

"Hehe, well you know me, training is always my thing." Says (YN) as he scratches his head behind.

"Heh, no wonder." Says Star.

"Hey guys, There's the ice cream man, Y'all wants some, I got money for all of us." Says Jackie

The guys ran off to the ice cream man.

"Come on (YN), you'll love ice cream." Says Star as she grabs his hand.


"You'll see what is it after you get one."


The guys were sitting at the bench, enjoying there ice cream, while (YN) was observing his ice cream.

"So...this is ice cream? It doesn't have ice cubes, neither whip cream."

"(YN) you silly, that's what you think, in earth, we get ice cream like this, try yours, you'll like it."

(YN) then observes his ice cream again, an soon he does, he then eats the whole thing."

"(YN) Wait! Don't eat it all like that, your gonna get brain freeze!" Says Star.

"Brain freeze?...AAAAAARGHGGG!!!!"

(YN)'s head started to hurt, like his brain was being destroyed, he puts his both hands on his head and starts to scream in pain.


(YN) then starts to run towards a wall and starts to hit his heads towards it.

"(YN) relax!" Says Star.

"Don't tell me he ate his whole ice cream!" Says Marco


(YN) then stops and starts to calm down.

"Oh head..." Says (YN) as he starts to get dizzy.

"(YN), are you okay?!" Ask Star.

"Y-Yea...I'm fine.."

The others came to check on (YN).

"Dude are you okay?" Ask Ferguson.

"Yes, I'm fine."

The guys then noticed that (YN) left a bunch of holes in the hole for smashing it with his head.

"(YN)...Is your head okay, like literally?! Cause this looks like it would have opens your head!"

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry."

"How can a person like him, able to do this damage to the wall with his head?!" Ask Janna.

"Yea, for somehow he's like...immortal?! *GASP* are you an immortal hero!?"

"No, my father wasn't immortal, he was just a hero who saves life's and stops evil. If he was, then he wouldn't been killed, and I can get used to the pain, it doesn't effect me that much."

"Oh." Says Ferguson.


Suddenly, there were screamed coming from not far away but from the playground.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" Ask StarFan13.

"I don't know." Says Jackie.

Then they see people running away from something.

"Somethings wrong, we have to check, Come on guys." Says Marco.

"You guys go ... I'll stay here and... rests my head..." Says (YN).

"Okay, stay here we'll come back for you." Says Star.

The guys goes to the playground to check what was happening. As they got there, they seen Ludo and his army of monsters just destroying the playground.

"Where is Star!?! Cyclone, I thought you said she was here!" Ask Ludo with his rude attitude.

"She is, my device was giving me a signal of here being here at this place, but don't know where thoough?" Says Cyclone.

" *sighs* cyclone, you can be always wasting my time sometimes, but your also a pain in the-"

"Hey, Ludo!" Screamed Star.

Ludo and his monsters turned around and sees her and her friends.

"Well Well Well, If it isn't the princess of Mewni, Star Butterfly, we meet again after these months."

"Ludo, What do you want?!"

"Like always Star, I am here to snatch the wand out from your hand!"

"Ugh, this again."

"That's right and...uh wait what?"

"Ludo, ever since you started to take my wand, you always fail, and you keep going again, and again, and again, and again, and you still can't even take my wand, not even your monsters."

"Okay that was at the past, but this time is for real, allow me to introduce you to my new monsters, Cyclone, the one eye monster, Hera, the dark witch, Brute, the heavy machinery, Gallows, the serial killer, Toros, the man eating beast, and my favorite..."

The ground started to shake as Star and them were tripping to the ground.

"The earth is shaking!?" Says Marco.

"What's going on!?" Says Janna.

Then, a big monster not that big but the size of  Bigfoot, came out from the ground, as he comes out and then gets up, he was 10 feet high, he looked strong, his eyes were furiously angry, and he had sharps teeths.

"Star, meet my favorite one, Cronos!"

The big monster, Cronos roars heavily as he started to scare other people.

"What's is your purpose to come over her Ludo!?" Ask Marco.

"Like i said I want that wand, but not only that, I'm looking for someone else."

"Someone else, who!?" Ask Star.

"You See, my boss send me here to look for this...person he has met before...he also fought him, he then told me that left his men to kill the person, but his men failed, they can't even kill one brat, and then he knows that he was at Mewni, but then ended up coming here a while ago, and told me to go to earth and look for him and being him back, but that's what he wants, what I want is the wand and the person I'm looking for."

"Well who ever your looking for is not here, and besides who is your boss anyways?" Ask Star.

"None of your damn business, and prepare yourself because we are about to have a fight! And of course my new monster will handle you guys easily."

"Guys, go hide somewhere, me and Marco will take care of these bastards!" Says Star.

"Okay, come on guys!" Says Jackie as she and the others ran.

"Not so fast, Hera!" Shouted Ludo as he demanded her for an objective.

Hera, the night witch, used her hands for her dark magic and used her powers to target Jackie, Janna, StarFan13, Ferguson, and Alfonso, she lift them up in the air and created a dark cage to lock them up hostages.

"Help, Help!"

The guys started to yell for help as they were locked up.

"No!" Screamed Star.

"No! Jackie! You son of a bitch, let them go Ludo!" Screamed Marco.

"Oh I will, after we defeat you! Monsters, get them!

"Let's go Marco!" Screamed Star as she and Marco were charging for a fight.

Marco jumped and did a spinning kick towards Cyclones guy and then gives him an uppercut. Brute tried to punch Marco, but Marco dices it and punch Brute in the face kicks him in the face. Star was dealing with Hera.

"Giant Rainbow Punch!"

"Dark Shriek!"

Star's and Vera's magic collided together m, but Hera's were stronger than Star's. Hera's magic broke through Star's Magic as her was going towards Star and hit her, causing Star to fly towards the Tree.

"Nrgh, Damn it!"

Star then gets up and jumped in the air.

"Stardust Blast!"

A blast fill with Star's we're going towards Hera, but Hera wasn't going to let Star hit her.

"Black Shield!"

She created a shield around her as Star's magic hit the shield and did no affect to it.


"Oh sweetie, face it, my magic is way powerful than yours, here allow me...Dark wings!

Hera created some black wings for herself as she flew towards star in the air and puts her hands towards her chest.

"Shadow Blast!"

Hera blasted a dark energy magic towards Star as Star was hit and falls to the ground and that got Marco's attention.


Marco Then was dealing with Gallows and Toros, he then grabbed there head and bumped them into each other as they collapse.

"I'm coming Star!"

Marco Star to run and help Star, but Hera got out of the way.

"Now honey, you would hit a woman that has...these babies, right?" Says Hera as she starts to seduce Marco by grabbing her breasts and starts to act sexy towards Marco.

" look really good...Wait! The hell am I saying, I have to save Star and my friends! Get out of my way lady!"

"Oh well, I tried, Dark finger pistol!"

Hera started to shoot dark bullets towards Marco, as he dodges all of them.

"My, your quite the dodger, but can you dodge this, Black Blast!"

Hera shoots a black ball towards Marco, Marco then grabs the dark ball as he tried to stop it with his hands to not hit him, but it was too strong he couldn't handle it and was hit.

"Marco!" Screamed Jackie.

"Marco!" Screamed Star as well.

Star gets up as she runs towards Hera, but then Cronos, the big monster grabs star and picks her up.

"Hey! Let go!"

Cronos then picks Marco up as he was hurt.

"Damn, that hurted, hey let go!"

"Very Nice My monsters, now Star's I'm going to ask nice and kindly, give me the wand!"

Star then spits Ludo's face.

"Make me birdbrain."

"Oh you arrogant no Good brat! Cronos, will you do the pleasure."

Cronos growls and smiles at the same time.

"Hey you! Let our friends go!" Screamed Janna.

"Who said that?" Ask Ludo.

"Me You ass wipe!"

"What!? How dare you talk to me like that!"

"I can talk to you however the hell i want! Let Marco and Star go!"

"Oh Really, Hera."

Hera then used her magic to shrink the cage slowly as possible.

"Oh crap." Says Janna

"You Can't shut up huh Janna." Says StarFan13.


"That's Enough Hera."

Hera then stops.

Ludo then gets close to Star and grabs her wand.


"Yes! Finally, I now have the wand."

"Give it back Ludo!"

"Oh nononono, I tried so hard to get this wand ever since, and now I can now finally use it to rule Mewni!"

"I won't let you!"

"Oh really, who's going to stop me then!?"

"I am!"

"Huh!? Who's said that!?"

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