Chp.5 Star Convinces His Mom

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Meanwhile back at Mewni, Moon and the high commissioners were just outside of the castle, waiting for any danger that comes from (YN).

"Ugh, how long are we suppose to be out here Queen Moon?" Says Rhombulus with a boring expression.

"As long as we keep an eye out if (YN) really comes." Replies Queen Moon.

"Your highness, I know your trying to keep everyone safe, but like Lekmet said, he will be free sooner." Ask Hekapoo.

"Still, you may not know if it happens."

Suddenly, a portal open itself out of no where.

"Queen Moon. Behind us!" Shouts out Rhombulus as the high commissioners turned around and looked at the portal that opened.

"Stand back." Says Queen Moon.

Suddenly, Star and Marco arrived after all.


"Hey Mom!" Says Star with a happy expression.

"Heh...hey Moon" Says Marco nervously.

"Star, What in the world are you doing!? Didn't I ask you to stay back at earth!"

"Yea, but im here to talk to you."

"Talk? What do you mean Star?"

"Yea, about (YN).."

"Don't worry, we have everything under control to manage to stop that evil kid."

"I know mom, but what if I told you that (YN) not a dangerous kid after all."

Queen Moon glares at Star and shuts her eyes half way.

"What are you talking about?"

"What I'm saying is that, maybe he can be a good kid, and whatever got him like that, must be the cause of him doing the trouble he did in the past."

"Star, don't you see what we are dealing with, we are dealing with a dangerous kid for cry sake."

"Yea I know that mom, but I'm here to help him out and I can show you that he is not dangerous."

"No Star, he destroyed a village, almost caused many people's life's, and he even tried to kill all of us!"


"But nothing!" Yells out Queen Moon.

Everyone just stayed quiet

"Now, since your hear for no reason, go to your room and never get out, Marco go with her please."

"Yes Queen Moon, Come on Star."

"I-I just wanted to help mom." Ask Star with a Sad expression.

"Sweetie, I know but you have to listen, we are going to take care of this, understand?"


Queen Moon kisses Star in the forehead as she goes with Marco to her room.

"Where's dad?"

" oh, he's at the tree."

King River Pops out from the tree.

"Hello pumpkin."

"Hey dad."

Star and Marco then goes to te room.

"Okay, now since that is taken care of already, Now let's get back to our-"

"Queen Moon!!"

Someone shout out the Queen's name, it was Glossaryck as he gets to them and then falls down to the ground of being tired and hurt.

"Glossaryck!" As everyone shouted as they checked on him.

"Glossaryck, what happened?!" Asks Queen Moon as she carries Glossaryck from the floor.

"Queen's bad new..!"

"What is it Glossaryck, tell me please!" Shouts out Queen Moon.

"It''s (YN)...the legendary warrior...has free himself.."

"WHAT!" Shout out Omnitraxus.

"No, this can't be." Ask Hekapoo nervously.

"Oh no, I'm dead, we're dead, we are all going to die!" Ask Rhombulus with a terrifying reaction.

"BAAAAAAAH" shouted out Lekmet.

"Everyone calm down!" Yells out King River as he comes to check on Glossaryck as well.

"Glossaryck, tell us, how did he managed to free himself!?" Ask King River.

"I-I don't know, I was with the captain, and then...Boom, all the sudden he broke himself free, he tooked out all of the guards, he even destroyed the castle...I was hurt as he looks at me, but then I tried to avoid him by not looking at him, and...and...he was gone...I don't know where and how...but we have to be careful, he can be anywhere!"

"We will, luckily we have everything prepared, River, take Glossaryck to Star for him to take a break, and you guys this the moment we have waited for, keep your eyes pealed and a look out if you see him."

"Yes M'am!" Shouted Rhombulus.

"Yes Queen!" Replies Hekapoo.

"Baaaah!" Yells out Lekmet.

"On your duties!" Replies Omnitraxus.

Queen Moon then calls her guards.

"Guards, Prelare yourselves men, if anything happens, strike!"

The guards agreed as they all marched to the castle to protect and the village as well, the civilians were in the castle as well. Queen Moon goes downstairs to warn the civilians.

"Attention all of you, please remain inside the castle, do not go outside, whatever happens, stay in here no matter what, I want your guys on your own safety."

The civilians agreed as Queen Moon goes back up to the others to keep a lookout.

Meanwhile at Star's room, Star and Marco were just in the room just chillin.

"Okay, So like your mom said, always keep yourself safe." Ask Marco.

"Yea...I guess."

"Oh come Star, Look I know you really wanted to help but your mom really wants you to be safe, I want you to be safe."

"Awww, you really want me to be safe, don't you."

"Of course silly, don't want nothing bad happen to my best friend." Says Marco as he hugs Star.

"Thanks, you really are the best." As Star hugs him as well.

Suddenly, King River came by Star's room.


"Dad, What the hell!?"

"Sorry, it's Glossaryck, Your mother wants me to take him with you to your room."

King River Lays Glossaryck to the bed.

"Oh shit, What happen to him!?" Ask Marco

"Glossaryck, are you okay!?" Replies Star.

"Y-Yea, just need to rest a bit."

"Stay here Star, and don't get out of this room." Says King River as he shuts the door.

"Glossaryck What happen!?." Ask Star

"(YN)...The Legendary Warrior...he has been free..!"

"What!? How!?!" Replies Marco.

"I don't know, I-it just...happened all of the sudden.."

"Where is he now??" Ask Star.

"D-Don't know, after the castle was destroyed and the guards were all dead, I lucky to survive and...he was there... i tried to avoid him... and all the sudden... h-he disappears all of the sudden...I-I don't know where or how...but all I know, is that he will come back.."

"Oh man Star, we really have to be here for our own safety." Ask Marco

"Screw that!" Replies Star


"Marco, whether my parents like it or not, I am going to fix this!"


"By dealing with (YN)! And your coming with me."

"What about Glossaryck!?"

"D-Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Ask Star.

"Y-Yea, just go stop him please."

"We will Buddy, Come on Marco lets Go."

Star and Marco then leaves the room to go help out her mom to stop (YN).

End Of Chapter 5

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