Where the Force are we?! (Introductions)

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Heroes of the Jedi Order and the New Republic Order, along with dozen others have appeared in a mysterious place and are trying to figure out why were they brought here specifically. Their questions will be answered and now...onto the story.

"Hey kid, wake up."

A muffled voice was heard. Luke's vision was blurry, but it was slowly coming around as he saw two figures right in front of him. As his eyes begin to focus, he sees Han and Leia right in front. The two helped him up on his feet, as he held his head. He had a little bit of headache when he was brought to this mysterious place.

Leia: "Luke, are you okay?"

Luke: "Yeah, I'm fine. What happened? The last thing I remember..." He paused, trying to remember what happened. "I was at the Jedi Academy and the next, I blacked out."

Han: "I'm just as confused as you are, kid. One moment I was with Chewie and the next thing we know, we're here."

Leia: "The same case happened with me."

Luke: "Are we the only ones here?" He asked.

Then, the sounds of people groaning were heard. The trio then looked to see Lando, Chewie, Mara, Kyle, C3PO, and R2-D2.

C3PO: "Oh dear, where are we?! Are we all in danger?! What will we ever do?!" He exclaimed.

Then, R2-D2 just hits him, making beeping sounds towards 3PO.

C3PO: "Oh! How incredibly rude of you!"

Mara: "Artoo is right. You first need to calm down. We'll figure this out."

Lando: "But what exactly is "here"? Luke, do you know where we are?"

Luke: "I'm not sure, but there's something off about this place. I don't feel...anything. Not even the Force."

Kyle: "Yeah, me neither. It's like we're cut off."

As they were trying to figure out where they were, noises were heard. Luke turned around to see some familiar faces. It was his first student Grogu, and the Mandalorian, Din Djarin.

Luke: "Grogu?"

Grogu then made some happy noises, happy to see Luke again. Then, Din Djarin stepped in.

Mando: "Skywalker, where are we? What's going on?" He asked.

Luke: "We're in the dark as you. We're not sure how and why we are here. And it looks like we're not the only ones."

Mando turned to see some of his friends and allies starting to wake up and look around. It was High Magistrate Greef Karga, Bo-Katan Kryze, Cara Dune, and IG-11.

Greef: "Mando?"

Mando: "Greef, you're here!"

Greef: "Surprised?" He said as he shook hands with Din.

Mando: "I wasn't expecting to be here as well. Let alone, see all of you."

Greef: "Well, I'm not exactly sure why I'm here. I was at my office when I saw this weird flash and the next thing...here I am. And so are you."

Bo-Katan: "That's what happened to me as well. I was at the Great Forge on Mandalore, and a bright light appeared in front of me. And the next thing, I was here." She said as she joined in the conversation.

Leia: "It would appear that this happened to all of us. And to them as well." She then gestured to the others who still aren't awake.

The others looked over to see the others, as at first, they couldn't tell who's who.

IG-11: "It would seem that we are in a strange room with a giant holo-screen." He pointed out.

Kyle: "This is not like any holo-screen I've ever seen." He commented.

"Nor have I."

Then, everyone turned as they heard an unfamiliar voice. It belonged to the Daimyo of Mos Espo, Boba Fett, and joining him were Fennec Shand and Krrsantan. Han's eyes widened, seeing the bounty hunter here and alive.

Han: "Boba Fett?!"

Boba: "Solo." He simply said.

Han: "How are you even alive?? You fell into the Sarlacc Pit, at least that's what they told me." He said.

Boba: "Hmm, looks like you and your friends underestimate me, smuggler. I am now the Daimyo of Mos Espa." He then looks to see Din and Bo-Katan. "Mando, good to see you and your little friend. And I guess it's good to see you as well, princess."

Bo-Katan: "Yeah, sure..."

"Is that the voice of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze?"

Everyone then turns to see more visitors and the voice belongs to Ahsoka Tano. Joining her were Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Hera and Jacen Syndulla, Zeb Orellios, and Chopper.

Lando: "Woah, is there a party going on here, what the heck is this place?"

Grogu made some happy noises, as he saw Ahsoka. She smiled seeing the foundling once again.

Ahsoka: "Hello, Grogu. It's good to see you again."

Jacen: "Mom, where are we...what is this place?" He asked.

Hera: "I'm not exactly sure, Jacen."

Ezra: "Ummm, is that a baby Yoda?" He asked as he pointed towards Grogu.

Ahsoka: "It's a long story." She responded.

Rapid breathing was heard as Ahsoka and the rest of Ghost Crew turned around and froze. Hera begins to cry as she sees the love of her life, Kanan Jarrus, alive and well. He looked exactly the same, moments before he died. Before Kanan can ask what's going on, all of Ghost Crew rushed towards him and gave him a big hug.

Kanan: "Hera! Ezra, you're okay and...why do you look older?"

Ezra: [Chuckles] "Well, some time has passed."

Kanan: "It certainly has. And you grew a beard." He commented.

Ezra: "You like it? I think it really suits me just fine."

Zeb: "The whole Ghost crew is back together!"

As they were continuing hugging, Jacen stepped and stood next to his mother. Then, Hera wipes away the tears and speaks to Kanan.

Hera: "Kanan, this is Jacen Syndulla. He's our son."

Kanan's eyes widened as he looked down on his son. He smiled and kneeled down on Jacen's level. Before he could speak, Jacen rushes to his father and hugs him. Kanan happily hugs him back, as everyone watches them in happiness.

After that tender moment, Kanan stood right up, holding his son in his arms.

Kanan: "Can someone tell me what's going on here?"

Fennec: "From what we gathered, it seemed we were all brought here from various places."

Chopper: "(And where exactly is here?)". the droid asked.

Wrecker: "TECH, YOU'RE ALIVE!!" He yelled as he hugged Tech.

Tech: "Easy, Wrecker!! I'm fine, although it shouldn't be possible."

Omega: "It doesn't matter, you're here!" She said, as she kept hugging him.

Fennec: "Omega?"

Omega froze as she instantly recognized that voice. The rest of the Bad Batch prepared themselves as they saw Fennec there.

Fennec: "It's been quite some time."

Hunter: "Fennec, what are you doing here?!" He yelled as he stood in front of Omega.

Echo: "Commander Tano, is that you?" He asked.

Ahsoka: "Echo? You're alive? But, the citadel...how?"

Echo: "It's a long story."

Crosshair: "Enough with the touchy reunion, how do we get out of here?"

Huyang: "There doesn't seem to be any doors or exits in this area. I wonder who is the one responsible for bringing us here."

"That would be me, of course! And my friend!"


Everyone jumped as they looked around and up the ceiling, checking to see where those two voices came from. Then, two people right in front of the group. They appeared to be friendly, but they were unsure.

"I know you guys have a lot of questions, but don't worry, my friend here will explain everything."

Mara: "Who are you two?" She asked.

Hot Shot: "Oh, we are just mere authors. You can call me Hot Shot. And this my friend, X. We are the ones that brought you here."

Crosshair: "And why did you bring us here?" He said as he narrowed his eyes towards these so-called authors.

Hot Shot: "Oh, simple. To show everyone several events that have or will occur in your universe. And we could even showcase some other things as well." He explained.

Everyone looked at each other, confused about the authors' actions.

Han: "But, why?"

Hot Shot: "Just for fun and curiosity. Believe me, this isn't my first time bringing in characters from different worlds into a theater. Did two so far, or actually three, but the Watcher is currently in charge with one of them..."

Kyle: "The Who now?" He questioned.

Mando: "But why bring us here, specifically. You haven't really explained that much."

Hot Shot: "Like I said, I'm bringing in characters to react to certain things. This is the third or fourth theater I'm running, and for this one, I'm bringing a friend to help me out. Which in this case, X."

X: "Hi guys." He said as he waved at them. "This is my first time doing this, but I'm hoping this will be fun."

Luke: "Okay, so what is the first thing you want to show all of us?" He asked.

Hot Shot: "We'll get to that part, but there are still a few dozen people we have to get in here. So, why don't you guys have a seat and we'll bring in the others."

There's the introduction!! The next chapter, we'll be introducing the rest from Clone Wars and from beyond!

I'm really happy that I get to work on this story with my good friend, Xstartgaming. It's really fun for us coming up with ideas and dialogues for each of the characters and we really look forward to writing future chapters.

Let us know what should these Star Wars characters react to in future chapters. Till then, see you guys next time! Peace, and may the force be with you!

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