Anakin Facts

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1. He was originally going to be called Anikin Starkiller

2. Vader's mask was originally going to be only worn with his space suit, not part of his full costume.

3. David Prowse, who played Darth Vader, thought that the film would fail and refused to have his name listed in the credits.

4. In part 4 of Marvel's Obi-Wan and Anakin series, Anakin built a training droid to behave like Darth Maul. He then swiftly defeated the droid, impressing Palpatine.

5. He built his first lightsaber when he was 12

6. He received his scar from Ventress in the comic series: Dreadnaughts of Rendili

7. He was once frozen in carbonate during an episode of The Clone Wars

8. Jake Lloyd (young Anakin) was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Many fans began to bully him further because of this

9. His name is said to come from the word 'Anakim.' Anakim were giants said to have lived in Palestine. Many believe that Goliath (as in David and Goliath) was one of them.

10. There are theories that Palpatine is Anakin's father. Palpatine said that Darth Plagueis could create life, and it is believed that Palpatine created Anakin the same way.

11. Hayden Christensen took a break from acting after finishing the Star Wars films.

12. Hayden Christensen couldn't stop making the lightsaber sounds while filming

13. His midi-chlorian count is 27,000

14. Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Christian Bale were up for the role of Anakin

15. He killed many clone troopers after Order 66

16. In the comics, he tried to force choke Palpatine after receiving the news of Padmé's death.

17. He visited Padmé's mausoleum on Naboo.

18. In Legends, it is stated that he attempted to heal his lungs because he hated wearing the mask.

19. His helmet was influenced by Nazi headgear. The creator, John Mollo, wanted to created the same fear and hatred that the Nazis instill in people.

20. He returned to Mustafar to create his red lightsaber

21. During the trip to Mustafar, he had a vision of dueling Palpatine and asking Obi-Wan for forgiveness

22. Darth Vader was originally going to be an average Imperial general

23. In the first drafts of the Empire Strikes back, Vader wasn't Anakin Skywalker. Luke was supposed to meet the spirit of his father on Dagobah. He still has his confrontation with Vader, but Vader is not his father. This is why Obi-Wan states that Vader killed Luke's father.

24. Darth Plagueis has visions of Anakin becoming Darth Vader.

25. In the comics, Boba Fett was the one to tell Vader that Luke was his son. After Luke blew up the Death Star, Vader was obsessed with finding the culprit. Boba Fett found out it was Luke Skywalker and reported back. Vader realized Padmé had given birth before her death.

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