Cool Facts

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I'm probably going to end up doing facts about each individual character for for now here's facts about the films as a whole

1. George Lucas originally planned for Yoda to be played by a monkey wearing a mask and carrying a cane

2. The word Ewok is never spoken in the original trilogy

3. Return of the Jedi almost ended with Luke taking Vader's mask and declaring that he was Darth Vader now

4. Toss's species has never been named

5. *NSYNC almost had a cameo in Attack of the Clones. They were edited out of the final cut

6. The amount of toes Yoda has varies based on which film you are watching. In The Phantom Menace he has three, but in others he has four

7. Every single Clone Trooper in the prequels was animated

8. E.T.'s species Makes an appearance in the senate when Padmé calls for a vote of no confidence

9. The language of the Ewoks is a combination of Tibetan and Nepalese

10. The sound of a TIE fighter engine is a combination of an elephant and a car driving on wet pavement

11. David Prowe (who played Vader in form but not voice) is banned from Star Wars events because George Lucas doesn't like him

12. The island of Niue in the South Pacific accepts Star Wars collectible coins as money

13. Liam Neeson is so tall that they had to make the doorways on set higher

14. Jabba was originally going to be furry

15. Burt Reynolds and Jack Nicholson were both up for the roles of Han Solo

16. The original plan was for Han Solo to die in Return of the Jedi

17. R2-D2 was originally going to speak English. They also planned for him to be kind of a jerk

18. Carrie Fisher slapped Oscar Isaac over 40 times during the first day on set

19. Samuel L. Jackson requested to have a purple lightsaber so he could easily spot himself during the chaotic fight on Geonosis

20. Samuel L. Jackson also had a cuss word engraved into his lightsaber

21. Adam Driver recorded his last lines for Kylo Ren in his closet.

22. Peter Mayhew has to be guarded from bear hunters and Bigfoot hunters while in the Chewbacca suit

23. Sir Alec Guinness, who plays old Obi-Wan, hates Star Wars.

24. Porgs only exist to cover up the puffin birds on the island where The Last Jedi is filmed

25. Darth Maul rarely ever blinks because of the contact lenses the actor had to wear. He reported that it was painful to blink while they were in

26. The communicators Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon use in the phantom menace are actually casts of women's razors

27. A child Han Solo being raised by Chewbacca almost made an appearance in Revenge of the Sith

28. Yoda's original name was Minch Yoda. And before that it was Buffy

29. Carrie Fisher refused to use modesty tape while filming the bikini scene in Jabba's palace. Because of this, many scenes had to be reshot because of wardrobe malfunctions.

30. Harrison Ford broke his ankle on the set of The Force Awakens. One of the Falcon's doors slammed shut on his leg. J.J. Abrams attempted to lift the door off Harrison's leg but broke his own back in the process. Abrams never told the cast and simply wore a brace

31. Rogue One almost had a different title. One of the alternative ideas was Dark Times

32. Daniel Craig, known for his role as James Bond, has a cameo in the Force Awakens. He's the storm trooper that Rey mind tricks to free herself from the interrogation chair.

33. Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen imitated the lightsaber noises while filming the fights. They admitted that they were just excited and got carried away

34. During The Last Jedi, Laura Dern made 'pew pew' noises every time she fired her blaster. If you look closely, you can see her mouth moving in the film as she does this.

35. Benico del Toro was almost Darth Maul

36. The Last Jedi was called 'Space Bears' while filming in order to keep sneaking fans from figuring out what was going on

37. George Lucas was sued by Universal over R2. The droid's likeness is very similar to characters from Silent Running.

38. The lightsaber was originally going to be silent. The sound ended up being created when the sound designer walked past a TV with a microphone and heard the distinct hum.

39. The asteroids in the Empire Strikes Back are potatoes

40. Luke was originally imagined as a dwarf and Han as a monster like creature with green skin and gills

41. R2-D2's sounds are the sounds of a baby manipulated to sound electronic

42. A remixed version of the Star Wars theme was released as a pop single in 1977

43. Yoda's eyes were based on Albert Einstein

44. George Lucas flew the cast of A New Hope to England in coach because of a limited budget. When Carrie Fisher's mother, Debbie Reynolds (also an actress) found out, she was enraged. She called Lucas to express her anger and Carrie ended up taking the phone and saying "Mother, I want to fly coach. Will you fuck off?"

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