Harry Potter

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This is simple. Sorting characters into Harry Potter houses and giving my reasoning. Leave comments if you disagree with my choices and let me know why you think they belong in a different house

I include some characters from The Clone Wars in here as well

• Obi-Wan: Obi belongs in this house. He's undeniably brave, kind, and always ready to help others.
• Luke- I almost put him in Hufflepuff but he had some overwhelming Gryffindor qualities. He's one of the bravest characters and extremely loyal to his friends.
• Ahsoka: Anakin himself said Ahsoka was fearless. She is undoubtedly Gryffindor.
• Satine: She would do anything to protect Mandalore. I admire her bravery and spirit
• Bo-Katan: Same as her sister. She'd die to protect Mandalore.
• Ventress: I almost placed her in Slytherin but decided against it. She only fell to the dark side once her master was killed. She is pretty brave.
• Padmé: She has the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, but she fights like a true Gryffindor. She's very brave
• Anakin: I was close to putting him in Slytherin. But I feel his bravery makes him more suited to this house
• Poe: This man is a gryffindor through and through. He's fearless in the face of danger and willing to help his friends
• Rey: She's brave and loyal. She has all the traits that a good Gryffindor should

• Lando: He's sneaky and clever. That's all. He just gives off a vibe
• Leia: She is probably one of the bravest people in the galaxy. I almost placed her in Gryffindor but her cunning tactics make me think she'd be a slytherin.
• Han: He knows just what to say to manipulate people and get what he wants. He sneaky and can always find a clever way to get out of a sticky situation.
• Cad Bane: This villain is cunning and ruthless. He belongs here without a doubt.
• Count Dooku: I didn't even hesitate to sort him here. He's cunning and ambitious. He's also very secretive.
• Darth Maul: No hesitation. He goes here
• Jango Fett: His ambition makes him undoubtedly a slytherin
• Boba Fett: Same as his father. He's very ambitious and cunning
• Snoke: This was my first instinct and I'm sticking with it
• Zorii Bliss: She seems resourceful and sneaky. Also she just gives off Slyhterin vibes
• Hux: He seems to be focused on himself and his own ambitions for most of the films. He's also very arrogant and judgemental.
• Kylo: His ambition and desire for power is what made me place him here. Later on he might be considered more of a Gryffindor, but I still put him here

• Chewbacca: The scene in Solo where he wants to save his fellow Wookies is what really drives me to sort him here. He's brave, but also incredibly loyal. Especially to Han
• Rex: This goes for the majority of the clones as well. They're all so loyal to their brothers
• Mace Windu: He was a great fighter, but also very loyal to the Jedi order.
• Shmi: She is the sweetest person and a great mother. I couldn't see her in any other house.
• Finn: He is brave like a gryffindor, but has the sweetness and loyalty of a true Hufflepuff
• Din: He is incredibly loyal and helps literally anybody in need. He also had a soft spot for kids
• Rose: She seems so sweet, especially when she wants to help those animals that's ere being abused. She's also extremely loyal to the resistance
• BB-8: This little guy is the sweetest and most loyal droid

• R2-D2: He can outsmart just about anybody. He's definitely a Ravenclaw
• Palpatine- I was tempted to place him in Slytherin but he's just so clever I had to put him here. He literally overthrew the government and no one suspected a thing
• Yoda: His wisdom makes him perfect for this house
• Qui-Gon: he's wise and clever. He definitely belongs in Ravenclaw
• C-3PO: He knows literally everything. All sorts of languages and all sorts of facts
• Max Kanata: She gives off wise old woman vibes

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