Saddest Moments

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Hello and welcome to scenes and Star Wars that broke me.

Just a warning: death is ahead

I tried to order these from most to least sad but some were very close ties. You may have other opinions, this is just what made me saddest

1. Padmé and Anakin's conversation on Mustafar: When he force chokes her and she cries and begs him to stop but he won't. Especially the line where she says "you're breaking my heart." Tears every time.

2. Anakin's downfall: I hated the whole fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin but the very end makes me sob. Anakin writhing on the ground while Obi cries. It's awful.

3. Vader's last words to Luke: The way he finally comes back to the light and is able to speak with his son for a moment before he dies just breaks my heart.

4. When Grogu leaves with Luke: The way Din just stares with tears in his eyes made me bawl my eyes out: even just thinking about it makes my eyes water

5. Han's death: This came as a total shock to me and it's part of the reason I will never forgive Kylo Ren. I was devastated.

6. Shmi's death: The whole scene where she and Anakin speak and she does in his arms. I always end up crying.

7. Obi-Wan's death: I feel like people are going to hate me for not putting it higher on the list. At this point in the series we really haven't seen much of him and I was just more shocked than anything. After having seen the prequels and formed an attachment to him, the scene makes me sadder.

8. The killing of the younglings: I love kids and this scene brings on the water works. I just hate seeing someone who was about to become a father do harm to little children.

9. Qui-Gon's death: This scene shocked me more than anything. I was obviously very upset but mostly anxious to see Obi-Wan take revenge by killing Darth Maul.

10. Ewok death: You know the scene. Where the Ewok gets blown up and the other Ewok tries to wake him up only to realize he's dead. I can't. I just can't.

11. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's deaths: I feel bad for putting this at the bottom, but it was hard to be sad for characters that I had hardly knew. Still, it gets me emotional.

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