This or That

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I am going to list two different things and you leave your pick in the comments!

1. Han or Lando?
Personally, I am for Han all the way.

2. Yoda or Jar Jar Binks?
Sorry Jar Jar, but I choose Yoda

3. Prequels or the sequels?
I would definitely have to go with the prequels

4. Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan?
Obi-Wan. Definitely.

5. R2 or BB-8?
Sorry BB. R2 has my heart forever

6. Finn or Poe?
I have to go with Poe.

7. Empire or First Order?
Empire all the way!

8. Blue or green lightsaber?
I think I would go with blue

9. Darth Vader or Kylo Ren?
No hesitation. Vader 100%

10. The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi?
This is hard, but I think I like The Empire Strikes Back the best

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