Ugliest Creatures

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Alright so we've done the cutest creatures/animals in the galaxy so it's time for the ugliest.

These are in no particular order

1. Hutts: I hate these guys so much. They're so icky.

2. Pa'lowicks: Their beady eyes and long snouts just creep me out.

3. Chevin: these guys have long elephant like snouts and big teeth. They're also very wrinkly.

4. Gungans: No offense to Jar Jar, but he's not exactly very attractive.

5. Ugnaughts: Sorry Kuiil, but you aren't exactly remembered for your (nonexistent) rugged good looks.

6. Quarren: Their fangs and tentacles gross me out just a bit

7. Besalisks: This one should be obvious

8. Kowakian Monkey-Lizard: I feel like this was rejected concept art for Gremlins

9. Toydarians: This ugly dude owns slaves and is really ugly

10. Vuvrian: What. Just what is going on in this picture

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