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A/N: A CoolTowel is a towel that, with just a bit of any temperature water and a snap of the towel, can become cold. I have a few, considering I live in a hot country. It looks kind of like a fashionable scarf, but it's for cooling you down. Not warming you up. CoolTowel has not paid me anything to put it in my story, just letting you know this stuff exists. I've placed an image above.

"You won't need Eeyore where you're going, will you?"

Y/N frowns, "Give him back."

Jade shakes her head, "Not happening."

Y/N lunges for the dark blue toy only for Jade to push her back with the Force. Y/N growls, walking right up to Jade and snatching the toy out of Jade's hands.

"You're a jerk, Jade." Y/N glares, walking back to her bag, hugging the toy.

Jade retorts, "And you're an idiot. Are you seriously planning to go back?"

"He needs me." Y/N frowns, stroking her left hand over the toy, its soft cotton ticking her fingers.

"That's bull."

Y/N whips around, growling. She tightens her grip on the donkey in her hands. Her fingers tracing the stitches on the spot where Eeyore's mane connects with his back, where she had stitched with her own fingers, very crudely, but it was her first-ever stitching job and hasn't come undone yet.

"What was that, Jade?" Y/N growls.

Jade glares, "Omega is the one who needs you. So do the others, Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Tech-"

"So does Crosshair. He needs me more than they do." Y/N growls, her hands tracing over the toy, finding another stitching job on Eeyore's back, which is less visible than the one on the mane, but if one knew what they were looking for, they'd see it.

Jade growls, "What's so important about the psychotic toothpick? He's a bad egg."

"No, he's not! It's the chip! The chip is controlling him!" Y/N growls.

"He's always been a jerk! Always been cruel-"

"NO, HE HASN'T!" Y/N screams, ripping Eeyore's tail off with her right hand, little pieces of fluff and the blue donkey falling to the ground as she pushes her sister. "Crosshair smiled before this Force-forsaken Empire came to rise! I saw him smile! He put his hand on Echo's shoulder so he wouldn't fall after we were saved from Purkoll! He teased like a brother should! With a joking tone! He was the best thing that ever happened to me! I loved him like I love my father!"

"One clone isn't worth putting the entire timeline of this universe at risk, Y/N." Jade sneers.

Suddenly, all Y/N sees is red as she pulls her hand back, curling it into a fist, the tail just hanging outside before she slams her fist into Jade's face and screams, "HE IS TO ME!"

Jade looks up in shock, surprised Y/N just punched her. Her sister who never raises her hand at her just hit her.

"Screw the timeline! So what if Rey and Ben never get born?! That's actually preferable!" Y/N yells, not noticing the water escaping her eyes.

"What about Luke and Leia? Would you sacrifice them too?" Jade glares, brushing off the pain in her cheek.

Y/N growls, "In a heartbeat. We're already here, might as well do something to change things."

"You can't go back for him. I won't let you." Jade snarls.

Y/N grabs Jade's shirt, pulling her up with the metal arm, "Who are you to not let me do what's right, little Miss Perfect? You followed me through the damned portal, appeared in another place, and what did you get out of coming to this galaxy? THE FRAGGING FORCE! You get the damn Force, get trained by Ventress, get your own kriffing lightsaber, and you know everyone! What do I get coming here? I lose my limbs, I get turned into a cyborg, my mind is assaulted for months! I get NOTHING! You get everything, like you always do!"

"I never get anything!" Jade protests.

"Really? Oh, let's think back, shall we? When our parent's anniversary came up and they asked us where to go, where did we go? The movies. Why? I wanted to go to the Great Barrier Reef, you wanted to see Spies in Disguise! When we went to New Zealand, you wanted to go dolphin watching and I wanted to explore the caves where there were glowworms. What did we do? Watch the dolphins! What was so cool about dolphins that had to stop me from seeing glowworms?! Tell me, when have we ever done what I've wanted to do?"

"When you got to go inside a firetruck, and that time you went to SeaWorld!" Jade glares.

"That's because those were school things! I was able to go to SeaWorld because I was a good student and earned points from my teachers! That was the first time I ever did something on my own, without my family hovering over my shoulders! When have we, as a family, ever done something I wanted to do?"

Jade glares, trying to think of something, but she draws a blank.

"Exactly. I never got what I wanted because I learned not to push what I wanted! I want something but my little, autistic sister wants something else? Give up! That's what I was taught! I was taught to be self-sacrificing. To sacrifice what I wanted to keep you and our parents happy! I'm sick of it! This could've been just a thing for me! I could've been here alone, and I would've been fine, but noooooo! The universe decides, "Screw you, Y/N! Your sister is the one to have everything good!" You know what you are, Jade? You know what you've become?" Y/N growls, poking Jade in the chest.

Jade glares, "You're-"

Y/N interrupts, "You've become a damn Mary Sue! That's what you are! You get the Force, and not just the Force, the dark side! And somehow, you're still perfectly fine and everyone loves you! Mary Sues are all-powerful, don't make mistakes, and everyone loves them except villains! You don't have any weaknesses! You're only kriffing weakness is your autism! You are getting everything while I'm stuck with metal limbs, a metal backbone, and tons of trauma that you can never understand, no matter how much you try! Back home, you're praised as if you're a Saint while I'm scolded for wanting my fair share! You got all the attention, and you wonder why I always hid myself away from everyone! So I don't interrupt your time in the spotlight, and I get scolded for hiding! Call me a villain, because I HATE YOU!"

Jade gasps, before her face hardens, getting out of Y/N's glare and opening the door to walk out of the room. She turns around for a moment before scoffing, "Consider our mind connection severed."

Jade continues walking. Y/N freezes, realising what she just said to Jade. She falls to her knees, tears falling much more freely now, wiping her eyes with her left hand, her words echoing back in her ears.


"Mary Sue!"

"You're only kriffing weakness is your autism!"

"Why did I bring up her autism? She can't help it. It's not her fault. She just wanted to protect you." Y/N whimpers before scolding herself, "No, you've been sacrificing enough for her. You need to stop sacrificing everything for her." She turns, picking Eeyore up off the ground and searching for a needle and thread. "Let's fix you again, old friend. Then we'll figure out how to go help Cross."


Jade growls, walking past Omega, who's leaning against Gonky while looking at a datapad, trying to get comfortable.

"Well, that doesn't look comfortable, for either of you." Hunter says, looking at the droid and child with a smirk.

"We're fine." Omega smiles.

Y/N comes out of her room, a needle in between her pointer finger and thumb of her metal hand with a blue thread running through the eye while she's holding Eeyore and his tail in her left hand.

"Omega, let me show you how I learned to stitch things together." Y/N smiles, sitting next to Omega to show her how to put the tail back onto the donkey. "Now a needle is sharp, gotta be sure not to poke yourself, and you need to make sure you've tied a knot in your thread so it catches and doesn't just slide through."

Hunter chuckles as he watches Omega staring at Y/N's sewing technique. Before too long, the tail is back on the donkey, and Omega tilts her head.

"What is the purpose of me learning this?" She asks.

Y/N points to a small tear in the young clone's sleeve, "So you can learn to fix your clothes when they get tears like that. At first, the sewing can be tricky, because when I started out, it looked something like this." She turns Eeyore over to reveal the mane, where a light blue thread sticks out where it was fixed. "It did the job, but Eeyore here now has blue on his black and it doesn't look so great."

"It's chowtime, girls." Hunter announces, tearing their attention away from the toy.

Y/N makes a disgusted face at the thought of rations again as Hunter hands them both the yellow sticks that, now that Y/N actually thinks about it, it looks like expired cheese.

"Ah! Finally!" Wrecker smiles, appearing behind the girls, who turn to him. He jumps in front of Hunter, who gives him the rations. Wrecker gulps the stick on one try and smiles, "Hit me again."

"Well, that's all for now. Rations are low." Hunter announces.

Wrecker groans, upset that he isn't allowed to eat anymore.

Omega looks down at hers and offers it to Wrecker, "You can have mine."

Before Wrecker can grab it, Hunter drags him away, scolding him for taking her food.

"I'm gonna turn Hunter's bandana blue. Keep a hold on Eeyore for me, would ya, kid?" Y/N whispers to Omega, who stifles a chuckle but nods.

Wrecker changes his mind and calls back, "No, no, thanks. You keep it."

Omega shrugs, "Okay."

Y/N walks past Omega, giving her head a little rub, messing it up slightly before Y/N walks to Wrecker, shoving her rations in his hand. Hunter raises his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm not hungry." Y/N states, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Wrecker groans, "I guess I'm not used to having a kid around here."

Hunter frowns, "Well, none of us are, but she's not complaining."

"Speak for yourself." Y/N frowns, walking to the cockpit as the lights flicker. "I'm coming! Sheesh! I fall asleep and everything falls apart without me!"

"Echo, the lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it!" Hunter exclaims.

Echo scoffs, "Yeah, add it to the list. The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami. Several systems have been glitching ever since. Repairs would go faster if I had some help."

Y/N frowns, "I'm here, Echo. I needed a nap."

"I wasn't talking about you, Y/N." Echo frowns, glaring at Tech.

Tech replies, "As soon as I finish building this scanner. Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence."

Echo asks, "But I thought you said they were defective?"

"They are, Echo. But with the bad luck following our group around, one of you is bound to get their chip activating and going on an Order 66 rampage." Y/N frowns, hopping under one of the consoles to try and fix them.

"The device will be able to prove our chips are defective. Besides, the ship-wide diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised." Tech frowns.

Suddenly, the ship lurches forward, making Y/N bang her head against the wall underneath the console.

"Tech, if the hyperdrive isn't a critical system while we're in hyperspace, what the hell do you view as a critical system?!" Y/N yells, coming out from under the console, rubbing her head where a bruise is forming as the ship falls out of hyperspace.

She then looks to see a giant blue planet and a little moon, and the ship's headed straight for the moon.

Hunter agrees with Y/N, "Getting thrown out of hyperspace. I'd say that's pretty critical, Tech."

"It's not affecting life support. We're fine." Tech replies.

Hunter asks, "Are you kidding me?"

"Would you please stop jinxing us, Tech!" Y/N exclaims.

"The power capacitor's blown. We need to land immediately." Echo announces.

Y/N smacks Tech in the back of his head, surprising the intellect.

Wrecker yells loud enough for everyone to hear, "Get ready for your first crash landing!"

"Crash?!" Omega exclaims.

Jade runs towards Omega with a roll of duct tape in her hands.

Hunter orders, "Omega, Jade, strap in."

"I'll strap in after Wrecker!" Jade growls, picking up Omega and putting her on one of the landing seats.

Wrecker pulls down the giant protective belt thing, which doesn't quite reach Omega's chest because she's too small. Wrecker sits down and pulls his down, but it does the same as Omega's, but for a different reason. Jade rolls her eyes, tearing some duct tape off and sticking it to the wall and the belt.

"That should hold it for now." Jade announces, strapping into her own.

Y/N looks out the front to see lots of clouds.

Echo groans, "I can't see anything!"

Y/N sits in her seat, gripping on tightly as that's the only thing she can do, knowing everyone will survive.

"Hold on!" Hunter yells to the three in the back.


Gonky starts honking, flailing about then sliding towards the cockpit.

"I should've strapped him down with some duct tape." Jade deadpans.

There's another lurch and suddenly, Wrecker bangs his head against the metal, letting out an exclamation of pain. Jade curses under her breath, knowing exactly what that means. Alarms start blaring, making both the sisters wince. Y/N looks out the window, seeing the surface, but quickly panics.

"Pull up, Tech! PULL UP!" Y/N yells.

Tech does so, slowing their descent slightly.

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna-..." Wrecker exclaims before seeing Jade and Omega looking at him, Jade with an annoyed look and Omega with a worried one. Wrecker recovers, "Be fine. We're gonna be fine!"

Omega's face changes to a disbelieving one as the ship continues to shake.

"I've just had a vision of our future if it helps. We survive. Yay us." Jade deadpans.

Y/N looks out the window, seeing the ground getting closer. Y/N closes her eyes, fear taking over for a moment as they crash, making everyone lurch forward, Y/N losing her grip and falls out of the chair, rolling along the ground as everyone else stays in their seat. As everything calms down, Hunter stands up, stepping over Y/N's body to right Gonky.

"Everybody alright?" Hunter asks, turning to the three in the back.

Wrecker is panting, Jade's picking her fingernails, and Omega opens her eyes and asks, "Is it over?"

"It's over, kiddo. Wrecker banged his head, and I felt a ripple through the Force, but otherwise, we're unscathed." Jade smiles.

"I'm fine too, thanks for asking." Y/N sasses from her spot on the floor where she hasn't moved from.

Wrecker tries to pull off the protective belt but stops as the duct tape stops it from moving.

"Uh, Jade?"

Jade chuckles, tearing off the tape with ease, surprising the giant.

"It's called duct tape and is planet Earth's greatest invention. It's used for everything." Jade smirks, tucking the tape into the folds of her armour.


After a while, with everyone making sure their stuff is okay, and Jade checking on Sapphire, who's decided now's a good time to start squawking.

"It's alright, Saph. We're okay." Jade smiles.

Y/N turns away from Jade, looking at the console.

"The storm's getting worse. It's knocking out our comms." Echo frowns.

Tech announces, "I suspect one of our capacitors sustained damage during our firefight with the regs. We won't be able to take off without replacing it. Inventory analysis indicates we have one spare on board."

"Alright, let's grab it and get off this dump heap." Y/N groans, rubbing her bruise.

Omega pulls down a crate and asks, "Is it in here?"

Y/N quickly reaches her hand out before the crate crashes into the ground, and everyone turns, sad looks on their faces as they look at the crate.

Omega asks, "What?"

Y/N sighs, putting the crate down and sitting next to it.

"That's Crosshair's weapon kit." Hunter frowns.

There's an awkward silence before Y/N groans, "Can we please address the elephant in the room and just say we miss him, we should find a way to get him back, and then proceed to make a plan?"

Wrecker sighs, "Fine. I'll say it. I kinda miss him."

"He shot you, remember?" Echo frowns.

"Ha! I sure do. That hurt!" Wrecker laughs.

"He was your brother, Wrecker. It's normal to miss him." Y/N smiles weakly.

"We're not going back for him, Y/N." Jade hisses. "He made his choice-"

Y/N slams her fist into a wall, surprising everyone as the metal bends like paper underneath her metal fist. She turns to Jade angrily, tears pricking the edge of her eyes, obviously fighting to keep her face straight. Sapphire quickly decides to hide in her cage. When one of her flock is angry like this, it's best to hide.

"He didn't have a bloody choice! Dan Farrik, he couldn't control his actions! He became a meat puppet for the empire because of the bloody inhibitor chip! I know what that thing can do! Tup had his chip activate early, but for him, it was like he was in a trance! The chip makes you genuinely believe that killing the Jedi is the right thing to do, that obeying the kriffing Empire is the right thing to do! It even made Rex shoot Ahsoka Tano! She's lucky she escaped and removed it from his head. That's what it was designed to do! Make clones nothing more than meat puppets!" Y/N yells.

She tears her eyes away from Jade to see Echo staring in shock. It was about time he learned what happened to his brothers, anyway.

"It wasn't Crosshair's fault?" Wrecker asks Y/N.

Y/N turns to the friendly giant and sighs, "It wasn't. Didn't any of you notice? Crosshair never misses. He could've shot us down as we were escaping Kamino, but he didn't."

"Look, debating this won't fix the ship. Right now, we need to find that capacitor and get off this rock." Hunter frowns, walking away before he stops, his eyes landing on Jade's bruised cheek. "What happened to you?"

Jade scoffs, "We've been through a crash, and you're concerned about my face?"

Jade scoffs, following after Hunter. Omega puts her hand on Y/N's shoulder, making her turn to the young clone.

"You're angry." Omega frowns.

Y/N chuckles, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Why is Jade being mean to you?" Omega asks.

"Because I was planning to go back and help Crosshair. She didn't agree to it and is taking it out on me. But to do that, I need credits, a ship, and a way in. I don't even have fifty credits to my name." Y/N sighs.

Omega hesitates before asking, "How did you know all that information about the chips?"

Y/N frowns, "That's a story for another day, kid."


On Kamino, Crosshair has been getting the frequency of his chip enhanced again.

"Greetings CT-9904. You will be pleased to know your vitals are at optimum levels." The AZI droid announces.

Crosshair sneers, "Go away."

"I am compelled to comply with your request."

He looks at himself in the one-sided mirror, hearing an echo of Y/N's voice.

"Fight it, Crosshair! Fight it!"

On the other side of the mirror, Nale Se announces to Admiral Tarkin, "The data shows he's responding favourably to the procedure."

"Let's see if he stays that way." Tarkin frowns.

The door opens and Rampart walks in.

"Ah, Governor Tarkin. Hope I'm not interrupting."

"Right on schedule, Rampart. I hear your chain code implementation has been most successful." Tarkin replies.

Rampart nods, "Laying the foundation of our new empire is of the utmost importance."

Tarkin agrees "Indeed."

Rampart turns to see Crosshair on the other side of the glass and asks, "Is that the enhanced clone from the report?"

"It is. CT-9904 is a top specimen." Nala Se replies.

Tarkin asks, "What is the status of Project War Mantle?"

"On schedule, sir. Our top recruits are here to begin their training under their new commander."

Crosshair stands up, his permanent scowl on his face as he looks at the glass once more, hearing Y/N's laughter.

"Nothing runs faster than Wrecker when he's holding something he shouldn't have, Cross."

His scowl deepens as he dismisses the memory.


"May I present our first Elite squad." Rampart announces.

Crosshair scowls. They look pathetic.

"So bland!" Y/N's voice scoffs in his head. Somehow, it fits. Every time Y/N ate anything, she'd complain about the taste being flavourless. Somehow, her complaints fit these new soldiers well.

"Top soldiers from across the galaxy. Imagine more squads like this being trained by skilled clones. Together, they would make a formidable army." Rampart smirks.

Tarkin nods, "A partnership such as this could have promise."

Crosshair looks between the two, not really caring.

"They're so annoying!" Y/N's voice continues to echo.

Crosshair is almost tempted to search for where her voice is coming from, but he ignores the temptation, knowing it's just in his head.

"I believe it will strengthen the future of this burgeoning Empire."

Nala Se slowly blinks, knowing what it will mean for the facility if this works.


Y/N follows Echo and Tech outside, an oxygen mask on each person's face. Y/N shines a torch after Tech. Tech pulls open a hatch, seeing the old capacitor.

"Careful. Those capacitors hold a massive charge." Echo frowns.

Y/N smiles, glad Echo's still an encyclopedia of knowledge.

"I am well aware. I just need to secure it." Tech frowns.

Y/N stiffens, hearing a snarling behind her. Echo hears it too, making the two cyborgs look away for a moment, Echo bringing the torch to shine a light to where he heard the noise.

"What was that?" Echo asks.

Tech frowns, "I'm a little busy at the moment."

Y/N sighs, shining her torch at Tech's hands where he's working.

"You investigate, Echo. I'll hold the torch." Y/N frowns.

Echo nods, walking away with his torch to investigate the strange noise. Echo shines his torch around, hearing rustling around him. He doesn't find anything and turns to go back to Tech and Y/N when he sees something on the ship that wasn't there before. He walks up to the side of the ship, rubbing his hand against some claw marks.

"There. That should do it." Tech frowns, clicking the capacitor in place.

"Tech, Y/N..." Echo frowns, getting their attention.

Y/N shudders, turning around to see something hide on the other side of the ship. Y/N looks at the capacitor and the hatch. She decides to leave it. Omega needs to learn how to do things, like getting the capacitor back. Y/N walks towards the boys.

"Look at this." Echo frowns.

Tech announces, "Ah. Well, those weren't there when we landed."

Y/N sasses, "Ya think?"

Near the capacitor, the creature grabs it out and runs off with it, glowing slightly.


Omega is sitting down, looking at the small oxygen mask in her hands, clicking it and making sure it works. Jade rolls her eyes, trying to get Sapphire to come out of the cage. Sapphire just squawks and even bites Jade.

"Hey! No biting, Sapphire!" Jade glares.

Wrecker walks in, groaning in pain while he grips his head injury, which concerns Jade. She brushes her hand over her lightsaber for a moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Hunter asks.

Wrecker groans, "I must've hit my head in the crash. Ow."

"You did. I saw you hit your head. I'm getting more concerned for my safety." Jade frowns, her left hand still in Sapphire's cage. Sapphire bites Jade again, making her let out an exclamation of pain. "Would you stop biting me!? What is with you today?"

Tech, Echo, and Y/N walk in, taking off the oxygen masks.

"The capacitor's in place, but other systems are now failing." Tech announces.

Echo adds, "Something's causing damage to the exterior hull."

"You wanna narrow that down?" Hunter asks.

"Moon Dragon." Jade pipes up, trying to grab Sapphire again as the power goes out and stomping is heard on the roof. Jade sighs, "Moon Dragon just ran off with the capacitor. You didn't cover the capacitor again."

Omega suddenly gasps as something jumps in front of her, Y/N rushing towards her.

"Look!" Omega gasps.

"What? What is it?" Wrecker asks.

Y/N glares out the window, "A local."

Omega clarifies, "Some kind of creature, about this big, with a long tail. It ran off with the part."

Echo pushes a few buttons and nods, "She's right. The capacitor's gone. And that was our last one."

"Told you so!" Jade calls out.

Tech pulls up his arm tech and announces, "The creature is most likely an Ordo Moon Dragon. A species that feeds on raw energy."

"Told ya it was a Moon Dragon!" Jade exclaims.

Tech continues, "It was probably drawn to the capacitor's electric charge."

Echo frowns, "Well, that would've been good to know beforehand, Tech."

Y/N notices Wrecker start to groan in pain again and narrows her eyes before searching through Jade's bag.

Hunter orders, "You two get those other systems online. Wrecker, stay here. I'll go after the dragon and get our part back. Y/N, Jade-"

"I'm not teaming up with her!" Jade hisses before seeing Y/N pull out a blue towel. "What are you doing with my CoolTowel?" Jade demands.

Y/N glares, "I was going to wet and snap it so it's cool enough to put on Wrecker's sore head, but since I'm going to be helping Echo and Tech, you can do it."

Y/N throws the towel at Jade's face, turning to Wrecker and patting his shoulder.

Wrecker protests, "I'm fine, I'm-"

Hunter orders, "You're staying."

"I'll go with you!" Omega volunteers.

"No, that thing could be dangerous." Hunter frowns.

Y/N scoffs, "She needs to learn to defend herself, Hunt. Whether it's from Seppies, Imperials, wild animals, or just questionable people. Take her."

"What was that?" Hunter asks.

Y/N turns and crosses her arms, not blinking as she stares down the taller male, "I said, she needs to learn, and you need to take her."

"I'm part of this squad now too, right?" Omega asks.

"Of course you are, Omega. Hunter's just being an overprotective Dad." Y/N smirks.

Hunter glares at Y/N, who just smirks back as Wrecker chuckles weakly. Echo just sighs like he's just done. Hunter sighs, giving up against the teenager.

"All right kid. Just stay close." Hunter frowns.

Omega smiles, shoving the oxygen mask on her face and running in between the men. The clones exchange glances and Y/N leans up to Hunter.

"I win." Y/N whispers.


After a while of Jade telling Wrecker how to make the CoolTowel cold again with a flick, she walks back towards the cage Sapphire's hiding in and tries to grab Sapphire out again, but Sapphire dodges, biting her hand and flying onto Echo's shoulder, nuzzling his pale face as he works on the repairs.

"Jade, what did you do to Sapphire to make her avoid you?" Y/N asks, genuinely confused.

"None of your business!" Jade sneers, trying to grab Sapphire only to fly onto Tech's head, making him turn to Jade, unimpressed.

Y/N sighs, walking over to Sapphire and putting her finger in front of Sapphire's belly, making her step onto the finger instead of Tech's head. Y/N pulls Sapphire down and raises her eyebrow at Jade.

"Maybe Sapphire needs to be left alone right now." Y/N frowns.

Jade lets out an annoyed growl, kicking a box across the floor. Y/N sighs.

"Maybe I should apologise- No! I'm always the one apologising! I'm sick of it." Y/N thinks.

Y/N turns back to her work, putting Sapphire on her shoulder, ignoring the nibbling at her ear.


Crosshair and the Elite team are on a ship, getting ready to land on Onderon. Crosshair's actually starting to see Y/N instead of just hearing her voice, but she's more like a ghost or imaginary friend than anything, being partly see-through.

"Why would they put him in charge?" The blond Imperial asks.

Not-Y/N scoffs, "Jealous."

Crosshair narrows his eyes at the blond male and asks, "Problem?"

"Tell me this, clone. If you are all so efficient, how come the Empire's scouting soldiers like us? Sounds to me like it's time for a change." the blond Imperial frowns.

Not-Y/N chuckles, "It's really simple, Blondie. Overpopulation. Clones are just expensive. What was this guy's name? ES-01?"

Crosshair doesn't even smile at Not-Y/N's dark humour like he normally would have, but he just continues to chew the toothpick in his mouth.

"Enjoy being commander... for now. We'll see how things shake out."

Not-Y/N walks in front of the blond oaf and sneers, "Well, you're just looking for a promotion before you've earned it, ain't ya?" She then walks through the Imperials and stands in front of Crosshair. "I wish you came with us, Cross. You wouldn't have had to listen to these idiots that aren't even on your level."

Crosshair just scowls, not even needing to make a response to the blond or the imaginary girl.


In a camp, everyone's packing up.

"Sir, I just received a transmission from Gerrera. He's standing by at the rendezvous. However, he said the Jedi girl left a message, to watch our backs and protect the children." A female soldier frowns.

A man nods, "All right. Let's move out."

Everyone goes to head to the rendezvous point but a device beeps, making everyone freeze.

"A sensor's been triggered in sector 2A. Alert the others!" The man orders.

Everyone takes a gun except the civilians, who quickly hide. The soldiers stand guard, watching, waiting for something. The air is tense and parents are hugging their children to protect them. Suddenly, a few shots fire out, hitting one of the guards, killing him instantly.

"Get our people on the shuttle, now!" The woman orders.

A smoke bomb is thrown into the camp, blinding everyone. Crosshair gives the signal to move in. Everyone obeys, going in.


Y/N pushes a button, turning on another system.

"Good. That's working. At least the Techo Union gave me useful information on fixing stuff." Y/N smiles.

She then looks down at her metal arm, hearing it beep. She brings her arm up, turning on her comms.

"Echo, Jade, Wrecker, Tech, Y/N, come in! We need help!" Omega exclaims.

Y/N turns on the comms and announces, "I'm here, Meg. Are you okay? Where's Hunter?"

"The creature attacked and knocked Hunter's mask off! He's not waking up!" Omega explains panicked.

Y/N frowns, "Omega, breathe. Now, did you put Hunter's mask back on?"

"Yes, I did!" Omega announces.

"Good. Is he breathing?" Y/N continues.

"Yes, he's breathing."

Y/N asks, "What about his pulse? Do you know how to take a pulse?"

"He has a pulse-" Omega starts.

"Then he's fine. Take his gun and find the creature, Omega. He'll wake up soon. Get the capacitor back." Y/N frowns.

"But what if the creature-"

Y/N interrupts, "Omega, you'll be fine. It's just hungry. It eats energy, not people. This is its first source of food in a while, and it's a lot of food for it. You need to offer it another source of food. Think you can do that?"

Omega's breathing is all that's heard for a moment before she agrees, "I can do that."

The connection severs, making Y/N smile.

"She's learning." Y/N smiles, Sapphire nodding on her shoulder.


In the camp, more soldiers fall like dominoes, Crosshair being the one that hits most of them. Everyone screams, some parents hiding behind crates and sending their children into the dark of the forest as they run onto the transport. The transport starts to fly, but someone shoots the captain through the glass, killing him and forcing the transport to land.

Crosshair points a gun at the last soldier and demands, "Where's Gerrera?"

The soldier replies, "I don't know, but I wouldn't tell you if I did."

Not-Y/N appears behind the soldier as soon as Crosshair shoots her. Not-Y/N shakes her head at Crosshair.

"I believe you." Crosshair snarks.

"You didn't have to kill her. She had other info, you know. Could've interrogated her for names. People break under enough pressure." Not-Y/N frowns.

Crosshair just turns, his helmet hiding his face from everyone, no one seeing what he's thinking except Not-Y/N.

"Do any of you have information you'd like to share?" Crosshair asks.

The civilian quickly replies, "We don't know anything. We were promised transport off-world, that's all."

Crosshair glares underneath the helmet, pointing his gun at the civilians, "Then you're of no use to the Empire."

ES-01 asks, "What are you doing? Gerrera's fighters are dead. These are civilians. We should bring them in!"

Crosshair turns to the soldier, Not-Y/N just staring at the both of them.

"Those weren't our orders." Crosshair sneers.

Not-Y/N frowns, "They're innocent, Cross. Some of them are children. Children don't know their own actions."

"Forget our orders! This is wrong." ES-01 exclaims.

Crosshair questions, "So, you're not going to comply?"

"Of course he's not, Cross."

ES-01 stands tall and replies, "No. None of us are." He turns to the other soldiers and orders, "Ignore the clone. We signed up to be soldiers, not an execution squad. We're going to detain the prisoners and take them in for questioning."

"Crosshair, don't you dare!" Not-Y/N yells.

Crosshair ignores her, walking towards the soldier and asks, "You want to know why they put me in charge?" The soldiers turn to him, and it's silent for a moment. "It's because I'm willing to do what needs to be done."

He puts his hand over the gun, ES-01 seeing what he's doing and goes to shoot Crosshair, but Crosshair's too fast, shooting him right in the chest, killing him. The other soldiers stand shocked.

"You didn't have to kill him, Crosshair." Not-Y/N glares.

"Good soldiers follow orders." Crosshair states, making Not-Y/N shake her head in disappointment. He ignores her and starts to walk away, turning to one of the soldiers, and orders, "Finish the mission."

The soldiers pull up their guns, aiming them at the civilians before firing, killing everyone except the children who escaped into the forest.


Y/N sighs, still fixing another system.

"I should apologise to her, shouldn't I?" Y/N whispers to Sapphire, who just squawks before lying down on her shoulder.

Her comms beep, making her look down at her arm.

"Speak." Y/N orders, twisting two wires which spark in her hands.

"We've got the part and we're on our way back, Y/N." Hunter's voice comes through.

Y/N asks, "How'd Omega do in the tunnel? Lose a flashlight?"

There's silence for a moment before Hunter asks, "How'd you know she was in a tunnel?"

Y/N scoffs as she twists a few more wires, "Elementary. She called me, you were incapacitated by the moon dragon, I put two and two together. The only option left was for her to go into the tunnel. Hurry back."


On Kamino, Crosshair and his Elite Squad land, walking out of the ship, Not-Y/N just standing around, unseen to everyone but Crosshair. Rampart and Tarkin take note of the fact one soldier is missing, but they assume it's because of the cost of a battle.

"Gerrera was already gone, but the rest of his camp was dealt with." Crosshair announces before making the group walk towards the barracks.

Crosshair takes off his helmet as the group reaches the barracks. He looks around, seeing it cleaned up. Echo's and Y/N's beds have disappeared, Tech's experiments are gone, the only proof that this is their room are the equations on Tech's old bed, the painting on Hunter's bed of a skull and the Aurabesh 99, and the Board.

"Even the smell's disappeared. Too bad, it was growing on me. Hey, where's my bed?" Not-Y/N exclaims, running to where Y/N's bed used to lay.

Crosshair walks over to his bed, putting down his rifle and helmet as he sits down. Not-Y/N sighs, walking through the soldier that's taken Tech's old bed, tracing her hands over Tech's equations.

"I remember this, Cross. Tech would always have a sudden epiphany and start doodling just before bed, always so frantic, thinking he may have solved the equation before passing out." Not-Y/N chuckles, Crosshair just watching her with a scowl, nostalgia creeping upon him as she starts humming.


With the Batch, Hunter and Omega walk onto the ship, closing the door and taking off their oxygen masks. Y/N hugs Omega as Hunter walks to the cockpit.

"Tech, get us out of here." Hunter orders.

"Gladly." Tech complies.

The ship takes off, flying into space away from the moon. Y/N sighs, turning to see Jade punch something.

"Systems are up and running." Tech announces.

"Yeah, took you long enough." Wrecker scoffs.

Y/N sighs, "Jade, we just fixed the ship. Punch Wrecker to let out your anger if you need to. He won't even feel it."

Jade turns around and hisses, "Are you saying I'm weak?!"

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying Wrecker has skin as thick as a whale." Y/N frowns.

Jade groans, walking away. Y/N frowns, Sapphire flying off Y/N's shoulder into her cage.

"What's with her?" Echo asks.

Y/N sighs, "We got into a fight. I'll deal with it. Somehow. We're sisters."

"And where have you been, Wrecker?" Echo asks.

Wrecker kneels down to Omega and smirks, "Hey, kid. Come with me. Cover your eyes."

Y/N chuckles as Omega obeys, covering her eyes and is led away by Wrecker. Y/N gets off her seat and follows the two, Hunter following as well.

"Okay. Open 'em!" Wrecker smiles.

Omega removes her hand to see something hiding behind a curtain.

Wrecker chuckles, "Check it out!"

Omega walks up to the curtain, pulling it back to see the turret has been turned into a little bedroom, with Lula and Eeyore on the floor, fabric covering the walls and fairy lights strung near the ceiling.

"Well, what do you think?" Wrecker asks. "I thought this place could feel more like a home."

Omega smiles, turning around, "It's perfect! Thank you, Wrecker."

Wrecker chuckles nervously, "Oh, uh, it was nothing."

Omega picks up the Tooka and donkey dolls, hugging them as she sits down.

"I never had my own room before."

The two other clones walk up as Hunter smiles, "Well, you're a part of this squad now too."

Y/N walks away to her quarters she shares with Jade, looking at her arm, the only reason she became part of the squad. Because she was turned into a cyborg. She's not even a clone, and they abandoned Crosshair. What if-

"No, don't think like that!" Y/N hisses to herself, before deciding to find Jade.

Y/N looks around before finding Jade beating up a pillow duct-taped to the wall.

"Jade, I need to speak with you." Y/N frowns.

Jade sneers, "Why? So you can abuse me for my disability again?"

Y/N winces, "No, that was-"

"I don't care what you have to say to me, Y/N. Just get lost." Jade growls.


Jade turns and pushes Y/N back with the Force and yells, "Get out!"

"I'm not-"

Jade then pulls a small paper bag out of her big bag and shoves it in Y/N's hands.

"While you're getting out, give that to Wrecker. He needs to eat something. You can't have any!" Jade growls.

Y/N sighs as the door closes on her face, walking towards the cockpit, tossing the bag towards Wrecker.

"From Jade. It's food. Enjoy." Y/N sighs before sitting on her chair.

Y/N just sits, wondering what she should do to get Jade to talk to her again. Suddenly, she feels something on her right knee. She looks down to see Omega looking at her sadly.

"What? What's wrong, Omega?" Y/N asks.

Omega hands Eeyore to the older girl.

"You need him more than I do." Omega smiles.

Y/N grabs the donkey, looking into his sad eyes and hugs him.

"Why don't you sleep in my room tonight, considering Jade kicked you out." Omega offers.

Y/N asks, "You sure, kiddo? I'm half metal. Not very comfy to sleep on."

Omega smiles, "I lived on Kamino for most of my life, Y/N."

"Fair enough, Meg." Y/N smiles as the two walk towards Omega's new bedroom.

Omega drags her up and makes her lie down. Y/N chuckles before Omega lies down, hugging Y/N, making her stiffen. Omega doesn't notice as falls asleep holding onto Y/N. Y/N strokes her head, just sitting there, humming a lullaby.

A/N: Wow, you would not believe how many times I imagined that argument in the beginning while I've been making Subs or doing the dishes. Seriously, why do the best versions of the story get made in your head while I'm working but they won't stay long enough for me to write the entire thing down?

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