Star Wars: My OC's

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Welp, hey everyone. It's Weeksjmj29 again. It's time for you guys to know my characters. I will have 10 characters. I know, that's a lot. But this is not a small rp. Oh no. This rp is big, which is why it requires a lot of characters to fill it. I know I'm monologuing. Anyways, and without a further ado, here is my characters.:)

First Character:

Name: Sera

Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: Leomen: humanoid tiger

Appearance: red almost orange hair. emerald green eyes. She has a thin layer of fur all over her body. She has a slick and lengthy tail just above her behind. She has claws instead of nails. Her fur is oranges and white with black stripes all over her body. She has small claws on her feet and whiskers on her face. Her body is small yet lithe and strong like a cat.

Personality: She's kind and gentle. Loving of nature, she gets aggressive when her home is threatened and her friends. She's loyal to those who earn it. She has the personality to make anyone smile.

Sexuality: straight

Likes: nature, playing, exploring, collecting stones, food.

Dislikes: rudeness, people who threaten the forest, bullies, people stealing her food, evil.

Clothing: She wears next to nothing. She wears a bra-like outfit that covers her upper torso. She also wears a panty-like outfit that covers her lower body.

Affiliation: not affiliated.

Light Side/Dark Side/Grey/Other: Grey but will turn to the Light.

Jedi/Sith/Other: Jedi

Weapons: Twin Lightsabers with white lightsaber crystals, daggers, bows and arrows.

Force sensitive or no: yes.

Background Story: She was born and raised in secret on the wild nature world of Kashyyyk, world of the Wookies. The inhabitants love her and treat her as one of their own. They protect her from outsiders, that one day someone would come for her. One day, a group of mercenaries land on the planet in search of creatures and inhabitants to capture and then take to slavers.

That's when they raided the village she was living in. She and the Wookies were taken prisoner. They just took the Wookies and placed them in the center of the village as the leader of the mercenaries took Sera in custody. He knew that she was rare and would fetch a hefty coin. He planned on taking her personally, when he was pushed away by an unforeseen force.

Then from the woods emerged 2 cloaked figures. One was much shorter than the other. The mercenaries trained their weapons on the 2 cloaked figures. Sera watched as the figures took out what seemed to be sticks and activated them. The some of the mercs gasp as they saw what was in the cloaked figures held lightsaber.

They realized that the the figures were Jedi. The Jedi and the mercs did battle, mercs falling one by one until the the captain was left. He wasn't going down without a fight. He then took a wookie child hostage. The Jedi froze, now faced with a predicament. They were about to drop their lightsabers when the man was pushed back from the wookie child. The Jedi turned and saw that it was sera who did it. The Jedi then took care of the captain and returned to Sera, who they realized was flowing with the force. The Jedi master was stunned by how much the force flew through the alien child. They decided to take the child to be trained to become a Jedi. She has been in training for 5 years.

Other: she has the mind of a child sometimes.

Second Character:

Name: Xavier

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Dathomirian

Appearance: red face and body with black marks all over his body. black hair over dozens of spikes on his head. Has green eyes.

Personality: calm, collected, loyal to a fault. Protective of those he cares for. Quick to anger sometimes because of his species.

Sexuality: straight

Likes: training, exploring, experimenting with his abilities, missions.

Dislikes: cruelty, rudeness, disrespect, hatred. Dark side.

Clothing: black robes, white shirt and shirt underclothes.

Affiliation: not affiliated.

Light Side/Dark Side/Grey/Other: light side

Jedi/Sith/Other: other

Weapons: red lightsaber

Force sensitive or no: yes.

Background Story: He was born and raised in the ways of the Dark Side on his home planet of Dathomir. But unlike the others of his kind, the dark side didn't affect him. He preferred studying to cruelty, training to causing pain. And so, he was shunned by his kind, and ostracized by his family.

One day, during his training, he was given a task he couldn't do. An assignment he couldn't do. He was tasked with taking the life of an innocent man. When he refused, his teacher executed the man right in front of him. The sight of the dead man lit a spark in him. He couldn't tolerate such evil. He then sensed evil intentions. He knew what was about to happen and what should do.

He then turned around and used force lightning on his teacher, which ended the evil being's life. At that, the other Dathomirians attacked with lightsabers. He took care of several trainees and a master before he escaped the planet. He then went off exploring why dodging whatever agents of the dark side that may be after him. On the planet Tattoonie, he met a Jedi Master and his apprentice. They fought but the Jedi could sense no malice in him. He then took Xavier to the Jedi Temple, where he is judged by the council.

Other: he loves meditation. He also loves animals.

Third Character:

Name: Orios

Age: 36

Gender: male

Species: cyborg

Appearance: robotic face over burnt flesh. Green reptile eyes. Robotic arms and robotic parts over legs. Heavy armor over his chest and stomach.(kind of like Greivious, but has a body under the armor instead of just a casing for the heart.) has blue hair under the robotic head.

Personality: strict, tough, honest, sturdy, hardy.

Sexuality: bi

Likes: testing his equipment, upgrading his tech, missions, having extreme fun

Dislikes: baths, fessy nursebots, being called metal man, faulty equipment.

Clothing: a cloak over his armored body. Most of it is just armor

Affiliation: the Iron Knights(a mercenary group)

Light Side/Dark Side/Grey/Other: other

Jedi/Sith/Other: other

Weapons: 2 lightsabers, 4 four blasters, 5 thermal detonators, 2 arm cannons, and ion pulse emitter on his back, and 2 Railguns on his shoulders.

Force sensitive or no: no

Background Story: At the age of 20, he was in a horrible accident as he was caught in an crossfire explosion meant for an assassination attempt on a senator. His body was burnt all over and his arms were destroyed. He was taken to a medical facility, however his unconscious body was taken by a corrupt doctor to a unknown facility, where they turned him into part machine. They graphed metal armor into his flesh and face and head, reveling in his screams. They put in metal armors that can split into 2 sets of arms on both sides of his body.

They spent 10 years experimenting on him, until one day, he gained a self awareness. He overrided the programming they put in his head. With the very same tech they put in him, he wiped out everyone in the facility and the facility itself off the planet of Malastare, freeing the detainees that were there with him. A few of detainees joined him as a few others joined along the way and he formed the mercenary group known as the Iron Knights. He spent the next 6 years taking on missions and updating his tech.

Other: he has pet water Drake named Momo.

Fourth Character:

Name: Xena Devo, also known as Naughty Mandy

Age: 22

Gender: female

Species: Mandalorean

Appearance: short light blue hair with green tips at the end. Sapphire blue eyes. Orange skin, freckles over her face.

Personality: slick, persuasive, cunning, fluid, smooth

Sexuality: bi.

Likes: completing missions, money, good time, animals, fighting.

Dislikes: incomplete or unfinished missions, people not paying, cruelty to animals and wimps.

Clothing: none, hence the Naughy Mandy. When she has to wear clothes, she wears a bra like clothing and short shorts. She wears arm guards and sandals. She has a jet pack and face guard on when she needs them. Has a belt that carries her weapon around her waist at all times, except when asleep.

Affiliation: none, solo merc

Light Side/Dark Side/Grey/Other: other

Jedi/Sith/Other: other

Weapons: carries a Bo staff that turns into Vibro lance. She carries 2 blasters on her utility belt as several thermal detonators. She has wrist blasters on her arms. Her jet pack has a rocket that can be reloaded from the jet pack.

Force sensitive or no: no

Background Story: She was born and raised poor. She couldn't afford to even clothe herself. She had to beg to stay alive. When she came of age, she turned to more lucrative and.....erotic ways of making money. She spent two years sleeping with other men to make a living when she heard of a captain of a large ship came to Mandalore for a fresh shipment of goods and weaponry as well relieve himself and his crew of the tensions of being stuck on a ship without the pleasures of a woman.

She saw it as a golden opportunity, to be able to leave the planet that caused her strife. And so, she lured the captain to her bed chambers and had her way with him, and in his haze, she took his life and then took command of his ship. She flew the ship away with a few men that dislikes the captain. She then trained to be a mercenary. She then earned her name as the Naughty Mandy by Taking down a Ruthless Slaver known as Knoxus. She and the the Mercenary ship known as the Nexus soar across the galaxy, taking jobs after jobs. Everything to save her fancy

Other: She has a 3 year old daughter named Mira. She loves her more than she loves her mercs.

Fifth Character:

Name: Illuvia

Age: 100(looks 20 and acts 15)

Gender: female

Species: Felucian/Human.

Appearance: (this will be kinda hard to explain.) She has a light green face with blue eyes and blue hair. She has several green Felucian features all over body. Her hands look human as her body shape and the femininity of it. But her body has several grooves and stems all over body as sheer he's either dozens of vine and plant. She has dense plumage over her female parts. She has branches and coral like plants stemming around back and shoulder.

Personality: calm, collective, eyes always studying. Observant, friendly. Sometimes perky.

Sexuality: straight

Likes: playing with Felucian children, walking through the Felucian environment, nature, collecting rare herbs. Peace.

Dislikes: rudeness, violence, corruption, darkness.

Clothing: none. The way her body looks, she doesn't need any.

Affiliation: none so far.

Light Side/Dark Side/Grey/Other: Grey but mostly toward the Light

Jedi/Sith/Other: Jedi

Weapons: mostly the force, 2 double-bladed green lightsabers(like with Darth Maul's lightsaber, but there's two instead of one)

Force sensitive or no: yes. Extremely

Background Story: she was born as a regular Felucian at first, but her connection to the force is so strong, it warped her form, making her look human. She lived for over a hundred years and yet she looks as though she is twenty. However, she acts like she's 15.

Even though she lived for so long on Felucia, she couldn't help but wonder of the worlds among the stars. One day, as she was tending to her immense garden, she sees a spaceship enter the atmosphere. She was curious as to why the ship was coming to her planet, so she went and investigated. As she watched the ship landed, she wondered what was inside the ship and who the people were.

From the ship, two cloaked people emerged from the ship. As they did, several Felucians arrived to meet the visitors. They looked around as they sensed something strong in the force. They watched as Illuvia stepped forward and welcome the visitors.

She found out that the visitors were like her, having a connection to the force. They asked her if she wanted to come and become a Jedi, which she agreed happily. She bid the Felucians goodbye and left the planet with the Jedi. As she approached Corascant(sorry don't know how to spell that) and the Jedi Temple, her true journey began. 

Other: she likes to play pranks.

Alright everyone. That's all for now. The remaining 5 will be posted as soon as possible. Adios for now.:)-Weeksjmj29

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