Star Wars: Rules and Regulations

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Hello my fellow Wattpadders. It's me Weeksjmj29. This rp is a unique one. One that will be different from what you know, and yet you can use the people you already know from the series and books, as well as your very own OC's. Now, there is a few things you need to know before I state the rules.

Now, as I said, this rp is unique and different from others. For one, this rp doesn't follow the storyline of the Star Wars series. It is it's own series in a way, as well as a free world rp. Anything can happen and anything is permitted. For there's 3 parts of the rp. The first one is the original story/ Knights of the Old Republic section, where you can decide to follow the story of the original series and come to your own conclusion. Same for the Knights of the Old Republic, where you join Revan in his path as well as your own.

The 2nd part is Scenario chapters Section. This is where you will follow selected scenarios put out there. I will create some and others can give me ideas for them. In a way, it's like the movies, which lead to a unique conclusion.

And lastly, the 3rd, which is the UFW. The Universal Free World Section. This section is where you can do whatever you want and how you want it. The Star Wars universe is yours and you can venture to ends of the galaxy.

And now, the Rules that must be followed.:)

1. Limit on Cursing.

2. No bullying!!!

3. Rudeness is not tolerated.

4. No short and to the Point Comments. Must be descriptive.

5. Naughty parts are for pm.

6. Most importantly, Have fun.

Password: 2 or 3 tags.

Alright. That's all of the rules and regulations for now. More may posted later. Anyways, the forms will be done as soon as possible. For now, adios Wattpadders.:) -Weeksjmj29.

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