Captured, But no One Notices- Part 2

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Hello readers im back yay!! Ok so please comment on ideas and star this book. And also read my other story. Ok let's go!

Ezra POV:
I wake up the next day to see I'm still in the same cell. 'Great.' I thought sarcastically. Vader hasn't come yet and I think the crew hasn't noticed I'm gone. Just great! Then I remember something I can force communicate with Kanan. I'm stupid. So I concentrate and try to talk to Kanan.

Kanan POV:
Ezra isn't back yet and I'm starting to worry. Then I hear someone talking in my head.

(Kanan; bold+ italics, Ezra; italics)

"Kanan? Are you there?"

"Yes I'm here Ezra. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!"

"So you don't know where I am?"

"Aren't you at your tower?"



"Yesturday and Vader is on the ship too and I'm ingured everywhere. Can you try to use the Force to find me?"

"I'll try just stay safe and stay on the connection. Can you do that?"

"I think."


So I use the Force to track where Ezra is and,... I GOT IT! So I run to the cockpit and everyone is already there. "Hey Kanan what's wrong?" Sabine asks me. "What's wrong is that yesterday when Ezra was heading to his tower some Stormtroopers captured him and he is being held in an imperial prison. And he is being held here in Lothal." "WHAT!" They all yell. "Yeah so let's get going." I reply. "Ok Kanan just tell me the location.

~~Time Skip to imperial prison on Lothal cus I'm lazy~~

Still Kanan POV:
When we get there we have Chopper look to see which cell he is in and go to it. When we get there everyone gasps. Ezra is all beaten and bruised and is unconscious. So I go over to him and pick him up. And we all run back to the ship and leave.

~~Another Time Skip, again cus I'm lazy~~

Again Still Kanan POV:
When we are safe and away from the prison Hera takes Ezra to the Med Bay and checks on him. Then 5 minutes later she comes back out. "How is he?" I ask. "He's gonna be ok he just needs to rest." She replies. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. And walk inside and sit in a chair next to him. "Kid we are never letting you go anywhere by yourself again." I say to myself.

Yay One Shot done!! So please comment on ideas and I will get back to you.


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