Running Away Part 2 Final

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Yay part 2 is up and a big Thanks again to ToonFan2106 For the story Idea. So on with the Chapter!

Kanan POV:
"Guy's Ezra's Gone!!!" I shouted into the comm. Everyone met in the cockpit and we were discussing where Ezra could have gone. "Maybe he just went out for a bit." Sabine suggested. "No because he would've told us and he wouldn't have taken all his stuff with him." I said. "Yeah, Kanan is right. Although I still am wondering why he ran away in the first place." Hera said. "Beep boop Beep." ("He wants to protect us.") Chopper said. "Why would he want to protect us though, I mean we can protect ourselves." Zeb said. "Because he is scared he will hurt us." "What do you mean Kanan?" Hera asked. "Remember when I told you that the Grand Inquisitor is after him because he wants to make Ezra his new apprentice?" "Oh, that's why." "Yeah it is Hera." "So where are we going to look for him?" "Maybe we should check his tower I mean that's where he usually goes." Sabine suggested. "Ok then let's head to his tower." I said, Hera got the Ghost ready and we headed off to find Ezra.

Ezra POV:
I woke up and started cleaning up my tower to make it look nice since I will be living here again. While I was cleaning I could hear a ship land near my tower. I head out and see, the Crew!! 'What are they doing here?' I thought. I hurry up and go to one of the walls of my tower and hit a hidden button, the wall slides away to reveal my secret room. I look through one of the looking holes I made in case the Empire ever discoveres my hideout. I watch the crew come inside.

Kanan POV:
When we make it to Ezra's Tower we look around and saw nobody. Which is strange because I can sense that he is here. I closed my eyes and the force told me to look behind the wall. Which was strange, but then I notice a little button by the light, which was barely noticeable if you weren't looking for it, I go over to it. "Kanan why are you walking towards the wall?" Zeb asked me but I just ignored him. When I went towards the button I pressed it and saw Ezra. "Ezra why are you hiding from us?"

Ezra POV:
"Ezra, why are you hiding from us?" I heard Kanan ask. I couldn't say anything, so instead I just started crying. I felt really embarrassed crying in front of the crew, but right now I didn't care. "You guys go on ahead, I'll meat you guys at the Ghost." I hear Kanan say. "Ok Kanan" Hera said. I suddenly felt Kanan come and hug me.  "Ezra, I will ask you again. Why did you run away?" When I finally stop crying I said to him, "I didn't want you guys to get hurt, I mean, I love you all." "Oh Ezra you won't hurt us or get us hurt. And we all love you too. Why don't we go back to the others. K?" "Ok." I said. So Kanan helped me get all of my stuff and we walked back to the Ghost. When we got back I was wrapped in a hug by the whole crew. Yep now I know not to run away, because I know my family will protect me, a by themselves. 

Yay another one shot done!! And a big thanks to ToonFan2106 for the story idea.


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