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It'd been a while since you had freely walked the streets of Corellia; the threat of being taken and held hostage that once shackled you to the dark alleyways, now a distant memory in the not so distant past. You used to only leave the house in the early mornings, going on supply runs to gather food, resources or anything valuable you may come across that could be used as a bargaining chip. Your eyes constantly darted left and right, scared you were attracting the attention of unwanted admirers. Now, you left whenever you wanted, however still keeping your wares about you; holding your hand firmly to your thigh, making sure your fingers rested on the trigger of your blaster.
You were good with a gun.
'I've been taught by the best!' You'd always say when people questioned your skills. You would then follow up your statement with a quick glance up to the man by your side. The man who had taught you how to shoot, reload and disassemble your blaster in under 10 seconds.
Han Solo.
Well, when you knew him he wasn't Han Solo to be exact. He was just Han. The scruffy outlaw who always had your back; The man who could speak a thousand languages even though he'd never left the lonely planet you resided on; the man you were head over heels for.

You'd met Han when you were pulling a simple job; Stealing food from one of the Imperial Officer's plates. It was a risky move, but you hadn't eaten in almost a week and in the moment, anything would have satisfied your cravings; even a dry piece of bread and a glass of bantha milk.
You snook over, keeping an eye on your surroundings. You saw the plate within reach. Holding out your hand, you could feel the warmth radiating from the Officer's body. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and grabbed. When you felt the piece of dry bread grasped firmly in your hand, you ran.
"Oi, you little Nerf Herder!" The Officer called after you, grabbing at his blaster and pulling the trigger at your head, ultimately missing and instead shooting the pipes next to you. You darted into an alley, trying to lose the Officer, his impending blaster shots and the backup you knew he would inevitably call.
"Whoah!" Just as you turned into the alley, a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled. Your body went limp, giving into the mysterious figure that still had a grip on you. You'd been pulled into a small opening in the side of the alley; boxes and empty crates littered the floor where you stood and towers of ammunition, crested with the Imperial logo loomed over you, casting the area into darkness.
"What the fu-!" You called out, only to be silenced by another hand; a hand you could only assume belonged to the same person.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The figure asked, a deep voice accompaning the words spoken. You looked up, a handsome yet disheveled man towering over you, his hand still pressed to your mouth. He wore a dirty tan leather jacket and a linen blue shirt, cut far too low for a man, exposed his chest. His hair was set in loosely hung curls, his jawline cut as though God had handcarved it himself.
You pulled your eyes away from him and grabbed at his hand, clasping your fingers around his, pulling his arm away from your face.
"What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?" Your eyes met his, a mixture of hatred and anger running through the depths.
"I'm freakin' savin' you from a painful death by an Imperial Officer!" The man lowered his face to yours, his mouth mere centimetres from your ear.
"I don't need saving..." You gritted your teeth, your face turning hard. You tried to show strength within your features, but the stranger clearly wasn't having any of it. Instead, he looked down on you, a soft 'I know you're lying' smile resting on his lips. "Screw you..." You began to walk out of the area he had pulled you into, only to be greeted by a swarm of Imperial Officers heading toward you.
"Duck behind me" The man said, pushing your shoulders down and him in front.
"What?!" You whispered loudly; clearly not impressed with his makeshift plan.
"Do as i say and you may live, okay?" He spoke with a false smile pressed smuggly on his lips. He knew his plan would succeed and he was already showing arrogance.
"Excuse me!" One of the Officers said as they approached your hideout. You shut your eyes tight, something in your mind telling you that if you couldn't see them, they couldn't see you.
"Yes, Officer. How can I- How can I help?" He cleared his throat slightly, leaning his arm against the wall next to him, crossing one leg behind the other.
"We're looking for a girl. Medium length hair, small-"
"I haven't see any girl, Officer..." Your new aquaintance inturrupted the Imperial, something you could easily get thrown in a cell for. The Officer took a large gulp, his beady bird-like eyes, searing into the man's above you; he wasn't used to being inturrupted by men with ideas above their station. Several moments passed before the Officer pulled his gaze away from your protector.
"Very well... Come on, boys" The Officer moved his hand in the air, gesturing to the troopers behind him to begin walking. "If you see anything..." He turned back, licking his top lip slightly, "You know where to find us".
You slowly opened your eyes, letting your pupils adjust to the sudden change in light. You heard the dull thud of the stormtroopers boots thumping against the ground as they marched away and you knew you were safe.
"I'm Han..." The now named protector said, holding out his hand for you to take. You obliged and he helped you up as you batted your thighs of any dirt.
"Thank you, Han" You gave in to his charm, allowing yourself to look into his eyes without malice or hate. You realised what you were doing and quickly pulled away, releasing your hand from his as you did so.
"Oh are you hungry?" He asked glancing down as he touched your elbow slightly, bending his knees to be on level with you.
You let out a scoff and followed his gaze to the ground; the lonley dry piece of bread that had once looked so appetizing, now lay dirtied and trampled on the foor.
"Yeah, kinda" You nodded, realising how hungry you actually were when your stomach let out a deep grumble.
"Come on..." Han said, stepping out of the small space you called safety and held out his hand once again for you to take.

Now, you walked close to where you had first saw the Officer; first saw his plate, the food you only wished you could have and the place where you first met Han. The memories came flooding back, all the times you had spent with your mysterious new friend and the troubles you almost always found yourself in. However, Han was a sweet talker and could get himself out of any situation. This proved to be a gift on many occasions, and you only wished you could have him by your side now.
You walked out onto the main road, your eyes solely focusing on the path ahead, your hand set still on your concealed blaster.
Corellia was a mean place, filled with low life criminals and scum. It only took one person to cause a scene and the Imperials would swarm around you in an instant. You mostly kept to yourself, only talking to people when needed as you didn't posess the same 'sweet talking' abilities as Han and in result usually made the situation worse. You figured it best to leave things be when living on Corellia.
As you rounded the corner, you collided with something hard, something that made you pull out your blaster from your belt. You pointed the gun at the human, not caring to look into the eyes of the life you could so easily take.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A voice that you knew only too well spoke up.
Looking up, you saw the same disheveled man from your memories. The man who's hair hadn't changed one bit and who's scruffy leather jacket still clung to his back.
"Han...?" You lowered your blaster, letting it clatter to the floor, your face breaking into a smile as you ran forward into his arms. You nuzzled your face into his chest, breathing in the familiar scent that reminded you of safety. He wrapped his arms around you, gently kissing the top of your head, then moving his cheek to rest against your neck.
"Where have you been...?" You whispered, not too sure at first if he'd heard you. A tear rolled down your cheek as you pulled away from Han to look into his eyes. You weren't too sure if you'd ever see him again after you got split up in the boarding terminal; you'd thought about him everyday up until this moment, hoping, praying he'd come back for you.
"I've never stopped searching..." his voice broke, and the words came out as nothing but a gentle whisper. You shook your head slightly, freeing your mind of any sad thoughts it posessed and pushed your arms into Han's jacket for another hug; an instant warmth radiating through your body.
"So..." You said after a few moments, looking up at Han, your chin resting against his chest. "Did you ever get that ship we were after?" Your face sported a constant smile, your eyes slowly filling with tears of happiness.
"Did I get a ship?" Han asked mockingly, his eyebrows raised in offence. "I got the best damn ship in the galaxy! Made the Kessle run in under 12 Parsecs!" His voice was brewing with happiness. He sounded like a young boy receiving his first blaster for his 10th birthday.
You listened to Han talk about the ship he'd won from a man during a game of Sabacc. You didn't wish to know how he became so good at the game that won him one of the fastest ships in the galaxy; all you wished was to listen to him talk forever. About anything and everything. You knew Han would come back for you as he was a man of his word and he did. However, there was always a part of you that believed otherwise; that believed he'd forgotten about you and found love with another beautiful stranger.
However, he was the same man you met 3 years ago. The one who protected you from the Imperials when he knew nothing about you. The one who he never forgot about. The one who he came back for.
"12 Parsecs, eh?" You said, trying to sound interested in the story he was telling, instead of becoming drowned in his velvety voice.
"Yeah! And I haven't even told you about Chewie yet!"
You pulled one of your arms from his jacket, the Corellian chill hitting it instantly, and began walking toward the ship Han was so enthusiastic about, your head resting neatly on his shoulder.

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