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This is my first time writing a Star Wars imagine... even though I am a HUGE Star Wars fan

This story is based on Star Wars Clone Wars season 2 episode 4

In this story Padme and Anakin are just very good friends... but there not together... don't get me wrong I love Anakin and Padme together but in this story it is nessicary for them not to be together


You and Padme were asked by the Jedi council to spy on an old friend of both of yours, you and Padme had both refused to spy on Clovis even though he was suspected to be on the side of the Sepertists. Actually the banking clan was and Senator Clovis was apart of the banking clan. But you two refused for completly different reasons however. Padme has feelings for Clovis and says that she is a bit bias when it comes to Clovis, you however were with Anakin and whenever you saw Clovis he has hit on you or Padme one way or another but it has been mostly you that he hits on.  Even though he creeped you out you still were friends, though you two haven spoken to eachother in years.

Y/N pov

You were with Anakin and he told you that he had found out about the spy mission on Clovis, he was not happy that the council had picked you to spy on Clovis but happy that you refused to do the mission. Its almost as if he doesn't trust you enough to do this mission.

'Thats it' I think.

"Actually I just changed my mind... I'm doing that mission!" I say with my voice raising with each word. I go to my communicator and contact the jedi council saying that I had changed my mind and I accept the mission to spy on Clovis.

"Now I am going to pack I leave in a few hours" I say still a bit angry that Anakin doesn't trust me enough to take that mission.

time skip

Your ship just landed and Anakin decided to tag along but he is disguised to look like a common piolet. When you send him the signal that you got evidence of him and the banking clan being apart of the separatist alliance. 

I go to greet Clovis and see that Senator Lot Dott and some others that are with him. We greet each other and some droids escort me to where I am going to sleep. Even though I knew that Padme wouldn't change her mind I still asked if she would change her mind about the mission, which of course she still said no but she allowed me to take C3PO along with me. 

time skip

I am walking into the library just to be walking... honestly I don't know what to do right now. I hear people talking I turn the corner and find out that Lot Dott, Clovis, and a few others but I don't know who they were to be honest. Anyway it looks like I interrupted a meeting and they quickly close a hologram.

'I should check out that hologram when I have the chance' I think.

"My dear what are you doing here" Clovis asks coming towards me.

"I got bored and started exploring the castle, I didn't mean to intrude your meeting" I say.

"It is fine we were just wrapping up for now go and get ready for dinner after dinner I will give a proper tour of the castle" Clovis says. 

"That sounds wonderful" I say as we walk out of the room.

No pov

Only Lot Dott and a few others remained in the room, Y/N and Clovis had left.

"I hate answering to Clovis"

"Well how do you think I feel" Lot Dott says, "But what if we poisoned Senator Y/N... only we would have the antidote" (I don't remember the exact words that he says here)

Y/N pov

I walk down the stairs in a dress that is a little more revealing than I would like considering Clovis is around... now if it was me and Anakin that's a different story.

Lot Dot starts to walk toward me and grabs a drink saying "Senator as my honored guest... please share this drink with me", as he says this he takes a drink from the glass. "A toast to our new friendship" he says after he finishes taking a drink from the glass.

I saw no harm in doing this so I say " of course" and take a drink from the glass.

We go to eat and after we finish eating we get up and I feel weird as if I just stood up to fast.

"Are you feeling all right" Clovis asks me.

"Yes... I just stood up to fast" I say.

C3PO speaks up saying, "It has been a very long day perhaps we should retire to the guest quarters".

"Unless you would like to take a tour of the palace it is truly worth seeing" Clovis suggests. 

"A tour sounds perfect" I say to Clovis.

Clovis nods his head and tells C3PO that he is dismissed for the night.

time skip

We walk into the library and Clovis is saying something but I couldn't pay attention because my throat was so dry... I was thirsty and my head was pounding.

"Could you go get me some water I am so thirsty all of a sudden and my head is pounding" I ask Clovis, if he leaves I can check out that hologram that I saw earlier.

"Oh you poor thing... It's the climate change I will be right back" Clovis says and leaves the room.

I go to the hologram table and find that it is password protected, "Skipio, banking clan, Senator Clovis" I try a few more codes tell I think of one that makes me wonder if it could be it. 

"Y/N" I say. The hologram displayed and I realized that the council had to see this so I took out the hologram and signaled Anakin telling him that I had found something.

"Still dying of thirst" I hear and I turn around hiding the hologram disk behind my back.

I take the glass of water and drink out of it, "That tastes so good I guess I was just thirsty".

Clovis then says to come and to give him your hand... you quickly hugged him saying "your so good to me Clovis I don't deserve your kindness". I hear him say that it was nice to hear me say that.

Anakin then comes into the room, I show him the disk then dropping it and he catches the disk with the force and leaves the room. I feel so bad... I am making him doubt my feelings towards him I can tell but there's no time to think of that right now.

Clovis tells me that my heart is racing and I say that it was because of him. He says that he wasn't sure if I still had feelings for me... yes I dated him but that's in the past and I am completely in love with Anakin. I tell him that "I would have said something earlier but we were in the middle of our official duties and duty comes first no matter no matter how we feel". As I say this I start feeling really dizzy and pass out in Clovis arms when I finish speaking.

time skip

  Clovis comes in and tells the droids to leave and also says that he found out why I had renewed our friendship... to spy on him and take the disk from him. I tell him that I did it for the republic and I didn't want to believe that he was involved with the separatists but he is he is a traitor the disk is on its way to the senate his scheme was through.

"Get away from her if you want to live" I hear... Anakin! I am so glad to hear him! He comes by my bed side and holds my hand and I give him a grateful smile. By then I could only make out a few words but I did make out one word... Poison! I could make out what Anakin said but I had to focus and that was really hard to do at this point.

I feel Anakin's arms pick me up and carry me bridal style.

I hear Lot Dott and Clovis talking. We walk toward the ship C3PO has the antidote, by now I am concentrating hard so I wont pass out if I do that wouldn't be good. Clovis calls out for us to give him back the disk and Anakin says "Don't worry Clovis... Its good to know you have a heart, I wish I could give you the disk but... I have a lot of faith in your survival skills".

Anakin sets me down and asks C3PO where the medicine was in a few seconds I feel a pinch in my arm, then Anakin cupping my cheek and stroking my cheek with his thumb. We take off.

"I'm sorry" I tell him.

"What for, we got away and have the hologram... the jedi will use that information to destroy Count Dooku's foundry... Your mission was a success" Anakin says and I can see so much love in his eyes.

"But I made you doubt me" I tell him still weak from the poison...though I am feeling much better.

"Never" he tells me... and he sits on the floor holding me as I lean into his chest.


Ok that is finished and I hope you liked it!

I do take requests!

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