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Note: in this imagine you are a toddler


The war had finally come to Mandalore, Duchess Satine was captured by the separatists and they started to bomb and capture the planet. There government had to call in the republic to help them.  Anakin, Obi-wan, and their troops had came to help them. Anakin and his troops were fighting near a village, while Obi-wan was protecting the capital.

Anakin pov

"Obi-wan the separatists are on the run" I tell Obi-wan through my wrist com.

"Bring your men over to the capital we are being over run we need help" I hear Obi-wan say.

"Alright I am heading your way" I tell him.

My men and I go to the capital to help Obi-wan fight those dirty separatists.

Y/N pov

I see a man in black come into the capital. There's fighting all around me but some how when I saw him he calmed me down somehow. It kinda reminded me of my mother who tried to protect me when I was little.


Mama told me to hide under the stairs and make no noise we were playing the quiet game. I could tell she was afraid but she barley showed it. I did what she said though and I could just barley see what was happening through the cracks in the stairs. Dad came in he was acting mean like he does when he has his "special drink" only this time it seems like it was worse. He started to hit mama but I didn't make a sound it was hard I wanted to scream.  I feel like I'm going to cry. All of a sudden I hear a blaster shot and mama is on the ground. Dad starts to leave and police come in and take him away... I haven't seen him since... I'm happy. I came out a few hours after when no one was there and ran off... I didn't know who to go to I wasn't close to anyone so I didn't go to anyone I hid on the streets. The streets were where I lived, I knew where to go and more importantly where not to go.

end of flashback

The fighting ended and the man with the beard was talking to the man in black... I liked him. I couldn't help myself and I ran up to the man in black and stood next to him.

The man with the beard chuckled. "You seem to have picked up a friend" he said pointing me out. The man in black seemed confused and the bearded man nodded towards me. The man in black looks down at me and finds that I am staring up at him. 

"Oh... um hi... I'm Anakin what is your name" The man in black that I now know as Anakin says.

"y/n" I say the best as I can.

"Y/n where is your parents" Anakin asks.

I don't know how to explain it so I grab his hand and take him to the jail... I don't talk much...

We get to the jail and stop "Dad" I say hoping that he got it.

"Oh... I am sorry... where is your mom" he asks.

So I take his hand again and lead him to the graveyard where mama is buried. We stop and I feel like crying but I hold it together.

"Mama" I say my voice shaky.

"Oh kid I'm so sorry... Who are you staying with" he asks me.

I look at the ground and say "no one... on my own".

He looks at me sadly and hugs me calming me down.  He picks me up and carries me to a children's home, said by and leaves me there. There was no way I was staying there so I waited till he was far enough away then followed him. If there was one thing I learned while being on the streets it's how to follow someone and not get caught.

Anakin pov

I walk back to my ship the twilight after I drop y/n off at the children's home, I honestly feel bad but jedi can not form attachments... although I have already broken that rule... There is a part of me that wants to protect her from all the harm in the galaxy but I don't know what that means exactly... I'll ask Obi-wan about it later

Y/n pov

I see him go into a ship and a bunch of men go into another... the bearded man goes into the ship with Anakin.

Once everyone was in the ships I quickly ran into the ship that Anakin went into and I see a few boxes that I could hide behind... time to play the quiet game.

I hear voices but I can't make out what they are saying.

Anakin pov

Obi-wan says to try to forget about her, that she is probably happy there with other kids... but that's the thing I can't stop thinking about her... Oh were coming to Coruscant better land.

Y/n pov

The ship jolts... we must have landed. I hear footsteps pass me and I get up from my hiding place and walk so I'm behind Anakin... wow there's a huge building in front of us it looks old to.

"whos this" a black man asks.

Anakin and bearded man turn around and they look surprised to see me.

"how are you here-why are you here" Anakin asks me.

"wanna stay with you" I say to him the best I can.

He picks me up and says "I'll take he to the nearest Children's home Master Windu".

We get to the Children's home and he says "make sure she doesn't follow me back to the Jedi Temple please". Then he walks away and me and headmistress goes into the home and I am reaching out to him trying to grab him I don't want to be here.

A few days pass and were outside at a park headmistress was attending to another child and I see the... temple? Is that what Anakin called it? I get up and start walking there. Finally I get to the steps at the temple and I go in and I listen for voices I go near a large room and I hear Anakin's voice! The door is slightly open I peak my head in and I see Anakin and some girl in the middle of a room. I slide in and run up to Anakin only this time latching onto his leg not letting go.

"not letting go she is" a little green man/thing says.

"no I sent her to a children's home on Mandalore and she snuck onto my ship when we came back here a few days ago so I sent her to a children's home nearby and here she is" Anakin says.

"It doesn't look like we can just send her away, she will just come back to Anakin" the black man says.

"hmm stay with you she will... become her dad you will" the green man/thing says to Anakin. "master Yoda I am young one" he then says to me.

"wha-" Anakin says then closes his eyes, opens his eyes, and picks  me up setting me on his hip. He nods at Master Yoda.

"We will finish your full report on how your Padawan Ashoka is doing later" black man says. "I'm Mace Windu" he says to me.

"your name what is" Yoda asks.

"y/n" you shakily say scared now for some reason.

"I'm going to take her home" Anakin tells everyone with a smile on his face.

We walkout of the room and run into bearded man "oh she's back" he says.

"Yes she ran into the meeting and attached herself to my leg and Master Yoda said I am to take care of her and become her dad" Anakin says.

"well in that case I'm Obi-wan Kenobi" He says to me.

We get into a speeder and we were off other than when I snuck in the ship earlier... It felt amazing! I leaned forward with a big smile on my face.

Apparently Anakin noticed and says "You like flying huh? Well you'll be flying a lot with me taking care of you... I hope you'll enjoy my fancy flying...".

time skip

Anakin pov

I contact Padme to see where she was and she was at her office so that's where me and my little girl go.

We get to the Senate building and I take Y/n and put her on my hip but she says "walk" indicating that she wanted to walk so I put her down and held her hand as we walked to Padme's office.

We are standing in front Padme's office, "Ok your about to meet someone very special to me so I hope you like her".

Y/n pov
Anakin knocks and we hear a slight come in.we walk in and I see a pretty woman at a desk writing something... I like her!
"Anakin" pretty woman says happily and comes and hugs him then kisses him.
"eww" I say making her look down at me.
"Oh whose this cutie" pretty woman asks.
"This is y/n... we met on Mandalore after that mission a few days ago and found out that her parents were both gone so I took her to a children's home and she followed me back onto the Twilight. When I realized that she followed me I took her to a children's home here and today she comes into the meeting for Ashoka's progress and latches onto my leg so Master Yoda says that I will take care of her and become her dad... I figured she had to meet you" Anakin says to pretty woman. "y/n this is Padmé Amadala"he tells me.
I go up to her and hug her legs.
Daddy... Anakin laughs and says "she likes you if she does that".
I hear the doors open and I turn around to see a creepy old guy. "Anakin... Padme oh who's this" he says.
I go and run behind Daddy's legs and hug them... I don't like him he reminds me of this guy in a hood that came with a red glowy light sword that came and congratulated my old dad for killing mommy then shoved the red glowy light sword into his heart killing him...

Anakin pov
"this is" he started to say... "its ok he is ok" I say to her but she just shakes her head... she is really scared. "Ok come here" and I turned my body to where I could pick her up. "Padme we should do this later... shes really scared and doesn't like him apparently" I tell her and she nods.
I take her to my speeder and we go back to the temple to get her used to the people there since she is going to be seeing them a lot.

Time skip
Y/n pov

We walk into the temple and I see a man who looks that he knows Daddy well... he looks kind... I like him! I then remember that his name started with an O... O-Obi- Obi-wan that's it!
"This is my former and in many ways still my Jedi master... there is still a lot that that I can learn" Daddy-Anakin says.
"His name Obi-wan right" I ask to the best of my ability.
"Yes it is" they both said sounding surprised.
We enter a big room with a lot of people in it and we hear "ah arrived at last they have, introduce her why don't you".
"Everyone this is Y/n Master Yoda has instructed my to take care of her and become her new dad... I suggest you get used to her being around because she is going to be here quite often" I tell everyone and some look confused.

Time skip
Anakin pov

It's getting late and she has met most of the Jedi and likes them! I asked a few of the Jedi masters about why she doesn't like Palpatine and they say children have a good sense of what they believe is right and wrong and who they believe that is doing right and wrong... they also believe that because of her reaction we should keep a sharp eye on him he might not be who we think he is.

I see that Y/n is starting to fall asleep and excuse us so I can take her to my apartment and put her to bed in the guest room... I don't know why I have one but I'm glad that I have one now.

We enter my apartment and I take her into the guest room... Y/n is almost asleep now and as I tuck her in I barley hear her say "I love you Daddy thank you".
I feel so happy when she calls me Daddy "I love you to my darling" I kiss her forehead "I love you to".
Ah I had fun writing this over the past few days!!! I hope you like it!!!
Feel free to request!!!

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