Drunk- Leia Organa

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I downed another shot, still dancing as I did so.

"Maybe you should slow down, kid," Han said, looking on with a worried expression.

I set the glass back on the counter and walked away from the bar, ignoring him. Tonight we celebrated our win against the empire. I wasn't going to take it slow. I had already drank three shots and was feeling the effects. The cantina was bustling with activity, everyone dancing and drinking and celebrating along with us.

I lost myself in the crowd, swaying along to the music and laughing. Soft hands found mine. I opened my eyes to see Leia looking at me with a bright smile.

"Dance with me," Leia said.

Our fingers interlocked and we danced. She was much more sober than I, and much more graceful. My steps weren't in time with the music but she didn't seem to mind.

The music shifted to a much slower pace and she reached up to rest her arms on my shoulders. I was a little taller than she was, so I had to look down to meet her eyes. My hands gently rested on her waist. Any other time I would've been blushing and stumbling over my words, but the alcohol gave me confidence.

The lights dimmed to fit the mood of the song and everyone grew quiet, just swaying and enjoying the music.

Leia smiled up at me and let out a small laugh.

"What?" I asked, laughing with her.

She shook her head. "Nothing."

"No, what is it?" I asked. She was so beautiful. My eyes flickered down to her lips.

"You're very drunk. And you're stepping on my shoe," she replied, still laughing.

I gasped and quickly removed my foot. Maybe I should've listened to Han. "Sorry," I said awkwardly.

"It's alright."

We went back to our comfortable silence, just looking at each other. The alcohol must have really boosted my confidence because the next thing I knew, our lips were pressed together.

Leia seemed shocked at first, but quickly wrapped her arms tighter around me and returned the kiss.


Sorry for publishing these chapters all out of order, I'm usually working on several at once and just publish whatever gets finished first.

Anyways this is my first Leia chaparte so let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more!

This one was short, I know. I'm working on a few long ones and needed a filler until those are finished.

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