Gambling- Lando Calrissian

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I walked through the club, weaving through the crowds of people. Music was playing, but not too loudly. It was rather large and there were several rooms.

I came here quite often to watch fights or gamble. But today when I reached the table where most of the gambling took place, I noticed someone I hadn't seen there before.

He was a handsome man with dark hair and a well groomed beard. He wore an elegant smile and had an excellent sense of fashion.

I decided to watch as he and the others played a game of Sabacc.

I often liked to study the habits and expressions of newcomers before I played a game with them. This sometimes gave me the upper hand.

This game didn't last long and soon there were cries of disappointment as the newcomer raked in the money.

With a smile, I walked over and tapped on the shoulder of a man sitting in my usual seat. He looked up at me, mildly annoyed.

"You're on a losing streak and I doubt you have any more money to bet," I said with a glare. "Off my chair."

He grumbled something in his native language and reluctantly left the table.

As I settled down into my seat, the dealer handed me my share of cards.

"You don't look the type to participate in gambling."

I looked up to see who had spoken and found the stranger staring directly at me, that cocky smile still on his face. I was determined to wipe it right off.

I gave him a small smile. "You don't look like the type to be good at gambling, but I guess we'll see."

There were a few chuckles from the other players and the game began. I placed a small bet at first, but as the game went on I raised the stakes.

The object of the game was to get as close to twenty three as possible without going over. Anything twenty four or higher resulted in a loss.

Players began dropping out and pretty soon it was me, the stranger, and one other player.

When it was time to lay down our cards the other man went first. He had nothing good and left the table with a few curse words.

The stranger smiled at me. If it wasn't so annoying I would have found him attractive.

He laid out his cards for all to see.

"Twenty one," I said, nodded and giving him a slightly impressed look. "Not bad."

The man grinned and leaned forward, started to take the money piled up on the table.

"Not so fast," I told him. "We haven't seen my cards yet."

A brief look of confusion passed over his handsome features. "Alright then. Let's see." He settled back down into his seat."

I smiled and laid my cards down. "Twenty three." I leaned back in my chair with a wide grin, satisfied when I saw the shocked look on his face.

This was why I loved gambling. No one expected me to take their money so they always bet high against me. I was fine with that. It made me richer. I raked the money into my satchel and rose from my seat, going to leave while I was in a good streak.

"Lando Calrissian."

I looked to see the man had followed me. "Y/N L/N."

He smiled a bit at you. "That was impressive. How'd you learn to play like that?"

"A good gambler never reveals their secrets," I replied. I found myself smiling right back at him. Perhaps he wasn't so bad.

"Maybe we could play again sometime. It's nice to have some competition for once," Lando said.

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