I Hate You- Luke Skywalker

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"I hate you!" I screeched.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Luke replied frantically. "I promise I'm going as fast as I can."

I clutched the sides of my seat and squeezed my eyes shut as another contraction hit. "Drive faster," I hissed through clenched teeth.

Luke was flying the speeder through the streets at a dangerous speed. He swerved around cars and buildings.

"Try to take deep breaths like 3PO said," he advised, glancing over at me with a nervous expression.

I did as he said and within a few minutes, the contraction eased. I knew I wouldn't have long before another hit, so I enjoyed the small break while I had the chance.

"I don't hate you, Luke," I said softly, feeling guilty for my words.

Luke looked over at me with a smile, his blue eyes turning soft. "I know you don't."

I returned his smile with one of my own and placed my hand on my pregnant belly. Inside, I was carrying our child. A lovely boy or girl was waiting to get out and into the world. Another contraction hit. Our child was eager to get out into the world.

I was beginning to fear the child would be born in the speeder when we finally came to a stop in front of the hospital.

The hospital was many stories tall and a dark gray color. Each room had a small window. Some lights were shining through them, but others were dark.

Luke pressed a few buttons, switching off the vehicle before he rushed to my aid. He helped me to my feet and together we hobbled towards the front doors.

The street was busy with speeders rushing by and people hurrying on their way.

Someone must have seen us coming because a series of droids came rushing out of the tall building. One of the droids was guiding a hovering stretcher and the others helped me onto it.

I was hardly aware of what was going on as I was ushered into the building on the stretcher. I was only focused on the pain. Droids surrounded me, checking my vitals, and asking me questions.

I grit my teeth and ignored them. Whatever questions they had about the pregnancy could be answered by Luke. For now, I just wanted a room and for someone to get this kid out of me.


I opened by eyes to see Luke pushing a droid aside to get to me. He grabbed my hand and I held onto it tightly.

The hospital was massive and it seemed to take ages for us to finally get to a room.

The droids shifted me from the stretcher to the bed and they were surpassingly gentle about it despite being giant hunks of metal.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked. He was still holding tightly onto my hand and he was watching me with worried eyes.

"A little better," I replied. It did feel better now that I was in the hospital and wouldn't have to give birth in the back of the speeder, but the pain was getting worse with every contraction.

The extra droids left and soon it was just a single nurse droid. The small machine monitored my vitals and coached me through the contractions. It offered me a c-section, but I denied it. I wanted to deliver my child the natural way.

The hours passed slowly and the room was filled with my shouts of pain. Luke remained by my side the entire time.

The nurse droid lifted my hospital gown and inspected me for a few moments. "I will call for the doctor. It's time to push." It spoke in a monotone and metallic voice. It made me wish for more non-droid healthcare workers.

I was relieved when the doctor arrived in the room moments later and that she was not a droid.

The Mirialan woman greeted me with a smile. "Are you ready to have a baby?" She asked as she positioned herself at the end of the bed. She put on a pair of gloves and adjusted my hospital gown so she had plenty of room to work.

"Yes, please," I groaned. It was partly because I was ready for the pain to end, but also because I couldn't wait to meet the baby.

"Good," the doctor replied. "Because it's time to push.

The next several minutes were spent in agony, but once the baby's shoulders were out, the rest followed with ease.

Hot tears streamed down my face and I struggled to catch my breath. The pain was still there but it was nowhere near as great as it had been moments ago.

The sound of a crying baby replaced the sound of my pained groans.

I lifted my head from the pillow. Cradled in the doctor's arms was a crying baby.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy," the doctor announced with a smile.

Luke grinned at me and pressed his lips against my forehead, and then did it again. "You did so good."

The doctor placed our son on my chest. He was wet, but I didn't even notice. I was too focused on how beautiful he was.

I gently held him in my arms. His crying quieted but he still wore a small frown.

I looked up at Luke, who was staring at his son in awe.

"I love you," I said to him.

Luke's gaze turned to me and he smiled. "I love you too."

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