Join the Dark Side- Kylo Ren

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I gripped my green lightsaber in my hands and furrowed my brow in determination and fury. Kylo Ren stood several feet in front of me, looking calm and collected. His lightsaber crackled as he shifted it slightly in his hands.

"I can feel your anger," Kylo said calmly in his low voice.

I released a huff. I had never been good at controlling my temper, despite all of Master Luke's training.

I was furious with Luke. Furious with Rey. Furious with Kylo. Furious with everyone.

"Join me," he spoke again. "I know you want to."

He was right. Despite how angry I was, I felt the tug towards him. Towards the dark side. Luke had seen it. He had nearly kicked me out of the temple because of it. He had considered killing Kylo because of it.

I was the only one Kylo Ren had spared that night during the massacre. I watched him kill my fellow padawans and try and turn me to the dark side. I had resisted him then, but I didn't know if I was strong enough to resist him now.

"I won't turn," I hissed sharply. "I won't go with you."

"Why not? You know I'm right," he responded.

He took a small step closer to me. I held my ground.

"The Jedi need to end. The resistance needs to end," he continued. "Together you and I can restore the order."

He had said similar words to Rey and she hadn't joined. But I was beginning to believe him. My harsh gaze faltered. Perhaps Kylo's new order could do something to help the galaxy.

I clicked a button on my lightsaber but didn't let down my guard.

Kylo offered me a small smile as he took another careful step closer. "I want you to join me." He held out his hand.

I reached out and took it.

Some more Kylo Ren for my lovely readers.

Who is your favorite character in Legends?

I think I have to say Mara Jade. I hope that one day I'll be able to see her on the big screen

Also, since you guys are fans of Star Wars, you might like my book called Star Wars Fandom Stuff. It's full of memes, pictures, edits, and more!

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