Soulmates- Luke Skywalker

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So I couldn't decide on how to end this one so you get TWO alternate endings. Enjoy.

"So, what's this guy's name again?" I asked as Han and I followed Chewbacca through the cantina. The place was dimly lit and filled with smoke from a group of people hitting their pipes in the back of the tavern. An upbeat song placed from a band that was situated to my right. If we hadn't been here on business, I might have stopped to enjoy the music.

Han reached for my hand, his fingertips briefly touching the stone in my engagement ring. "I don't know." He shrugged and looked around. "Kabona?"

Ahead of us, Chewie growled something in Wookie.

"Kenobi," Han corrected himself.

I looked around the room, my black and white vision mixed with the dim lights made everything blur together at first glance. I wouldn't see in color until I met my soulmate, if I even had one. I didn't know and didn't care. Han and I were planning to marry despite not being soulmates, but neither of us minded.

Chewbacca quickened his pace, mumbling something I couldn't understand. He pulled out a chair and took a seat at a table. As his large and furry form lowered from view my gaze settled upon an elderly man with kind, but pained eyes. My gaze shifted to the moving figure beside him and my eyes met those of a young man about my age, perhaps younger.

The world seemed to shift and then brighten, beginning to fill with what I could only imagine as... color. I didn't know what color his eyes were but they stood out against all of the other bland shades in the room. In that moment, I decided without even realizing that his eyes were my favorite color.

He stared back at me, blinking a few times. "It's you," he said softly.

Han's grip on my hand tightened and I suddenly remembered that I was engaged to the man. My heart skipped a beat. I lowered myself into the chair beside Chewie, Han taking the seat at my other side.

"Do I know you?" I asked, still looking at the man who was supposedly my soulmate. He was attractive in an entirely different way that Han was. Han was rugged and tough. His hair was usually messy and his dark eyes always filled with mischief. This boy reminded me of a puppy. His features were gentle and smooth. His light hair was neat and well groomed. His big eyes stared at me in wonder, making my skin tingle.

A look of confusion crossed his face. "No, you don't know me," he answered. "But look around can't you-"

Han cut him off before he could continue, and I was grateful for it. "You're mistaking her for someone else. Now, can we please get to business so I can make some money." He wore a smile on his face but his tone was impatient.

The young man attempted to speak again, but the old man at his side stopped him. He looked frustrated, but didn't try to speak again.

"I'm Han Solo, this is Y/N. My friend, Chewie here, says you're looking for a ride to Alderaan."

The old man, Kenobi, gave a nod. "Is it a fast ship?"

I snorted, knowing where this was going. Anytime someone dared to question the Falcon, it always led to a lecture from Han.

I avoided the gaze of the young man sitting across from me, but his eyes never left my face. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table and clasping my hands together. The colors were so overwhelming. I wished I could just take a moment to look at them all but there was no time. Besides, Han would notice that something was up. Han. What was I going to do?

"Fast ship? It's the Millennium Falcon," Han said incredulously. When they gave him a clueless look, he elaborated further. "I made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs on that ship."

I didn't have to look at Chewie to know that he was rolling his eyes.

"I can outrun Imperial ships, the big Corellian ones. She's fast enough, old man," Han continued.

I interjected before he could inflate his own ego any further. "What are we transporting?" I asked, directing my question to the old man in order to keep my focus off of the other one.

"Myself, the boy, and our two droids," Kenobi responded, his gaze shifting to meet mine. There was something about the way he stared me down. It was as if he knew what had just happened with his companion and I. But I knew that that wasn't possible. No one else could tell. Especially not Han.

"Why do you need to leave Tatooine so fast?" I asked. It was partially curiosity but partially so we could prepare if someone came after our passengers. We weren't security guards but when transporting people, part of the deal was making sure that they arrived alive.

"We do not wish to run into any Imperial ships. Let's leave it at that."

"That's going to cost extra. Sneaking around storm troopers and through enemy blockades isn't an easy task," Han responded. "We want ten thousand credits. In advance."

The younger man with the light colored hair laughed. "Ten thousand? Come on, Ben, we could get our own ship for that!" Even though he was arguing, his voice sounded hesitant to give up our ship. To give up a chance to talk to me.

I finally forced myself to look at him, knowing someone would notice if I didn't. "Ten thousand, take it or leave it. Besides, who's going to fly it if you buy your own?"

The boy began to respond but was again interrupted by his companion.

"We do not have ten thousand credits now, but if you help us we can give you two thousand now and fifteen more when we arrive safely in the Alderaan system," Kenobi said.

Han went quiet for a moment. He rose from his seat and held out his hand. "Deal."

Kenobi shook it.

"We are at docking bay ninety-four," I said to the two men. I rose from my seat and turned to leave, fighting every instinct that told me to go back.

The color left my face as the reality of my situation began to sink in. I was going to be stuck on a ship with my fiancé and my soulmate.


"You okay?" Han asked the minute we were inside the Falcon. "You seemed a bit off in there."

He knew me better than anyone so it was of no surprise that he had noticed. I felt as if I had held it together fairly well, at least on the inside. I knew the second I was alone I would fall apart. I couldn't quite describe what I was feeling. It was as if a part of me had been filled but then I had left it behind. My mind was aching for that feeling of wholeness to come back.

He took my hands and studied my face with a creased brow. "You look pale," he noted. He reached up and placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick." I smiled weakly and reached up, taking his calloused hand into mine. I had made a promise to marry this man but it was clear the universe had other ideas. I was just too stubborn to follow its plan. "This transport just sounds stressful that's all," I explained with a light shrug and a smile.

I loved Han more than anything. We had been through so much together and I wasn't about to give that up just because the universe decided some stranger was my true love. I pecked a kiss to his lips before readying the ship for our passengers.


Our passengers arrived within an hour with the two thousand credits, as promised. Han gladly accepted them, and he and Chewbacca made their way into the cockpit.

I made myself scarce, pretending to be busy cleaning out the weapons closet. The young man- Luke I had learned his name was- found me anyways.

"I've been looking all over for you," Luke said with a bright smile. "I need to talk to you. You ignored me back in the bar so I assume you want this to be private. I have so many questions for you."

I interrupted his rambling before he could go any further. "Listen, Luke, I'm sorry but I can't do this."

The look on his face sent guilt washing over me. It just wasn't fair that some unknown force could decide who I should be with.

Luke's smile faded. "What-What do you mean?" He asked.

I couldn't find my words so I simply held up my left hand. His blue eyes traveled to the ring on my finger and I watched as the realization set in.

"Han," he said plainly.

He was observant, I would give that to him. I nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry," I said again. "I never thought I would actually find my..." My voice trailed off. Saying the word aloud would make it feel too real and I wasn't fully ready to face that right now. It was part of why I was hiding on the back of the Falcon.

"Your soulmate," Luke finished for me.

The two of us stood there in silence for what felt like forever. I felt so strange around him. Rejecting him felt wrong but accepting him felt wrong in an entirely different way. One way or the other I was going to lose someone important.

Luke smiled weakly as he finally met my eyes once again. "I'm happy for you. Really, I am." I couldn't tell if he was saying it for me or if he was just trying to convince himself.

Before I could respond he had turned and disappeared down the corridor. Perhaps it was for the best. I had an impossible choice to make. I needed time alone to think.

The following days were hard. We picked up a new companion. A princess. Our journey was difficult but we managed.

Staying away from Luke was the hardest part. Apparently a part of the soulmate bond was that I constantly felt drawn to him. He was just so... different. Wildly different from Han. Whereas Han was course and rough, Luke was soft spoken and gentle, but just as brave. Luke wasn't what I ever would have considered to be my 'type.'

Although it hurt him, Jedi in training respected my wishes and kept his distance. As much distance as he could keep when we were all trapped on the Falcon together. The ship was large, but not large enough to avoid running into him every day. Especially when every one of my instincts were telling me not to avoid him.

I walked down the white corridor of the ship, my gaze fixated on the small gadget in my hands that I was attempting to fix. I muttered a few curses. I was so frustrated with this machine I was almost ready to chuck the whole thing out into space. Sadly, this was the part I needed to keep my blaster from overheating so throwing it into the void wasn't an option.

I heard the footsteps too late and crashed into another body. My face flushed red as I met a pair of blue eyes. "Sorry," I mumbled. I shifted awkwardly in my jacket in an attempt to straighten my clothes once more.

There was just something about this boy. He left me flustered and without words. During the time I've known Han he's never left me feeling quite like that. Around him I was always confident and snarky. He and I playfully bickered back and forth, worked well together in a fight, made love often, and were overall what everyone else would consider a perfect couple.

Luke made it feel as though all of my walls were crumbling down, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. My heart fluttered no matter how much I tried to stop it. There was a growing spark that was becoming harder and harder for me to ignore.

Luke gazed at me with his usual smile and that same warm look in his eyes. "It's alright."

I needed to move. I should have moved. But I couldn't bring myself to walk away, and it seemed he couldn't either.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Depends," I responded with my usual sarcasm. Perhaps it was a defensive technique. I couldn't even bring myself to be polite to him in fear of becoming too attached. At least I was able to say something without stuttering.

"Does Han know?" He asked, voice laced with uncertainty. His eyes never left my face, even when I looked at the floor. The wall. Anything but his eyes.

"Of course not," I snapped. His flinch did not go unnoticed. I forced myself to meet his eyes. Every time I did so, I felt myself cave little by little. I released a sigh. "He doesn't know, and I can't tell him. It will only make things harder. You seem great, Luke, but I can't." When he didn't say anything I kept talking in order to fill the void of silence. "I'm with Han. I love Han."

There was a small voice deep down somewhere inside of me that rejected everything I was saying. I chose to ignore it.

It began to eat me from the inside out. The guilt.

My two inner voices battled back and forth all hours of the night when I should've been sleeping.

Han has a right to know.

What he doesn't know won't kill him.

He will find out either way. It's your destiny to be with Luke.

I get to decide what my destiny is.

I tossed and turned, heaving out a sigh. Beside me, Han slept peacefully. Nothing could wake him up once he was out for the night. Normally I found that annoying but now I was grateful for it.

I would have to choose. This was perhaps the most difficult decision I was ever going to make.

(Ending 1: You choose Han)

Time passed. We helped destroy the Death Star, the massive planet killer that had taken Leia's home. I grew to know our newfound companions and to love them. Han and Chewbacca were the closest things I had to family for a long time. It was nice to have some new faces. Even though I often grew tired of hearing C-3PO complain. And of hearing Chewie constantly losing Dejarik to Luke.

I sat in the cockpit beside Han with a bright smile on my face. His hand rested on my knee.

"Something on your mind, doll?" He asked lightheartedly as we watched the stars before us.

I had considered telling him. I really had. But if he knew about Luke then he would always doubt my love for him, and I couldn't have him thinking that he was second in my life. I tore my eyes away from the vast expanse of space to meet his, finding that he was already looking at me.

I smiled wider. "No. Nothing at all."

(Ending 2: You choose Luke)

"I can't do this right now, Luke." I shook my head and held up a hand, motioning for him to stop talking. I shook my head again as I made my way down the white hall of the Milennium Falcon.

We were currently parked to refuel and Han was off to gather supplies with Chewie. Luke had seen his opportunity and leapt. It infuriated me.

I knew he was following me before I heard him speak.

"Please, Y/N," he said. "At least stop avoiding me."

My hands curled into fists as I came to a stop and whipped my head around to look at him once more. "Do you have any idea how hard this is?" I snapped. "I avoid you to make it easier. If neither of us gets attached, then we won't have to worry about anything. We can go our separate ways and lives our happy lives."

Luke's fingers twitched at his side. "I'm already attached," he stated. He was calmer than me but I could sense he was at his breaking point.

"Then get unattached," I retorted. The tension in the room was practically palatable. I really hoped Leia or the droids wouldn't walk in here and interrupt.

I couldn't do this to Han. We had known each other since we were kids. This would break his heart. Besides, I still loved him, didn't I? The more I had thought about it over the past week the more I realized that the old spark between us was gone. We went through our normal motions but since meeting Luke it wasn't the same. I realized then that it never would be.

"I can't!" Luke finally snapped. "And I know you can't either."

His words were true, no matter how painful it was for me to hear them aloud. I was attached and I couldn't simply ignore that. The universe sure had strange plans.

Han and I had always known that it was a possibility we would get married and meet out soulmates later on. We knew and accepted that, promising to love one another even through it. Only, I never imagined it would be this hard.

"I know you love Han, but the maker created soulmates for a reason," Luke went on. His tone was softer now.

"Well fuck them for thinking they can make decisions for us!" I paced back and forth, my two inners voices battling it out inside my head until finally there was a victor. I finally came to a stop right in front of him. "Why is it so hard to stay away from you?" I muttered. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him in. Our lips crashed together, sending my heart racing so fast I thought it would explode.

The kiss was over much sooner than I wanted it to be. Luke was the one that ended it. My swollen lips formed a frown.

"If we are going to do this, you have to tell Han," he said gently.

Han. Guilt washed over me. I would have to tell him. I would as soon as he got back. He would move on eventually. His own soulmate was out there somewhere and one day we would all sit back and tell this story to our kids.

I only hoped that Han and I could remain good friends after this.


So I am thinking I want to do a version of this 'soulmates' idea for each one of the guys. Kind of like a series.

So today's question is, do you guys like that idea? Should I make it a little series?

I've done one for Lando in the past so he won't be getting a new one unless it's highly requested.

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