Thank You- Din Djarin

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I strolled down the streets of the run down city late that afternoon. My stomach growled and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and sleep, but the change jingling in my pocket kept me going.

I had been fortunate to find this money on the ground in an alley and I planned to spend it to buy something to eat. I looked around at the various shops and stalls, sweet smelling food was all around but I had to spend my money carefully.

I spotted and old Ferroan woman running a stall selling a variety of fruits, vegetables, and even bread. She caught me looking and smiled so I approached.

"Give me whatever I can buy with this." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the few coins.

Carefully, she took them from my hand and smiled. Not saying a word, she plucked a couple of fruits and a small chunk of bread from her assortment of items and handed them to me.

"Thank you so much." I was grinning from ear to ear now and I quickly sank my teeth into a deep red fruit. The sweet juices filled my mouth and my hunger almost instantly disappeared.

I shoved the chunk of bread and the other fruit in my satchel and went on my way. I veered around the other people and animals on the street.

I walked with more of a bounce in my step now that I had food. Juices from the fruit dripped down my chin and I reached up to wipe them away with my sleeve.

Just as I was lowering my arm, something tall crashed into me. The impact of the body hitting me and forcing me to the ground knocked the breath of of me for a moment.

I looked up with wide eyes. My attacker was a tall but scrawny boy. His face was smudged with what appeared to be a mixture of dirt and grease. Despite how thin he was, he was surprisingly strong.

He held me down and scrambled for my satchel. I struggled underneath him, trying to land a kick or a hit, but I couldn't. He pulled his hand out of the bag, holding the other fruit I had purchased.

"Get off!" I shrieked, finally finding my words instead of laying there speechless. I watched as he sank his grimy teeth into my fruit. I shouted something in protest and desperately tried to wiggle out from underneath him.

Just when I was about to give up, another figure appeared and slammed into my attacker.

For a moment, I laid there in shock. When I did finally get off the ground I saw a tall figure in a suit of shiny gray. From the looks of it, it was pure beskar.

I had never seen a Mandolorian before, but I had heard the stories.

The Mando kicked the man harshly. "Get lost." His voice was deep and he sounded angry.

My attacker scrambled away, leaving the half eaten fruit behind. I stared at it. My precious fruit was not covered in dirt. I sighed and got to my feet.

The Mandolorian turned to face me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, still shocked by his presence.

"Did he still your food?" He asked, gesturing to the half eaten fruit on the ground.

I nodded again.

The armored man reached into a bag that was slung over his shoulder and pulled out an object wrapped in cloth. He extended his arm to me. "Take this."

I stood there for a moment, hesitant to accept help from a stranger. But hunger took over and I reached out to take it. Peeling the cloth back revealed a medium sized piece of some sort of jerky. It had been so long since I'd eaten meat, but I resisted the urge to gobble it down right then.

I looked back up at him. "Thank you."

He nodded to me and walked away without another word.

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