Unmasked- Din Djarin

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The ride was quiet and peaceful. It had been a few weeks since Grogu had left with Luke to continue his Jedi training. While both Mando and I missed him terribly, I had to admit it was much more quiet and less chaotic.

Grogu was always getting into trouble. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the little green guy. I hoped he was doing okay, wherever he was.

The Mandolorian clicked a few buttons on the control panel of the Razorcrest and the ship switched into autopilot.

"Get some rest," Mando advised, glancing over his shoulder to look at me.

I nodded and leaned back in my seat. As I closed my eyes, I thought about everything. I had not seen his face when he removed his helmet for Grogu. I hadn't been there, but I wished that I had. I didn't even know his real name.

But I knew that I loved him.

Over the months we had grown close. Well, about as close as we could without me ever seeing his face or knowing his true identity.


I strapped a blaster to my hip with a sigh. We had received word of someone attacking a city on a nearby planet. The local law enforcement were too frightened to do anything and whatever or whoever it was had taken the city hostage.

"I'll land the ship just outside the city. We'll go in together," Mando told me in his deep voice.

"Land the ship further out and let me go in alone," I suggested as I slipped a knife into my boot. "While I'm distracting them, you can sneak in and we can take them by surprise."

I heard a heavy sigh coming from him.

"It's too dangerous." He walked back towards the cockpit.

I followed him, trying to think of a way to persuade him to my plan. It worked out perfectly in my head. I sat down in the copilot's chair.

He took his own seat and guided the ship towards the city.

"It'll work, and you know it," I insisted.

"You're stubborn."

"I'm right," I protested. I never understood why he was always so reluctant to let me help. He didn't have to save the day by himself all the time. "If they see the ship, they'll immediately start shooting."

"No. I won't let you go in alone," he said firmly.

"Why not?" I asked, raising my voice this time.

"Because," Mando snapped. "It's too risky to send you in alone. They could kill you on sight."

I released a huff of annoyance but made no further arguments. Maybe he was right. They could shoot me as soon as I walked into the city and not take me hostage as I had planned. I still doubted it, but I would go along with the Mando's idea.

He landed the ship just outside the city walls and the two of us made our way towards the exit.

Just as I suspected, we were immediately shot at. I took cover behind a crate of supplies inside the Razorcrest.

I peered around and shot at one of our attackers then looked at the man in beskar armor a few feet away. He had taken cover behind another crate.

"Who are they?" I asked, hoping he had some answer.

"Probably marauders." He had to shout over he sounds of blasters going off. "Cover me." He wheeled around and began walking down the ramp of the ship.

And he complained about me being too risky. I used the edge of the crate to steady my arm and began shooting at the looters raiding the city. One of the them darted out to attack the Mandolorian, but I quickly shot him down as well.

We moved into the city at a slow pace, but soon the law enforcement was helping us and we made quick progress. I could see why the police had been too nervous to intervene before. Their blasters were primitive compared to what the marauders carried.

Finally, the streets seemed to be clear of the attackers. I smiled and put my blaster back into its holster. I had to admit, Mando's plan had worked after all.

I was about to turn to him and say something when I was knocked to the ground.

There were shouts all around me and flashes as blasters went off.

Searing pain spread throughout my shoulder. I carefully reached over and touched the area, immediately regretting it. I winced and pulled my hand away. Blood coated my fingers. My vision blurred and I tried to blink until it was clear, but it did nothing.

Mando suddenly appeared above me. He kneeled on the ground beside me.

"Did you kill the shooter?" I mumbled.

"Y-Yes," he replied. His voice shook.

Why was his voice shaking?

I couldn't dwell on this long because he was suddenly pressing on the wound. I screamed in pain and clawed at his arm in a desperate attempt to get him to stop.

"I have to stop the bleeding," he told me. He looked around and shouted something I couldn't understand, then looked back at me. "Stay awake, Y/N."

His name was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.


When I awoke, I had a pounding headache. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light. I looked at my surroundings. I was in my cot on the Razorcrest.

I slowly lifted my head. Pain shot through my shoulder so I paused before moving again. Eventually, I got myself up into a sitting position. An IV was in my arm. I wrinkled my nose and looked away from it. Needles made me nauseous.

I tried to remember what had happened, but after I was shot almost everything was black.

I was in the process of standing up when the door to my small room opened and the Mandolorian appeared. I could visibly see his body relax then grow tense again.

"You shouldn't be up," he scolded. He moved to be quickly and gently settled me back onto the bed.

"I'm fine," I said. I sat back down, but didn't lay on my back again. I was hurting but not completely helpless.

He sat down in the small chair near the bed. "I'm sorry. It's my fault you were shot. I should have been more careful."

I stared at him in shock and shook my head. "It's not your fault. No one saw that shooter. It could have happened to any of us."

"But it happened to you."

I stared into his mask, wishing I could see his face. "Thank you for saving me," I said softly.

He shrugged lightly. "A doctor in the village helped."

Flashes of memories slowly came back to me. I remembered Mando scooping me up and carrying me back to the Razorcrest. I remembered his panicked shouts and how he barked orders for someone to help me.

"Thank you," I said again. It was quiet for a moment. "Why were you so worried about me?"

He seemed at a loss for words. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know what I mean." I shifted and tried to ignore the pain in my shoulder. I'd have to lay down again soon.

"I didn't like to see you hurt," he answered.

It was a simple statement, but I felt that there was more behind it. I reached out and brushed my fingers against the chest of his armor.

Slowly, he reached up. I thought he was going to push me away so I froze. But he left my hand and moved to his helmet instead. There was a small click and he took the helmet off.

I looked into wear his mask was and found the most beautiful pair of deep brown eyes staring back at me. Too shocked to do or say anything, I just stared.

"I was worried because I love you," he said, looking into my eyes.

Before I lost the courage, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his perfect lips.

So for the purposes of this imagine, we are going to pretend that the Razorcrest was never destroyed.

I'm still sour about that.

Anyways, my question for today is which do you prefer: Boba Fett or Din Djarin?

I love both of them, but if I had to choose I'd go with Din.

I move back into college this Saturday. I will still try to post every day and write when I can.

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