We Meet Again- Kylo Ren

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I ran across the grassy yard, laughing the entire time. I could hear my best friend's steps as he chased after me.

"You'll never catch me, Ben!" I called over my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his parents standing near his house and speaking to another man who I recognized as his uncle.

I felt a hand push against my back.

"I got you!" Ben shouted triumphantly. "You're it now." With that, he dashed off in the opposite direction.

I growled in frustration and followed after him, sprinting as fast as I could. I had almost caught up to him when his mother shouted his name from across the yard. I stopped in my tracks and studied the adults. They all had serious, but proud expressions on their faces.

I watched as my friend when towards his family, but I remained in my place. I may have only been twelve, but I was smart enough to know not to pry into conversations where I wasn't wanted.

Ben spoke with his uncle and parents for several minutes. By the end of it, they all were wearing bright smiles.

I had settled myself in a patch of grass and was picking at it absentmindedly while I waited for Ben to return and play with me again.

"Y/N, I have something awesome to tell you!"

I looked up when Ben spoke and watched as he raced towards me. I collapsed into the grass right beside me, grinning from ear to ear.

"What is it?" I asked with a bright smile. Anything that made him happy made me happy as well.

"My Uncle Luke says I'm old enough to train with him now," he replied. "I'm going to be a Jedi."

My heart sank a little. Ben and I had been best friends since we were born. We were inseparable.

"That's amazing, Ben," I replied with a smile. This had been the only thing he had talked about for years. It was his dream. I was happy he was able to go for it. "When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning," he said with excitement. He reached out, embracing me in a quick hug. "I'm going to miss you."


I huddled inside my house and squeezed my eyes shut. Outside, I could hear blasters and explosions and people screaming in the streets.

My parents had been fortunate and passed before the war. I don't think their hearts could have handled living through something like this yet again. But now I was alone and I suddenly found myself wishing they were here.

"Check every house. I want everyone is rounded up." A voice boomed above the chaos of the ensuing battle.

I could barely hear the sound of my door creaking open in the next room. I scooted back in the closet I was hiding in and pressed my back against the wall.

I tried to listen for the intruder's footsteps, but I heard nothing. Just when I started to think they might have moved on, an eerie read glow began to shine from under the door.

I held my breath as it grew brighter. I had tried to hide myself behind the hanging coats and other items, but was only partially successful. Still, I hoped that they would somehow look over me.

The door swung open and a red glow filled the room. "I know you're in here. Come out of hiding." The man's voice was laced with anger and impatience.

I remained frozen and wide eyed.

He reached up and yanked the coats aside, revealing me in my hiding spot, curled up on the floor.

I looked up into his dark eyes. Something about them was familiar. His dark hair was long and reached just above his shoulders.

"Ben?" I whispered. He was different, yes. But still the same somehow. His eyes were the same color but rather than being filled with kindness as I had remembered, they were filled with a rage that instilled fear into me. His hair was longer and a bit darker, but it was still his hair.

The utterance of his name sent him spiraling into confusion. He lowered the weapon in his hand and stared at me. "How do you that name?"

His voice was different than I remembered, but it of course had been years since I had spoken to him.

I rose to my feet but kept my back pressed against the wall. After he had left to start Jedi training, he visited a couple time a year. Then eventually not at all.

"Do you remember me?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

I saw a glimmer of recognition.

"Y/N," he said softly. His eyes softened for a split second, then returned to their previous state of anger and confusion.

I looked from him, to his weapon, and back to him. The pieces of the puzzle came together. "You're... you're him," I murmured. My heart began to race. "You're Kylo Ren."

He stared down at his hand for a moment and slowly put the weapon away. "I won't hurt you. You don't have to be afraid."

My mind raced as I tried to think of a way out. "Don't have to be afraid?" I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. "You're a murderous tyrant who's invaded my planet!"

His gaze softened once more and he released a heavy sigh. "There is a lot you don't understand."

I was about to speak when I heard voices shouting outside and the sound of blasters quickly followed.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked him.

"I'm supposed to take you to the town square with the other citizens," Kylo replied in a monotone voice. I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"But you aren't, are you?" I asked after he didn't respond. I still felt very afraid. My heart pounded as I wondered if Kylo Ren was going to kill me or if my friend, Ben, would help me somehow.

He reached out and snatched me by the wrist. I didn't struggle to pull away. If I was going to die, I would not go out begging. He pulled me through the house and led me out the back entrance.

It was then that I realized he was not guiding me to the town square. He was leading me towards the outskirts of the city.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"Don't talk."

I remained quiet, not wanting to anger someone with his kind of power. After a moment, my heart began to race once more. Perhaps he just wanted to kill me himself. Maybe that's why he was leading me out here.

Then a ship came into view. Then another and another.

Kylo pushed a button and a door on the side of the small spacecraft opened. He shoved me toward it. "Take this and leave the system. Go as far as you can."

I climbed into the pilot's seat, vaguely remembering how to fly a ship. I hoped the thing had an autopilot option. I stared back at Ben. "You can come with me."

For a moment it looked as if he wanted to. Then he shook his head. "Leave."

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked frantically. I had lost my best friend for years. I didn't want to lose him again.

"Yes. I promise." And with that, he turned and walked off, his cape blowing in the wind.
This was requested by ThatRollinsGirl

I hope you liked it! I really enjoyed writing it

My question today is: Would you prefer a lightsaber or a blaster?

Realistically, I think I'd be able to fight better with a blaster. But a lightsaber is just too cool to resist

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