X - Hhhummghhra Nwurr Rowrigghh

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Daniel's 1st POV
The wooden elevator let out a loud creak as it descended farther into the depths of the forest. The sun over the green, mountainous horizon disappeared and was replaced by green foliage all around. The light shimmered through thousands of small openings between leaves, creating a brilliant spectrum of light and shadow.
Daniel peered over the edge. Am I ready for this? he asked himself. As the elevator came closer and closer to the ground below, Daniel couldn't help but become more frightened. He looked up at the three Wookiees standing beside him, one adult and two younglings. How could he be frightened? He was one of them. He straightened himself up and puffed out his chest. Yes. I am ready.
The elevator hit the ground with a THUD. Daniel and the two young Wookiees gazed onto their surroundings. They were in the Shadowlands.
     Some were sent to this place as a form of exile, but today it served as the ceremonial grounds for the young Wookiees' right of passage. The adult Wookiee growled in Shyriiwook, a language that Daniel in all his years among them had come to understand — almost better than his own language, which he hadn't spoken since. . .since he'd gotten here.
It almost doesn't seem real, Daniel thought. One day he had been at home, playing Halo on his Xbox, when all of the sudden he was in the forest. Only, it wasn't just any forest. The trees were massive, and so was the wildlife. After surviving by himself for what may have been a week, the Wookiees found him, barely alive in a makeshift hut. As prideful and traditional as the Wookiees were, the family that nourished him back to health grew fond of him, and eventually accepted him as their own, as did most of Rwookrrorro City. Today, however, he would finally become one of them — a true Wookiee. And with that he could finally put the sorrow and loss he used to mourn behind him, and find new purpose.
     The Wookiee younglings beside him (his adopted brother Aruffrowu and a friend, Malley) each let out a shaky but excited breath. The grown Wookiee had told the three that their Test of Ascension would now begin.
     "I am ready," Daniel said in Shyriiwook.

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