Volume 1: A brand new day

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A/n: For now, I'm going to be using the word You, because it's you that is talking ok? So go with it ok? Now let the story begin.

Location: Beacon Academy.


I'm glad that I got to stay here in Beacon Academy, I would have nowhere to go, but now I do have a place to call home, and that place is Beacon Academy. I'm finally getting a chance to move forward in my life, the first step to try to forget the past, even though they still haunt me, but I have to forget about it.

I'm walking through halls of the dorms in Beacon with my new teammates, making our way to our dorms.

Ruby: I can't believe you're going to be staying with us forever Y/n! I'm so excited!

Yang: Yeah, I really thought you were going to leave Beacon forever, but now you're actually staying with us.

Blake: I couldn't imagine being here without someone that I have met a day ago, I'm glad that you stayed with us Y/n.

You: Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support.

BD-1: Bweep-boop.

You: You said it BD.

Weiss: Still, I don't know if we can get along just yet, but I too am glad you'd stay here.

You: Thanks Weiss.

We then got to our dorm, it has only four beds, oh no, where am I gonna sleep for the night.

Ruby: Well, this is a problem.

Yang: Yeah.

Blake: Agreed.

Weiss: What's the problem

You: That there's only four beds, and I don't have any where to sleep.

Weiss: That is true.

Yang: Well, how about Ruby and Y/n share the same bed?

This brought me and Ruby a blush on our faces.

Ruby: Really Yang!? You just had to say that didn't you!

You: Actually... if I'm gonna be sleeping tonight, it has to be with Ruby.

That caused Ruby's blush to get even more red.

Yang: There you go, Y/n agrees with me.

Blake: Same.

Weiss: As do I.

Ruby: Ummm.

Ruby got even more red from them voting.

You: I mean, you are the team leader, right?

Ruby: Yeah, you're right. As team leader, I will let me and Y/n share bed's together.

Yang: Then let's get changed into our pj's and get ready for bed.

You: I'll just go to the bathroom and, changed in there as well.

I then went to the bathroom to change I went inside, closed the door and locked it with BD inside with me. I took off my poncho, vest, glove and boots, to leave me with my light blue long sleeve shirt and socks. I then called out to the girls from outside if the door, letting them know if their done.

You: Hey! You girls done?

Yang: Yeah! We're done!

I then came out and see the girls in their pj's. I covered my eyes my hand to not look at them when they are in their pj's.

Yang: Hey, it's okay, we'll get used it for you when we're in pj's.

You: You're not helping.

Yang: Sorry.

Weiss: You can stop covering your eyes now, we're not gonna call you a pervert.

I stopped covering my eyes like Weiss said.

You: Okay, well we should get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow. BD you can sleep on the table right?

BD-1: Beep.

You: Okay, good night buddy.

BD got on the desktop and shut down for now, sense he is a droid, that's how they sleep. Me and Ruby got in the bed together, it was big enough the both us to sleep in.

You: Goodnight girls.

WBY: Goodnight.

You: Goodnight Ruby.

Ruby: Goodnight Y/n.

After we said our goodnights we went to sleep for the night. Ruby then already was on my chest fast asleep, the warmth of her brings me to an easy sleep. I didn't have the nightmares again, I felt free from it. It feels so nice being this close to Ruby, it feels so nice I feel like I can do this every night, I definitely needed this. But then I started to have a nightmare, not again, I thought they went away. I started to breathe heavily quietly, and my heart started to beat a little fast. I couldn't stop breathing heavy, I couldn't stop this.

Ruby POV

I woke up for a little to see that I was on Y/n's chest, he's so cute when he sleeps, but then I started to hear him breathing heavily, his heart was beating fast in fear, I sat up to look at him, he's shaking, he's having a nightmare. I see him grinding his teeth, he must be having a really bad nightmare. I have to do something to make him stop breathing heavy. I got it, I know how to stop him. I got on him and put my head on his neck to embrace him with a hug, he started to stop, it's working. I don't know what nightmare he has, but I feel bad for him. I gently gave him a kiss on his neck to calm him down it worked, he's starting to calm down breathing slowly calmly. I did it, I helped Y/n calm down. I stayed like this on him with my head on his neck, hearing his pulse.

Ruby: *whispering* Shh. It's okay Y/n, I'm here for you, and I'll always be right by your side.

I said to him and he finally calmed down and went to sleep, I smiled at him laying my head down on his neck finally sleeping.

Timeskip: Morning


I started to slowly open my eyes to get ready for the day, I opened my eyes for a little bit to see if Ruby was there, but she wasn't, where is she, I started to close my eyes again, until I heard a loud whistle fully waking me up and so does BD-1, we freaked out and i fell out of the bed and hit the floor. Then I heard Ruby's voice.

Ruby: Goooood morning team RWBY!

You: Owww, what a way to start a wake up call.

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you?

I saw Ruby, Blake and Yang already dressed up for classes.

Ruby: Now that the both of you are awake we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: Excuse me?

You: What?

I said when I got up from the floor dusting myself off.

Yang: Decorating!

You and Weiss: What?

Blake: We still have to unpack.

Blake said when a lot of stuff fell out of the case when it opened.

Blake: And clean.

Okay, I did not see this coming.

Ruby then blew the whistle again.

You: Ruby can you please stop with the whistle, you're giving me a headache!

Ruby: Sorry, *clears throat* Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, Y/n, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission. Banzai!

Blake and Yang: Banzai!

I'm so not gonna get use to this, but I have to deal with it.

You: Okay while you girls get everything set up, I'm gonna go get ready.

I walked to the bathroom to get changed, I grabbed my Beacon uniform and went inside the bathroom. I took what's left of my outfit and put on the uniform. After I put on the uniform, I looked in the mirror to get good look at myself.

You: Not my style, but it works.

I fixed my tie for a little bit and finished. After I finished getting dressed I went out of the bathroom and saw what the girls did with the place. Their beds were stacked up together.

Weiss: This, isn't going to work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped.

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff.

Ruby: Or we could ditch the beds. *gasps* And replace them with bunk beds!

You: You can do that can you?

Weiss: Um, that sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang: And super awesome!

Blake: It does seem efficient.

You: I'm not apart of this.

Weiss: Well, we should put it to a vote.

Ruby: Ha, I think we just did.

They all started to get to work.

You: Well, you girls have fun decorating, and do whatever this is I'm gonna get to class.

They didn't listen to me.

You: Okay, I'll just leave this note here on the desk so one of them can read it.
Come on BD.

BD-1: Beep.

BD got on my back and I went out the door to class.

You: I think our first class is... professor Port?

BD-1: Beep-boop.

You: Right, thanks buddy.

I then went to go find professor Port's class. I managed to find and looks like I'm the only one here. Professor Port noticed me when I walked in.

Port: Ah! You're the first person to enter my class on time welcome. What's your name young man.

You: My name is Y/n L/n sir.

Port: Well nice to meet you Y/n. Oh who's that on your back.

He noticed BD-1 on my back.

You: Oh that's BD-1. Don't worry sir he won't cause any trouble, right buddy?

BD-1: Bwoop-beep.

BD nods.

Port: Haha. Well ain't he a cute one. I hope you have yourself a good first day here Y/n.

You: Thank you sir.

Port: Please, find a seat anywhere until classes starts. Oh! Almost forgot.

Port then handed me a text book and a few pencils. I took the stuff from him, what a nice guy.

Port: Sense you don't have any school supplies, I will over these supplies for your first time here at Beacon.

You: Thank you sir, I appreciate it.

Port: Ha, you are welcome Y/n. You know, you reminded me when I was young, well enough chatting, find a seat and wait until class stars.

You: Yes sir.

I then went to go find a seat, I found a perfect spot the one almost halfway up top. I took my seat and waited for class to start. I then saw I a few people coming in, but not team RWBY.

You: Man, what's taking them so long?

BD-1: Beep?

You: I just hope they can make it in time.

Class was about to start, until I heard a few thuds. I looked to see what caused it, I then saw what caused the the thud it was team JNPR and my team RWBY, there late.

Port: Ah, team RWBY and JNPR, please try to be here on time next class, for example, Y/n was the one that made it here in time.

Ruby: We're sorry professor Port, it won't happen again.

Jaune: Yeah.

Port: Very well then, take your seats, and class will begin.

My team sat next to me and BD-1, Ruby sat next to me, I told her what took her long before they were late.

You: *whispering* What took you guys so long.

Ruby: *whispering* Sorry, we were setting up our bunk beds.

You: *Whispering* Well next time don't be late I'll be counting how many times you guys were late.

Ruby: *whispering* Okay.

After we had our quiet conversation, Port started to speak.

Port: Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But, I merely refer to them as prey. Hu-hah! Haha.

Everyone in the classroom was quiet from what Port said, I was joining in this.

You: Haha. Good one professor!

Port: Well, looks like someone likes my story's.

You: You said it sir!

I looked to my team, they were starting at me in a annoyed look.

You: *whispering* What? I don't want to leave him hanging, I feel bad for him.

My team rolled their eyes at me, I sat back in my seat listening to Port again.

Port: And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses... *clicking of tongue*

Yang: Uhh, heheh.

Port: Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why... The very world!

Port: That is what you are training to become. But first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome, man. Me. When I was a boy...

I began to not listen to Port's stories, he said that" who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves". This made my heart started beating a little bit, I was breathing lightly heavy, I'm starting to think that I'm being watched, I look around the room to see some people still paying attention to Port, while they were paying attention I was just looking at Port, he kept on walking around in a circle to the class. After he walked to his left I saw someone, staring at me, he had blaster holes in him he wore the same Jedi combat outfit, it was my Master. He kept on staring at me, menacingly. This made me breath heavily and my heart beating fast, he said something to me.

Jaro Tapal: You could've done better Padawan.

Those were the words he said to me, after that Port walked past my vision of my Master away, he's gone, I'm a failure. I then heard Port say something to the class.

Port: So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these-

I slammed both of my hands on the table standing up, scaring my teammates before Port finished his sentence.

You: I DO SIR!

I said raising my voice loud enough to the entire class room.

Port: Well then, let's find out. Step forward, and face your opponent. And get your weapon and Battle gear.

I quickly exited the class room to get my other clothes and my Lightsaber.

A few seconds later.

I came back to the class room with a furious look at my face, I had my original outfit on without my poncho.

I entered the open area where Port was in, I had BD-1 on my back just in case If I needed Stims. My team cheered for me.

Yang: Go Y/n!

Blake: Fight well!

Weiss: Try not to get yourself killed okay!?

Ruby: Yeah, represent teeeam RWBY!

You: Guys, I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: Oh, sorry.

Port: Alright. Let the match, begin.

I activated my lightsaber to go into a fighting stance.

Port smashed the lock with his weapon. To release a Grimm.

It charged at me, I side stepped to my right and swung my blade at him, it wasn't enough damage to kill it. It's armor was tough, it turned around to look at me, Port spoke to me.

Port: Haha, wasn't expecting that were you?

Ruby: Hang in there Y/n!

I charged at the Grimm, but it hit me first to make me go back, I kneel down in pain.

Port: Bold, new approach. I like it!

Ruby: Come on Y/n, show it who's boss!

I looked at Ruby for a second, untill the Grimm hit me again I yelled in pain as I was flying into the air for a second and until I hit the ground, I lost my Lightsaber in the process it deactivated and hit the ground, a few feet away from me.

Port: Oho, now what will you do without your weapon?

You: Hit me!

I snapped my fingers to let BD-1 that I needed a Stim, he popped out and I caught it with my hand and injected it into my shoulder. The Grimm charged at me again, but I rolled out of the way to evade it's attack. I ran to my Lightsaber where it was dropped, i quickly picked it up and activate it again, holding my position. Until Ruby spoke again.

Ruby: Y/n, go for it's belly! There's no armor underneath-


I snapped, I completely lost it now, the Grimm then rolled to the floor charging at me.

I got ready for it come at me, I then got out of the way for it to hit the wall, it got on it's back leaving his stomach open at it's weak spot I jumped into the air and stabbed my blade into the Grimm's stomach, the Grimm squeals in pain then it died and fade away. I was exhausted, I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt.

Port: Bravo! Braa-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Hunstman in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed.

I looked back at Ruby with a furious face she looked sad.

You: BD, I need to be alone for now.

BD-1: Beep-bwoop?

You: Yes, I'm sure, just go with Ruby and the others for now okay? I see you later.

BD then got off my back and went to Ruby's team.

Ruby POV

I was sad about Y/n. What happened to him? Why did he get mad at me? I saw BD-1 come to us.

Jaune: Sheesh, what's up with him?

Jaune noticed about Y/n. I got out of my seat and followed him.


I quickly exited the class room cause I needed to be alone for now. I was walking in the hallway, until I heard Ruby's voice from behind me.

Ruby: Y/n!

I stopped walking

You: Leave me alone.

Ruby: What's wrong with you? Why are you being-

I turned around to face Ruby

You: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me!? You don't know anything about me, you don't even know what I've been through for the past five years of my life!

Ruby: Y/n, what are you talking about?

You: That's just it, you don't even know what I'm talking about. I've been having the same nightmare in my head for five years and I can't get It out! You probably won't understand I'm saying right now, I kept on having them every night, and every night I get scared.

Ruby: Scared of what?

You: Scared of being alone!

Ruby's eyes widened in a sad look.

You: For five years, I've been alone for my life and I've been wandering around on this planet for five years. I've been lonely, sad and... and.

I cried in front of Ruby, I've been suffering about my past for five years, that's how long I've been living. I looked down on the floor and cry, I let my emotions get to me, but then I was hugged by Ruby. Knowing that she cares about me.

Ruby: Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened to you, I didn't know you were alone for that long, I know deep down, that you will be able to move forward, forget the past. I know you want to be great and all, but what you did back in the classroom, it almost got you killed. So please, don't push yourself away from us, don't push yourself away from me.

I didn't respond for a second, I hugged Ruby back, still tears in my eyes.

You: I'm sorry for yelling at you, I don't know what came from me, I was so stupid from doing that, I'm sorry.

I said from my tears and sobbing.

Ruby: It's okay, I forgive you, I know it will take time from you to forget about the past. I know you can move on, I know you can trust me.

You: Do you trust me?

Ruby looked at me still hugging me.

Ruby: I trust you Y/n, as long as you are here with us, you will be safe. We're here for you. I promise you that you will do great things in the future, and forget about the past. It's time move forward.

I hugged Ruby more and she hugged me back. I'm glad that I met her she's so nice to me, I really needed this, I'll tell her how I feel about her one day. Then I will take this life to the next level.

You: Thank you so much Ruby, I really needed this.

Ruby: Your welcome Y/n, If you ever need me, I'll be right by your side.

You: Ruby.

She looked at me, we stopped talking for a bit, we both let go of each other for a second. My arms went around her waist, and Ruby put her arms around my neck. We then started to get closer to our faces, it felt like gravity was forcing us to do this, we closed our eyes for this moment, our lips were almost connected, this could be my chance.

???: What are you two doing?

Our eyes opened quickly and looked to see who that was, it was Yang. Damnit Yang! You ruined my chance!

Me and Ruby quickly let go of each other, with a small blush on our faces.

Yang: Were you two about to kiss?

She said that with a smile on her face. Ruby's blush got even more red.

Ruby: Really Yang!? Really!?

Yang: Sorry sis, oh Y/n someone wanted to see you.

You: Who?

I then realized what she meant, I saw BD-1 behind Yang's long hair on her back, BD then came to me and I crouched down.

You: Hey, buddy.

BD-1: Thrill-boop.

You: I'm sorry that I left you back there, I was having a rough day, do you forgive me?

BD-1: Beep.

You: Thanks buddy, I'm glad you're with me on this.

BD-1: Bwoop-beep.

You: Come on, let's head back.

We then head back to the dorm rooms. What a crazy day I had. We entered the room to be greeted by Weiss and Blake.

Blake: Hey Y/n, are you okay? It looked like you weren't having a good day.

Weiss: Plus, you snapped first before I was going to say the same thing to the professor during class, and second, you snapped at Ruby. What was wrong with you?

Ruby: It's okay Weiss, we talked. He's okay now as long we stick together, we will never leave one of our own.

You: Yeah, your right.

Blake: Well, we're glad you're okay right now Y/n. It wouldn't have been the same without you.

Weiss: I agree, you deserve better than this, you have your friends standing here right now.

I looked at my whole team standing together, looking at me with smiles on their faces. This is a sign, this means that I'm not alone. I'm glad I met these girls and I'm glad to be on their team.

You: Thank you, all of you.

They looked at me, they were happy that I was here too.

Ruby: Okay team, I think we should all get some rest. We have another day ahead of us tomorrow.

We all nodded, then I to the bathroom get changed, I did the same thing as last night for bed. I went out to see the girls are all ready for bed, so they got in their "bunk beds", BD was already asleep, he was shut off on the desktop. I got on to Ruby's bed, I hope it's safe on this bed.

You: Are you sure it's safe from this?

Ruby: I'm sure.

You: Okay.

I was getting ready to fall asleep, until Ruby spoke to me.

Ruby: Last night, you were having a really bad nightmare.

You: You saw me?

Ruby: Yes. You were so scared in your sleep, so I decided to calm you down. From now on when ever you have nightmares, I'll be right here to calm you down, okay?

Ruby looked at me with a very caring smile, that smile keeps me safe from the nightmares. I really needed this, I will make this feeling last forever, I know I will.

You: Okay, thanks Ruby. Good night.

Ruby: Good night Y/n.

I finally went to sleep. Ruby was right, I'm not alone, I have friends with me, I know this moment won't last forever, but I will make it last. Tomorrow will be a better day, I hope have good day. I have to move on, I will continue to move forward.

To be continued.

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