Volume 1: Beacon Academy

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I'm gonna be hit you guys up with a double upload today. I will keep on going for this chapter and it will be a long one. Let's get into it.

Location Transportation Ship


I was taking a nap in the transportation ship before we can head to Beacon Academy. I didn't get much sleep after last night's semester. I really needed some rest for a little, it's nice to have a good rest for the first time after traveling. I really needed this moment to relax. I realized that I couldn't sleep, so I woke up to see some people on the ship having a conversation. I turned to my right to see if Ruby and Yang are next to me, but their not. Where are they, they were right here sitting next to me, what's going on. I got up from my seat to look for Ruby and Yang, where are they. I looked to my left and I saw them, standing there in the crowd. I walked up to them to see if I can talk to them, but they walked away from me.

Y/n: Ruby, Yang, wait!

I called out for them, but they didn't hear me. It almost felt like I wasn't there for them. What is happening, I pushed through the crowd of people, excusing myself as I walked past them.

Y/n: Excuse me, sorry.

I said to one of the people in the crowd. Then I saw Ruby and Yang again still standing there. I walked to them again, but they walked through a sliding door just to close on me. I pressed the button on the door to open it, leading to a different room.

Y/n: Guys, wait up!

I said to them again, but they still ignored me, why? They walked through another sliding door where I quickly walked through the door.

Y/n: Where are you two going!?

I said to them again, but they still didn't listen to me, I kept on walking, seeing the crowd of students disappearing. Ruby and Yang waited by the open door with their backs turned around. I walked to go to them, but the door shut in front of me. I pressed on the door to open it, but it didn't open, I pressed the button again, nothing. The door didn't open it's just closed, maybe from the other side malfunctioned. I turned around to see that I was in the hallway of the Republic Ship. From where I was from before the purge. I started walking, then the doors in the hallway opened to reveal an asrtomech droid. The sound of the droid beeps when it saw me, it then moves into another open door of the corridor. The door closed, I walked up to the door to open it, but then it moves down far away into the corridor. I then heard alarms going off in the ship, I continued to walk through the corridor, but then multiple doors started close, one more door closed in front of me. I put my hand on the door shaking, it glowed blue for a little bit. But then the door opens to reveal my master, Jaro Tapal. I freaked out, I dropped to the floor crawling away from him backwards. He then lift me with the Force, I was hovering in the air screaming a little bit.

Jaro Tapal: Apprentice, mark well and listen.

Y/n: M-Master!?

Jaro Tapal: Trust only in the Force.

After he said those words to me, he dropped me on the floor hard.

I jolted and gasped awake, realizing that it was a dream. I looked around to see that I was still on the ship, breathing heavily in and out. I was calmed down to feel a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see Yang and Ruby looking at me in a worry look on their faces. One of them broke the silence.

Yang: Hey. Are you okay? It looked like you had a bad dream.

I stood silent for a second.

Ruby: Y/n? Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm okay.

I said in a lie, I know lying to them is not good, but I don't want to talk about it to them.

Yang: Are you sure? Because you were breathing heavy when you woke up.

Y/n: I said I'm okay Yang, alright?

I said, raising my voice a little.

Y/n: Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you Yang.

Yang: It's okay I know, you're just tired. I understand.

Yang said with a kind smile on her face, Ruby had the same smile to.

Y/n: Thanks girls.

After the talk we had, we started to land. We're here. Me, Yang and Ruby were walking out to the landing platform, while I saw the same blonde boy or aka Vomit Boy, went to a nearby trash can to Vomit in. I feel bad for him, I hope he gets better soon. We then saw the most amazing view that everyone has never saw in their lives, the view of Beacon Academy. It's amazing seeing the view of the tower from here.

Ruby And Yang: Wowwwwwwww.

Y/n: Wow indeed.

I said with a smile on my face.

Yang: The view from Vale's got nothing on this.

After that, my site see was interrupted by Ruby freaking out happily for seeing weapons from other people.

Ruby: Ooh! Ooh! Sis, Y/n! That kid has a collapsible staff! (Gasp) And she's got a fire sword!

Ruby said all that before walking away. Yang grabbed her hood bringing Ruby back here with us, I just watched in confusion.

Ruby: Ow, ow.

Yang: Easy there little sister. There just weapons.

Ruby: Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh they're so cool!

Yang: Well why can't you swoon over at your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?

Yang said while Ruby brought out her weapon, hugging it.

Ruby: Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones.

Y/n: She got you there.

Ruby chuckled a bit.

Ruby: It's like meeting new people. But better.

Y/n: She's right.

Yang: Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make friends of your own?

Yang said while she put Ruby's hood down. And Ruby said something while she put her hood back up.

Ruby: But why would I need friends when I have you and Y/n?

Y/n: Don't worry Ruby, I'll be by your side for the entire day.

As soon as I said that Ruby nodded at me as a thank you with a little blush on her face.

All of a sudden, Yang responded from Ruby's question she asked her and I saw a bunch of people surrounding her.

Yang: Well... Actually, my friends are here. Gotta go catch up. Kay, c'ya, bye.

Y/n: Yang where are you going!

After she said that, she ran with her "friends". Ruby was spinning out of control.

Ruby: Wait! Where are you going? Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms? I don't know what I'm doing.

After she said that she started to fall over, when she fell on me and I tried to catch her.

Y/n: Ruby? Hey, whoa!

After we fell, we hit some white brief cases fly out of some sort of carrier, we then heard another girl shouting at us.

???: What are you both doing!?

Ruby: Uh... sorry.

???: Sorry? Do you have any idea of the damage you two could've caused?

She said while Ruby grabbed one of the cases and hand it over to the girl in a white dress.

Ruby: Uhh.

???: Gimme that! This is Dust mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry.

Y/n: Schnee Quarry? Never heard of it.

???: Ugh. How stupid are you?

Y/n: Hey! It's not my fault that I don't know any of this!

I said still sitting on the floor with Ruby.

???: Quiet, I'll deal with you later, right now I need to explain this one right here what she did.

Y/n: She didn't do anything, we just got ditched by her sister, her spinning around in dizziness, and fell with me.

???: Quiet you!

Ruby: Uhh.

???: What are you, brain dead? Dust.

She said while shaking a bottle of what it appears to be a Dust vile.

???: Fire, Water, Lightning, energy!

Ruby: Uhh.

Ruby got up, feeling like... Oh no she's gonna sneeze, probably because of that dust vile that girl is shaking.

???: Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourselves!?

Y/n: Hey! Stop shaking that vile, she's gonna sneeze!

???: Am I talking to you!?

Y/n: No! I was just-

???: Then stop interrupting me!

I looked back at Ruby. Oh no, she's gonna sneeze!

Y/n: She's gonna blow!

I hit the dirt on the floor protecting myself from the explosion.

Ruby: Uhhhhaaaahhh-Choooo!

Ruby finally sneezed when I heard the explosion.

???: Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!

I looked back up where I hit the ground, when I saw the girl In a white dress yelling at Ruby while she was touching her index fingers together in shyness. I got up and went to them hearing the conversation.

Ruby: I'm really, really sorry!

???: Ugh! You complete, dolt! What are you both even doing here? Aren't you both a little to young to be attending Beacon?

Y/n: Hey! I'm that young, neither is her!

???: What did I say to you for interrupting me!?

Ruby: Well... I...

???: Stop interrupting me. This isn't your ordinary combat school for you two. It's not just sparring and practice you know. We're here to fight monsters! So watch where you two are going!

Ruby: Hey, I said I was sorry, Princess!

Y/n: Yeah, she said she was sorry.

???: Ugh! If you say one more word-

???: It's Heiress, actually.

Another girl came up to me, Ruby and the girl in white dress, wearing an outfit that's black and white, and a black bow on her head while holding one of the Dust bottles.

???: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

I guess this girl that was yelling at Ruby is Weiss.

Weiss: Finally, some recognition!

???: The same company infamous for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Weiss: What-How dare--! The nerve of--!

Me and Ruby started laughing a little at this.

Weiss then snatched the bottle out from the girl with the black bow. Then started to walk away madly.

Ruby: I promise I'll make this up to you!

She said while Weiss was walking away.

Ruby sighs

Ruby: I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day.

Y/n: Same here.

Ruby: So what's--?

Ruby said to the girl with the bow, but she walked away.

Y/n: Wow, that was rude.

I heard Ruby got to the ground and heard her speak.

Ruby: Welcome to Beacon.

I then laid on the ground with her. She heard me.

Y/n: So, what are we doing down here?

I said with a smile, causing Ruby to laugh a little bit, and so did I.

We laid on the ground for a few more seconds, then we saw a shadow figure came to us.

???: Hey. I'm Jaune.

Wait, was this the same guy that threw up on the ship? Well he told us his name, so his name is Jaune.

After he said his name, he offered us one of his hands to grab, so we accept the hand offer.

Ruby: Ruby.

Y/n: My name is Y/n.

Ruby chuckled for a second.

Ruby: Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?

Y/n: Yes he is.

After we introduced ourselves, we went for a walk around the campaus of Beacon.

Then Jaune started to speak.

Jaune: All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem them people let on!

Ruby: Look I'm sorry Vomit-boy was the first thing that came to mind.

Jaune: Oh yeah, what if I called you Crater-face?

Ruby: Hey, that explosion was an accident.

Y/n: Yeah, it was.

Jaune: Well the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it!

Y/n and Ruby: Do they?

Me and Ruby looked at each other we giggled, a little bit and blushed from us saying the same words.

Jaune: They will. Well, I hope they will... I mean, my mom always says that... Never mind.

Ruby and I laughed a little, and there was a moment of silence for a second. Until Ruby broke the silence.

Ruby:So, I got this thing.

She said while pulling out her weapon, almost hitting me, so I rolled out of the way.

Y/n: Whoa! Warn me next time Ruby ok?

Ruby: Sorry, I will.

Jaune: Whoa! Is that a scythe!

Ruby: It's also a customizable, high impact velocity sniper rifle.

Jaune: A wha?

Y/n: It's also a gun.

Jaune: Oh. That's cool!

Ruby: So what've you got?

Jaune: Oh- uh, I got this sword.

Jaune said drawing out his sword, nice.

Ruby: Oooooooh!

Jaune: Yeah, I've got this shield too!

Jaune said while equipping his shield out.

Ruby: So what do they do?

Jaune's shield opening and closing, but he got it under control.

Jaune: Well... the shield gets smaller... So... when I get tired of carrying it... I can just put it away.

Ruby: But wouldn't it weigh the same?

Jaune: Yeah it does.

Ruby: Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did go a little overboard designing it.

Jaune: Wait. You made that?

Y/n: Wow, I didn't know you actually made that.

Ruby: Of course! All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours?

Jaune: It's a hand-me-down. My great-great-granfather used it in the war.

Ruby: Sounds like a a family heirloom to me! Well I like it! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days.

Jaune: Yeah. The classics.

Jaune said while putting his sword away.

Jaune: Oh. What about you Y/n? You didn't show me your weapon yet.

Y/n: Alright. Here it is.

I showed Jaune my lightsaber, I only showed him the handle of it.

Jaune: That's it? Just the handle?

Ruby: Wait for it.

Y/n: You two might wanna stand back for a bit.

They did what I told them, they stepped back for a bit

Y/n: Ready?

They nodded as yes. I breathed in and out to be ready for this. I activated my lightsaber, the blue blade coming from the tip of the handle. Jaune was surprised when he saw the blade coming out.

Jaune: Whoa! What is that? I did not see that coming. And I did not see that type of weapon before, what is that anyway?

Ruby: It's like uhh, a glowing blue sword or something?

Y/n: Actually, it's called a Lightsaber.

Ruby: Oh, so that's what It's called.

Y/n: Yeah, it's pretty isn't it?

Jaune: I don't believe it.

Y/n: Alright, see that tree over there?

I pointed to the nearby tree a few feet away from Ruby and Jaune.

Jaune: Yeah?

Y/n: Watch this.

I went to the tree. I saw that Ruby and Jaune were watching me. I swung my lightsaber at the tree cutting the tree in half, the tree fell down and I saw Jaune with a shock look on his face, his mouth was opened, he was surprised. Except for Ruby she already knows what it can do. I went to Ruby and Jaune and deactivated my Lightsaber and clipped it to my belt.

Jaune: Okay, I take that back, that was pretty awesome what you just did.

Y/n: Thank you.

I said with a smile on my face. We continued to walk and talk. Ruby broke the silence.

Ruby: So why'd you help us out there, in the courtyard?

Jaune: Eh, why not? My mom always says, "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."

Ruby: Hmmm... Hey, where are we going?

Y/n: Yeah that is the question I've been wanting to ask.

Jaune: Oh,I dunno, I was following you guys.

Y/n: Seriously? We've been walking all around campus for like an hour, and none of you guys don't know where we're going?

Jaune and Ruby: Yeah

Y/n: Ugh.

Jaune: You think there might be a directory? Maybe a food court? Some sort of recognizable landmark?

Ruby beings to laugh at this.

Jaune: Is uh... Is that a "no"?

Y/n and Ruby: That's a "no".


Me, Ruby and Jaune finally made it to the ceremony where all the first year students are. We went through the massive doors In front us and, wow this place is huge. There's a lot of people in here, this place is amazing. Me, Ruby and Jaune were looking around, then me and Ruby heard Yang's voice from the crowd.

Yang: Ruby! Y/n! Over here! I saved you two a few spots!

Ruby: Oh! Hey, we gotta go! We'll see you after the ceremony!

Y/n: Yeah, it was great meeting you Jaune!

I patted him on the back and we left. Me and Ruby went to the two spots Yang saved us. She started talking to us.

Yang: How's your first day going guys?

Ruby: You mean since you ditched us and I exploded!?

Yang: Yikes. Meltdown already?

Y/n: She's not wrong.

Ruby: No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school... There was a fire... and I think some ice.

Yang: Are you two being sarcastic?

Ruby: *scoff* Ugh, i wish! We tripped over some crabby girls luggage!

I noticed Weiss was behind her.

Y/n: Uh, Ruby?

Ruby: And then she yelled at us! And then I sneezed. An then I exploded! And then she yelled at me again! And I felt really, really bad! And I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!

Weiss: You!

Ruby got scared from Weiss yelling at her from behind, then she jumped on me holding me while I was holding her.

Ruby: Oh God, it's happening again!

Weiss: You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!

Yang: Oh my god, you really exploded.

Ruby: It was an accident!

She said getting off me.

Ruby: It was an accident!

Then Weiss showed Ruby some sort of pamphlet.

Ruby: What's this?

Weiss: The Schnee Dust Company Is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read familiarize themselves with this easy-to-follow application and practice in the field.

I completely understand what she said to Ruby.

Ruby: Uhhh...

Weiss: You really want to make things up to me?

Ruby: Absolutely!?

Weiss then gives Ruby the pamphlet.

Weiss: Read this and never speak to me again.

Yang: Look, uh... It sounds like you two got off on the wrong foot! Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?

Ruby: Yeah great idea, sis!

Y/n: I'm starting to think that this isn't a good idea.

Ruby offered Weiss a handshake before she spoke.

Ruby: Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Want to hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!

Weiss started to speak in a sarcastic tone.

Weiss: (Sarcastic) Yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on new clothes, and talk about cute boys, like Poncho boy next you, and tall, blonde, and scraggly over there!

Y/n: Hey! This is my favorite Poncho, thank you very much!

Ruby: Oh wow, really?

It took a view seconds for Weiss to say something.

Weiss: NO.

Wow, she's totally rude indeed. We then heard a static microphone being heard on stage. It was professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Ahem... I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all i see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove your knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

When Ozpin finished his speech, Glynda spoke.

Glynda: You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

After the information Glynda gave us, we were confused about Ozpin's speech.

Yang: He seemed kind of off.

Ruby: It's almost like he wasn't even there.

Y/n: You got that right.

All of a sudden Jaune joined in.

Jaune: I'm a natural blond, you know!

Y/n: Really, Jaune?

Timeskip: Night

Location: Ball Room

I took off my poncho, my vest, my glove, my boots to leave with me with my light long sleeve blue shirt and socks on. We were all getting ready for bed. I then noticed that I don't have a sleeping bag with me, I wasn't prepared for this. I went to go to Ruby to see if she's there she is, she has her own sleeping bag out with a tank top, a sleeping mask and pj pants with roses on them. I went to go talk to Ruby.

Y/n: Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Oh, hey Y/n.

Y/n: Mind if I join you?

Ruby: Of course!

I then sat down next to Ruby, I look at the view in the ballroom.

Ruby: So, did you pack your own sleeping bag?

Y/n: I'm afraid I didn't, sorry.

Ruby: It's okay. I guess you can share mine with me for tonight.

This brought a blush in our faces. This is only just for tonight, nothing else.

Y/n: Okay. This is only for tonight okay? No funny business between us.

Ruby: I get it okay? It's just for tonight.

I noticed Ruby writing something in her journal. Then Yang joined in.

Yang: It's like a big slumber party!

Ruby: I don't think Dad will approve of all the boys, though.

Y/n: Hey. I'm right here.

Ruby: Don't worry Y/n, your okay.

Yang: I know I do. *purrs*

I didn't want to know what she was looking at.

Yang noticed Ruby writing something to.

Yang: What's that?

Ruby: A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going.

Yang: Aww, that's so cuuuuuute!!!!

Ruby: Shut up!

Ruby said while throwing a pillow at Yang, hitting her face.

Ruby: I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's wired not knowing anyone here.

Yang: What about Jaune and Y/n? They're...nice! There you go! Plus two friends! That's a 200 percent increase!

Ruby then laid on her back with her arms behind her head.

Ruby: I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a 'negative friend'. Back to 100.

Yang: There's no such things as 'negative friends'! You just made two friends and one enemy.

Ruby threw another pillow at Yang, I laughed quietly while this happens.

Yang: Look, it's only been one day. Trust me you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet.

We then heard candles being lit up. Me and Ruby saw that same girl with the black bow from the courtyard.

Ruby: That girl...

Yang: You two know her?

Ruby: Not really. She saw what happened this morning, but left before I could say anything.

Yang: Well, now's your chance!

Yang got up dragging Ruby by her arm.

Ruby: Hey wait! What are you doing?

Y/n: Yang! What are you-ugh!

I got up and followed them.

Yang: (sing song) Helooooo!

Y/n: Really Yang?

Yang: I believe you three may know each other.

???: Aren't you that girl that exploded?

Ruby: Uhh, yeah! My name's Ruby. But, you can just call me... crater...
Actually you just call me Ruby.

Y/n: And you can just call me Y/n. That's my real name by the way.

???: Okay.

Yang: *Whispers* What are you doing?

Ruby: *Whispers back* I don't know help me!

Y/n: Okay?

Yang: So... what's your name?

???: Blake.

Yang: Well Blake, I'm Yang! Ruby's older sister. I like your bow!

Blake: Thanks.

Yang: It goes great with your... pajamas.

I face palm.

Blake: Right.

Yang: Nice night, don't you think?

Blake: Yes. It's lovely. Almost as lovely as this book... that I will continue to read... as soon as you leave.

I clapped my hands together.

Y/n: Okayyyy. I will let you three continue with your, 'friendly conversation'. I'm gonna go get some sleep. Good night girls.

Yang and Ruby: Good night Y/n.

I went back to Ruby's sleeping bag. Remember, this is only for tonight. I laid down on her sleeping bag and easily went to sleep.

A few hours later

I started to hear voices from the past.

Jaro Tapal: Remember Y/n, the Force is there to guide you, and it will be with you forever. Remember that.

That was the voice of my master. Talking to me while I'm sleeping. I heard another voice.

Jaro Tapal: Y/N HURRY!!!

I quietly gasped for air as I woke up. It was dark outside, I think it's still night. I couldn't tell what time it is. I was in the ballroom, everyone else was sleeping except me. I was the only one who woke up late. I couldn't go back to sleep. What if I hear him again. I carefully sat up from the sleeping bag. I noticed i was still on Ruby's sleeping bag, I looked at her next to me, she's so peaceful when she sleeps, but she was wearing her sleeping mask to cover her eyes. I need some fresh air. I carefully got up to make sure I didn't disturb any of the sleeping students. I saw the moonlight shinning from the window, giving me some light. I saw a balcony outside, so I went outside to the balcony, feeling the night air, breathing in and out from my deep breathes. This looks like a good spot to meditate. I sat down with my legs crossed together, getting ready to meditate, I closed my eyes, focusing on my mind, and avoiding all distractions. I needed this, I haven't meditated in a while, so I need to make this moment right. In my mind, I was in a quiet place. A place of peace, and a place where I can be.

But then I heard a voice behind me.

???: I see that you couldn't sleep.

I exited my meditation vision.

I opened my eyes slowly, then I realized that it is professor Ozpin.

I turned around to see him. I got up from my meditation position and see what he wants.

Y/n: Sorry professor, I just... I heard voices in my sleep. That's why I woke up and went out here, so I can get some fresh air.

Ozpin: It's okay, I understand that you couldn't sleep because of your past.

Y/n: It's just... I've had these nightmares for five years, and I couldn't get it out of my head. I always blame myself that I couldn't save him. I wasn't strong enough to...

I was on the verge of tears. But then Ozpin put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him.

Ozpin: Y/n, you did your best to save him, he would be proud of you for what you did for him, you are special to us, and I believe you will do great things in this time. Don't blame yourself for what happened to him, I know deep down, that he is proud of you for what you did.

Ozpin said to me with a caring smile on his face. I'm glad that I met him, and I'm glad to be apart of Beacon. I'm tired of hiding and I'm tired of running. This is my chance to start a new life, this is my chance to move forward, and this is my chance to forget the past that's haunting me.

Y/n: Thank you professor, I appreciate you helping me with this.

Ozpin: Your welcome Y/n, I'm here if you ever need me to talk to. Now, I suggest you get some rest, you've got a big day in the morning, and for the initiation.

Y/n: Yes professor, I'll try to get some sleep.

Ozpin: Good, and I heard you and Ms. Rose have a good relationship together.

Y/n: No professor I was just sharing a sleeping bag with her for tonight, because I didn't have my own.

This brought a little blush on my face.

Ozpin: I understand Y/n, but in time, you both will have a chance to be together, I know relationships can be hard, but it feels good to have someone who has feelings for you, and I know Ms. Rose have some feelings for you to.

Y/n: Thank you, professor, I know we'll have a good time together.

Ozpin: I know the both of you will. Have a good night Mr. L/n.

Ozpin then left me by myself again. I quietly and carefully went back to Ruby's sleeping bag. I laid down with her and she's still sleeping. She's so peaceful when she sleeps. Maybe Ozpin was right, maybe I do have feelings for her. I was about to sleep when I felt something on my chest, it was Ruby resting her head on my chest, smiling in her sleep. My heart started beating a little. Is this what it feels like? To have someone you have feelings for? Someone you love? I think it is. I feel the good warmth of Ruby, it was comfortable for me to relax, I needed this. I started to close my eyes and went to sleep, I don't hear the voices anymore, there gone, for now. But for now I need this moment to finally sleep. I finally can get a peaceful sleep for the first time in five years. I finally slept. Not hearing the past, I finally relaxed for the first time. I do have feelings for Ruby, and I'm sure she has feelings for me to. I hope we can live a life together forever, and be together forever, as long as we have each other, we will be safe. And I will make sure Ruby stays safe.

To be continued

In Emerald Forest

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