Volume 1: Trust no one

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Location: Vale

Time: Morning


I've been in Vale all weekend long and still no sign of Blake. I hope she didn't leave Vale, I kept on walking in the sidewalk and kept looking around for Blake, she's really good at hiding, just like me. It's no use, I keep looking in every direction where Blake is, but she's not anywhere near here. Maybe I should take a break, I'll find her again soon.

Timeskip: Night

I was sitting on a roof top just looking at the view in Vale. I just don't know where Blake is. I hope she's okay. But then I heard an explosion, I saw black smoke coming from the docks, it's gotta be Blake.

You: Did you see that?

BD-1: Beep.

You: That's gotta be Blake, we have to help her, let's go buddy.

BD got on my back and went to the black smoke.


I got to the docks and saw a bunch of shipment crates of Dust, I heard fighting going on, so I went to check it out. I saw Blake and that monkey faunus from yesterday, they are fighting... the man himself, Roman Torchwick. I saw him shot his cane at Ruby who was on the roof.

You: NOOOOOO!!!!!!

Roman heard me from behind the crates, I got out of the hiding spot and draw my Lightsaber out and activate it. I charged at Roman with a battle cry and used my Overhead Slash to strike him, we then got our weapons in a clash lock, he then spoke to me.

Roman: I didn't expect you to be here.

You: Shut up!

I got out of the clash and kicked him in the stomach, he recovered fast, he strike at me again with heavy attacks, he knocked my Lightsaber out of my hand, it deactivated by itself and went to the floor, I was defenseless, Roman was going for a strike, but I kicked him, he got angry at me with a furious look on his face, he swung his cane at me, but I doged to my right, he then got me into a staff lock, where the person in front of you was pushing with his staff, that's what Roman is doing. He was pushing me into a nearby working fan, a big one. Ruby and her team was watching the battle, they were watching me struggle to push Roman back, i wasn't strong enough. He then said something to Ruby.

Roman: Say goodbye to your friend red!

He was still pushing me into the fan, I have to use it. I have to use the Force to stop it, I guess it's time they find out who I am.

Ruby: Y/n! NOOOOOO!!!

You: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I reached out with my left hand and slowed the fan down, Roman saw what I did, he was shocked to see what I did to the fan. This is my chance to escape, I kicked Roman so hard he went to the ground, I went to go get my lightsaber from the ground. I picked up and activate it again, Roman charged at me, he swing his cane to strike me, but I parried his attack to stagger him, then I kicked him and swung my lightsaber at him on his chest to knock him down. He was on the ground, I held my saber close to his face, I was exhausted.

You: It's over!

Roman looked in the sky and smirked.

Roman: Not quite.

I looked up to see what he was looking at, the ship came from the air. It started to fire at me, so I deflected the shots with my lightsaber. I swung my lightsaber around to block the shots from hitting me. I got out of the way to get to cover behind the crates. After that the shots stopped, I got out from my cover and see that Roman wasn't there anymore, he escaped on the ship. I saw it fly away and deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt. I turned around to see my teammates with shocked faces, they saw what did to that fan and Roman, one of them started to speak.

Blake: Y/n? What was that? What did you just do?

Yang: Did you just stop that fan with your hand?

Weiss: How did you do that?

Ruby: Y/n?

I stood silent for a second and I spoke.

You: I knew this day would come, I knew you guys will find out what I am.

Ruby: Y/n. What are you talking about?

I said nothing else, I just stayed silent. I looked down on the ground in sadness, and quickly ran away from them.

Ruby: Y/n! Come back!

I didn't listen to her, I just kept on running and running, and never stop.

A few minutes went by, and I was sitting on a bench in the streets of Vale. BD then spoke to me.

BD-1: Bwoop?

You: No BD, I'm not okay.

BD-1: Beep-boop.

You: Because they found out who I am, and I showed them. They probably won't need me anymore. I guess I need go into hiding again.

BD-1: Bwoop-beep.

You: I know we can't leave them, but they found out who I am. Let's just get out of here.

I got up and BD-1 got on my back. I put my hood from my poncho over my head and hid my face, I don't want anyone seeing it. I heard that it's starting to rain, I looked up to the night sky and see raindrops falling down. Good thing I got my hood on. I walked in the rain, not knowing where I should go now. I can't go back to Beacon, and I can't go back to my team. I'm on my own again. I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to be around you. I really wish I didn't come here.

Ruby: Y/n!

I heard Ruby's voice, I turned around to face her with my hood up while she looked at me with a sad look on her face with tears in her eyes.

Ruby: Why did you run away?

You: Because, I knew you guys will find out.

Ruby: Find out about what Y/n, what are you-


Ruby's eyes widened in sadness, I told her that I'm not like her or the others, I don't have an Aura, and I don't have a semblance. I'm just me. I'm just a Jedi in hiding, and escaping from my past. I spoke again to Ruby.

You: I'm not like all of you. I don't have an Aura, and I don't have a semblance. I'm just me, Ruby... I'm a Jedi. That's why I don't have those abilities. I came here on this planet to survive, to run, and hide from other people from what I am. You saw what I did back there, I had to do it. I had to stop that fan and Roman from killing me. And now you know, you know who I am now. I guess your better off without me. I'll just leave you alone now and go be with your team, goodbye.

I turned around and started to walk away.

Ruby: Y/n, wait!

I stopped walking.

Ruby: Please, come back with me, come back with us. You can start a new life, you can be with me and the others, we can be together forever.

You: Ruby, you're wasting your time.

Ruby: Please, comeback. I don't want you leave. I don't want you to be alone again, please don't leave us, don't leave me.

I heard Ruby's voice in a sad way. She's begging me to stay here. I'm just a waste of space to them.

You: Ruby, just go back with your team.

Ruby: Y/n, please! I can't be the same without you! Please come back with me!

I turned around to face her.



My eyes widened from the word she said to me, she loves me?

For the first time in my life, I never heard anyone say that to me. My heart started beating a little, was it because of what Ruby said? Is this what love feels like?

A/n: You and Ruby are both the same height. You are 16 and Ruby is 15.


Pause the video at 39 then play it for the amazing music during this moment.

Ruby started to speak to me again.

Ruby: Y/n, I love you. I want to be with you forever, I want to start a new life with you, I want to be with you forever. I don't want you to leave me. I don't want you to be alone again. Please come back. I know you'll explain everything to everyone about what you did, and you will tell us what happened to you before you came here. Please come home.

I was still in shock for what Ruby said before that, and what Ruby said after that. She wants to be with me forever.

You: Your lying. You're just saying that to pretend you care about me.

Ruby: I'm not lying. I'm telling you the truth. I love you Y/n. I want you to stay with me forever, please.

You: Forget it Ruby I'm not going back, and I won't. Goodbye.

I turned around to walk away from her, but before I start to go a few more feet away from her, she grabbed me from behind and turned me around to face her.

You: Ruby, I told you I-

I was cut off by her when she put her lips on mine, she kissed me. My hood fell down from that.For the first time in my life, I never felt this type of feeling, but I do now. I felt safe, happy, love. That's what I feel right now, I felt love. I love Ruby. She let go of me and we looked at each other for a second. Then she spoke, with tears in her eyes.

Ruby: I love you Y/n. I love you more than anything in this world that no one has done to you before. I want you to stay with me, I want us to be together, i--

I cut her off with my finger on her lip. I kiss her this time. I really needed this, she kissed me back, and we felt passion, and love. We both closed our eyes for this moment, I really needed this moment. For the first time I kissed someone. This feeling, this feels good. I deserve this, I wanted this for a long time. We let go of the kiss for lack of air, we then looked into each other's eyes. My e/c eyes looking into Ruby's beautiful silver eyes, that's what she has, those beautiful silver eyes looking into my eyes, she's so beautiful and nice. I then spoke to her.

You: You don't have to worry, because I'm not going anywhere. This is where I belong, I belong with you, and you belong with me. As long as we're together, nothing will stop us. I love you too Ruby.

We then looked at each other with smiles on our faces, I couldn't help but kiss her one more time, I'm starting to enjoy this feeling, she kissed me back for the last time and it felt good to do this. I wanted this for a long time. To feel someone close to me and most importantly, to love someone. We then finished the kiss, and we leaned our four head's together with smiles on our faces, we felt happy together.

You: Come on, let's go home.

We then held hands together back to Beacon, I think it's time that i tell them what happened to me before I came here.

Timeskip: Beacon Academy

We made it back to Beacon, Ruby's team, and JNPR were all waiting for me and Ruby, they were waiting by our dorm rooms, when we got there, I started to get nervous, but Ruby held my hand, I looked at her and see that she has a caring smile on her face.

Ruby: Don't worry, they'll understand.

You: Yeah, you're right.

We then walked to them. They noticed us that we've walked to them, they came to us, Ruby's team started to speak to us.

Yang: There you are Ruby! I was so worried about you.

Weiss: Where have you been.

Blake: You look wet from the rain.

Ruby: Guys, I was out to find Y/n, and he told me what happened.

Yang noticed us holding hands.

Yang: Are you two together now?!

Ruby: Yes Yang, were together as a couple.

Yang: I'm so proud of you two!

Weiss: I'm glad that you two are a couple now.

Blake: Same here.

Jaune: So, why did you ran off Y/n?

Ruby looked at me, and nod at me. I sighed and tell them.

You: I think it's time you all find out who I am.

We all went inside of the dorm room so I can tell all my friends what I am, and what happened to.

10 minutes later

After telling them my story about what I am, how we all got betrayed by our allies, how my Master died, how I got the scars, and how I got here. They all have sympathy looks on their faces they now know what happened to me and know what I am.

Jaune: So, you're a Jedi?

You: Yes.

Weiss: And what you did back there at the docks to the fan, that was called the Force?

You: Yes.

Blake: And what happened to you, you were here on Remnant for five years alone?

You: Yes.

Pyrrha: Oh my gosh. We're really sorry for what happened to you Y/n, a poor young boy who was alone for five years, I can't imagine what it was like.

You: It's okay Pyrrha, I understand. I know that this life is going to be different for me, and I know it will take time for me to forget about my past, but I will continue to move forward, and I will continue to live on this planet. As long as I have my friends, and the one that I love.

I mentioned Ruby, she smiled and she sat next to me while holding my and interlock our fingers together. I'm glad that she's with me, and I'm glad that she understands my story.

Jaune: You two are a couple now? Wow, I'm happy for you two.

Nora: Oh! They're so cute when their together!

Ren: I'm glad as well.

Ren said with a smile.

Pyrrha: I hope you two will have a good time together.

Me and Ruby looked at each other with smiles on our faces.

You: We will.

I said that when Ruby gave me a quick kiss on the lips. We are so happy together.

Weiss: I hate to ruin you're love bonding, but it's getting late, we have stuff to do tomorrow.

Blake: She's right, we should get some sleep.

You: Weiss I need to say something to you.

Weiss: What is it.

You: I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for saying that to you that night. I made a mistake, but I know that you got over from Blake being a faunus.

Weiss: It's okay Y/n, I get now, and I forgive you.

I gave Weiss a hug, and she hugged me back.

You: Thank you.

Weiss: You're welcome.

We let go of each other and went to get changed into our sleeping clothing. I did the same thing from the other nights. I went into bed with Ruby, Im totally gonna used to us sleeping together now.

You: Goodnight team.

WBY: Goodnight.

You: Goodnight Ruby.

Ruby: Goodnight Y/n. I love you.

You: I love you too. Sorry, I'm still getting used to this.

Ruby: It's okay, it's a fresh start to you.

We kissed each other as a goodnight, and went to sleep. This is a fresh start indeed. I will make sure that I will protect anyone, and Ruby, from any danger that will come one day, and we'll be ready for that. As long as I'm with my team, friends and Ruby, nothing will stop us. And we will live a happy life, together and forever.

A/n: There is a bonus chapter for you guys that I'm going to make right now after I publish this chapter, I hope you guys will enjoy it.

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