Volume 3: Battle of Beacon

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Location: Vytal Tournament Arena.

I was still on the ground with Ruby, she's still not getting up, that Nevermore is still trying to get into the arena. I heard the Robotic Announcer while civilians are running past us.

Robotic Announcer: Warning safety barriers failing.

That thing is going to break through the barrier soon, I need to get Ruby up.

You: Ruby, come on! Please get up!

I said through my tears again.

You: Ruby, look at me. Ruby! Look at me please!

Ruby snapped out of it and looked at me, I put my hands on her cheeks.

You: I know you and Penny didn't get the chance to hangout more I know, but she's gone. We can do what's right for her, for all of us. I know I didn't get the chance to meet her more than you, but you can't give up. You can't let this get into you, you can make sure nothing like that can happen again! So please, get up and fight, for Penny, and for me.

I finished my last word looking down on the floor with tears rolling down my cheeks, but then Ruby hugged me, knowing that she heard me.

Ruby: I'm sorry, I will fight for Penny, and for you.

I hugged her back to keep her calm. The Nevermore caws and smashed through the barrier and landed in front of Pyrrha and Jaune. It was about to attack Pyrrha, but then I saw red rose petals dashing in to strike the Nevermore, it was Ruby, she took one of Penny's swords and stabbed it in the chest. She pulled it out of its chest and it screech in pain, this brought a small smile on my face. I jumped over the railing and went beside Ruby in front of Pyrrha with my lightsaber out and activated.

Pyrrha: Ruby? Y/n?

Ruby and You: Leave her alone!

We got our blades to face the Nevermore in our fighting stance. It was flying towards us, but then we saw multiple lockers crashing in on it. The Nevermore went down for a short amount of time and lockers opened to reveal the weapons of other people from the different kingdoms they all got their weapons and stand on top of the Nevermore.

You: Now that's what I'm talking about!

My cheering was cut off by the Nevermore getting by back up again. I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt and used both of my hands to use Force Pull on the Nevermore and slammed it's head in the ground, holding it their while two Huntsmen used their swords to cut off it's head, the head landed in front of me and Ruby and faded away into a black mist. The others cheered for me for my good work on the Nevermore. Ruby then looked at Pyrrha on the ground with tears in her eyes.

Pyrrha: Ruby I-

Pyrrha looked at one of Penny's cloths from what she was wearing, holding it in her hands.

Pyrrha: I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Me too, but it wasn't your fault.

You: Pyrrha, you didn't do this, the people that are responsible did this.

Jaune: Their right.

Jaune was bringing Pyrrha her sword and shield to her.

Jaune: Whoever was on the microphone, they're the ones that did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.

Jaune put Pyrrha's weapons in front of her, she took a second to realize what Jaune said to her and took her weapons. Me and Ruby looked at the others with their weapons. We heard more Grimm coming from the sky, they have wings?!

Ren: Griffons.

You: They fly now?!

Sun: Yep, they fly now!

Neptune: Anybody got a plan of attack?

You: If they can bleed? They can die, that's the plan.

I got out my lightsaber and activate it and got into my fighting stance.

Ruby: Sun. I need your Scroll.

Sun used his tail to get his Scroll from his pocket and tossed it to Ruby. She then called in her locker that her weapon in it. The locker land in front of her to reveal Crescent Rose. Ruby went to go grab it, but the Griffon was on top of her locker. It roared at her, but it was shot from a gun fire. I looked to see who fired at the Griffon, it was Professor Port who shot it. I then saw Dr. Oobleck next to him.

Port: Students. I think it would be best for you to leave.

Ruby: But we can fi-

Oobleck: Miss Rose. This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it.

You: Thank you, both of you. We would never forget this day, for what you did for us, and what you taught us in your classes.

Oobleck: You are very welcome Mr. L/n.

Port: Now go! We'll hold off the rest of the Grimm.

Ruby then got her Scythe out of her locker, twirled it and placed the tip of the hilt to hit the ground, I activated my lightsaber and twirled and got into a pose when I was holding my lightsaber on my left side with Ruby.

Ruby and You: Let's go!

Velvet then took a picture of me and Ruby and we proceed to the exit. I stopped to say something to the two teachers.

You: I know we won't see each other again. But I hope you two make out alive. May the Force be with you.

Port: What does that mean?

You: It means goodbye.

They both smiled at me, and I proceeded to the others to get out of here.

When I got there,there were Grimm surrounding the students. I activated lightsaber and went to go save four of the students. They screamed in fear, but I jumped in and did and Overhead Slash to cut the Grimm in half, it then fades away in a black mist, I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt. I then checked to see if the students are okay.

You: You guys okay?

Male Student: Yeah, we're okay.

Female Student: Thank you so much for saving us.

You: Anytime. Now go, get safety.

Male Student: Thank you!

They went to one of the evacuation ships where they were taking other students and civilians to safety. I saw General Ironwood and the others went to him, so I went to the others to see what they're talking about.

Ruby: What's going on?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse some... Vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we can regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm-

He spotted a Grimm that was behind us, and shot it in the head quickly to kill it.

Ironwood: Going to take it back.

Ironwood then walked onto his ship.

Jaune: What should we do?

Ironwood stopped and look at Jaune and the rest of the others.

Ironwood: You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school... Or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave.

You: I'm not running.

The others looked at me in surprised. I walked to Ironwood.

You: General Ironwood? If you will let me please barrow one of your battleships, I can defend the skies, so that way the students and the civilians in the city can get to safety.

Ironwood: You do realize if I let you use one of my ships, you will become a hostile as a threat. In fact, you don't know how to fly a ship.

You: I used to scrap ships in the South of Vale, I learned how to fly one.

Ironwood: I'm sorry, but you cannot use one of my ships.

You: But-

Ironwood: You are not using one of my ships, and that is final. Let's move out!

Ironwood said to his pilot and took off leaving us.

Sun: I mean, come on.

Jaune: We can take a ship to Beacon.

Jaune and the others went to one of the ships to go to Beacon. While Ruby watched Ironwood's ship take off. Ruby then went to follow the others, while I spotted an Atlas battleship on my left.

Ruby: Y/n, you coming?

You: No. I'm gonna do my job as a Jedi, and save these people.

Ruby: Y/n, you heard what Ironwood said.

You: I don't care. I knew this day would come. I have to do this Ruby. Me and BD-1 can handle this.

BD-1: Beep-bwoop!

Ruby: No, I'm not letting you do this. I don't want to lose you just like Penny. I don't-

I cut her off by kissing her on the lips. She was surprised that I did this and kissed me back with our eyes closed. After that, I let her go.

You: I promise I'll come back in one piece, I promise.

She had a sad smile on her face knowing that she can trust me.

Ruby: Okay, just be careful.

You: I will, you be careful too.

Ruby then went to the others on the ship to head to Beacon. I saw the ship took off and watched it leave.

You: Are you ready to do this BD?

BD-1: Beep-boop!

You: Heh, that's what I like to hear.

We then went to the Atlas battleship and quietly went inside. I saw two soldiers on the on the pilot seat and another on the co-pilot seat.

Atlas Soldier: I'm getting sights of reports that there's Grimm all over the city.

Atlas Soldier 2: Yeah, let's just hope we can get the civilians out in time.

I crouched down and signal BD to distract them, he got in the middle and beeped loudly to the both of them.

BD-1: Bweep-boop!

Atlas Soldiers: Huh?


(Music Playing)

Now's my chance. I grabbed both of them and made them smacked each other's heads to knock them out, it worked. I dragged their bodies out of the ship and head back in and sat down in the pilot seat.

You: Can't believe that actually worked.

BD-1: Boop-be-beep!

You: Okay, uhh, controls.

I heard a radio in the ship speaking.

Captain on radio: Bird 6, come in what's your status. Bird 6 come in! Whoever's on this ship, you are not authorized to fly this ship-

BD-1: Beep! Be-bo-beep?

You: Can you shut that guy up?

I said to BD-1, good thing I added an Overcharge to him.

Captain on radio: Stand down or we will-

He was got cut off by BD smashing the radio with his charge.

BD-1: Be-beep?

You: Better.

I pressed the button to turn on the engines of the ship.

You: Hahaha!

I looked at BD who was on the co pilot seat next to me I smiled at him.

You: Let's do this!

I grabbed the control of the ship pulled up, and took off. This is my first time ever flying one of this things. I saw a few Grimm in the sky, so I decided to test out the weapons on the ship. I pressed the trigger on the controller of the ship and fired bullets at the Grimm.

You: So those are the guns.

I pressed the second trigger and it fired missiles at the other Grimm.

You: And those are the missiles.

I continued to fly around in the sky and clearing out the Grimm in the sky. I saw that the Grimm are also on the ground where Beacon is.

You: What do you say, should we help out our friends on the ground?

BD-1: Beep-boop!

You: Alright, let's go!

I pushed down the control of the ship and went down to Beacon. I saw that some of the Atlas robots had turned on them. Just like the Jedi Purge, not again. I speeded up to take out the Grimm and the robots. I fired both the rockets and guns at them. I heard them exploded and pulled back up to get more altitude in the sky.


I got up in the sky to take care more of the Grimm.

Jaune POV

We were all surrounded by Grimm and the Atlas robots that turned on us, I guess this is it. I heard something, wait. Is that a Atlas battleship? I looked up in the sky and saw the ship coming towards us. The ship fired both guns and rockets at the Grimm and the robots and exploded. I heard someone cheering out loud in the ship.


The ship flew by us and went back into the sky, was that Y/n?

Nora: What was that?!

Weiss: Who was flying that ship?!

Jaune: It's Y/n!

Weiss: He's flying the ship?!

Jaune: Hey, he just saved us.

As I spoke too soon, there was another big robot coming at us.

Sun: You have got to be kidding me!

Then I saw the ship flew by us again and fired the guns and rockets again at it, and exploded instantly.


We all cheered at Y/n's flying skills, and flew by us again.

Jaune: Great job Y/n. Great job.


You: Looks like that worked.

BD-1: Beep-boop.

I then looked at another ship I saw some fighting on the ship, it's Ruby fighting off Roman Torchwick.

You: You see that?

BD-1: Bwoop-beep!

You: Let's get those things off of her, and help her out.

I speed up to get to the ship that Ruby was on. I got an idea. I went to get low beneath the ship, and switch the battleship to hover mode. I raised up the ship and Roman saw me in a surprised way. I switched on the microphone on the ship and had a smile on my face.

You: Hello there.

I pressed the trigger to fire the bullets at Roman, but then the girl with pink and brown hair blocked the bullets with her umbrella.

I left Ruby to do her fight on the ship, and took care of the Nevermores in the sky. After I cleared out the Nevermores I saw that Roman wasn't there but a Griffon. I think that thing killed him. I saw Ruby jumped on the Griffon and kicked it down on the ship where the pilot seat was, it exploded and went on fire, Ruby then ran down the platform and get to her Scythe and caught it, and she went on her own way.

You: Looks like she can go by herself. Let's get down there.

As I was about to go land to the ground, then I saw a gigantic Grimm that looked like a dragon flying pass us.

You: Whoa! That was close!

I saw what it was doing, it's dropping those black things, it's spawning more Grimm down there.

You: That thing's releasing more Grimm down there!

BD-1: Bweeeeeeep!

You: We gotta get down there, fast!

I pushed down the control of the ship and went down to the ground to land. I landed the ship in time to get out quickly, BD got on my back, and head to the others.

(Music End)

I went to the others and saw that they're were exhausted. Jaune and Pyrrha weren't here, where are they? I went to go talk to Nora.

You: Nora, where's Pyrrha and Jaune?

Nora: They went with Ozpin somewhere in the tower.

They went to the Vault.

You: Nora, are you sure you gonna be okay?

Nora: Yeah, I'll be okay. Just go find them.

You: Okay, good luck.

I then ran off to the tower and go protect the Maiden.

You: Please let me make it in time.

To be continued.

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