Volume: 3 Round One

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Location: Patch

Me and Ruby decided to head back to patch before she heads to the tournament. She wanted to visit her mother's grave, Summer Rose. Ruby had her hood up while we were walking through the woods. After we finished walking, we finally got to the grave, it's still there the last time I was here, it still said the engraving words on the gravestone. Me and Ruby were standing near her gravestone, I should give her time to talk to her.

You: I'll give you a minute to talk to her, I'm here if you need me.

Ruby: Okay, thanks for being here with me.

You: No problem.

I stepped back a bit to hear Ruby speak to her mother's grave. Ruby then removed her hood.

Ruby: Hey mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... Well things have been pretty busy. Oh! Dad's here too. He's, you know... dad. He's still teaching at Signal, but he told me he's going to be going on some mission soon. I think he misses adverting with you. I miss you too. Haven't got kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her in line. That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter, you can tell she's learned a lot from Dad. Well so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates. Together, we formed team RWBY. And yes before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion...

I playfully clear my throat to let her know that I'm also apart of the team. Ruby then looked at me for a second and went back to the grave.

Ruby: Oh! I almost forgot. Y/n is also in our team, he's actually a fifth member of our team. I know it's also a confusion why Ozpin let him into our team, but I'm glad that he is apart of it. And, to tell you that he's also my boyfriend. I really love him so much, that he can do so much more in the future. Just like you and dad. Anyways, uh, I made a bunch of new friends, and I met some... let's just say, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys too! I guess it's they say: like mother, like daughter. I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he starts sounding like uncle Qrow.

Her uncle Qrow? I gotta meet this Qrow person one day. Ruby mentioned that name before she told Ozpin about him. We then heard Zwei barking behind us, and Tai was there waiting for us.

Ruby: Oh! Looks like Dad's back. I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he can he goes on his next mission! Wish me luck!

Ruby put her hood back on and started to walk back to Tai, until she said something again to her mother.

Ruby: It was good to talk.

Ruby then continue to head back to Tai, while I just stood there.

Ruby: Hey, you coming?

I took a moment to speak.

You: Uh, you go on ahead, I'll catch up.

Ruby: Okay, just don't take too long.

You: I won't.

Ruby then went ahead of me and went with Tai. I walked up to Summer's grave and sat down with my legs crossed.

You: Hey Summer. I know it's been a while. Last time when I was here, I was being so sad. But, Ruby helped me out, she really is an amazing girl, just how you raised her. Her wanted to be Huntress and save the world, I know she wanted to be like you, just like you did back your in time... I love her, you know? I always wanted to be with someone in my life. I always wanted to have that feeling of being in love with someone, and being with them forever. Ruby is a beautiful girl, she always loves looking at new weapons and, you know what I mean. Oh, I wanted to introduce you to my little friend BD-1.

BD got off my back and looked at the gravestone.

BD-1: Beep-boop.

You: He said hi. It would be nice for you to actually meet him in person. He's a good friend, and he keeps me safe when I'm in danger. He gives me healing stims when ever I'm injured, or for the others that are injured. I'm glad that I met him. Ozpin wanted me to meet him so he can keep me company on my journey. I'm glad that I met Ruby and Yang, and I'm glad that I met your husband, Tai. If it weren't for them, I would have ended up being alone for a few more years, and I wouldn't want that. I wanted to say, thank you, for being there for them. You were a great mother, and a great wife. I'm glad that I get to have this talk with you. I should get going, Ruby and Tai are waiting for me.

I got up from the ground and BD got on my back. I wanted to say something to Summer before leave.

You: Thank you, and may you rest in peace.

I left Summer's grave and went to go catch up with Ruby and Tai.

Location: Beacon Academy

Since I couldn't join in the audience and be at the fairgrounds for the tournament, I decided to just relax in my teams dorm room and just relax. I decided to meditate in the meantime. I sat down on the floor with my legs crossed and focused on my mind and avoiding any distractions. I then entered my meditation vision in a safe place in my mind.

I then looked at my skill tree to unlock a new skill. The skill is called" Leaping Slash. I can perform another powerful Slash attack after an Overhead Slash". This skill will come in handy during combat. I then started to exit my meditation vision, but I was still inside my mind. I opened my eyes to see that I'm still inside my meditation vision, I was in a open area where I am. I got up from the floor and looked at my surroundings. After a few minutes I heard something giggle around me, I wasn't alone here. I then heard it again and I turned around quickly and nothing was there.

???: Over here!

I heard a voice, I turned around to see nothing again. It was a voice of a female. I kept on searching for the woman who spoke to me. I have to say something.

You: Who's there! Show yourself!

???: Oh! Sorry for scaring you like that. I'll show myself now.

There were white rose petals coming from the air, they were spinning around me and going to the open area. The white rose petals started to spin around, it's starting to reveal someone.

Summer: Ahh. That's much better.

No way it's Summer Rose. How is she inside my meditation vision? My eyes widened in shock from seeing this, it's actually her.

Summer: Hello Y/n, it's been a while since we last spoke.

I was still in shock that I was actually meeting her for the first time. I didn't say anything for a second.

Summer: What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

She giggled at the joke she made. I was still in shock that I'm actually meeting her. I have to say something to her.

You: I-i don't understand. How are you inside of my meditation vision?

Summer: Oh, so this is where you meditate. It's so nice and quiet around here.

You: Yeah. This is where I can relax and get my mind off of things and learn new skills.

Summer: Ohhh. I'm impressed with your skills you get from here.

You: Yeah, they helped me fight in combat.

Summer: Oh! I could imagine seeing you doing all sorts of moves!

You: Wow, you sound just like Ruby.

Summer: I know. How is she doing by the way?

You: She's doing great, well I guess like they say: like mother like daughter. That's what Ruby said at your grave.

Summer: I heard, and I also heard your speech.

You: I ment what I said, last time when I was at your grave, I swear to you that I will protect Ruby and Yang from any danger that is coming one day, and I will be there for them when it comes, I promise you that.

Summer had tears of happiness in her eyes for what I said. She walked towards me, after she approached she gave me a hug for what I have said.

Summer: Thank you so much, I knew I could count on you.

I hugged her back, I really needed this moment for this first time hugging Summer Rose, this feels good.

You: You're welcome.

We smiled at each other and hugged for a few minutes. After a few minutes we let go of each other.

Summer: Well, I guess I should let you go back to reality now.

You: Yeah, I should. Thank you Summer, for being here.

Summer: No problem Y/n, if you ever need to talk? I'll be here waiting for you when you meditate again.

You: Alright, I guess I'll see you around.

Summer: Bye for now!

She waved at me and I waved at her back. I was starting to open my eyes to head back to reality, I'm now back in the dorm room in Beacon Academy. I saw BD-1 resting on the desktop. I got up from the floor and head towards the window to look at the view. I saw Ruby, Weiss and another woman that looks identical to her, she has the same hair color, and she had different outfit on, I'm guessing she's her sister, and she's from Atlas. I then saw a man behind them taking out one of the Atlas robots. He had a outfit like a suit on with his sleeves rolled up, and I can't describe the rest. What I know that this is not good, what if he's the enemy? I better go stop this fight before someone gets hurt, I went to go wake up BD-1.

You: BD, come on, there's trouble outside.

BD-1: Boop-bap.

He then got on my back and we went down to the courtyard to stop that fight from happening.

To be continued.

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