Volume 4: Moving forward

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I was sleeping in one of the sleeping bags we packed up during our travel to Mistral, it's not very comfortable to sleep on the ground, but it's all we got for now. Let's hope we can find an inn at the next village. I started to hear voices in my head when I was sleeping, it's my old friend Jack when was working back in the scrap yard back in the South of Vale.

Jack: Come on Y/n, you're a young guy, you don't want to end up like me. Eventually, you gotta move on and live your life, find your destiny.

Those were the same words that he spoke to me while I was working with him.

Jack: Y/n look out!

I gasped quietly and jolted awake breathing in and out softly. It was just a dream. I put my right hand on my face from the dream I had. Jack died in an accident while he was working. I'm still getting memories about that incident that happened. I looked at the sky to see it was dawn, the sun was coming up and shining the sky, I saw the others still asleep in their bags. What happened to me during the incident was in the past, I gotta move on and live my life, and find my destiny.


We were back on the road walking on the open grass road. And for once the others finally got a map to show where the next town is. Ruby was navigating the map.

Ruby: So, the next town is... Uh-huh! Uh-huh... We're lost.

Jaune: We're not lost! The next is town is Shion. My family use to visit it all the time.

Ruby: Oh, yeah! Don't you have, like, four sisters?

You: Jaune has four sisters?

Jaune: Uh, seven.

You: Okay, I seriously have a lot of questions.

Ruby giggles at Jaune said.

Nora: Y'know, that actually explains a lot.

Jaune: Wait, what do you mean--

Ruby: SO, what did you guys do there?

Jaune: OH! All sorts of stuff!

Jaune then went Ruby to show her what they did while they at Shion village. I just went back to my thoughts for a second to look at the nice nature of this forest. The grass was green, and the sky was blue. Just as I was done site-seeing there some clouds in the sky. I then saw a village that there was smoke in the air, and there were some bodies on the ground, dead, what happened here? We then went to the village to find out what happened.

Ruby: There could be survivors!

Ren: Over here!

Ren found a survivor on the ground. I quickly got to him and knelt down to him, he was bleeding really bad.

Ruby: A Huntsman!

You: What happened here? Who did this?

The Huntsman took a second to speak while he was coughing.

Hunstman: Bandits. The whole tribe... Then with all the panic.

He started to cough badly again.

Ren: Grimm.

Ren and the others then got together to do something with the injured Hunstman.

BD-1: Beep!

BD got off my back and stood next to me while he popped out a Stim and I caught it.

You: Thanks BD.

I was about to inject the injured Hunstman with the stim, but he grabbed my hand to stop me.

Huntsman: Don't waste it, it's too late for me.

You: No! You're going to make it, just let me inject this into you so you can get better, and we'll take you to get help.

The Huntsman shook his head to refuse my help that I was offering to him.

Huntsman: I'll just slow you all down. Thank you, for helping me anyway.

You: No. No!

The injured Hunstman died in front of me. I saw the life in his eyes go away, leaving only his dead body.

Ruby: Y/n, were you able to-

Ruby was cut off by seeing the now dead Huntsman. She knelt down on one knee to put her hand on my shoulder.

Ruby: You did what you could Y/n.

Nora: Should we... bury him?

I got up and put the stim back in BD and put him on my back and walked away from the dead body and pressed on to the road.

Ruby: Y/n?

I didn't bother to listen her, not right now. I just walked up ahead and just not talk to anyone.


I was still hearing voices in my sleep, why won't this go away.

Jack: Hey Y/n check this out. This an Atlas battleship. A big thing like this could be really worth the money.

You: Yeah, maybe.

Jack: Listen to me, with the money from this, could be your ticket off this messy place.

You: What makes you think I want out?

Jack: Come on Y/n, your a young guy, you don't want to end up like me. Especially you gotta move on and live your life, find your destiny.

I then heard one of the cable snaps that was holding a cargo crate.

Jack: Y/n look out!

I heard him and he pushed me out of the way, and I heard the crate crushed on top of Jack.

You: NO!

I quietly gasped and jolted up from my sleeping position in my sleeping bag. I saw that the others are still sleeping in their sleeping bags as well, and BD was also sleeping. I grabbed my lightsaber hilt that was next to my sleeping bag, clipped it to my belt, got up and went for a walk in the forest just to get my mind off of things now. I was walking in the peaceful forest at night to see fireflies flying. After a bit of walking, I went into an open area in the forest. This looks like a good place to practice my fighting moves.

I got out my lightsaber and activate it. I got it in front of me and closed my eyes and hear the humming of my blade. A few seconds later, I opened my eyes, but I wasn't alone. There were four clone troopers aiming their blasters at me, ready to fire at me. They were surrounding me from every direction, not wanting me to escape. I got into my fighting stance and wait for them to blast me. One trooper fired his blaster at me in front of me, but I quickly deflected the blaster fire and made for back to hit the trooper who fired at me. I looked at the next trooper and used the Force to use Grasping Pull on him. I pulled him in to get to me and I stabbed my lightsaber through his stomach, killing him instantly. I looked at the next trooper to throw my lightsaber at him to strike him down and I pulled my weapon back into my right hand and I caught. The last trooper was still standing, I used Grasping Pull again to pull in to me and stabbed my lightsaber to strike him down. That was the last of them. I closed my eyes for a second to catch my breath. I opened them again to see a different trooper, it was a Purge Trooper that hunts down Jedi survivors. He was holding a purple electrical staff as his weapon.

Purge Trooper: A Jedi. This is what I've trained for.

I was a bit scared to face this trooper, but I have to fight him. I got into my fighting stance, the trooper began to come towards me and swung his staff at me, but blocked his attacks and doge rolled backwards.

Purge Trooper: Yes, run coward.

He said that just to make me fight him. I kept my distance from him and he charged at me again. He was about to hit me with his staff, but I parried his attack to stagger him. I kicked his staff out of his hands and used Force Push to push him to hit his back on a tree and went to the ground. I walked up to him to finish him off. I raised my lightsaber and swung at him with my eyes closed and did a battle cry to slash him. I opened my eyes again to see that he wasn't the there, I only saw the tree fell forward in front of me on the left side that I slashed. I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped to my belt and sat down on the ground with the tree I cut. I put my hands on my face to cover my eyes. I can't believe I'm still hearing voices from the first day I went to Beacon, but now Vale and Beacon are overrun with Grimm. I began to cry from the hallucinations that I just had, I can't believe I didn't save a life for one day, the injured Hunstman didn't want me to save him. He rather just died right there in that village that was destroyed, I could've saved him. I could've helped him get to a doctor to patch up his wounds so he can move on with his life, but no. He didn't want to be saved, he rather just accepted death. What am I even doing out here.

Ruby: Y/n?

I heard the sound of Ruby's voice. I removed my hands from my face and saw her standing in front of me. I looked up at her where I was sitting, while I still had tears in my eyes.

Ruby: Are you okay? I heard you were here, and you screamed, what happened?

Ruby sat down next to me to see what was wrong with me.

Ruby: Y/n, it's okay for you to talk about it if you want, I'm always here for you.

I guess I should tell what happened while I was walking away from them.

You: I'm Just... I'm just tired of people dying. Just like I couldn't save that guy back there. He refused to take the stim that I was going to give to him, he just wanted to except death. Why do so many have to die? We lost so many already back at Beacon.

I still had tears in my eyes from what I said, I'm tired of all of this.

Ruby: Sometimes bad things happen Y/n, and sometimes all good things must come to an end. I know you can't stand that, but that's just how it is. We all have one life to live, and we need to keep moving forward.

You: I know, but... if it weren't for those bandits that attacked the village, we could've saved those people in time. Maybe I shouldn't have come with you guys, I could've just stayed at Patch with Yang. I can't stand of people dying.

I still sat there with tears in my eyes. But then Ruby grabbed my cheeks with her hands to make me look at her. She then got close to my face and she kissed me on the lips. I haven't felt this in a while now, I needed this moment. Ruby let go of the kiss for a second and she went on top of me and kissed me and I kissed her back with our eyes closed. We had full make out session, with her arms around my neck and my arms around her waist. I felt like I never wanted to let her go, I don't want to lose her and my friends. They all I have left now. Maybe Ruby was right, I have to keep moving forward and live on with my life. It had been a few minutes and we let go of each other from the kiss we had. We opened our eyes for us to look at each other. Ruby's beautiful silver eyes looking into my (E/c) eyes.

Ruby: Don't push yourself away from us, don't push yourself away from me. I love you.

I haven't heard those words in a while, I should say it too.

You: I love you too.

Me and Ruby smiled at each other for a few seconds.

Ruby: Come on, let's head back to bed. We got a long way to go.

Ruby got up from me and got up as well. We head back to where we setup camp and went into our sleeping bags, but then I noticed something entering my sleeping bag. I looked to see that it was Ruby who was laying next to me. She was already asleep when she entered, I kissed her on her cheek and went back to sleep for us to have enough rest for the road ahead in the morning.


Back on the road again. We were walking on the open road where Ruby was navigating through the map again. I looked up to the sky to see that it is about to rain.

Ruby: Come on guys! If we pick up the pace we can make it to the next town before sunset.

Jaune: Assuming it's still there.

You: Hey, have a little faith.

Ruby: Y/n's right, of course it will be there! This one's supposed to be pretty big. He.. gan.. bay.. na..

Ren: Higanbana. It's a well-protected village with a popular inn.

Nora: Which means... No camping in the rain!

You: Thank goodness, I was getting sick from sleeping on the ground.

BD-1: Boop-bweep.

You: I agree with you buddy.

Ruby: See, everything's gonna be fine!

Jaune: You know, we've had a lot ups and downs, but things could be a lot worse. Really thought we'd see more Grimm.

Ren: As did I.

Nora: I guess our luck is finally turning around. To Higanbana!

Ren, Nora, Jaune, and Ruby: To Higanbana!

You: To Higan-

I realized I sensed a disturbance in the Force. I quickly ran in front the group and stopped them.

You: Guys, stop.

They all stopped behind me while I was looking around.

Ruby: Was is it Y/n?

You: Something doesn't feel right, watch your backs.

Ruby put away the map in her bag and the others stand guard with their weapons out.

You: I think we're being watched.

Jaune: What do you-

Jaune was cut off by something behind me. I turned around quickly and got out my lightsaber hilt, there was someone coming out of the green mist appearing in front of us. She had pale skin, wearing a red robe and on hood on her, is she a Nightsister?

Nightsister: You trespass, Jedi. Are your friends Jedi too?

She noticed my team standing behind me in shock what they just saw.

You: No, they're not like me. You must be a Nightsister. I had heard you all were dead.

Nightsister: Not all.

She used some sort of magic to summon five of her bodyguards, their Nightbrothers.

Nightsister: This forest is forbidden to you all. Leave at once.

She pointed her finger at us to make us turn back to where we came from.

You: Well, I'm afraid we can't do that but... perhaps we can help each other. You see, we're-

I was cut off by one of the Nightbrothers readying their weapons to strike us, I tried to defuse them with my left hand out in front of me.

You: Easy. We're not your enemies.

Nightsister: Your actions say otherwise.

You: Wait hold on. We're not here to-

I was cut off again when she used her magic to give the Nightbrothers some power boost to fight us.

Nightsister: Vashe.

The Nightsister said that while she disappeared in to the green mist that she used her magic. I activated my lightsaber and got in my fighting stance, getting ready to fight them.

Nightbrother: You shouldn't have come here, outsiders!

You: Guys, get ready!

I told my team to get ready for a fight. I charged at the first Nightbrother while the others delt with the other four. I swung my lightsaber at him to get some damage on him, but he was blocking my attacks. He swung his mace at me for a strike, but I parried his strike to stagger him. I then kicked him in the face and swung my lightsaber at his chest to strike him down. I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt, then I saw the others have finished off the rest of the Nightbrothers, they came to me to ask me questions about what were they.

Jaune: Y/n, what were those people?

Nora: Why did they attack us?

Ren: How did that woman did that to her men?

Ruby: Why was she saying that we were trespassing?

That was a lot of questions that were giving me, but I have to tell them.

You: What you just saw and fought, those were the Nightbrothers, and Nightsister.

Jaune: Nightbrothers and Nightsister?

You: These people are different. They're from a planet called Dathomir.

Ren: Dathomir?

You: It's where the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers live. That place used to be home to a powerful cabal of Force wielders know as the Nightsisters.

Jaune: They used the Force? What, like Jedi?

You: No. These witches served only themselves. Their powers focused on deception, illusion, manipulation.

Ruby: Wow, you know all this stuff.

You: During the Clone Wars the Nightsisters made a deal with a Sith Lord who betrayed their trust. In the end, they were nearly wiped out in a massacre. Dathomir is a deadly place. But thank goodness we don't have to go there, but we should still keep our eyes open, I don't know how they got here.

Jaune: Don't have to tell us twice.

We then proceeded to head to the village. And on half way almost there we heard a stranger spoke to us.

Stranger: Oh, fellow wanderers!

He was wearing a black robe with his hood up, we saw most of his face.

Stranger: I see you all met the resident Nightsister but, uh... Unlike most, you're alive. I see you all have amazing weapons of yours, that would explain your survivals.

He then noticed me having my lightsaber on my belt.

Stranger: You have... Ooh, a lightsaber. (I tried to hide it behind me). No, no, don't hide it. That would explain your survival as well.

You: Who are you?

He took a second to speak to me.

Stranger: You don't... no, no one to fear. No. Just a traveler. Studying the nature of... Extinct cultures, dead philosophers and creatures.

You: You studying the Nightsisters?

I walked up to him.

Stranger: Ooh... I study many things. But, yes, that Nightsister. Oh. She was only a child... When the war came to that world. She had to watch her whole family perish.

You: What do you know about these woods?

Stranger: Oh. (laugh) These woods are nothing but nature beyond itself. The Nightsister and her warrior kin... We're seduced. By some kind of power that lurks within them. Try to avoid them. Or if your all strong enough, you can fight them.

You: Thanks for the heads up.

Stranger: Anytime wanderer. If I may? Can you please tell me your names.

I went back to my team and looked at the stranger.

You: How do we know you won't tell anyone about us.

Stranger: Oh nonsense. Why would I do that? If we see each other again, how are we supposed to know each other if I saw you before? Look, I know you all don't trust me, but I need to know your names, what if we have to help each other out?

I looked at Ruby and my team.

You: What do you guys think?

Jaune: Well, if we do run into him again, we might need guidance for where were going.

You: Alright. My name is Y/n L/n.

Ruby: Ruby Rose.

Nora: Nora Valkyrie.

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Ren: Lie Ren, but you can call me Ren for short.

Stranger: Very well then. Y/n, Ruby, Nora, Jaune, Ren? It was a pleasure meeting you all. Well, I should be on my way! And be careful on your journey where you're going, there's a lot of dangerous creatures and people around here, best be on you're guards. Safe travels my friends!

The stranger then left us to proceed to the Village.


It was night outside and raining, but we managed to get rooms inside the inn. Ruby already got us rooms for tonight, the others got their own rooms, but Ruby an me are gonna share the same room for tonight. Before I head to bed, I wanna explore this village. I know it's raining out there, but I got my poncho on so I'll be okay. I then tell Ruby that I'll be going out to explore the village.

You: Hey, I'm going to go explore this village.

Ruby: But it's raining, you'll get wet.

You: I got my poncho on and a hood with it.

Ruby: Okay, please be careful.

You: Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it.

I then excited the inn to head outside. I had my hood on from my poncho and went to a nearby bar. I open entered through the door and closed behind me. I then took off my hood to fix my hair, this place is amazing. Most people come here to get drunk or something. I was greeted by waitress that was walking to me.

Waitress: Good evening mister. How can I help you?

You: Oh, um. I was just exploring some of the village, I'm new around here.

Waitress: No worries. Would you like anything to drink?

You: I'll take some water, I had a ruff travel out there.

Waitress: Alright, find a place to sit, and I'll be back with you.

You: Thank you.

She then walked away to go get my drink. I sat by the table nearby and waited for my water. I then started to hear some people talking on the balcony. Wait, I know that voice it's Qrow, what's he doing here? And I heard a woman's voice who was talking to him. I saw the waitress returned with my class of water. I then gave her some Lien to thank her for the drink.

You: Thank you.

Waitress: No problem. If you need anything? I'm always around here.

She gave me a wink from her and I laughed a little at this. She walked away to go back to serve other people drinks in here. I took a sip of my water and then stood up to go upstairs and see what those two are talking about. I looked at BD and put my finger on my lip to let him know to stay quiet, he nod his head to let me know he understands. Some of the lights were out up there, that means I have a good advantage to hide behind one of the tables that are stacked together and listen to them, BD got off my back and stood down next to me so that he won't alert them that I'm here.

??? Does she have it.

Have what? And who is she? There was a small moment of silence before Qrow spoke again.

Qrow: Did you know Yang lost her arm?

???: That's not-

Qrow: Rhetorical question. I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you you bring up family then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist.

???: I saved her.

Qrow: Once. Because that was your rule, right? Real "Mom" of the year" material sis.

That's Yang's mother? Qrow told that her name is Raven. That's her, from the picture that Qrow showed me. I took a small peek from my cover and saw that Raven was holding Qrow's left wrist.

Raven: I told you Beacon would fall, and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail and he has. Now you tell me. Does... Salem... Have it?

Salem? Who is... no that can't be. That's the same woman in the nightmare I had back in Beacon. And what does she mean "does she have it".

Qrow: I thought you weren't interested in all of that.

Raven: I just want to know what we are up against.

Qrow: And which "we" are you referring to?

Raven let go of Qrow's wrist and sat back down.

Qrow: You should come back Raven. The only way we should is by working together. All of us.

Raven: You're the one that left. The tribe raised us... and you turned your back on them.

Qrow finished his drink and spoke to Raven.

Qrow: They were killers and thieves.

Raven: They were your family.

Qrow: You have a very skewed perception of that word.

Raven got up from her chair knocking it back from her anger, I reached for my lightsaber hilt just in case something bad goes wrong.

Raven: I lead my people now. And as leader I will do anything in power to ensure our survival.

Qrow: I saw. The people of Shion saw too.

She was the one who attacked that village?

Raven: The weak die, and the strong live. Those are the rules.

Qrow: Well, you've certainly for someone on your side. I've seen the damage.

Raven: We couldn't have known the Grimm would set in as quickly as they did.

Qrow: I'm not talking about the Grimm, and I'm not talking about you either.

Raven: If you don't know where the Relic is, then we have nothing to talk about.

Relic? What Relic? Qrow then put his and on Raven's mask.

Qrow: I don't know where the Spring Maiden is either. If you do, I need you to tell me.

There's another Maiden?

Raven: And why would I do that?

She said while pulling her mask away from Qrow.

Qrow: Because without her, we're all going to die.

Raven: And which "we" are you referring to?

Raven then look to see that I was hiding behind one of the tables. I quickly got out of sight from her. I heard her blade slash in the air, I looked to see that she opened up a portal.

Raven: I'll leave you and your friend back there.

After she said that she walked through the portal to... I don't know where she's going. The portal closed after she went through. I quickly got out of sight from Qrow so he doesn't see me.

Qrow: You heard her. Come on out.

Busted. I got up and put BD on my back, and walked towards Qrow. But I saw the waitress from earlier who was shocked to see the portal Raven did. I went to go calm her down.

You: Hey it's okay. I was kinda surprised to see that too. It's okay, just calm down.

She nodded her head at me and calmed down. I then went to sit in front of Qrow where Raven was siting.

You: I didn't expect you to be out here.

Qrow: I've been keeping an eye on you guys for a while.

You: That's why there were no Grimm, you did all of that didn't you?

Qrow: You guessed it. And I also saw that fight you and the others had with those... things that are like people.

You: You mean the Nightsister and Nightbrothers?

Qrow: Yeah, how did you know who they are?

You: I read about them. I had no idea how they got here in the first place?

Qrow: Me neither.

You: You already knew that I was listening to you guys right?

Qrow: Yep.

You: When this is done, you need to explain to us why you are out here, and what's going on.

Qrow: You have my word kid.

You: Good. I should probably head back to the others.

I got out of the chair and started to leave.

Qrow: Hey, one more thing.

I stopped and turned around to face Qrow.

Qrow: Make sure Ruby doesn't get herself killed okay?

You: You know I will, I love her.

Qrow: Heh. I know you do.

You: See you around Qrow.

Qrow: Same to you Y/n.

I then left the bar to head back into the inn. After I got back inside I went to go get ready for the night. I went into my usual night wear and head into bed with Ruby. She was already fast asleep already. I hope we don't have to run into them again, this just keeps getting weirder and weirder. But we'll be ready for them.

To be continued.

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