Volume 6: Argus Limited

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Me an Merrin were walking to the train station where the others will be waiting for us. Luckily, me and Merrin got winter clothing and accessories for the trip to Argus and Atlas. I was wearing a winter cloak cape poncho sweatshirt coat jacket and a dark blue winter scarf around my neck with my outlaw outfit with it.

While Merrin was wearing her winter clothing with a red winter jacket and a dark red scarf around her neck with her outfit inside the jacket..

After a few minutes of walking, we finally made it to the train station where Ruby and the others are waiting for us. I saw that Ruby was holding something behind her back while giggling at Yang. I decided to go see what was going on.

Yang: And?

Ruby then took out a paper bag with something inside of it.

Weiss: What an absolute waste of ti-

Yang: What did you get me?!

Ruby: 🎶You'll have to wait and see.🎶

Yang: No fair.

Ruby said while sticking her tongue out at Yang. Yang almost got the bag from Ruby, but she backed away from Yang in time. Nora then joined in on the two sisters.

Nora: Oh! I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! Beautiful northern coastline. You think it's too early for beach season?

Ren: Unfortunately, but we will be one step closer to Atlas.

Weiss: Well, I'm glad you're all excited, but I don't think you appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas.

Ruby: I know you're worried Weiss but trust us. Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second. I promise.

Everyone then turned to me and Merrin.

Merrin: You're friends, they act like children sometimes.

You: Trust me, they've been like this sense I first I met them.

Merrin: (chuckle) It's nice to see that you and your friends are traveling to Argus. I have to say, I am excited too, to go to Argus.

You: I'm excited to go too.

BD-1: Boop-whooo!

You: See, even BD is excited as well.

Nora: Oooh, look at you two. You're all ready for this trip are you?

You: Yup, we're all warmed up and ready to go.

Huntsman: No one's got to be worried with us around.

We all then turned to see two Huntsmen in front of us.

Nora: And... you are...?

Huntsman: Why Dee and Dudley, of course? The Argus Limited's very own Huntsman. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory.

Dudley: But, for a generous tip we can make sure your passenger car gets extra special attention should things get dangerous.

Dudley then winked at Ruby and Yang. I then went next to Ruby and put my arm around her.

You: Hey, Dudley right? I don't think you've noticed, but she's with me. And you better not flirt with her, because if you do then this one over here on my left will not be happy.

I mentioned Yang next to me, she looked at me with a smile and so did Ruby, then crossed her arms at the two Huntsmen.

Qrow: Hey, I got a tip for you.

Dudley: Huh?

Qrow: Buzz off.

We then saw Qrow with his hands in his pockets while walking in front of us. I let go of Ruby so she can have some fun with these two.

Qrow: Looks like Mistral's really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.

I then saw Yang and Ruby making faces at Dee and Dudley.

Dee: Hey, you're talking to a-

Dee was cut off by Qrow taking out his Huntsman license.

Qrow: A professional Hunstman, right. Well, it seems one of you heroes left the staff entrance to the caboose wide open. Be a shame if you lose your job before it even started.

Dudley: I didn't do it.

Dee: (sigh) Come on, dummy.

Dudley: Well, I didn't do it either.

Dee and Dudley then left to go to there job post.

You: Nice work back there Qrow.

Qrow: I rather not let those two bother us on the train.

Merrin: And you told them.

Oscar: You know, sometimes the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming. But then people like that come along and make me grateful that it's our job and not theirs.

You: I couldn't agree with you more Oscar.

Ruby: Uh-huh.

Jaune: Yep.

Qrow: So you kids ready to go? Bike all loaded up?

Yang: Yep.

Weiss: Just waiting on Blake, as usual.

You: Well, we're not going without her.

I then sat down next to Ruby and put my arm around her and she put her head on my shoulder to rest her head on me.

Ruby: You're all warmed up.

You: Yeah, it's gonna be freezing in Argus and Atlas. I've always wanted to go north.

Ruby: Well, first time's a charm.

You: You're right.

We've all waited for Blake and the train to arrive here for us to head to Argus.


We were all on the train to enjoy this time to relax. I was resting my eyes on the bunk bed that Ruby is on with me while she was playing a game on her Scroll. I needed the rest when we arrive at Argus. Merrin has her own room where she can relax as well. The relaxation was going great, but then I felt train shake that woke me up from my nap. I saw that Ruby and the others grabbed their weapons. I jumped down from the bunk bed and asked what is happening.

You: What's going on?

Ruby: The Grimm found us. We're heading to the roof to fight them off.

You: Not alone you're not. I'll go get Merrin, I'll meet you guys outside.

They nodded their heads and they went to the roof and BD got on my back. I went to go get Merrin who was nextdoor.

You: Merrin, come on.

Merrin: What is it?

You: The Grimm are outside of the train. We need to go and help the others.

Merrin: I'm with you.

You: Let's go.

Me and Merrin went go up on the roof to help the others. We climbed up the ladder to get to the top of the train, there were more Grimm that wings again that can attack us quickly. I saw that Dee got killed by one of them. Me and Merrin then went to get ready for a fight with team RWBY.

Blake: What's the plan Ruby?

Ruby: Don't let anyone else die.

You: Let's see what you got Merrin.

Merrin: Trust me, I'm ready for a fight.

She then went up ahead to fight alongside with my team.

You: You ready to do this BD?

BD-1: Whoop!

You: Always the enthusiastic one.

I went to go join the fight with my team. I saw that Merrin was using her magick to take down the Grimm that are in the sky. I took out my blaster from my holster and got ready to fire at the Grimm.

You: I guess it's about time that use this.

I hold the blaster with both of my hands and fired at the Grimm. There were some on the ground, but the others got the ones that are on the train. I saw that the train had turrets on them, they were activated by Dudley who turned them on to shoot down the Grimm, but there taking them out quickly. It's making the passengers on the train be in more danger. Oscar went to tell Dudley to turn off the turn off the turrets, but that didn't go so well. I saw the Grimm falling back, but why?

Oscar: TUNNEL!

I heard what Oscar said. I saw that were heading towards a tunnel. I ran to get back inside, but a fireball shot on the ground behind me. I was about to fall off the train, but then I felt something on my arm, it was Ruby that caught me from falling.

Ruby: Hang on!

You: Wha-Whoaaaaa!

Ruby then used her semblance to burst into rose petals with me to head back into the train quickly. I was on the floor in the train with my hair crazy from what Ruby did.

Ruby: Are you okay?

You: Yeah, I'm great. Thanks for the save though. That was my first time flying with you in your semblance.

Ruby chuckled what I said. She helped me get up and I fixed my hair to go back where I had it before. We then head to one of the train cars to see Oscar helping Dudley who was injured pretty bad. Qrow then went up to Dudley, grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him on the wall.

Qrow: I said, turn those damn things off.

Dudley: Those things are keeping us alive.

Qrow: Oh, sure, but they're putting the passengers in danger.

Dudley: I'm the one they hired for this job, okay? I'm in charge here!

Qrow: Forgive me if I'm not reassured.

I then turned around to see the passengers that are scared if their lives being taken away. And I heard a baby crying in one of the parents arms. They were all scared.

Dudley: Get off me!

Qrow: Look, if you bozos have been doing your job instead of shaking down passengers. Maybe we wouldn't be in this-

Ruby then stopped Qrow from arguing with Dudley. Qrow stepped aside for Ruby to talk to Dudley.

Ruby: Please just shut off the turrets.

Jaune: Trust us. We know what we're doing.

Jaune then started to heal Dudley's arm, wow that's new for Jaune.

Dudley: Fine.

Nora: Ren, could you use your semblance to mask everyone on this train? With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose track of us.

Ren: Hmm. I've never attempted to affect this many people.

Ruby: Well you've never had Jaune's help before, hmm?

Weiss: He could amplify your aura.

Qrow: Yeah. That's an alright plan.

Merrin: No, I can help.

Blake: What are you thinking?

Merrin: A ritual. It will hide the train and the emotions. I hope.

Qrow: A ritual.

You: She has a knack for this kinda stuff.

Jaune: Wait hold on, now what is this gonna require?

Merrin: A sacrifice. One of your fingers will do nicely.

Jaune: Wait, what?!

Merrin then lightly hit Jaune's head from her joke that she made.

Merrin: Don't be so serious. You'll see what I mean when we get to the front.

Jaune sighs in relief knowing that he's not giving up one his fingers to Merrin. Ozpin then took control of Oscar again.

Ozpin: I'm afraid there's one complication... Grimm are also attracted to this.

He mentioned the relic on his side.

Dudley: What's that?

Qrow: None of your business. Oz, are you serious?

Yang: Why wouldn't you tell us that?

You: Now's not the time Yang!

Ruby: He's right. Every second we're on board this train, we're putting everyone in danger. Get the passengers to the front cars. Merrin will do her thing and kill the turrets. We just can't come with you. If we cut the back cars with us and the relic on them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the rest of the train makes it safely to Argus.

Jaune came up to Ruby in a worried look.

Jaune: Only if you'll promise you'll meet us there.

Ruby: Promise.

I went to go hug Merrin and she hugged back, we then let go of each other.

You: Stay safe Merrin.

Merrin: You too Y/n.

Me and my team went back outside of the train. Blake detached the caboose on the train to let the passengers and the others go to Argus. I went up to Ruby to see her Scroll out, checking the signal of the others that were almost out of range. We then saw the Grimm come out flying from the tunnel.

Ruby: Now!

I then saw the train glowing green. Merrin did her trick, she hide the train from the Grimm for us to hold them off while they make it to Argus. I saw one of the Grimm landed in front of me. I took out my lightsaber and activate it to fight this thing. It was about to hit me with it's arm, but slide down on the ground and cut it off. It then swung it's other arm, but I swung my lightsaber and cut off the other arm. I jumped on the Grimm's back and stabbed my blade in it to kill it, I jumped off the Grimm's back and saw that it was fading away. I then saw a fireball that hit the train tracks. I then felt something on my feet, it was a black glyph that Weiss was using to hold us from falling off. The train went off the track and we then crashed into the snowy woods.

I opened my eyes to see that was buried in the snow. I tried to get out, but it was no use. I saw Qrow helping out of the snow.

Qrow: Heh, you're a tough one to kill Y/n.

You: That's a good thing right?

Qrow helped me up off the snowy ground and I was shaking from the snow, luckily this coat that I'm wearing will help me keep warm enough.

Qrow: Is everyone okay?

Weiss: I'm fine.

Blake: Yeah.

???: Still alive!

We then saw an old lady coming out of the train cars that just crashed.

???: That sure was a close one, huh?

To be continued.

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