Volume 6: Running away again

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Maria told us about how she was so called, "The Grimm Reaper", how she lost her eyes, and how she kept her identify hidden for a long time. Just like me, I went into to hiding for five years so no one can know who I was.

Maria: But I wasn't... I went into hiding soon after.

You: Just like me.

The others looked at me while I was sitting by myself.

You: I went into hiding as well from being hunted down from anyone, and I did. For five years I have been hiding from everyone around me not to find out that I'm a Jedi.

Maria: I guess that explains that weapon you have with you.

Qrow: I don't believe it.

We all then looked at Qrow for him to continue.

Qrow: You... You're the Grimm Reaper. You were a legend. Then you disappeared.

Oscar: How exactly does a legend just disappear?

Qrow: You never used your name. Never showed your face. Lots of us though you were just laying low. Eventually we came to accept that you were probably dead. But the stories about you, I based my weapon off of yours. I wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.

Maria: Well I'm nothing but a disappointment, so you're well on your way.

Blake: How can you say that?

Maria: Child, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I lost my eyes, I only ever looked after myself. Even after my surgery I was too afraid to fight. Afraid someone would find me again. Finish what the others started. You shouldn't aspire to be like me. Especially when when some of you are clearly stronger already. It's comforting seeing that your generation seems up to the task of inheriting this world. I'm sorry I didn't do more to leave it in better shape.

Ruby: Well, maybe you can do something now. Teach me how to use my powers they way you did.

Maria looked at Ruby, but then her scroll started chiming. Ruby took out her scroll to see who was calling her.

Ruby: It's Jaune.

I felt Yang stopped the bike.

Weiss: How?

You: I thought the CCT towers were offline.

Ruby: H-Hello?

I didn't hear what Jaune was saying to Ruby.

Ruby: The city? Wait?

Ruby then started to move her scroll to get the signal on her scroll where it was coming from, it was coming from up ahead from the road in front of us.

You: Did we actually made it to Argus?

Yang: Only one way to find out.

Yang then drove us to the hill up ahead where the signal was coming from Ruby's scroll. When we got up to the hill, Yang stopped her bike to see something. I looked to see that we are finally at Argus, this brought a smile to my face knowing that we finally got here.

Yang: Ladies and gentleman, we have arrived in Argus.

BD-1: Boop-whooooop!

You: Yeah, you said it buddy.


We were all at the main gate of Argus, this place is massive. There's walls all around us, and nothing could break these down. Yang put her bike in one of the parking garages that was here, I can't wait to explore more of this place.

Nora: CUTE. BOY. OZ!

Nora, same as usual. She then ran and jumped on Oscar to give him a hug and went to the ground. Everyone was having a good reunion from all the crazy stuff we did.

Merrin: Y/n!

I looked to see Merrin coming towards me with a smile on her face.

You: Merrin!

We then gave hugged each other and she hugged Ruby as well and looked at us.

Merrin: I'm glad you're okay, I'm glad all of you are okay.

Ruby: Well, you know how it is, trying to survive out there in the freezing forest.

You: It was a tough trip, but we made it. We wouldn't have been alive without this one right here.

I put my arm around Ruby and she smiled at me.

Ruby: Oh, you!

Ruby then leaned her head on my shoulder for us having a good relationship.

Merrin: I see you two are a couple.

You: Yeah, we are.

Merrin: I'm glad you both are. It is nice to have someone by your side who's close to you.

Ruby: Well, we've been together for a while now, but we always have each other's backs.

You: You're right, we always do.

I then let Ruby go so she can talk to Merrin more. I then saw Jaune standing there. I went up to him for us to have a bro hug and we patted each other's backs and let go to make eye contact.

Jaune: It's good to see you're still alive.

You: Yeah, thanks. We had a rough trip to get here, but we made it. Now all that we need is a place to rest for the night.

Jaune: Follow me, I know a place where we can all stay at.

All of us followed the rest of team JNR to go see what Jaune had a place for us to stay for the night.


We were all riding on a trolly car to see the beautiful view of Argus, I couldn't help but kept on looking at the new city that I had never been before.

Jaune: Enjoying the view?

I looked to my left to see Jaune noticing me that I was watch the view of the city.

You: Yeah, I am enjoying the view. I have never seen a city this big before.

Jaune: This is one of the most amazing cities in Remnant. It has the Atlas military base out here, so there's no way they can actually abandoned their post.

You: This place is really amazing, I wish I could just stay forever.

Jaune: Yeah, but we can't. We have a job to do.

You: Right, we do.

After a few minutes of riding the trolly car, we arrived at our destination and got off the trolly.

Blake: We should probably start looking for a ship.

Oscar: So where have you guys been staying?

You: Yeah, I would like know that as well.

Jaune: Uhh, (chuckle)

???: There you are.

We all saw a woman that blonde hair like Jaune, and she has a baby with her.

Yang: Is that...?

Jaune: Hey saph.

You: Wait... that's your sister?

Jaune: Yes.

Ruby then gasps in excitement to Jaune's sister and the baby with her.

You: Looks like she's excited to see a baby.

Merrin: Indeed she is.


We were all in Jaune's sister's house for us to stay for the night, I then saw Yang and Weiss playing with the baby, that baby is so cute.

Ruby: I can't believe I'm meeting your sister! I have so many questions.

Nora: Oh I can give you the rundown later.

Jaune: Will you guys knock it off!

Saph: What? I love telling stories about my baby brother.

Saph then grabs Jaune's cheek while he swung his arms around Saph I chuckled at this.

Jaune: I am NOT a baby. That is a baby.

Jaune then pointed at Saph's baby while he crossed his arms ar Jaune. Yang and Weiss were looking at the baby with cute looks on their faces. Then brought a smile on my face while I was sitting next to Ruby.

Blake: So Saphron, you're the only Arc living here?

Saphron: Yep, moved the second I could I could. Jaune and I are the only two living away from home. I guess he just wanted to be like his big sis.

Jaune: I... Uh...

Saphron: Aww. 🎶You didn't deny it.🎶

Jaune and Saphron had a hand fight with each other. We then hear the front door open to reveal another woman holding bags if groceries.

Saphron: Everyone, this is my wife Terra Cotta.

Yang: Hey there.

Blake: Nice to meet you.

You: Hi there.

Terra: Why, hello there. Wow, quite the party, you weren't kidding. Hum, can I get some help, please?

Saphron went to go help Terra with the groceries.

(A few minutes later)

Blake: And you're sure it's alright if we stay with you?

Saphron: Of course, we're happy to house Huntsman and Huntresses.

You: Except for me, I'm not a Huntsman.

Saphron: Oh, then what are you then?

You: Only if you promise not to tell anyone.

Saphron: Don't worry your secret's safe with me.

You: Okay. I'm actually... a Jedi.

Merrin: And I am a Nightsister.

Saphron and Terra had their eyes widened in a surprised look.

Saphron: Wow! I had never heard that before. You two must be legendary people here.

You: You bet we are.

Terra: Anyways. You all risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's the least we can do. Especially for such an elite Huntsman like yourself. Although I will say I was surprised to learn you had students helping you. Is that even.. legal?

Ruby looked at Qrow that he was not paying attention to Terra's question. Ruby lightly elbowed Qrow to get him to answer Terra's question.

Qrow: Uh, of course. Think of it as an extended training mission. Trust me, I was a professor, even went to the same Academy as them. Let me tell you these kids are way better than we were at their age. Well not better than me specifically, but a lot of students.

Ruby: Shut up there's food.

Nora, Ren, and Jaune brought in a few sandwiches for all of us to have. I grabbed one sandwich and started to slowly enjoy it.

Merrin: What are these?

Nora: Sandwiches. We made them for all of us. Go on try one.

Merrin then grabbed a sandwich and took a bite from it, she seems to like it.

Merrin: This is amazing. I never had this before.

Nora: See? Told you would like it.

We all continued to eat our sandwiches that our friends made for us. I saw Terra standing up to take a call on her scroll.

Terra: Excuse me, I'll be right back.

Terra then left the room to answer her scroll in a private place.

Blake: Is everything okay?

Saphron: Oh, yeah, it will be. Terra's a technician for the town's relay tower. Unfortunately, the military's radar system is also housed there. (To her baby) Guess what's been the fritz and who's getting blamed?

I then saw Terra leaning out of the other room.

Terra: (quietly) Me.

Saphron: So, what's your plan for tomorrow?

Ruby was still eating her sandwich and she swallowed it to speak to Saphron.

Ruby: Well, we're trying to make our way to Atlas, we'll probably start with the military base.

Jaune: So, we kind of already tried that and, it didn't go... Super great.

Yang: Come on, it couldn't be that bad?


What Yang said about we start with the military base, the gates closed in front of us.

You: You just had to say something Yang.

Yang was the bars of the gate to talk to the guards.

Yang: Come on you didn't even hear us out.

Guard 1: Our orders are clear. The Mistral-Atlas border is closed.

Guard 2: Please

Guard 1: Have a good day.

Yang: But-

Guard 1 & Guard 2: A good day!

Qrow: Hey, if you don't want to believe that I'm friends with Ironwood-

Both: "General" Ironwood!

Qrow: Yeah, "General Ironwood" then fine. But look, we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home safely.

The two weird guards looked at each other for a second then looked back at us and spoke.

Both: Approach.

Weiss stepped forward to the two guards that were at the gate. They looked at Weiss for a few seconds and spoke again.

Both: Very well.

Guard 2: You may speak with our commanding officer.

Guard 1: We will fetch her at once.

The guards then turned around and did weird noises to go get the commanding officer.

You: Well, that was really weird of them. I knew what you were all going to say, yeah, their weird.

Maria: Hmm.

Oscar: What's wrong?

Maria: Well, I..may know this commanding officer.

You: Let me guess, you two are enemies.

Maria: Wow, this one learns fast.

Oscar: Wait what?

Maria: Oh, yes I come through here about once every 10 years to get my eyes checked in Atlas. You bring outside cashews on one fight, and suddenly you're placed in the additional screening list for life!

Qrow: You gotta be kidding me?

You: She's not wrong.

BD-1: Bwoop-beep!

Maria: Now now, let's not give up hope yet. Maybe she's dead.

You: I highly doubt that she's dead.

Then suddenly the gates started to open again for the two weird guards to stand at the gate again.

Guard 2: Introducing!

Guard 1: Special operative!

Both: Caroline Cordovin!

We all waited for this Cordovin to show, but then I realized I looked down to see that she is the same size as Maria, she's shorter than I expected. Cordovin then walked up to Maria.

Cordovin: Witch.

Maria: She-devil.

Cordovin: Hmm. I see you've chosen larger contraband to smuggle this time.

Maria: Oh, Cordo. You know, they say time changes people, but I see you still got that stick right up-

I then quickly covered her mouth with my left hand.

You: Okay! We do not want to know that last part.

Ruby: H-hello, Miss, uh, Cordovin. My name is Ruby Rose, and I was wondering if you would hear us out about-

Cordovin: I've already heard what your other little friends, Miss Rose. What are doing back here! I thought I told you to leave!

We looked behind us to see that Nora, Ren, Merrin and Jaune were standing behind us. Nora was about to go after Cordovin, but Ren, Merrin and Jaune held her down.


Ren: Nice to see you again as well.

Cordovin: You civilians are clearly incapable of comprehending the importance of our mission here in Argus. So allow me to say this slowly with smaller words.

You: Here we go.

I said while crossing my arms.

Cordovin: This base. That relay tower. The very safety of Argus are all gifts from the glorious kingdom of Atlas. And it is my duty to uphold them as only I have the wit for such a task.

Guard 1: Such wit!

Guard 2: Such tenacity!

Maria: Or maybe Atlas just wanted to get us far from the kingdom as possible.

Cordovin: (groans) You're just like the rest of these August ingrates! This city wouldn't even be here if it weren't for our Atlesian ancestors. And what did we get in return? The entire world is ready to put a knife to our throats!

Ruby: Please, we know your kingdom had nothing to do with the fall of Beacon, were there.

Weiss: No one's happy about Atlas or embargo, but I know General Ironwood is just worried. It's why we need to talk-

Cordovin: The General is no coward! Atlas is strong! If all kingdom's plan us their enemy so be it! Atlas will prevail!

Both guards: Atlas will prevail!

Yang: Do you guys seriously had to do that?

Cordovin: If Miss Schnee has truly come to her senses and wishes to return to her family then of course, the Atlas military will escort her home. But the kingdom will not be responsible for her friends of... questionable character.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Cordovin: It means we're done here.

You: Now hold on a second.

Cordovin looks at me.

Cordovin: What do you have to say child.

You: I know that you won't let us through, but I also have an important business with the General as well.

Cordovin: And what kind of business do you have with the General?

You: Jedi business.

Cordovin: Hmm. I heard stories about them. They're were peacekeepers that were trying to save us, but unfortunately they're all dead.

You: Well, not all of them.

I then took out my lightsaber hilt and show it to Cordovin.

Cordovin: And who gave that to you?

You: My Master gave it to me.

I then put my lightsaber back on my belt.

Cordovin: Very well. I will have Miss Schnee and you be transported to Atlas in no time. Good day.

The gates then closed in front of us and locked them.

Nora: Oh yeah? Well, your face looks...like a big dumb boot!

Jaune: Way to show her Nora.

Me and Ruby looked at Weiss who was worried.

Weiss: I don't-

Ruby: Weiss. I told you we wouldn't leave your side for a second. We'll find a way to Atlas. Together.

You: She's right y'know.

Weiss then looked at me and Ruby and smiled at us. We then saw Qrow walking away from us.

Ruby: So, where are we going now?

Nora: Yeah, what's the plan?

Qrow: "The plan"? The plan just got shut on our face three times over. I'm going for a drink.

Qrow then walks away. I saw Ruby going up to him saying something, but he just ignored her.

Jaune: What's his problem? It's not your fault we can't go on.

Nora: If he's going to be a jerk then we'll just come up with something without him. I mean we got Ozpin with us. He usually knows what to do.

Merrin: She's right, if anyone can come up with a plan, it's Ozpin.

We all had worried looks that they brought this up about Ozpin.

Ren: What is it?

You: We...have to talk about this, in private.


After we explained everything to them that Salem cannot killed, Jaune punched the wall so hard on the house wall making a little crack on it.

Ruby: Jaune!

Jaune: Everything we did was for nothing!

Blake: That's not true.

Nora: Really? Cause it sure does sound like it.

Blake: I, uh--

Ren: If Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?

Merrin: If we cannot kill her, then we can't do this.

I was getting worried that they might turn on us and me like back in the forest.

Jaune: Wow. Great plan everyone.

Oscar: Look none of this is great we know, but we're not the bad guys here.

You: Oscar's right, we're on your side.

Jaune: Are we sure about that?

Oscar What?

Jaune: He's in your head. Isn't he? Did you already know about this?

You: Jaune stop.

Weiss: He didn't know any of it.

Jaune then grabbed Oscar and pushed again the wall.

Jaune: How much longer can we even trust him?

Yang: Jaune!

Jaune: How do we even know it's really him? What if we've been talking to that liar this whole time?

I then got Jaune off of Oscar and pushed him away a little while I got in front of Oscar, and Jaune had a furious look on his face.

You: Jaune you have to stop!

Jaune: Oh, so now you're taking his side?!

You: I'm on your side!

Jaune: Prove it. Remember when you told us about your past, how your Master died? Maybe he deserve to die, and maybe you don't deserve to finish where he started.

My eyes widened from what he said, how dare he said that. I had furious look on my face and looked at Jaune.

You: Don't you dare bring my Master into this.

Jaune: Why? So that you show us how weak you are? Maybe you didn't deserve this life that you have right now! Maybe you're better off hiding like a scared little boy who was afraid that he lost his Master when he was young! And that boy is you!


I got so angry that I finally snapped at Jaune. I used Grasping Pull on Jaune to pull him into my left hand and choking him and slamming him onto the wall behind where Oscar moved out of the way.

Yang: Y/n!

You: Don't you dare bring my Master into this you freak!

Weiss: Y/n, stop!

You: You have no right to mention his name! And you have no right to call me weak! He sacrificed his life to save me, and he did! How dare you!

I continued to grip on Jaune's neck choking him.

You: Why would you say that to me huh?! What would happen if I called you weak, you would like that would you?! Maybe you could've saved Pyrrha when she needed you! And where is she now?! Oh yeah, she's dead, BECAUSE OF YOU!

Ruby: Y/N STOP!

I looked at Ruby with my face still furious, she had sad look on her face looking at me. My furious face went away from Ruby's sad look. I realized what I was doing. I looked back at Jaune who was trying to get air from me still choking him. I let go of Jaune and he landed on the floor getting air back into his lungs and put his hand on his neck were I choked him. I looked at my left hand that I had my glove on and see that it was shaking. I looked at the rest of my friends that they had worried looks on their faces looking at me.

You: I...I...

I couldn't say anything right now, I went to the room to my right and head to the bathroom, closed the and locked it so no one can come in. I sat on the toilet head lit that was closing the seat and put my hands on my face with no one with me, not even BD-1. I was crying my eyes out to realize what I have done, I just lost control on Jaune, he said things about Master Tapal. Why would he say something about him, and why would he say something about me? I don't care anymore, I just want to left alone for now. I need to get some air, no I'll just run away again like I always do, I'm always hiding from other people and I will continue to do so. I got up from where I was sitting, unlocked the door and opened it and peeked to see if no one's around. No one was around, good. I got out of the bathroom and went out through the front door quietly and closed it behind me so no one can know that I left, but they will know. I went to go walk around alone in the city of Argus.

Ruby POV

I just got done listen to Maria's techniques on how to use my sliver eyes.

Yang: Ruby.

I looked to see that was calling me. She had worried look on her face, why? I went inside to see what was going on.

Ruby: Oh, hey guys...

Jaune: What's going on?

Yang looked at Blake and she spoke to us.

Blake: It's Oscar and Y/n, their missing.

My eyes widened and I started to have tears in my eyes.

Ruby: What?

To be continued.

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