Volume 7: As above, So below

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Me, BD-1 and Kieron were making our way way to the dinning room where the others should be there with General Ironwood and the rest of the Ace Ops. We running in the hallway in this massive manor that Schnee Family has, this place is like maze. I didn't know which way the dinning room is. Me, BD-1 and Kieron were just going through different hallways in this place. We went into another hallway to hear two red lightsabers activated. I then see the Inquisitor again himself, Cal Kestis standing in our path in the hallway with his red lightsabers into a double bladed mode.

You: Had a bad feeling I'd see you here.

I then got out my lightsaber hilt from my belt.

Cal: Oh? How uncharacteristically prescient of you. Here I thought your greatest virtue was your dogged persistence as you stumble from one debacle to the next.

You: Guess you made a mistake not killing me in Mantle then.

Cal: I scant mercy. I wagged one meaningless padawan against a prize that will win me a favor.

You: And you think I'm gonna let you destroy this place?

Cal: Of course not. We both have our pride. But yours cost you the lives of all of the people in Mantle. As well as your own.

I then activated my lightsaber with a single green blade and got into my fighting stance.

You: Like you said, Cal. I'm persistent.

Cal then got into his fighting stance for him to fight me.

You: Kieron, go and find General Ironwood, my team and friends. I'll hold him off.

Kieron: Yes, sir!

I heard Kieron ran behind me into the hallways to go find the General, my team and friends while I have to fight with Cal. Me and Cal charge at each other for us to hit our sabers together to get a strike on one of us to see sparks coming out of our sabers hitting each other. I then started to use my Split Sabers to fight, Cal. I swing both of my sabers at him, but he still blocked my attacks. I attached my hilts back together and deactivate the second green blade. Me and Cal clashed our sabers to push each other back. I carefully focused on him for a move he was about to do. He swung his other red blade to strike me, but I quickly deactivated my lightsaber for him to lose balance and leaving him on opening for me to strike him. He looked at a me in shock and I used Force Push to push Cal on the ground while he dropped his Inquisitor lightsaber. I used Force Pull to grab his lightsaber from getting it back, but I felt something kicking in. I felt something on this lightsaber hilt. My Force Echo was kicking in at this wrong time while I got on both of my knees from this event happening.

Cal: Careful with that thing. It's been through hell.

This feeling I'm getting right now is making me close my eyes to see this memory of the past of Cal.

(First Person view of Cal Kestis past)

Cal was somewhere in a trench where him and his Master, Summer Rose were hiding from The Empire finding them. Cal then put his right hand on Summer's left shoulder.

Cal: Don't go. We need to stick together.

Summer heard the blaster fire coming from outside of the trenches and looked at Cal.

Summer: No. I'm going to lure them away and then I'm going to circle back.

Cal put his hand away from Summer's shoulder.

Summer: Stay with the Younglings, Cal. May the Force be with you.

Summer then ran out of the trenches and Cal reached out his right hand for his Master to come back.

Cal: Master, don't leave us!

Youngling Girl: Cal, what's going to happen?

Cal put his hands on the Youngling's cheeks to calm her down.

Cal: It's okay. It's okay.

Cal then looked back to where his Master left him and the Younglings.

The screen changed for Cal in a chair captured by The Empire. The chair then got machines of electricity about to torture Cal. They were holding him down and then purple electricity went on him for him to scream in agony. Cal was in so much pain back in his time when he was a Padawan.

The screen changed for Cal to see his Master, Summer Rose in the torture chair standing in front of her. Summer then looked at Cal for what he is now.

Summer: Cal.

The Stormtrooper on his left brought in his Inquisitor helmet to show that he has his Inquisitor outfit on. Cal then put his helmet on in front of Summer.

Summer: No. No. NO!

Summer then released her rage around the room, for her to use the dark side. Summer then killed the Stormtroopers around the room, except for Cal. He was on the floor unconscious from the impact that Summer did. Summer then got out of the chair to escape the facility and left Cal there.


I can't believe what I'm seeing and feeling. The fear, anger, hate and suffering on this hilt brought me to the memories of Cal when he was captured by The Empire and how they torture him and Summer. I opened my eyes to see that Cal was still here watching me see his past.

Cal: Now you know what happened to me. I suffered far more worse than you.

Cal then used the Force to pull his Inquisitor lightsaber out of my left hand and on to his right hand.

Cal: You have no idea what I have been through for a long time. The pain and suffering that I had ever since Summer left me.

I then stand up from the ground to listen what Cal is saying.

Cal: She left me there to suffer and die. That's why she betrayed me. And you shouldn't trust her for what she has done to me.

Oscar: Y/n!

I then turned around to see Oscar, Kieron, team JNR and my team behind me coming from the left side of the hallway. They saw me that I'm facing Cal in front of me while I was standing back slowly.

Cal: Well, if it isn't Y/n's team.

Ruby: Cal.

Cal: It's good to finally meet you all. I see, Y/n here told you all about me and what happened to me.

Yang: Yeah. He told us everything about you, Cal.

Cal: Well, ain't that a surprise.

Oscar: You don't have to do this, Cal. We can help you.

Cal: (chuckle) Help me? It's too late for me. I have suffered long enough that I feel strong enough to take down anyone that stands in my way.

Blake: Cal, it's not too late for you now. If you let us help you, we can fight this battle together.

Cal: That's what you think.

Ruby: Cal, please. We all know how you've been through so much.

Ruby then started to walk up to Cal to try to convince him to join our side.

Ruby: We have all been through so many things that happened to us too. But we face those things and moved on with our lives. We faced with so many people that wanted to destroy anything that stands in their way. You don't have to do this, Cal. Come with us. Let us help you with your problems, let us help you with your past. Please, come with us. We can do this... together.

Ruby then put her right hand out for Cal to take, but I don't think it won't be that easy.

Cal: I've heard enough from you.

Ruby then walked back to us for Cal to activate his red lightsaber into a double bladed mode of his Inquisitor lightsaber and made them spin around like a helicopter.

Oscar: Does yours do that?

You: Come on, let's go!

We all then flee away from Cal and went to the dinning room where General Ironwood should be on the dinning room. I can't believe that I saw Cal's past, everything that happened to him and Summer, it was terrible. He suffered a lot from his past, but mine was different. I lost my Master when he sacrificed his life for me when I was still a child, but not anymore. I need to continue forward and keep fighting.

(A few minutes later)

Ironwood had told us that the heat system in Mantle had went offline, someone hacked into them. Weiss told us that it was a person named Arthur Watts hacked the heat system and caused the massacre at the election that night. Jacques Schnee was arrested for the crime he has done on Atlas and Mantle. Robyn new about what we were up to about getting Amity Tower up and running. After the whole conversation about the plan we were getting from Ironwood, we all excited the room to go fight off the Grimm that are in Mantle. I noticed that Poe and his droid BB8 wasn't here. Did he left to go repair his ship? I hope he did.

Kieron: You folks aren't fighting those things without me around here.

I then saw Kieron with his armor on and his helmet with a jetpack attached to his back, he looks just the ones in the old days in the Clone Wars.

You: You look prepared.

Kieron: I'm always prepared, General.

Yang: Did he just call you, General?

You: Yeah, he did. During the Clone Wars, the Jedi were called General to the clones. Now he's calling me a General, because I know I can trust him, and this is like during my time in the Jedi Order.

Ruby: Well, can't argue with that.

Marrow: Let's go everyone!

Oscar: I think you guys are needed elsewhere.

You: Good luck, Oscar.

Oscar: You too, Y/n.

Me and the others went on the ship to get to Mantle. I got on the ship quickly and got in the pilot seat to show them that I can do this.

Harriet: Hey, you don't have a pilot license to fly this thing.

You: Who says I need one?

I began to press buttons on the ship to make the engines turn on and lift off from the ground and into the sky to head down to Mantle.

Harriet: Y/n, are you sure you can pilot this ship?

You: I used to be a scrapper back in Vale. We even flew one of these before. I totally know how to fly this ship.

Harriet: (sighs) Okay, we're counting on you.

Clover: All right, everyone. I need to stress to our knew huntsman and huntresses. We are prioritizing citizen safety over killing Grimm, got it?

You: You got it, Clover.

Poe on comm: Hope you guys saved one more room for another person.

I then saw Poe in his X-wing ship flying next to me and everyone here on this ship.

You: Poe, you're right on time!

Poe on comm: Sorry I took so long. I had to do some repairs on my ship, but now she's good to go!

Weiss: You're flying inside that thing?

Poe on comm: Sure am, Weiss!

You: Thanks for the back up, Poe, we really need it.

Poe on comm: No pro- look out!

We all felt something on the ship. I looked to see that there was a different type of Grimm on the window in front of me while I was piloting the ship.


You: What the heck is that thing!?

Harriet: Always the Grimm that are going to us!

You: Hang on!

I tried to shake the Grimm of the window and did a barrel roll of the ship, but it wasn't coming off. I kept on trying to shake it off by moving the ship.

You: Jaune, you better not vomit now!

I continued to do a few spins on the ship while I heard Poe's ship fired his turrets on the Grimm, but it moved away from them. The Grimm then went on the right wing of the ship.

You: I can't shake it!

I then felt the right wing being taken out by another Grimm.

You: Damn it, the right wing is busted!

Marrow: I don't think we're staying airborne!

Qrow: It's time to go!

Clover: You have your team assignments! Let's go!

Marrow: Y/n, you coming?!

You: Going to jump out of the ship while I'm falling to my death, hell no!

Yang: What are you going to do?!

You: Guess I don't have a choice, but to crash land this thing!

Ruby: Just make it in one piece, please!

You: Let's hope I have good luck on my side for once!

Merrin: Stay safe!

You: I'll be fine! Go, get outta here!

Kieron: Hope you make out alive, sir!

You: Trust me, I will. Now go!

Ruby then gave me a quick kiss on the lips for a sign of good luck.

Ruby: Just make sure you stay alive.

You: I promise you I will. Now go.

Everyone then left to jump out of the ship while I was about to hit the ground to crash land this ship into Mantle. I quickly put on the seat belt to brace myself for this impact that I'm about to feel.

You: Brace yourself, BD!

I then felt the ship hit the ground hard that I'm skating on the ground with the ship to crash into something and knocked me unconscious for a few minutes.

To be continued.

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