Volume 7: Atlas

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A/n: Here we are guys, Volume 7 of RWBY Jedi: Fallen Order. Yes, I am calling this right now. This has been quite the adventure for me and for you guys as well, ever since I wrote this down for the first time, I was so happy to do this. I hope you guys enjoy this series, make sure to support me through out the chapter for me to write down another one. I don't want to waste anymore of your time, let the chapter begin!


We were flying towards Atlas that we finally arrived in, but something seems off. The Atlas military air fleet is around the city and the Academy what's going on? I thought this would be a trip to just to bring the lamp here and just lock it up in a safe place, but now, there's something going on here?

Ruby: I don't understand, what's happening here?

Qrow: I don't know.

You: There has to be a reason why, we didn't come this far just to get into trouble.

Qrow: I'm not sure what's happening here Y/n, this never happened before.

Jaune: But, we are here. We got the lamp to Atlas, so...I guess we land and get some answers.

Weiss: I'm not so sure. I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in a stolen ship, there's no way that security team would let us anywhere near Ironwood. They might even take me back to my father.

You: I don't know who you're father is, but we'll make sure we won't let that happen.

Weiss: Thanks Y/n.

Blake: So...

Weiss: Winter.

Weiss then got out her scroll to call her sister Winter.

Merrin: Who is this Winter?

You: Winter is Weiss's sister. She's in the Atlas military, she might have some answers.

Merrin: I hope so.

We then head straight to the city that I have never been to before. We all saw that this place is seem to be going under Atlas military forces. It looks like they are under martial law. We then saw General Ironwood on the announcement screen that is showing on one of the buildings, he looks different than the last time I saw him.

Yang: General Ironwood, he looks...

Ruby: Tired.

Qrow: James... what have you been doing.

I was in the back side of the ship looking out the window to see that there Atlesian Knights walking in the streets of the city, I don't know what's going on here.

You: This doesn't look right, what do you think BD?

BD-1: Whoop-whooo.

You: You're right, this place is like going under martial law or something.

I wasn't listening to the others talking, I was just focused on these people that are going through this unknown situation that we're in right now. I then felt that we're about to land into the city to ditch the ship and go on foot for now.

We were walking on the sidewalk of the city of Mantle of what my friends said to me to find a friend of Maria's. This city is definitely under martial law, some of the citizens are out putting up posters of someone named Robyn Hill, I never heard that name before. I then heard a sound someone kicking something. I turned to see Yang who kicked a drone that did something to her and it landed in the middle of the street for a truck to ran over the drone and destroy it. Yang then looked at us.

Yang: Maybe we should pick up the pace.

We then continue on walking, but I had to ask Yang what that drone did to her.

You: Was that really necessary?

Yang: What?

You: What did that drone even do to you?

Yang: I don't know, it just took a picture of me for some reason.

You: And you decided to just kick it, what if someone owned that drone?

Yang: Can we just move on and just forget that never happened?

You: Okay.

We all continued to go to the destination where we are going that Maria mentioned. We then saw a truck that carried Faunus workers sitting in the back of the truck that drove by us on the road. Poor Faunus, they just want to live a better life, not just people to force them to work to death.

Blake: This whole city, it just seems awful.

???: Yeah?

We all then saw a guy with glasses who came out of the alley way with a flask in his right hand, must be drunk, kinda like Qrow when he's always drunk.

Drunk Person: You don't like it here?! There's plenty of space out in the tundra.

Blake: Sorry. I didn't mean to-

Drunk Person: Atlas is the greatest kingdom in the world, alright?!

Ruby: Hey!

Blake stopped Ruby from telling the guy to back off.

Blake: We can't cause a scene.

I then went up to the drunk guy to try to make him leave us peacefully.

You: Hey sir, I think you probably had enough of--

Drunk Person: Hey, you seem new around here, first time coming to Atlas?

You: Uh, yeah. Listen I-

Drunk Person: How about you and I have a talk and a drink, you want to join me?

I don't think this guy is gonna cooperate with me. I then waved my right hand in the air to use my Jedi mind trick.

You: You don't want to give me a drink.

Drunk Person: I don't want to give you a drink.

I then waved my right hand in the air again.

You: You want to go home and rethink your life.

Drunk Person: I want to go home and rethink my life.

The drunk person then went back to his home and rethink his life. I turned around to see my teammates and friends that had surprised looks on their faces that they saw me that I did a Jedi mind trick.

Yang: How did you do that?

You: Jedi mind trick, it only works on some people that has a weak mind.

Ruby: Okay, that is definitely awesome what you just did, you told that guy to go to his home.

You: I know what I did.

Ruby then gave me a smile that was her face.

Maria: Come on, we're almost there now.

We all then continue to walk to the place that Maria was telling us about.

We finally arrived at the destination Maria told us. We saw a Faunus girl that waved to someone inside with her right prosthetic arm that Yang has on.

Maria: Ah! It's good to see you again old friend.

I then went inside with Maria to see a man with dark skin behind a desk going through some paperwork. Maria then cleared her throat out loud for him to here her and look at her.

???: Ah, yes, yes. Have we met?

Ren: Well this is off to a fantastic start.

Maria: Cybernetic optical implants? You adjust them? Every 10 years or so?

The man then took a few seconds to remember Maria that came here before us.

???: Maria! Yeah, for the Cybernetic optical implants!

The man then came to Maria in a chair that has legs on them.

???: I adjust them every 10 years or so. Wow, has it been that long already.

They started to have a friendly conversation about the good old days about themselves. Until Qrow clears his throat to let them know who this man is. I got a good look at him, he had a flat cap hat on, red vest, white rolled up long sleeve shirt brown pants, circle glasses he has on, brown boots, and a pink bow tie.

Qrow: And this is?

Maria: *scoff* So impatient. I didn't think I need to introduce one of Atlas's finest minds.

Yang: Working in a place like this?

Right before Yang said that, one of the pieces of wood fell off the ceiling and hit the floor.

Maria: He likes to keep a low profile. Something I come to realize, none of you that know anything about.

Pietro: You can call me, Pietro.

Maria: Finest heart too, this pharmacy is where he just volunteers when he's not building the future of Atlas, alongside Ironwood up in the clouds.

Pietro: Oh, it's stuffy up there. Down here I get to help the locals, and have a little fun. I'm uh, currently on working shoes that make ya dance. You wanna try 'em on?

Nora: Yes!

Yang: Before we get to that, we were wondering if you can help us? We came to Atlas hoping to talk with General Ironwood, but um.

Blake: What exactly has been happening here?

Before Pietro could explain to us, he then noticed me in front the group.

Pietro: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there young man.

You: It's okay.

Pietro: Mind if you tell me your name?

You: Of course, my name is Y/n L/n, and this my friend, BD-1.

BD-1: Boop-bap!

Pietro: Well, I'll be! What an amazing type of technology you have there! I have never seen any type of robot you have there before.

You: I'll explain to you later. Right now, you were about to explain what happened here in Atlas?

Pietro: Yes, of course. (Coughs a little bit) The Fall of Beacon, took a toll on all of us. James was no different. I couldn't exactly tell you what it was he saw there, but it changed him. He's...

Qrow: He's scared.

Pietro: Paranoid, would be the more appropriate term. You have to understand, it wasn't just the Grimm. Someone completely dismantle Atlas security code, made it they're play thing. Made us look like traitors to some and, buffoons to anyone else. Whoever managed to do that, is either a genius or, one of our own. I fear the answer maybe both, and so does the General.

Ren: Maybe Atlas, isn't as safe as we thought.

Oscar: After we came all this way? We can't just leave can we?

Weiss: How does the council feel of all of this? Or Winter Schnee? Do you know anything about her?

Pietro: Well the council's so scared, they'll agreed what ever he wants.

I decided to not hear what they were saying and started to explore some of this place. The environment Pietro has here is kinda old, but it's what he is in now.

Pietro: You're team RWBY!

Ruby: You know us?!

I then looked back Pietro that he knew us.

Pietro: Oh, my girl I do. I most certainly do. And I, feel like such a dunts for not recognizing you sooner. My daughter's told so much about you.

You: Wait, what?

Ruby: Your... daughter?

We all then heard alarms from outside, that can't be good.

Jaune: Ah, trouble.

Pietro: Wait!

You: Let's go buddy!

BD-1: Bweep!

We all then went outside to see that there were civilians trying to get to safety from the Grimm like always. We saw some of them destroying some of the Atlesian Knights that were trying to fight off the Grimm.

You: It's always these things, when do we ever get a break?

Ruby: Well, we didn't come this far to fail now!

Ruby and the others got out their weapons and I got out my lightsaber and activated in a double bladed mode. I spin it around both of my hands and got into my fighting stance.

You: Just like old times, right?

Ruby: Just like old times.

Everyone then went to go deal with the Grimm on their sides, while there were some Grimm coming towards me. I twirled my double bladed sabers in a taunting way at the Grimm.

You: So, who wants to go first?

One of them charged at me try to hit me, but wouldn't let this thing get me. I parried it's attack to stagger him and swung one of my blue blades at the Grimm to kill it, more of them were coming at me. I spun around with my sabers to hit one of them and did a new skill that I learned, I did Whirlwind Throw to throw my double blades around the area where the Grimm are and kill them and I got my saber back. I then heard a Grimm coming from behind me, I turned around and I didn't have enough time to strike it, but then I saw a bullet killing it. I turned to see Ruby with her weapon in a gun mode, she smiled and nod at me while I did the same, but then I saw another Grimm behind her, I quickly got out my blaster and shot a blue shot at the Grimm who was trying to attack her. Ruby looked behind to see that I killed the Grimm, she looked back at me and nod I my head with a smile on my face at my fiancé and she did the same. I then saw Blake was going to be attacked by the Grimm, I tried to go save her, but there's no way I could make it. I then saw some sort of green energy beams killing the Grimm that was going to get Blake, what was that? I saw more green energy beams killing the rest of the Grimm. I then saw some sort of figure who was girl flying with green rocket boots that were lighting up, who is that? I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt to focus on that girl. The unknown girl then landed in front of all of us. I got a good look at her she's...... no way, is that... Penny? She's alive? She looks different from the last time I saw her.

Ruby: Penny.

Pietro: Daughter, why don't you say hello to your friends.

Penny then looked at me and Ruby in an exciting way. I can't believe it, she's alive.

Penny: Sal-

Penny then got into a charging position.

Penny: U-

Oh no she's gonna charge at Ruby.


Ruby: Ahhhhh! No,no,no,no,no!

I got out of the way for Ruby being hug tackled by Penny on the ground, ow that's gotta hurt. I then went to Ruby and Penny after their hugging reunion and got up from the ground.

Penny: It is such a pleasure to see you all again!

You: Penny, do- do you still remember me too?

Penny: Of course I do remember you Y/n! How could I never remember my two best friends from Vale.

BD-1: Whoooop!

Penny: Oh, and it is so good to see you again too, BD-1!

BD-1: Boop-bap!

Ruby: Penny, I- I thought you-

Pietro: Died? I guess in a matter of speaking she did, but we were able to recover her core from Amity Arena once it made it's way back Atlas. It took me some time, But-

Penny: I'm as good as new, better even! And I'm the official protector of the city!

Pietro: That's my girl. We're not going to let a little, ripping to shreds stop us, are we?

Penny: No sir!

Penny then knocks her head two times for us to hear metal on her head, even though she is android.

Penny: We have so many things to catch up about, I cannot wait!

Right on queue what Penny said, we heard more alarms coming from the other sides of the city.

Penny: It seems we will have to wait.

You: Good luck out there Penny!

Penny: Thank you!

Penny then took off giving us a salute while nearly I heard from what she said while taking off.

Nora: I can't tell if I completely understand what's going on, or have like a million questions.

Pietro: And thankfully, I have about a thousand answers, but let's get out of this weather first.

You: Sounds like a plan.

Qrow: I was honestly expecting things to go a lot rougher.

Me, Ruby and the others were about to head back to Pietro's place. But then, I sense a disturbance in the Force. I then felt something being wrapped around me, I was tied to some kind of bola and hit the ground while I was tied up and so were the others and Ruby.

You: Ruby! Ugh, you just had to say something, Qrow!

???: Good work, team.

Oscar: Hey! What's going on?!

Merrin: Remove these ropes at once!

I tried to crawl away or cut these off with my lightsaber, but I couldn't reach it, my hands were tied to my back.

???: I'll take this from you for now.

The leader of this unknown force took my lightsaber from my belt, that doesn't belong to him, it belonged to my Master.

You: Hey! Give that back! That belonged to my mentor!

???: This thing? I never seen a weapon like this before. You don't mind if I examine this for a while?

You: Absolutely not!

???: I'll take that as a yes.

You: Hey, did you hear me?! I said absolutely not!

He ignored me and went to the others to take their weapons away. I talked quietly to BD to get these ropes off of me.

You: (whispering) BD, see if you can get these ropes off of me.

BD-1: Bwoop.

BD got off my back and see if he can cut the ropes off, but then he was grabbed by one of the squad members. I looked to see a woman with dark skin and mohawk hair that she has.

???: Now what do you think you're doing?


You: Hey, let him go!

???: Why? So that he can take off those ropes that's on you? I don't think so.

You: Please, he means a lot to me. I won't try and do something, please put him down and let him get back to me. I won't tell him to get these ropes off of me, please.

The woman then think for a second and sighed.

???: Fine, but don't do anything stupid.

She let go of BD-1 and he got on my back and stayed there with me while I was still on the ground. These unknown teams head out where they were going. Meanwhile, I was being pushed into a transportation ship with binders in the front of my hands and sat down next to Ruby, she then sort of hugged me with the binders on her wrists and I managed to hug her back too.

Qrow: Now, this...this is much closer to what I was expecting.

You: You don't say, Qrow.

I said in a sarcastic tone and the doors of the ship closed next to us where we were sitting.

To be continued.

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