Volume 7: Becoming a Jedi Knight

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I was still on the floor still curled up in a with my hands on my head while I had tears rolling down my cheeks and I had my eyes closed. I don't want this to happen to me again just like the Jedi Purge, all I want from this is just to have a peaceful life and do good things, but now it's going to be destroyed by these people that are acting like traitors, maybe they are traitors after all. The Ace Ops are now taking orders from that traitor James Ironwood to arrest me, my team, and my friends. I opened eyes to see that I was still inside Ironwood's office still on the floor while I saw the Ace Ops in front of us.

Weiss: Please, think about what you're doing.

Harriet: You heard the General. Until this is sorted out, you're under arrest.

I then saw Harriet pull out her scroll to activate some metal shutters on the windows and the lights went red inside the office.

Yang: Really?

Vine: Please. Don't make this difficult.

Blake: Don't make us have to get out of here by force.

Weiss, Blake and Yang draw out their weapons while the Ace Ops got into position for attacking them. Marrow then try to stop this fight.

Marrow: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not actually going to slug this out, are we?

Harriet: We're not doing anything. They decide what happens next.

Ruby: Y/n, Come on. Please, you have to get up.

I still didn't listen to Ruby said to me. I know I have to get up, but I just can't do this anymore.

Ruby: (sigh) Fine. Be that way.

I then saw Ruby taking out her weapon Crescent Rose and twirled it around to get into a fighting stance. I then saw the Marrow taking out his weapon to fight team RWBY.

Harriet: You think you're going to stop us. (scoffs) We're the best Huntsmen in Atlas.

Ruby: You were. Then you trained us.

I then saw Ruby used her semblance to go rush out and the metal door that was here in the office. I quickly got up and took cover behind under the desk sitting on the floor with me covering my ears to not listen to the fighting that my team are facing right now. BD-1 was trying to get back into my senses, but I didn't listen to him. I just covered my ears with tears in my eyes, knowing that I can't do this anymore. I just want to give up and just accept this surrender, but I can't. I just can't.

(Inside Meditation Vision)

I then opened my eyes to see that I was in my meditation vision. I was still curled up in a ball with tears still in my eyes. I then heard someone approaching me. I'm guessing it's Summer.

You: Summer... I'm sorry. Ruby didn't want to hear about your death, but Salem said that to her. I don't know if I should keep going or not. What am I suppose to do now? I can't keep doing this. I'm a failure, and.... a weakling.

I then got back into my position and let my tears fall from my cheeks and hit the floor. I can't do this anymore. I failed.

???: Failure, you are not, Y/n.

Wait... that voice. It can't be. I looked up to see who spoke to me. I can't believe who I'm seeing right now.

It's Master Yoda himself... I can't believe he's here with me.

You: Master Yoda?

Yoda: (chuckle) In the flesh.

You: But, how?

Yoda: Isn't it obvious? Connected to the Force, I am.

You: That's.... That's why you're here with me now. Then that means--

Yoda: Passed, I have. Failure, you are not. Continue fighting, you will. And fighting, you always will. Remember, Y/n. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Those are the paths you cannot go.

You: I'll try not to do that.

Yoda: No. Try not. Do, or do not, there is no try.

You: Yes, Master.

Yoda: Some friends I will like you to meet.

You: What?

Yoda: Follow me.

I got up where I was sitting and watch Yoda walk ahead of me with his cane. He then turned around to look at me to see that I wasn't following him.

Yoda: Come on! Come!

I then followed Yoda into the fog that I was in within my meditation vision. I continued to follow Master Yoda into the fog where I'm walking. After a few minutes of walking the fog then started to disappear. I then was inside some kind of open area. I realized where I am... I'm in the Jedi Council room in the Jedi Temple on Corscunt.

It was just like when I was a Youngling. It was my first time coming inside the temple in the council room when Master Tapal introduced me to the rest of the Jedi Masters in here. This brings me back so many memories when I was here to become a Jedi Knight, but I'm still a Padawan today.

Summer: You made it.

I then turned around to see Summer and.... Master Tapal and Master Eno Cordova, they're all here in the council room including Master Yoda standing in front of me.


(Music Playing)

I then saw all of the Jedi Masters including Summer Rose herself as a Master as well.

You: You're all here. Why?

Jaro Tapal: Because, Y/n you can't give up now. You still have a job to do. I trained you when you were just a Youngling. You followed my teachings, and I ranked you as my Padawan Learner.

Eno Cordova: And you did not seek failure, Y/n. You followed my encrypted logs that I stored inside, BD-1 to guide you on your journey. And yet you still have much to explore.

Summer: You helped my daughter on her journey, and now she is learning the ways of the Force, and someday you will train her to become a Jedi.

Yoda: And train her well, you will.

I looked at all of the Jedi Masters that are here with me. Master Tapal and the rest took out their lightsaber hilts from their belts.

Jaro Tapal: Kneel.

I was confused of what my Master said to me. I complied what my Master said and knelt down on my knee for all of them to ignite their lightsabers. I then closed my eyes and bow my head down to hear all of them and their lightsabers lowering on my left side and right side of my shoulders and on my head to hover above me.

Tapal Cordova Yoda & Summer: By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force. Y/n L/n.

Jaro Tapal: We may now rank you as...

Tapal Cordova Yoda & Summer: Jedi Knight.

I opened my eyes and looked at them in a surprise look. I am now ranked as Jedi Knight.

Eno Cordova: You may rise.

I then stand up to face all of them to deactivate their sabers and Summer walked up to me.

Summer: You are ready.

You: You're right. I am ready.

Eno Cordova: Now go. Face the evil that is taking over the planet, and you will seek your victory.

Jaro Tapal: Remember, trust only in the Force.

Yoda: Fight you will as always.

You: Thank you, Masters.

Eno Cordova: And as always.

Tapal Cordova Yoda & Summer: May the Force be with you.

I smiled at them and nodded my head to understand them. I closed my eyes to finally get back into reality and fight the Ace Ops.

(Music End)


BD-1: Bwoop beep?

I heard the sound of BD-1 trying to get my attention. I opened my eyes and saw that he was sitting next to me. I took off my hands on my ears and wiped away the tears in my eyes. To respond to BD-1.

You: Hey, buddy.

BD-1: Boop be bap.

You: Sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's go help out our friends.

BD-1: Whoooo!

BD then got on my back for me to jump high in the air to do did a flip and landed next to Ruby and Weiss that are in here with me.

Ruby: You finally got to your senses.

You: Sorry.

Ruby: It's okay. Right now, we have a job to do.

I then saw Harriet and Marrow in here.

Harriet: Marrow! Cut the crap will you!

Marrow: I'm trying to arrest her, not kill her, Hare. You're being excessive!

I then saw Weiss's summon sword swing at Harriet and Marrow, but they ducked under the attack and they got back up.

Harriet: It's not excessive if it's necessary.

I then saw Ruby used her semblance to rush out of the office again and Harriet grunts in hatred. Marrow then looked at me.

Marrow: You don't have to do this, Y/n. Just stop what you're doing, and we can talk this out.

You: Sorry, but I'm not taking orders from a betrayer.

I then got out my lightsaber and activate it into a single green blade. I brought blade an inch away of my face and closed my eyes to concentrate and fight the Ace Ops.


(Music Playing)

(This music is so epic to put in this chapter.)

I focused on my mind to concentrate and see what I'm about to do right now. I then started to have flashbacks about how I met Ruby and Yang for the first time in my life. Then I started to meet professor Ozpin and the rest of my teammates and how me and Ruby got together and getting married. I then opened my eyes and charged at Marrow and did a couple of strikes to hit him, but he was blocking every attack I gave him to see sparks coming out my lightsaber and Marrow's weapon. I then saw a glyph, it was Weiss that used her glyph on Marrow.

Weiss: Go! I got this!

I turned around to look at Weiss and nod at her in response. I then got out to see Yang and Blake fighting Elm and Vine. I decided to go help them out. I used Force Push on Elm to stagger her, jumped high into the air to do a flip and landed next to Yang and Blake.

You: Mind if I join you girls?

Blake: Of course.

Yang: Totally.

We all then looked at Elm and she was angry. Me, Yang and Blake looked at each other with smirks on our faces. We all got ready to attack Elm. I activated a second green blade to be a double bladed lightsaber. Blake and Yang then charged at Elm. Yang slide under Elms weapon and Blake jumped over Elm. I then used Improved Dash to strike at Elm, but she blocked my attacks. Luckily, I learned a new skill. I used the skill called Delay Combo to swing my double bladed green sabers as fast as I could to stagger her and kick her so hard that she did a battle cry to charge at me. I then saw Blake and Yang fighting her while I jumped high into the air to go take care of Vine. He used his semblance to use his arms to try and get me, but I was too fast for him. I did a few wall runs and jumped and deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt for a second and jumped to Vine to punch him two times in the face. After that I used Howling Push to push Vine so high up in the air to grab his bola, threw it at him to tie him up and kicked on his back so that he can hit the ground hard enough to crack and depleted his arua. I landed on the ground and looked at Yang and Blake to give me a thumbs up. I nod my head at them and I saw Elm the way she looked at me after what I did to Vine.

Yang: Go help Ruby, Y/n.

Blake: Me and, Yang got this.

You: If you insist.

I then went to go help out Ruby to fight Harriet. I then saw Harriet moving so fast with her semblance to hit Ruby from every direction. Harriet was about to attack Ruby from behind, but I used Force Slow to slow down Harriet and dropped kick her in the face to make her back away from my girl. I got up and went next to Ruby, she looks a bit hurt from Harriet hitting her.

You: BD, might helping out, Ruby?

BD-1: Beep be bwoop!

BD then popped out a stim from his head and Ruby caught it. Ruby then injected the stim onto her left shoulder and dropped the empty stim canister and looked at me.

Ruby: Thanks. I feel a lot better now.

You: No problem.

We then saw Harriet got up from the impact of my kick and looked at me with mad face she has. I then looked at Ruby to tell her something.

You: Wanna try out that new weapon?

Ruby: I always wanted to use it.

Ruby then put away her Crescent Rose and got out her lightsaber hilt and I did the same thing. Me and Ruby then activated our lightsabers and put them on our right sides to go in a fighting stance. Me and Ruby charged at Harriet to strike at her and we swung our sabers to get a hit at her, but she then went on Ruby to make her deactivate her saber and get on the ground. Harriet was about to tie Ruby up, but stopped Harriet from tying her up. I punched Harriet in the face to get off of Ruby and tied her up with the bola she had with her and I punch her to the ground. Harriet then started to chase me around while she got up from the ground. I was tiring Harriet out, she used her semblance to come at me to take me down. I got ready with my saber in hand to strike at her, but then I saw a ice wall in front of making Harriet hit the wall hard while I saw her arua depleted. I saw that Weiss did this to save me. I then saw Harriet got up to go strike at me, but then she passed out on the ground with her being tied up. Ruby then got her lightsaber hilt and clipped to her belt and I deactivated my lightsaber and I did the same.

(Music End)

I carried Harriet's body and put her on the ground with the others bringing on the other members of the Ace Ops unconscious.

Ruby: We have to stop Ironwood. If he can't access the Relic, he can't move Atlas.

Weiss: We just have to get to the Winter Maiden.

Yang: Blake and I will look for the others.

Ruby: But our scrolls don't --

Ruby was cut off while me and her turned around to see Pietro and Maria coming from the elevator.

You: You two are late for the party.

Pietro: Oh!

Maria: This is the part they ask us for help.

You: I'm gonna go look for, Poe and the others.

Ruby: No. We need to stick together.

You: They could be in trouble, Ruby. I won't let them get taken away.

Ruby: But-

You: As Jedi Knight, I want you to stay with your teammates.

Ruby then looked at me with a shock look on her face. Ruby didn't know that I became a Jedi Knight now.

Ruby: You're... now a Jedi Knight?

You: Yes. While you were busy fighting them, I went inside my mind to see the Jedi Masters to rank me as Jedi Knight.

Ruby: But I'm not letting you go by yourself. We have to stick together. I don't want to lose you again like what happened at--

I cut Ruby off by putting my lips on hers for a kiss. Ruby then kissed me back with our arms around each other and our eyes closed. Me and Ruby then let go of the kiss and we looked at each other.

You: I'll be okay, I promise.

Ruby: Okay. Just.... be careful.

You: I'm always careful.

Ruby then smiled at me and I left to go up the stairs and into the elevator to go to the dorm hallways to find Poe and the others.

Third Person view

We see someone wearing a black long sleeve shirt with no Inquisitor armor on. He was wearing black boots, black pants and no gloves on his hands. The screen then showed that it was Cal Kestis on the outside of the Atlas Academy entrance still with his Inquisitor lightsaber, but he now uses it for good. Cal then ran to the entrance of the Academy to go save someone who he can trust.


The elevator opened to reveal the hallway was covered with red lights around the area. I then heard blaster fire coming down the hallway to my left. I then saw that it was Poe, BB8 and Kieron with his armor and helmet on. They saw me and I went to them.

You: Guys!

Poe and Kieron: Y/n!

BB8: Bweeeep!

You: Are you guys okay?

Poe: Yeah. We heard what, Ruby said on our scrolls. Ironwood was going to abandoned Mantle?

Kieron: Looks like he really lost his mind.

You: Come on, we need to find Jaune, Ren, Nora and Oscar.

Kieron: Yes, sir.

Poe: I'm with you, buddy.

BB8: Beep!

We then go to find team JNR and Oscar to get out of here and stop Ironwood. We then came across some Atlas Soldiers that we can no longer trust shooting at us with stun bullets. I quickly went to go close the door for them to not follow us.

You: This way!

I then took point to another door of the hallway, but there were more soldiers shooting at me. I got out my lightsaber to deflect the bullets from hitting me and I sliced the door controls for the door to close.

You: Wrong way!

I then started to follow Poe and Kieron to find another way around.

Poe: There's not really a right way is there.

We then heard more shots coming from the hallway on our left side. Poe got to cover on his left side to not get hit by the soldiers.

Poe: Guess we have no choice, but to take them down.

Poe then got out his blaster and fired at the Atlas soldiers dead, but we don't have any other choice. I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt and got out my blaster to put on my right hand. Poe took point while him, me and Kieron saw more soldiers behind us. Me and Kieron blast at them to take them out lethally. We kept on proceeding forward to find the others while we were taking out more soldiers that were standing in our way.

Poe: We close?

You: Straight ahead!

We then checked our corners to see no soldiers around here. Then saw Jaune, Ren and Nora ahead, but Oscar wasn't here.

You: Guys!

Jaune: Y/n!

I then went up to Jaune to give him a bro hug to let him know that it's good to see him again and we let go.

You: What happen? Where's Oscar?

Jaune: We don't know where he is.

Nora: Oscar must be around here. Oscar!

You: Oscar!

Poe: Oscar!

Nora: Oscar?

I then saw Oscar with the lamp on his belt, but wait... that's not Oscar.

Nora: Oscar! You're here!

You: Nora, wait!

Oscar: No!

I then saw the real Oscar charging at the imposter and punch her. This was the same girl that almost tricked me to pretend to be Ruby.

Oscar: This crazy girl showed up and attacked me. But she looked like someone else.

Nora: Neopolitan.

You: That's her name?

Oscar: You know her?

Jaune: We haven't exactly heard good things.

Poe: Then let's teach this brown and pink hair girl a lesson.

Kieron: Way ahead of you, sir.

We all then got out our weapons and I got out my lightsaber and activate it and put away my blaster to get ready to fight Neo.

Jaune: Give up, we've got you outnumbered.

Neo then got ready to fight us.

Nora: Alright, then.

Nora crouched down to fire her grenades out of her launcher to hit Neo, but she blocked it with her umbrella. Ren fired his bullets at Neo, but she blocked them as well. Nora charged at Neo to hit her with her hammer, but Neo flipped Nora over while Neo winked at her. Ren used his grappling hooks on his pistols to go hit Neo, but she deflected them left and right for Ren to pull back and go kick Neo with both of his feet. Neo then did a split to avoid Ren's attack and Neo grabbed one of Ren's grappling ropes and made him hit the wall. Poe and Kieron were firing their blasters at Neo, but she quickly blocked them with her umbrella. Neo then came at me for a strike, but I parried her attack to stagger her. I swung my lightsaber at Neo, but she doged it and kicked me in the stomach. I stepped back to see Oscar charging at Neo, but she was too fast for Oscar to hit her. Neo was about to get the relic from Oscar, but he grabbed the relic quick from his cane. Neo was about to strike at Oscar, but Jaune got in front of Oscar to use his gravity shield to push Neo back. Ren went to go strike Neo while Oscar hold down Neo's legs. Ren went for the strike, but Neo then turned into glass.

Ren: What?

Nora: Where'd she go?

You: She could be anywhere.

Jaune: We gotta move!

I then saw Oscar was getting tired from the fight we did.

Poe: Come on, Oscar, hop on!

Oscar then went on Poe's back to give him a piggyback ride.

You: Go! I'll hold them off!

I then got out my lightsaber and activate it and star swinging at the Atlesian Knights coming at me. I deflected the bullets that were coming at me. I used my Split Saber to strike at the four Atlesian Knights that are here and cut them down. I reattached my hilts back together, deactivated my lightsabers and clipped it to my belt. I then went to go find Poe and the others down the corridor. This place is a maze. I continued to find the rest, but I found Ren in the hallway.

You: Ren, come on, we gotta go!

Ren then nodded his head and followed me. Me and Ren were finding the others, but then I heard a red lightsaber being ignited. I saw that it was Cal Kestis again, but this time without his Inquisitor outfit. He then came at me to use Force Push to push me out of the way to my left to take down Ren.

You: No!

Cal was about to strike down Ren, but then Ren got out an umbrella. I saw that it was Neo because I saw her eyes changed from her disguise. I then saw that she has the relic. Neo went back to her normal outfit and blocked Cal's attack. Cal went to me to help me up back to my feet.

Cal: You can thank me later, when we're done taking out this girl.

I then got out my lightsaber and activate it with a single green blade. Me and Cal then charged at Neo to get a strike at her. Me and Cal swung our lightsabers at her for Neo to block our attacks in a clash. Neo then kicked Cal and me off of her so she can try and escape. I used Force Pull to grab Neo bring her back to me. Neo then turned around to strike at me again with her umbrella. Me and Neo began to swing our weapons at each other for there to be sparks coming out of them. I then saw Cal use Force Push on Neo to push her up to a wall and damage her. Me and Cal then swung our sabers at Neo to injured her, but she turned into glass again, damn it. Me and Cal went to go find Neo and get the relic back from her. We then come across a few guards with combat weapons on their backs for weapon combat.

Guard: Traitor!

The guards then got out their weapons. Me and Cal then saw more guards behind us and we went back-to-back. I was in the front and Cal was behind me facing the other guards. We got ready for combat with these guys. I went to go take care of the ones that are in front of me, and Cal went to go take care of the ones on his side. I swung my lightsaber at one of the guards that had combat weapons on them. Me and the other guards swung our weapons to get a strike on one of them. I activated my other green blade to make into a double bladed mode to face these guards. I strike down the two of them, and I easily strike down the last guard on my right. I then deactivated my lightsaber blade to go into a single green blade and I saw Cal done with other guards, but he has his head on the guards arm choking him.

You: Cal!

Cal then looked at me and I deactivate my lightsaber to throw my hilt at Cal for him to catch it. Cal caught my lightsaber and activate it to strike down the guard choking him through his eye in the helmet and deactivated my lightsaber. Cal then got released from the guard and dropped his dead body on the ground while Cal was catching his breath. I went up to Cal for him to hand me back my lightsaber hilt and clipped it to my belt while Cal got his lightsaber and did the same.

You: Cal, thank you.

Cal: You're welcome. I thought about what you said to me. You were right. I became something more than Salem. I was arrogant, I was foolish. And I understand you why I did it in the first place. I'm so sorry. Thank you, Y/n.

You: You're welcome, Cal. Go find a man named Poe, and tell him and the others that you are on our side now.

Cal: What about you? Where are you going?

You: I'm going to find the Winter Maiden, and stop anyone from trying to take her powers.

Cal: Okay. Stay safe, Y/n.

You: You too, Cal.

Me and Cal then went our separate ways and I went to go find the Winter Maiden to stop anyone that is trying to get her powers. This is the last battle that I'm going to have with someone that is trying to take the Maiden's magic. This is it, no turning back now. I have a job to do, and I will save these people.

To be continued in the finale.

Series finale voting time! I need you guys to decide who gets the Winter Maiden's powers.

A: Merrin.

B: Penny.

And finally. C: Y/n L/n.

If you guys decided these three choices let me know in the comments in this chapter, because everyone the next chapter is the series finale of Volume 7 of RWBY. And until Volume 8 comes out we are going to be so excited for that. So let me know what you guys think for the choices that I put here. Let me know in the comments in this chapter. And as always, I will see you guys on the series finale.

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