Volume 7: I'm tired of all of this

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After what happened at the rally point where the election was taking place, when people died, and Penny being framed, we all head back to Atlas Academy to be in General Ironwood's office. He is upset about what happened at the rally where the election took place.

Ironwood: This is the worst case scenario.

Ironwood said while he slammed his fist in the table while he was looking at security footage down in Mantle.

Ironwood: More people are dead, Penny's been framed, and somehow, Jaques Schnee is sitting on the council.

Clover: That's the second shipment for Amity that was hit today. It seems election night was the last push Robyn needed to go from hometown hero to full-on vigilante.

Winter: I'm afraid the problem is more complicated than that.

Ironwood: (exasperated sigh) It seems Robyn has emboldened our suppliers in Mantle. They're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With Robyn redistributing the goods her team has stolen, the Amity Project is completely stalled.

Ruby: But we're so close. There has to be some way we can finish the tower.

Poe: I agree with Ruby. There is still some way we can finish the tower in time.

Winter: There is: declaring martial law.

You: No. That will be worse. If you declare martial law, the whole city will be in more panic.

Winter: This is the only way.

All of us went silent for a moment until Nora broke the silence.

Nora: You're not actually considering that, are you?

Ironwood: What's more important? Establishing communications, unite the world? Or appeaseing a few city blocks?

Nora: Don't make it sound trivial when you know it isn't. You keep talking about we just need a little more time, but you're not the one having to struggle.

Ironwood: We have all had to make sacrifices for the greater good. Mantle has had to bear a lot of the burden. Yes, but--

Nora was about to say something to Ironwood, but I'm tired of staying quiet.

You: If you think that the people in Mantle are just going to follow your law? Then to hell with that! These people's lives are at stake, and here you are sitting here doing nothing, except giving these people martial law! If you do this kind of crap, then you'll just be feeding these people to the Grimm! My kind had spent years fighting a different war that we almost won from, but now here we are, fighting a different war with so much pressure and struggling to win this! (I went up to Ironwood's desk to fully speak my words to him) You can't do this type of crap. If you keep doing this, then the people of Mantle are going to hate you even more! And I don't want to see you turning your backs on me and all of us! Because I have suffered far more worse than all of you. My past, my pain, my memories, and the Fall of Beacon. I just want this crap to stop! AND I WON'T REST UNTIL I STOP THESE BASTARD'S FROM TAKING OVER THIS KINGDOM!

I smashed my fists so hard on Ironwood's desk and looked at him dead in his eyes with a face of hatred on my face. Ironwood was shock that he heard me shouting my words at him. I then felt my shoulder had a hand on me. I turned around to see Ruby who had a sad look on her face, knowing that what she saw what I did and what I have become right now. I calmed down and I hugged Ruby in this moment and she did the same to calm me down. I'm just so tired of all of this. I just want this to stop. Me and Ruby let go of the hug and I stepped away from Ironwood's desk.

Ruby: Please, General Ironwood. Squeezing Mantle this way... that kind of division plays right into Salem's hands. That's why Tyrian is here framing you.

Clover: Right, the reason we called you here in the first place. You're sure this was the man you saw?

Clover then got out his scroll to show us a holographic screen, showing Tyrian Callows on it. The face that bastard has makes me want to burn that off with my lightsaber.

Poe: Yes. That was the same exact person that all of us saw during that night. He is a total psychopath.

Winter: Tyrian Callows was accused of murders across Anima. A homicidal maniac who escaped justice when his prison transport was attacked by Grimm. After that, he was never seen again.

Ruby: Well, he works for Salem, and he's here.

Qrow: If we ever had any doubts Atlas was Salem's next target, I think those are officially out the window.

Ruby: But now we have a suspect. We can tell the people.

Clover: That a long-lost serial killer is loose in Mantle and the military has no idea where he is, might make things worse before they get better.

Nora: I am so sick of secrets! If we just told everyone about Amity, about Salem --

Ironwood: We can't!

All of us looked at Ironwood sitting in his chair behind his desk.

Ironwood: If we talk about Amity now, we risk Salem's forces, who are we know are here, working to sabotage it. If we tell them about Salem now, we risk falling to the Grimm before we can reunite Remnant. We have to finish the tower. I want Robyn Hill in custody. We can offer her a deal if she gets Mantle to cooperate.

Clover: We'll figure it out.

Ironwood: Anyone not assisting with Robyn needs to focus on Tyrian. I want to know who he's working with, where he's hiding, what he's planning, and how exactly that video of Penny got all over my kingdom. Do I make myself clear?

Clover and Winter: Yes, sir.

Ren: Yes, sir.

We all looked at Ren who is acting like a soldier now. I need to get my mind off of this now. I exited Ironwood's office and head to the training room that was here in the Academy.


I swung my single green blade lightsaber at the training Grimm that coming at me. I saw two more left. I used my Split Saber to detached both hilts that I have on me to take down the two Grimm. I finished taking them down, I reattach the two hilts back together and deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt.

I sat down one of the blocks that were here in the training and put my hands on my face. I'm still struggling to beat this battle of that genocidal witch that's killing everyone here on Remnant. I just want this to stop and let us live in a world at peace for once. First the massacre that night, now we're being ordered to bring Robyn in custody and find that psychopath Tyrian and bring him in to justice. I'm so tired of all of this, I want this to stop.

Merrin: I see you are having a hard time.

I let go of my hands on my face and looked to see Merrin walking in. I haven't seen her in a while.

You: Oh. Hey, Merrin.

Merrin: I heard about what happened that night. The massacre of those people was terrible. And now someone framed, Penny. I'm sure you will find out who did this.

You: It was that psychopath, Tyrian Callows who caused the massacre that night. He's out there somewhere in the city of Mantle. And I'm going to stop him.

Merrin then sat down next to me while I still feel down about what happened.

Merrin: I know you will stop him, but not like this. Not the way you feel right now. You said to me that the Jedi are peacekeepers, not killers. You told me that when we were back in Mistral.

I looked at Merrin, knowing that she remembered the words I told her about the Jedi being peacekeepers.

You: You're right. Thanks, Merrin.

Merrin: You're welcome, Y/n. It's good to have a talk with you sometime.

You: I agree.

I then saw the doors open to see Poe walking.

Poe: Hey, Y/n you feeling okay? Because I was--

Poe then was cut off when he saw Merrin with me.

Poe: Sorry, am I interrupting you two?

You: No, I was just leaving.

I then got up to leave the training room, then I was stopped by Poe.

Poe: Hey, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here for you, buddy.

You: Thanks, Poe.

Me and Poe then bro hugged each other and pat our backs and let go. I then head to the dorm rooms alone for now.


I decided to meditate for a while. I sat on the top bunk bed to meditate to go into my meditation vision with BD-1 to enter with me. It's been a while since I have been here. I wonder how Summer is doing.

Summer: Hey, you came back.

I turned around to see Summer in her white cloak like always. I then walked up to her to see how she is doing.

You: Yeah, I came back.

Summer: It's good to see that you are doing okay for now.

You: Yeah.

There was a moment of silence for a second until I broke the silence.

You: Before you tell me anything... I need to ask you something. How did you become a Jedi?

Summer was a surprised a little bit that she never heard that from me that I asked how did she become a Jedi. Summer took a second to answer my question.

Summer: Well... while I was in Beacon, I was approached by a wise old man. He told me I had a very special gift. But he didn't mean my Silver Eyes. He meant The Force. He said he could sense that I had a strong connection to The Force and he would teach me in the ways of the Jedi. After I graduated and became a Huntress.

You: What was his name?

Summer: His name was Master Cordova.

You: Cordova! Like Eno Cordova? Like BD's old friend?

Summer: The very same.

BD-1: Beep-Boop!

Summer: (giggles) Hello, BD-1. And I see you chose your perfect partner.

BD-1: Beep!

You: Wait, you remember BD?

Summer: His memories are slowly coming back. It's like amnesia. But for droids? I'm actually not too sure how it works.

You: I think I know why. Cordova wiped BD's memories so that no one can find out about encrypted logs. BD-1 had a strong connection with me and trusted me throughout my travels. And I managed to build my lightsaber again.

I then took out my lightsaber hilt from my belt and showed Summer her hilt that was attached to my Master's lightsaber.

You: I added your hilt to mine. Pietro gave this to me, when I was trying to fix it.

Summer: That's good. After a few years of training, I became a Jedi Master and I was so happy that Cordova was letting me become a Jedi Master. But then, I gave up on that. When I married Tai, I just gave up.

You: How come your no longer a Jedi now?

Summer: After I had Ruby born, I cut myself off from the Force.

You: So, why did you stop using the Force?

Summer: A few months before I had Ruby, there was an attack in a village filled with Grimm, my Padawan and I took several survivors and went into hiding. But... we didn't last long. They were about to discover our location so... I tried to lure them away from my Padawan, Cal. He stayed behind with the survivors. But... they caught me, along with Inquisitors. And they... tortured me. They wanted to know about the others and... how many were left, but mostly they wanted to know about... Cordova. And where he went.

You: But you escaped.

Summer: Yeah, it was a prison riot. I saw my opportunity and I took it. But they almost broke me. And I am not the same as I was, Y/n.

You: Your Padawan... did he survive?

Summer took a second to answer with a sad look on her face.

Summer: No. But that's why you can't give up. You can't let the sacrifices of those closest to you... be for nothing.

She's right, I can't let all of this be for nothing. I clipped my lightsaber back my on belt and spoke to Summer.

You: You're right. I can't let all of this be for nothing. Thank you, Summer.

Summer gave me a sad smile on her face and she came to me to give me a hug and I hugged her back.

Summer: You're welcome Y/n. Just... stay strong and keep fighting.

You: I will.

I then closed my eyes to exit my meditation vision and head back to reality.

I opened my eyes and that I was still on the top bunk bed where I was meditating. I hope I can stop them and save this world, and continue to be a Jedi for my entire life.

To be continued

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