Volume 7: My Past

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Location: Atlas Academy

Time: Morning

I was sleeping on top of the bunk bed with Ruby like always, we never get tired of this moment when we sleep together. I opened my eyes and I looked that she's wearing her Atlas sleeping wear, I was wearing the same thing too. I looked at her closed eyes, hearing her breath in and out from her sleep. I put my right hand on her hair to move some of it out of the way of her face. Ruby felt my hand on her and she opened her eyes with a smile on her face and looked at me. We were like this for a few seconds, until we heard someone in our dorm room.

Penny: Salutations!

Me, Ruby and the rest of my team heard that it was Penny that woke us up, Weiss, Blake, and Yang freaked out and woke up from Penny's wake up call, except for me and Ruby, we all ready woke up.

Penny: Good morning team RWBY!

Yang: Ugh, Penny, what time is it even?

Penny: Time to be huntsman and huntresses of course!

Weiss, Blake, and Yang groaned in frustration for them to get up and get ready for the day, while me, Ruby got changed into our usual outfits quickly and I got BD-1 on my back to get pumped up for the day ahead.

You: Alright, let's do this!

BD-1: Whoo!

Ruby: Yahoo!


We all were in the briefing room with team JNPR, Merrin, Oscar and Qrow. While Clover got in and gave us information about what we need to do for today. Ruby sat down next to me while she was really excited to do something in a while.

Clover: Eyes up, huntsmen. Time to get used to the new normal in Atlas. You're top priority is Amity Tower. That means protecting supply runs from Grimm and bandits. And, protecting the sight itself. Diverting all construction resources to Amity Tower means there are going to be gaps in Mantle's defenses against Grimm, they'll need help with the perimeter. But there's plenty to do in Mantle itself. I think you'll find everyone appreciates having a huntsman around. You're of course free to enjoy your time off as you see fit. Whatever helps take the edge off. The huntsmen around you can be an invaluable resource. If you're willing to pay attention. But make no mistakes, school's over. So, what's it gonna be?

I can't wait to do something for today, even Ruby is excited too.

Clover: Alright, I'll need team RWBY and Y/n in the training room in ten minutes.

Me and my team got up to head to the training room to go test out our skills.

Location: Training Room

We arrived at the training room, it looks so different from Beacon, it has lack black and blue lights on the walls and floor.

This place looks amazing, it kinda reminds me in the training room back at the Jedi Temple on Corscunt. We were waiting for Clover to give us instructions when he spoke on the intercom.

Clover on intercom: Alright, let's start with a four v one. Team RWBY vs Y/n. Get into position and let me know when you're ready.

I was surprised that I'm actually going up against my team and my fiancée. They all walked in front of me and looked at me with smirks on their faces.

You: Uh... you sure? Are we... are we really gonna do this?

Yang: What, you never faced four girls before?

You: (points at Ruby) She's my fiancée!

Ruby: Well, I never really got the chance to face you head on before. I wanna see how you do, and how you fight, just like when you fight the Grimm.

Weiss: So let's put those skills to the test.

I think for a moment and sighed, I just have to go with the flow for now. I guess I haven't get the chance to spar with one of them.

You: Alright, if that's what you want, I'm in. Let's what you got!

I got out my lightsaber and activate a single blade and got into my fighting stance, while the others got out their weapons and get ready for the battle that we are about to do.

You: We're ready, Clover!

Clover on intercom: Alright, begin in 3... 2... 1... GO!

My team charged at me at the speed of light. I reacted just in time to jump and did a Jedi Flip over them and landed behind them. I turned around to see them turning around as well, while held my lightsaber with both of my hands.

Ruby: Checkmate!

I guess that's the team attack name, I saw Blake and Weiss charging at me from both sides, they were about to strike me, but I activated another blue blade on my lightsaber to turn it into a double bladed lightsaber and blocked their attacks in a weapon clash. I was struggling to push them back, but they were both pushing me. I've got an idea, I deactivated both of my blades for Blake and Weiss to lose their balance. I run to get some distance from them. I jumped on a wall to do a Wall Run and jumped on a platform and pulled myself up. To my surprise, I saw Yang jumped up where I am, she bumped her fists together with a smirk on her face and charged at me. I clipped my lightsaber to my belt and I started to do hand-to-hand combat. Yang swung her right fist at me almost striking me, but I blocked her punch with my right hand and she swung her left fist trying to punch me again. I parried her punch with my left hand and punched Yang two times in the face and kicked her in the stomach, and slide underneath Yang's legs. I got back up and turned around to see Yang slowly turning around with her head down, what is she doing? Yang yelled in a an angry way, she activated her semblance from her eyes turning red and her hair on fire, Yang looked at me with a smirk on her face.

You: I just made her angry.

BD-1: Bwoop-beep!

Yang charged at me with her semblance active and I jump and backflip off the platform while Yang destroyed it. I landed on the floor and Yang was starting to throw punches left and right, I managed to doge her punches and rolled out of the way to use Force Push on her and she went through one of the training walls. I catch my breath for a second, but it was interrupted by Blake coming out of nowhere trying to strike me with her Gambol Shroud. I quickly rolled out of the way and got my lightsaber out again and activate a single blade. Me and Blake started swing our weapons trying to get our strikes on one of us. I saw that Blake was about to get a hit on me, but parried her attack to stagger her and swung my lightsaber at her, but I hit a shadow clone. Blake must've used her semblance while almost went for a strike on her. I sensed that Blake was behind me, I turned around to see her charging at me. I waited for her strike me. Blake swung her weapon at me to go for a strike, but I used Precision Evade to evade her attack and slowed her down, I then kicked Blake and strike her with my lightsaber to strike her down for her arua to deplete. That means I defeated Blake in this training zone.

I then saw Weiss using her gravity glyph on me, lift me up in the air and kicked me and made me go across the room and hit the floor while I was rolling and stopped. Man that hurt, I managed to get up and catch my breath quickly.

You: BD, stim!

I snapped my left fingers to let BD know that I need a stim, I heard him popped a stim out of him, caught and injected onto my right shoulder and put away the empty stim canister. I saw Weiss with her summoned a knight with a big sword, I doge roll out of the way of the attack and got back up. I use Force Slow on the knight and strike him down with my Overhead Slash. The summon disappeared and I saw Weiss all tired out. I used Force Push to push her away for her aura to deplete, that's another one down. Now all that's left is Ruby. I saw her used her semblance into the air and swung her scythe down on me, but I rolled out of the way to evade her attack and got back up. We looked at each other for a few seconds in our fighting stance. Ruby had a smirk on her face that she fired her rifle behind her to charge at me from the impact of the shot. Ruby swung her scythe at me while I was blocking her attacks, wow she's fast. I jumped up high into the air, got my left hand ready and went down to hit the ground with my hand to do Repulse. I saw Ruby flew a little bit, but she put her scythe blade on the ground to prevent from being blown away. Ruby then charged at me again and we clashed our blades together to push each other back. I managed to push Ruby back a little bit for her to try push back as well. Ruby then had a smirk on her face, why did she have that face? I felt that she kicked my left leg to make me fall on the floor while my lightsaber was deactivated. Ruby swung her scythe down at me while I closed my eyes and braced myself from the hit that I'm about to take. But then I didn't feel the pain, I opened my eyes to see that Ruby's scythe was a few inches away from my face. Ruby gave me a smile on her face and put her away her scythe, and offered me her hand for me to take.

Ruby: I gotta say, I'm impressed from the way you fight. You did good.

I returned the smile and took her hand and pull me up of the floor.

Clover on intercom: And that's it for this time. Good fight people.

I then saw Clover leaving the room that he was in. I then was greeted by the rest of my teammates coming towards me.

Weiss: I gotta say, I'm impressed with the fight that you did, you did a good job.

Blake: The way you blocked my and Weiss's attack, that was amazing, you did great.

Yang: You got some real fighting moves in you. The way you punched me, that was awesome, I never expect you to do hand-to-hand combat.

You: Pfft! Me? You got really angry, and almost blew me into smithereens.

Yang: It was still a good fight.

We all then start to laugh in joy for us that we had a good time today in training. I had good time training with my teammates.


I was in the dorm room alone except BD-1 was on the desktop taking a nap. I was on the floor with my legs crossed meditating in silence. But then I started to hear voices from all around me, they're telling me to go somewhere West of Atlas. I opened my eyes quickly and saw that I'm back in reality. I stand up, wake up BD-1 and put him on my back to go to General Ironwood's office to let him know that I was going out on my own mission. I arrived at Ironwood's office and entered.

Ironwood: Y/n, what brings you here today?

You: Sir, I..... I have an important mission to go on.

Ironwood: What kind of mission?

You: I don't know what it is, but I heard voices whenever I was meditating. They were telling to go to the West side of Atlas.

Ironwood took a second to speak to me.

Ironwood: Very well, I'll let team RWBY assist you on this mission.

You: Thank you sir.

Ironwood: Good luck on your mission Y/n, travel safe.

I then exited Ironwood's office and got ready to go on my mission.


Me and my team were in the ship taking us to the location of where I was going.

Pilot: Approaching our destination, prepare for landing.

We then felt the ship landing somewhere in the open cold are of Atlas and exited the ship. I can feel the energy calling to me.

Ruby: Okay, Y/n. Where to.

You: Actually.... I think it's best for you four to stay here with the ship.

Weiss: What? You can't be serious. You want to go alone?

You: It's telling me that I should go, no one else can't come with me. Only I can go.

My team looked at me in worried looks on their faces.

Ruby: Okay.

Ruby then gave me a hug for me to be careful and I hugged her back.

Ruby: Just be careful, okay?

You: Okay, I will.

Me and Ruby gave each other a quick kiss on the lips and let go for me to do this mission alone. I began to travel on foot to the destination that I was supposed to go.

(A few minutes later)

I finally went to the destination that I was going. I saw that there's this cave that was half light up inside, this is the place that I was supposed to be.

???: Watch yourself in there child.

I turned to see a stranger that was a female in a black cloak with her hood covering her face.

???: This cave has something that you should not remember.

You: I can handle myself, thank you.

???: Suit yourself then.

I then entered the cave that where I was supposed to be where this energy was pulling me in. After a few more minutes of walking deep in the cave, I saw a wall that was glowing blue a little bit. I put my hand on it and... nothing happened. That's weird, I was expecting something to happen.

You: Whatever that was, it's gone now

I then saw a safe spot to meditate in. I sat on the floor and crossed my legs and go into my meditation vision.

Ruby POV

Y/n was out there for a while now, he told us to stay here while he was finding something. Me and my team started to feel tired. We then rested our eyes for a few minutes until Y/n gets back.

Third Person view: Inside Y/n's dream


(Music Playing)

We see our heroes team RWBY opening their eyes to see where they are.

Blake: What? Where are we?

Ruby: I don't know.

Weiss: Are we in some kind of ship?

They saw someone sitting on a chair near a table inspecting a holocron with his Jedi robe on. It was a young boy who had a braid on his right side of his head. The boy then appears to be Y/n L/n.

Yang: Is that... Y/n?

Blake: It is.

Weiss: This is him before he got turned on?

Ruby: He looks so young.

Ruby then went up to Y/n to get a good look at him.

Ruby: Y/n? It's me, Ruby, can you hear me?

No response from Y/n. He cannot hear his team, team RWBY are inside Y/n's dream and he cannot hear them.

Blake: Ruby, I don't think he can hear you.

Young Y/n: Oh. I should go to Master Tapal for training. Best not keep him waiting.

Y/n said and got out of his chair and went to go to his Master and train with him.

Yang: Should we follow him?

Ruby: Yes, I wanna see how this all started.

Team RWBY followed Young Y/n to see him going up to a clone trooper guarding the hallway.

Clone Trooper: Hey, Y/n. Ready for a rematch later?

Young Y/n: Yeah, anytime!

Clone Trooper: Sounds good. On your way to training?

Young Y/n: Always.

Clone Trooper: Alright then, I'll see you later.

Young Y/n: Bye!

Team RWBY then continued to follow Y/n to proceeded to the hallway on his left to see more clone troopers.

Clone Trooper 1: I heard we're getting new orders soon.

Clone Trooper 2: Finally. I'm ready to be gone from this place.

Y/n then went up to them and talk to the troopers.

Young Y/n: We're leaving Remnant?

Clone Trooper 1: Possibly.

Clone Trooper 2: Don't get his hopes up with second-hand gossip.

Young Y/n: Ha, it's okay. I'll believe it once Master Tapal says so.

Clone Trooper 2: Speaking of your Master...

Young Y/n: Oh yeah, I better go.

Y/n then proceeded to jog down to his right side of the hallway and saw another clone trooper.

Clone Trooper: You're in a rush.

Young Y/n: Master Tapal's called me for training.

Clone Trooper: You got this, kid.

Y/n and the clone trooper high five each other. Team RWBY watched as he did this and he proceeded to go through the sliding doors into a massive training room.

RWBY: Wooooow!

They admired how big this training room is. They saw Y/n's Master Tapal on top.

Young Y/n: Master Tapal?

Jaro Tapal on intercom: Padawan. It is time for instruction.

Young Y/n: Yes, Master?

Jaro Tapal on intercom: Reach our position. And do not keep me waiting.

Team RWBY saw that there were objects appearing out of the floor for Y/n to do his obstacle training to get to his Master. He did flips, wall runs and climbed up obstacles to get to the top. Team RWBY watched Y/n in awe.

Yang: Wow, look at him go.

Blake: I didn't know he can do all this stuff when he was a child.

Weiss: It's amazing how he's learning these abilities already.

Ruby: I can't believe he actually learned all of this when he was a kid.

After team RWBY saw Y/n made it to the top, they followed him to see what his Master has for him.

(Music End)

Jaro Tapal: We will begin with physical preparation. First though, we have orders. Remnant is secure. We move out for Mygeeto shortly.

Young Y/n: Yes!

Team RWBY saw Y/n with smiles on their faces seeing how excited he was to go.

Jaro Tapal: We must...

That moment didn't last long. The clone trooper behind Tapal pulled out a hologram showing Darth Sidious, while Tapal was struggling with his head hurting.

Young Y/n: Master? Are you okay?

Jaro Tapal: Something is... wrong...

The clone trooper started to point his blaster at Tapal.

RWBY & Young Y/n: No! No!!

Tapal quickly activated his lightsaber and strike the clone trooper down and deactivated it and clipped it to his belt.

Young Y/n: What's happening? Why did the commander just...

Tapal was focusing on his breathing and spoke to Y/n.

Jaro Tapal: Padawan, something terrible is happening. The clones have betrayed us. There are no answers to your questions, not yet.

Team RWBY went to Tapal and Y/n to hear them talk, even they can't see them.

Jaro Tapal: We need to get off this ship. Quickly. Get to the escape pods. Use the maintenance halls. We trained for this, do you remember?

Tapal knelt down and put his hand on Y/n's right shoulder.

Young Y/n: Yes, Master. W-What about you?

Jaro Tapal: I will create a distraction and meet you. If I am not there when you arrive, depart without me. I will find you on Remnant. Do you understand?

Young Y/n: Yes, Master.

Team RWBY, Y/n and Tapal heard an explosion in the halls and looked at it.

Jaro Tapal: They are coming. I will seal the blast doors, but if any cross your path, do not hesitate. Go. And may the Force be with you.

Tapal opened up a sliding door for Y/n to go through.

Jaro Tapal: Go. GO!

Y/n ran through the door while team RWBY followed him running and watching him how scared and alone he is while this happens to him.


(Music Playing)

Y/n was running in the hallway, but he encounter the no longer trusted clone troopers blasting at him.

Clone Trooper: There he is! Shoot to kill.

Young Y/n: No, stop!

Y/n got out his lightsaber, it was his own lightsaber before he lost it. He deflected one of the blaster fire and the blast doors closed on him. Y/n proceeded down the hallway to see more clone troopers passing by him through the doors.

Clone Trooper: Tapal's on the move. We're gonna need backup.

The blast doors closed behind them and Y/n deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it his belt.

Ruby: I can't believe this is happening to him.

Young Y/n: Need to pull that to get through.

Y/n used Force Pull to pull the air vent down so he can get through, team RWBY continued to follow him while he was going through the vents.

Young Y/n: This doesn't make any sense, what's going on?

(A few minutes later)

After Y/n was going through the vents, he was heading to the turbolift while he was cutting through the wires.

Young Y/n: I think I'm near the turbolift. Not much further after that.

Y/n climbed his way up through the turbolift. He was on one of the lifts, but the clone troopers were standing at the door about to shoot him.

Clone Trooper: Take him out! Then we go after Tapal.

Young Y/n: There's too many!

Y/n got out his lightsaber and activate to deflect the blaster fire that were coming at him, but one of them shot the hilt of his lightsaber for him to drop it. Y/n's lightsaber was rolling away from him, he got on the floor and used Force Pull on his right hand to grab his weapon, but a blaster shot nearly hit his right hand making him fully lose his weapon.

Ruby: No!

Y/n was about face death from the blaster fire, but then a blue double bladed lightsaber was being thrown at the clones, it was Jaro Tapal. He punched and kick the two clone troopers off the ledge, grabbed his lightsaber back and clipped it to his belt.

Jaro Tapal: Padawan! Your lightsaber!

Young Y/n: I'm sorry, Master!

Jaro Tapal: Keep climbing! I'll meet you up ahead.

Blake: That was close.

Y/n got up and proceeded to meet up with his Master.

(Music End)

(A few minutes later)


(Music Playing)

(Skip to 1:35 to here the intense part of the music and listen to the end).

After a few minutes of Y/n climbing up obstacles, he finally made to the escape pods, but there were clone troopers there about to shoot him, team RWBY watched in horror that Y/n was about to die here. But right on time, Jaro Tapal saved him by headbutting one of the clone troopers and grabbed his arm and killed the other one on his right and looked at Y/n to tell him what to do.

Jaro Tapal: The door controls!

Y/n wasted no time while he ran to activate the doors to open the pods while Tapal strike the other trooper down. Y/n was pressing buttons to try and open the doors to the escape pods, but he saw more clone troopers, Tapal was deflecting the incoming blaster fire to protect Y/n.

Jaro Tapal: Y/n, hurry!

Tapal was holding off the troopers to by Y/n some time to open the doors to the escape pods. He got them open in time, but team RWBY and Y/n saw that Tapal was shot in front of them.


Young Y/n: Master!

Y/n was bracing himself from the blaster fire, but Tapal had enough energy to fight off the troopers. He used the Force to lift two of them up into the ceiling to hit their heads. But Tapal was shot two times again. Y/n got in front of Tapal to protect him.

Young Y/n: No!

Y/n then got shot near his nose and his right neck to leave him two burning scars on his face.

Young Y/n: Aghh!

RWBY: Y/n!

Young Y/n: Ahhhhhhhh!

Y/n screamed while he was using Force Slow on the troopers to by him enough time to get in the pod. Team RWBY got inside the pod as well and they took off with Y/n inside. Y/n then went up to his dying Master trying to save him.

Jaro Tapal: Y/n,Y/n. I overloaded the ships reactors. The explosion will mask our escape.

Team RWBY was watching sadly at Y/n watching his Master dying.

Jaro Tapal: This... war is not over, my Padawan. Hold the line. Wait for the Jedi Council's signal.

Y/n was on the verge of tears while he was watching Tapal slowly dying in front of him. Tapal gave Y/n his damaged lightsaber for him to continue being a Jedi. Tapal was slowly dying, but he said these last words to Y/n.

Jaro Tapal: Remember... Trust only... In the Force.

Young Y/n: Yes, Master.

After those final words Tapal said to Y/n he died, Y/n watched his Master's life being taken away from his body.

Blake: No.

Y/n looked at Tapal's damaged lightsaber he now has with him. Y/n and team RWBY felt the escape pod shake while they heard something exploded. Y/n got off of Tapal's body and sat down in a chair and team RWBY was sadly watching him hugging his Master's lightsaber while crying and sobbing.

Young Y/n: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Y/n screamed in sadness and the screen went white meaning that the flashback was over about this lone Jedi.

(Music End)

Ruby POV

I woke up and gasped for air while my team did the same after that nightmare we just had.

Yang: You... you guys saw that too right?

Blake: Yeah, we did. That was a horrible nightmare.

Weiss: What happened to Y/n, was so sad, he lost everything.

Ruby: I hope, Y/n comes back safe.


I opened my eyes from my meditation vision to get back in reality, but I wasn't back in reality. I was still in my meditation vision. I stand up and see that I'm in an open area, where am I?

???: Padawan.

No. I recognized that voice. I turned around slowly and saw that my Master Jaro Tapal was here walking to me a few inches away from me.

Jaro Tapal: It is time, for instruction.

My Master activated his lightsaber and I activated mine that was still belonged to him. I got ready to fight him. I swung my lightsaber at him, but he was blocking every attack I send.

Jaro Tapal: Your will is weak. You lack discipline.

I swung my lightsaber again to hit him, but he blocked and parried my attacks.

Jaro Tapal: You let fear break your connection to the Force.

He swung his lightsaber this time to hit me, but I parried his attack and did a battle cry to stab him in the stomach, but he's still alive.

Jaro Tapal: Yes. My blood is on your hands apprentice.

I looked up at him in a horror look.

He grabbed my lightsaber and I tried to pull it away from him.

Jaro Tapal: You are a failure, a weakling, a traitor.

He then started to crush the hilt that I was holding.

Jaro Tapal: You are no Jedi!

You: No!

I shouted at my Master and I realized I'm back in reality. I was breathing heavily. I looked down to see that my lightsaber is now broken. The crystal shattered. Useless. I clipped it to my belt and get out of this terrible place.

You: BD?

BD-1 Beep boop?

You: Thanks. Let's just get outta here. I can't explain, BD. Not sure I even understand.

BD-1: Wooo...

I exited the cave to see the light of the sun still up while I heard that female stranger again while I was exiting the cave.

???: Did things not go as planned? You can't say I didn't warn you.

You: Leave me alone.

???: Leave you? Alone? Lost... and defenseless in this place? Never.

I walked up to her to get some answers on who she is.

You: Okay, enough of this. Who are you really?

I saw her smirking under that hood. She removed her black cloak that she had on her to reveal that she's...... no.... It can't be...

Cinder: Cinder Fall, in the flesh.

I was shocked and totally speechless, how is she alive?

You: You... How are you... How are you alive?

Cinder: You really think that Raven could kill me? Heh. She was wrong.

You: I saw her froze you back in the vault in Mistral, and you were falling down from the edge. How did you not die from that?!

Cinder: Oh, you foolish child. Don't you see? I have the Maidens Magic, and there is so much power that I have.

You: No. No, you use the Maidens Magic to seize power. That's- That's everything we all stood against.

Cinder: How could you be so naive, there is so much power that I can give you right now. Join me, and I can teach you how to control the power of the Maidens.

Cinder reached out her right hand for me to take. There's no way I'm doing that. I won't join her, never.

You: No, I don't need your help.

Cinder sighs in frustration.

Cinder: So be it.

Out of nowhere, two Grimm appeared behind Cinder and stayed next her while I back up in fear. Cinder then pet one of them, how is she doing that?

Cinder: Looks like they're after you, because you have caused so much fear in that cave. Tell you what, I'll give you... 5 minutes to run on back to Atlas.

I went to go turn on my lightsaber, but I forgot that it's still broken.

Cinder: Aww, what's the matter? Is your toy broken? What a shame.

I had enough of this she's giving me a chance to get back to my team. I quickly turned and started running back to the ship.

Cinder: Yes! Run boy! Run!

I ran as fast as I can to head back to the ship and get out of here. While I was running back, I quickly contacted Ruby on the comms.

You: Ruby! Ruby, are you there?!

Ruby on comm: Yes I'm here, what happened Y/n?

You: Ruby, tell the pilot to get the ship running!

Ruby on comm: Y/n, what happened?

You: I attracted the Grimm while I was still in the cave! They're after me!

Weiss on comm: Whoa, whoa, and you're leading them here?!

Ruby on comm: Weiss, just knock it off! Y/n where are-

You: Just tell the pilot to get the ship running!

Yang on comm: Hey, pilot! Get the engines running, we're waiting for our friend. Get ready to lift off once he gets here!

I continued on running back to the ship if I can so the Grimm won't kill me.

(A few minutes later)

I finally arrived back at the ship. I was running and I quickly ran inside to the pilot to get us away from this place.

You: Get us out of here!

I felt the ship taking off while I saw the Grimm wait outside on the ground.

Pilot: What'd you do kid? I got Grimm surrounding my ship!

You: Just go! Just go.

I then felt the ship getting us back to Atlas. I got on the floor of the ship sitting by the wall. I saw Ruby and the others coming to me, Ruby knelt down to face me.

Ruby: What happened? Did you find what you were looking for?

I then showed them my now broken lightsaber.

Blake: Your Master's lightsaber.

You: I saw him. Master Tapal, I... I saw the day he died. I saw what I did.

Ruby: Y/n...

You: And now it's destroyed. I couldn't save him.

Weiss: Y/n, you were only a child.

You: No. No, I know could have helped him if I'd been stronger and braver, if I would have listened to him. I could have helped him. I know it.

Ruby: Y/n...

You: And it's all because of me. I'm the reason why I let him die, and I'm the reason why I couldn't saved him!

I said while I'm starting to have tears in my eyes.

You: Everything I've done, everything that I did everything I could to save Master Tapal! I caused his death, and I wouldn't been faster to just open the damn escape pods! Now here I am. I defenseless Jedi that got his lightsaber destroyed.

I dropped my lightsaber on the floor and didn't even bother to pick it up.

You: I'm useless now.

I continued to let out my tears from my eyes, knowing that I'm a failure from saving my Master. I couldn't save him, and I could have helped him.

Ruby: Get up.

I looked at Ruby that she has my broken lightsaber in her right hand.

You: Ruby, I-

Ruby: I said get up.

I did what Ruby said and got up from my spot. Ruby showed me my broken lightsaber.

Ruby: Y/n, I know you can't change what happened to your Master. It's in the past, but Y/n, you have to make a choice to move on.

You: How?

Ruby: You're going to start with this.

Ruby handed me my broken lightsaber and she held it with me.

Ruby: You are going to build a new one.

You: But... how? That's impossible for me to make a new one in this place. This is only powered by a Kyber Crystal. Without it, I can't fight anymore.

Ruby took a second and she looked at the others with smiles on their faces.

Ruby: I think we know the right person who can help you with this.

I wiped the tears out of my eyes and looked at my Master's now broken lightsaber. I hope I can make a new one, and I hope I can do the right thing again.

To be continued.

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