Chapter 12: The Void

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 williamsmaurice1254
As they broke Lothal's atmosphere, Hera was confused about why so many people were coming after them. Chopper was taken down by a blast that short-circuited his circuitry, putting him offline. Zeb took his place as the gunner to try and help shoot down the TIEs that were still incoming.

Sabine also managed to translate Tseebo knowing what happened to Ezra's parents, but priorities got in the way. Not to mention Ezra didn't seem to care and believed them to be dead.

"Can someone explain to me why we're extra popular today?" Hera questions.

"We picked up a passenger. It's the Rodian the Empire was searching for," Kanan explains as he runs to the top gun.

"And he's important why?" Hera questions.

"Because his cybernetic implant has half of the Empire's secrets in his head," Sabine explained as she went to the second gunner.

"Well, I can see why that's important." Hera was starting to follow. "And the new people?"

"Hera, meet Shard, Kilowog, and Shadow." Sonic introduced them. "They're Outsiders like us who's also members of the Justice League!"

"Are most of them that came here JL?" Kilowog was curious to know.

"Mostly." Ezra shrugged.

"Ezra, I need you in the cockpit!" Hera cried down from above.

Ezra ran off and Hera was trying to get them to jump to hyperspace before they were shot down and killed. While they were being shot at from outside, the Inquisitor managed to shoot and implant a tracker on the hull of the Phantom.

Just seconds before Tseebo managed to implant hyperspace coordinates and jumped them into hyper speed.

The Grand Inquisitor then returned to one of the Star Destroyers and marched down the hull of the ship. He reached the deck where all eyes turned towards him. He walked to the front windows and closed his eyes and sensed the feeling of the Jedi and Apprentice.

"We are receiving a signal from the tracker." The officer in charge informed the Inquisitor. "They will not be able to outrun us for long."

The Inquisitor closed his eyes and kept track of the two Jedi. "I can sense l the presence of the Jedi and Padawan within my grasp."

Mara Jade then walked to the doors of the bridge, waiting for them to slide open. She was starting to get a little infuriated by the Outsiders thanks to her latest defeat. She was looking to get revenge for mocking her by using an illusion that managed to fool her. She watched as she walked near the Inquisitor as the Star Destroyer entered hyperspace.

"I take it the speedster escaped?" Inquisitor was happy to say she was having worse luck than he was at catching him.

"He's as slippery as a Hutt." Mara Jade was sorry to admit with a sigh. "And I almost had him, if it weren't for the interference from that green armored warrior and that other hedgehog. But I'll be sure to be prepared this time."

"We shall see." Inquisitor said as he was looking forward to capturing these Jedi and Outsiders.

Back on the Ghost, the group was working on fixing the things that were broken by their recent escape attempt. Hera was working on fixing Chopper and luckily the damage wasn't anything that she couldn't fix with ease. Kilowog was standing in the middle of the opening and creating constructs with his ring.

"Shadow... it's so good to—" Sonic says as Shadow punched Sonic in the face hard.

"Ack!" Sonic cried as he fell backwards.

"YOU IDIOT!!! Once again, you don't think before acting. Because of you, our allies are stranded and we're no longer in our universe!" Shadow shouts to Sonic.

"Look, I know... this is all my fault. And I'm trying to fix it. So far I've found everyone... all except: Kara, Sara, Kate, Logan, Mario, Luigi, DK, Yoshi, and Bowser." Sonic listed.

"Hmmph! At you're making yourself useful in fighting this stupid Empire." Shadow said.

Ezra was sitting and eyeing Tseebo who was just standing there after his rescue.

"So, what are we going to do with him?" Ezra wonders.

Kanan waved his hand in front of Tseebo, seeing he did not react. "We have a few ideas. But you're the one who has a history. The question is, what do you want to do with him?"

Ezra then placed on his trooper helmet and crossed his arms. "Don't know. Don't much care."

Kanan sighed and knew he wasn't getting far with this. "Ezra, you'll never be able to advance your skills as a Jedi if you're not honest. With yourself, at least."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ezra sounded offended, getting up to try and walk away.

"It means Tseebo matters to you." Kanan didn't stop him but managed to yank the helmet off his head. "That you care about what happens to him."

"Why should I care?" Ezra asks in annoyance, gesturing towards Tseebo. "He did nothing to save my parents!"

"What could he have done against the Empire?" Kanan questions Ezra's anger.

Sabine then walked up and poked the implant on Tseebo. "And besides, look at what he's done since then. The Empire pushes for these Implants, but they're not mandatory yet. He must have volunteered. He downloaded as much as he could, then he ran. Maybe he's trying to make up for letting you down. Why else would he take on the Empire alone?"

Tseebo suddenly came to life again. "Empire."

Then he started to speak Huttease, something only Sabine seemed to understand. Making Sonic realize she understood everything Jabba was saying.

"He's saying that the Empire is tracking us," Sabine warns them in worry.

Zeb seemed to not believe it and scoffed. "Oh, come on, the Imperials can't track us through Hyperspace." Then he started to question that statement. "Can they?"

Then Tseebo's headpiece projected a hologram that showed a small device that looked like the end of a rocket. "Imperial XX-23 S-thread tracker was developed by Sinear Systems, to trade ships through hyperspace to destination."

"Could they have tagged us with that thing?" Kanan asks in worry.

"I say we be safe than sorry," Sonic commented and did a little whistle. R2-B1 came running into the room. "Hey, Buddy." He gave the guy a scratch on the head before pointing to the hologram. "Think you can scan the ship for that thing?"

R2 gave another whistle before running off to do just that. As they watched the Astromech run away, Hera was able to get Chopper back online. And it was sufficient to say he wasn't happy with what happened. He was frantically grunting and yelling with his arms waving around.

"Calm down, Chop. You were only offline for a few minutes." Hera tried to calm him down.

The group later met back up in the cockpit where R2 came with the results of his scan. He showed a hologram protection that confirmed that the ship was tagged with the S-thread tracker.

"So, they did tag us." Sabine was worried to see.

"Yes. But the good news is the tracer's actually on the hull of the Phantom." Hera was able to look on the bright side.

"Phantom?" Kilowog wasn't sure she understood.

"It's what they call their pod ship," Claire explains to him. "That means we could just detach the Phantom, and let the Imperials chase after their own device. Right?"

Sabine was a little skeptical about the idea. "That's not exactly the safest option."

"We haven't even gotten to the unsafe part," Kanan said, seeming to agree with Claire.

"Can't wait to hear this." Zeb comments.

Kanan then looked to Hera. "I checked our current trajectory. If you can modify the hyperspace coordinates..."

"I can," Hera confirmed.

"Then maybe we can pass by the asteroid field where the old Clone Base is," Kanan tells them the plan.

"You mean the one with those nasties that live in the shadows?" Sabine asks in concern.

"Where we were kidnapped by those pirates," Sonic added in disgust. "Sold to the Hutts."

"Then you blew them up," Mick added.

"Side note aside, why would we want to go down there?" Ezra asks.

"Because there's more than the tracker at work. The Inquisitor is on our trail, and I have a feeling that redhead isn't far behind." Kanan said.

Sonic suddenly became worried. "Uh, I'm not liking the fact Mara Jade woman was brought up."

"You're not gonna like the next part either." Kanan was sorry to say. "As long as me, Ezra, and even Sonic, are on the Ghost, he will be able to track us and Tseebo."

"So, I gotta leave the Ghost and go to this nasty-filled asteroid as a favor to Tseebo?" Ezra asks sarcastically.

"As a favor to us all," Kanan stated. "And don't worry, I'll be right beside you."

"Mind if we came along?" Kilowog asks as him gestured to himself and Shard. "Feels like we'd be more useful to you there rather than here."

Claire then quickly stood up and raised a finger. "Then I might just have to go with. We don't know if she got my scent during that illusion I cast. Best to be safe than sorry."

"I come too." Aarghaumont said.

"I be an honor to fight alongside you all." Draal said as he bows.

As they all get ready, Sabine saw Sonic preparing for the fight. As he does, Sabine could see him worried.

"Are you sure you're up for this task?" Sabine wonders as she stood up.

"No. definitely not. I'm going up against several people with powers way beyond my comprehension." Sonic stated these Jedi and their ways of the Force are a complete mystery to him.

"And on top of that, I'm reminded of the mistakes I've made. I'm just a disgrace." Sonic said in shame.

Sabine didn't seem to agree with that as she sternly eyed him. "You're not a disgrace, Sonic." She sat down on the opposite side of the bench and took his hand. "You recall you saved us from the Hutts, and took on the Empire since the day we got here. You're my hero-I mean, you're a hero, Sonic."

Sonic chuckled as he didn't help but overhear her slip-up. "Well, just in case this mission goes sideways and this is the last we see of one're my hero, too." Sabine wasn't exactly sure what to say when she heard that. "You were the one who helped me and saved me without even realizing it."

Sabine chuckled and started to fidget with her hair as she wasn't sure where to go with that information. Then Sonic and Sabine closed their eyes, slowly moving towards one another. Neither of them noticed how close they were getting when Kilowog and Claire were making their way through the ship. They were just making their way through and took notice of the two of them.

"Hey," Kilowog called them out, getting both of them to flinch backward and back away from each other. "We ready to go?"

"Yep!" Sonic said as he stood up and started to blush as he left. "I'm...I'm gonna go to the Phantom. Wait for you guys there."

And with that, he left the room and left Sabine getting eyed by Claire and Kilowog. "I'm...I'm gonna go and wait in the cockpit."

And with that, she walked out of the room while also placing her helmet on to hide her blushing face. Kilowog watched as she walked past them to walk through and looked at Claire.

"Something going on between Sonic and that girl?" Kilowog asks her.

"Oh, one hundred percent," Claire commented as she strolled towards the ship.

Later on, they were all in the Phantom with everyone else in the cockpit of the Ghost. They were all stepping down and getting ready to get ready for the separation, knowing that this isn't going to go smoothly. When they were detected from the ship, they were flung from Hyperspace and all of them were having a hard time keeping their heads on straight.

When they were floating off into space normally this time, they all took a moment to get their heads on straight again.

"Well, that was the easy part." Sonic said.

"And the hard part is coming." Cat Noir said.

That was when they were starting to make their way to the old base to get the rest of the plan together. They flew in mostly silence as they were all focusing on the battle yet to come. As they were heading for the base, it was lucky they there didn't seem to be as many asteroids or any big ones in the area, meaning if needed so they can make a hasty retreat and not need to worry about being followed.

"So, can we go over the plan again?" Ezra asks.

"We never even went over the full plan once," Shard commented.

"Exactly," Ezra replied.

"You remember the creatures Hera, Sonic, Sabine, and the Miraculous Holders came across?" Kanan asks Ezra.

"Yeah," Ezra confirmed.

"And I'd love to forget about them," Sonic commented.

"Well, I'm gonna need you to connect with them like I was trying to teach you before if we're going to survive this," Kanan explains to Ezra, referring to his Jedi lesson that was interrupted due to the mission.

Ezra exclaimed in fear and annoyance. "Is now really the best time for a lesson?"

"No, but I figured you'd learn the way you do best, by surviving," Kanan explains. He then looked out to the others. "Drop you guys here and you can set up the perimeter?"

"Works for us," Kilowog says as the door opens.

Sonic, Kilowog, Shard, Draal, Marinette, Adrien, Aarghaumont and Claire all dropped out of the ship and started to look around. Kanan would take care of the tracker whilst Ezra started to connect to the creatures. They would be out in the light until then and looked around.

"So, what's the plan?" Vixen asks, spinning her flute in her fingers. "Are we setting a trap or are we ambushing?"

"I think they're setting a trap inside," Sonic tells them as he scanned the area. "Gideon? Any ships inbound?"

"Sensors indicate that there's an Imperial Destroyer inbound," Gideon tells them.

They saw their ship was starting to exit and were coming down towards them. This was now a live-or-die situation for all of them. As the short time was beginning to pass, the Imperial ships came in for a landing showing they were two different shuttles with one carrying Mara Jade and a squad of troops. The other was carrying the Grand Inquisitor and his own squadron, neither of them was taking any chances as they both weren't going to let them escape.

"They're here, the ship is inside." The squad leader tells the two of them.

"Keep them contained, we want them alive." Mara Jade warns them.

They then approached the base, where they activated their flashlight on the guns to then allow them to see. But both Mara Jade and the Inquisitor both stopped when they felt something was off. The troops found Kanan, Ezra, and Sonic on their knees and awaiting them, the creatures patiently waiting behind them. They felt something wasn't right with the force, sensing something was not as it seemed. Seems they discovered that too late when the Jedi raised their hands and sent the creatures into attack mode. The Imperials were starting to get taken out with ease, all but the Inquisitor and Jade.

"This was your full plan?" Mara Jade asks as she then tossed one of the creatures into some metal, impaling it in the process. "To lure us somewhere for these creatures to do your dirty work?"

Sonic stood up and charged up his speed at her. "How do you think it's going so far?" He then shot two lightning bolts, getting her to activate her saber and block the blasts. "Now!"

Out of nowhere, it seemed, Shard came down and fired a blast to then impale a trooper. When one of the troopers tried to shoot him, it turned into an illusion that only sent the shot into the troop's head, killing him instantly. That's when the REAL Shard came and joined the party and leaped down from the ship and impaled a troop down from the top of their helmet, impaling the ground and bringing the troop to their knees. Then for the grand entrance, Kilowog came flying in and slammed the ground, sending dozens of the troops flying as he sent a shockwave of energy to take them down. Sentinel, Earth Gorilla, Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Vixen charged in as they fight back as well.

Kilowog then spun around, spinning his hammer in the process. He then flung the hammer towards Mara Jade, who used force to try and block it. But that's when Shard came down and tried to impale her, getting her to refocus her attention toward her. Jade ended up blocking the attack, keeping one hand up to stop the hammer. Sonic then came in, Spin Dashing and causing Mara to lose her grip. Getting hit in the face, Mara groaned as she fell to her knees, using the Force to throw Shard and Sonic away from her.

"Just give it up, redhead! You're not gonna win!" Shard shouts as he blasted her as Mara blocked the bolts as Kilowog came charging in.

He then strikes the ground with all of her might, sending a wave of energy to hit Mara Jade. But she managed to avoid it by quickly using her saber to absorb the strike. But that only did so much as it still ended up sending Mara Jade flying.

"Hey poozer!" Kilowog called out to Jade as he charged a strike at her. " my hammer!"

Kilowog went flying and swung the hammer to try and strike her down. But Mara Jade wasn't going down that easy as she shielded the attack and blocked the strike. The two were practically playing tug of war in reverse against one another as they kept pushing it. Ladybug then used her yo-yo and pulled her lightsaber out of her hands and sends it towards Cat Noir.

"You're up, Cat Noir!" Ladybug shouts.

"CATACLYSM!!!" Cat Noir shouts as he grabbed the lightsaber and destroyed it.

"Not so tough without your toy, huh?" Draal laughed as he punched her in the gut.

Everyone was continuing the fight with Kanan being hit by the Inquisitor and knocked out.

"Your devotion to your master is admirable," Inquisitor tells Ezra. "But it will not save you. Nothing can. Your master will die. Your friends will die. And everything you hoped for will be lost. This is how the story ends."

"No." Ezra was growing worried for his friends. "No!"

Then all of a sudden, everyone started to feel something was wrong none of them sure how they can feel it. Then they watched as Ezra was starting to summon a gigantic version of the creatures, seemingly being their leader.

"Oh, great, they have a bigger one," Sonic commented.

But when Ezra released the creature, everyone got a new main objective to try and survive. Everyone scattered to avoid it, with Kanan getting Ezra and himself out of the Phantom. He seemed to have fainted after that incident with the creature and the Force. Sonic was quick to follow when he trapped Mara Jade to the destroyed shuttle and raced to the ship. Mara Jade and the Inquisitor were stuck and watched as the shuttle left, all of their troopers slaughtered and killed.

"Our Master is not gonna be happy." Mara Jade sighed in defeat.

Meanwhile, back with the rebels, they then dropped Tseebo off with Fulcrum and headed off to continue their journey.

"Before we do anything, we need to go to the planet Numidian Prime." Shadow instructed.

"What? Why?" Sonic said.

"There's something there you need to see... all of our friends." Shadow said to Sonic.

"Okay." Sonic said.

He then called in the Bad Guys and the rest of the found JL members to met up with him and the Rebels at Numidian Prime. They then landed on the planet as they followed Shadow.

"So... how have you been?" Sonic asked.

"Fine." Shadow said in a grouchy tone.

"Jeez, this guy almost reminds me of you, Zeb." Ezra joked.

"Grrr... Watch it, kid." Zeb said.

"So where did you landed?" Wolf asked Shadow.

"On a planet called Alderaan. I was able to get my own ship and flew off the planet and began to search for the others. But during my search, I felt this... urge. A calling... pulling me towards this planet. I had no idea what it was but I needed to figure it out. I looked all around and soon found this." Shadow said pointing.

What Sonic, his friends, and the Rebels saw in front of them was a natural gateway with a glowing portal in it.

"So, then... what is this place?" Sonic asked, looking at the gateway they made it to.

"Come see for yourself." Shadow said before he flew towards the gateway.

Sonic, his friends and the Rebels follows and the three go in. As they through, they all start to hear voices of the ones from Sonic's friends.

"As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman!" Tails said as he hovers.

"The forest is the most beautiful place on earth, dude." Gorzan said, sitting on the rock.

"I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash! Wrecker style." Bulkhead said, pounding his fists together.

"You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done!" Lobo said, flexing his muscles.

They burst into shatter space. Sonic and the Rebels screams as they fall down. Shadow and some of their friends landed on their feet while Sonic and the Rebels landed on their faces. Shadow shook his head at his landing. They stand in the place like Green Hill, but with paler colors.

"Whoa, this place looks like home!" Sonic smiled.

"Home? This is your world?" Ezra asked.

"This is Green Hill Zone. My home. One of the few amazing places in our world." Sonic explained and ran off.

"Wow... it's beautiful." Sabine said.

"Yep. Totally untouched by technology. Our world is but of peace and harmony. Where all creatures get along. Well... some of them." Lloyd said remembering their supervillains.

"Guess your world is better than ours." Hera said seeing how peaceful it was.

"You might wanna see this." Shadow said as he skates off. The Rebels and JL heroes then followed him.

As they followed him, they saw different areas of Earth-Prime that were the JL heroes' homes. But not only that, they saw memories of the JL's previous battles; Red Death's Nightmare under Red Skies, the Battle against Lord Barbatos and his Dark Knights of the Dark Multiverse, and the Battle against Gunmar the Skullcrusher, his GummGumm Army, and Morgana the Pale Lady.

"Wow! You have guys have seriously fought in many fights." Ezra said as he and the other Rebels saw the battles.

"Indeed. Similar to the Jedi Order, the Justice League was formed to protect our world from the darkness of evil. Though we didn't have the same rules like the Jedi Order. Love and attachments are what made us heroes stronger. The bonds we formed with the people we love made us stronger to face the darkness." Blinkous explained.

As he explains, the Rebels see the love moments of the JL heroes, seeing how much they cared for each the ones they loved most of all.

They made it to the beach as they find Sonic looking at the hologram of his friends.

"Guys? Tails, can you hear me?" Sonic asked as he actually phased through them.

"Mom? It's me, Jim!" Jim said as he tried to get his mom's attention but no luck.

"What's wrong with them?" Sonic asked.

"Why can't they see or hear us?" Adrien asked as he tries to get Nino's attention.

"From what I can understand... this dimension acts like a ghostly window to our world. To them... we're the ghosts. Unable to communicate with them." Shadow explains.

All of their ghostly friends continued to have fun and their search for their missing friends as Sonic slumps against a rock. Sonic looks at his gloves. They're dull blue grey with grid pattern like his shoes.

"It was cool the first couple of times." Sonic sighed, looking down.

Soon all the JL heroes look down upset and sad. Marinette cries a bit as Adrien comforts her. The Rebels could see that they truly missed their home. They were all homesick. Sonic gets up and looking at the gloves again.

"How do I fix this?" he asked sorrowfully.
Shadow sighs for a moment.

"Come with me." He said.

He then skates away over the sand. Sonic and his friends look back at the Rebels before following.

They past Big and Froggy. Big waves, holding the fishing rod.

"No problem, Sonic."

Froggy croaks in response.

"No problem, Sonic."

Froggy croaks in response.

Sonic and his friends follows Shadow to temple mountain. They speed up the mountain by a long crack. Sonic, Flash, Draal, Jay, and Piranha catches up to Shadow as they speed up in sync. They later stop on the cliff outside the cave. Shadow stands closer to the entrance and looks back at Sonic and the JL heroes and Rebels.

"Sonic." Shadow said.

Sonic slowly walks closer to the cave entrance. The grid pattern on Sonic's shoes gets brighter inside the cave. The hedgehog stops and looks ahead.

"I guess that's a ghost, too." Sonic sighed.

A yellow shard remains in the Kyber Crystal. A purple outline marks where the other shards had been. Sonic flashes back to where it all started where they are fighting against the Badniks to stop Eggman from taking the Kyber Crystal.

"We don't know what the Crystal's capable of." Oliver said.

"If Eggman wants it, it can't be good." Toby added.

"Step away from the rock, egghead." Sonic said.

"Sonic, wait!" Lloyd called out.

"Sonic, no!" Sonic's friends called out in unison.

In the present, Sonic and his friends stares at the shard.

"I would do anything to be back..." Sonic says.

"Home." Shadow and the JL heroes said in unison.

The Rebels saw how truly homesick their new friends were. They saw how desperate they were wanting a way to go home.

"There is a chance." Shadow said and speeds ahead.

Sonic, his friends, and the Rebels follows him to the shard. Shadow walks around the shard.

"Every part of the galaxy now contains a shard, creating and giving off incredible energy. That means this one..."

"Has to be real!" Sonic and his friends concluded.

Sonic looks down at his glowing shoes.

"Exactly." Shadow said.

Sonic lifts a finger towards the yellow shard, which Shadow snaps at him.

"Don't!" he warned.

Sonic quickly pulls his finger back.

"I wasn't going to touch it. I was just pointing at it to tell you not to touch it." he retorted, pointing at him.

"Seriously Sonic?" Jay said.

"Here's the plan." Shadow started. "The Ghost Crystal shows us how the other shards needs to be placed together. If we bring them back here and connect them to this one, this real one, then maybe..."

"Yeah. Yeah, that could work. It has to work!" Sonic said in hope.

"It could be our chance of getting back home." Draal said.

"Yeah! Well, Kanan here knows a lot about Kyber Crystals in this universe since they're used to power lightsabers. And—"

"No." Shadow cuts Sonic off.

"No?" Sonic questioned.

"No." Shadow repeated.

"Why no?" Draal asked.

"I just said he and the other Rebels could help." Sonic said.

"They can't be trusted." Shadow stated.

"Hey!" Zeb said insulted.

"What are you talking about? Of course they can! They've been helping me and my friends so far." Sonic defended the Rebels.

"No. They can't. No one in this universe can be trusted. We shouldn't even be involved with this war." Shadow said.

"Look, I know you feel. Trust me, it's hard for us to be in a war... again." Barry said, looking down before looking at Shadow again. "But this universe is suffering. Along with everyone else. I'm willing to help them, just like any hero of the JL would."

"And you know what else is real? Sabine's tech on my kicks and punching sticks." Sonic added. "So back off."

Shadow groans. Sabine was surprised Sonic was not just standing up for her, but for the rest of her friends.

"Okay, look. What matters right now is that me and my friends get the shards and find the rest of our missing friends. We already found one shard though. We'll bring them back here and then we—" Sonic said.

"That's not the plan." Shadow said.

"What?" Barry questioned.

"Wait, dude, not the plan? I'm totally confused. I thought a moment ago, you said—"

"Sonic, you're literally the reason why we got dragged here and into this war. Why would I trust you to do anything?" Shadow glared.

"Okay, I can see how you might think that. But—"
Shadow knocks Sonic back with his spin dash, creating dusts.

"Sonic!" The Rebels and his friends called out in worry.

As the dusts cleared, Sonic groans, getting up and holding his arm in pain. Shadow marches towards him.

"Your turn is over. I'm taking the tech and I'm going after the shards myself." Shadow said.

"Wait, Shadow! Don't do this! We can work things out!" Barry said.

"No way, Shadow! I know what you're capable of, and that's not gonna happen!" Sonic shook his head. "The Rebels and the rest of them are my friends! So the only way you're taking my tech is over my dead—"

Shadow knocks him back again with his spin dash. Sonic lets out a heavy sigh and glares at him.

"You could've at least let me finish what I was going to say!" Sonic spits back.

Sonic spins away from the next hit. Draal wraps his arm around Shadow and holds him.

"Shadow, stop! Let's talk!" Draal shouts.

Shadow pulls himself away from his grip and pushes him away. He then skates after Sonic who runs out of the cave. Shadow knocks him off the cliff. As they fall, they punch each other. Flash and Draal runs out of the cave and sees them fighting and runs down the cliff to follow after them. The Rebels also follow after them.

"We gotta help Sonic!" Ezra says.

"How? They're too fast for us." Zeb stated.

"Zeb's right. I'm afraid all we can do now is just watch." Kanan said to his apprentice.

Sonic punches Shadow's face and kicks him down. They both spin to the ground. Sonic punches Shadow who grabs the ring from Sonic's glove with his teeth. Barry's eyes widened in surprise. He spits it out and grabs it.

"That's one. Three to go." Shadow says.

Sonic's eyes widened to see his glove is back to his original white glove. Shadow puts the ring on his glove.

"Want it back? Come and get it." Shadow declared, punching the ground.

He and Sonic spin at each other and land on their feet. Barry and Draal struggled to catch up to them in speed, but they kept on moving and hitting each other. Shadow dodges Sonic with a smirk before they spin around each other. Shadow jumps away and Sonic chases him. They speed onto the beach with Flash and Draal trailing behind. Sonic spins up and Shadow dodges his punch down. Cropped on one hand, Shadow kicks Sonic. He then spins him and throws him against the rock. Sonic tumbles through the air. Shadow grabs the rings from Sonic's shoes. Sonic spins and lands and notices his shoes is back to his original red shoes.
Shadow wears the rings on his shoes.

"Two and three." Shadow says showing them off.

Sonic spins at Shadow who spins away. They spin against each other. Shadow spins down the peer and Sonic chases him. They spin back to the beach and up to the ledge. Sonic punches Shadow and chases him across the beach. They go underwater. Draal dives down after them. Shadow grabs the last ring. Sonic chases Shadow who kicks him back. Draal tackles Shadow and tries to take the rings back when he pushes him back. Draal swims up to the surface as they get back onto the beach. Sonic pants heavily, wiping the bottom of his nose as Shadow puts the last ring on his other glove.

"That's it, I got them all. Now I can find the Shards, just like you." Shadow said, turning back to leave.

Draal smirks and places two rings back on Sonic's shoes. He somehow manages to grab those two before he pushes him away.

"You sure about that?" Draal grinned.

Sonic snickered at the look of surprise and anger on Shadow's face. He chases Sonic around the beach and onto the grass with Draal and Flash following close behind. On an elevated path, Shadow jumps onto Sonic who spins away. They race on the spiral path of the Loop-de-Loop and bash into each other on the way. They speed through the Loop-de-Loop and off the end. They tumble through the air wrestling. Shadow kicks Sonic down and holds the ring. Sonic falls on the ground, landing on his face again as Shadow lands on his feet. Draal and Flash manages to catch up and skids to a stop next to Sonic. Shadow flips the ring up and spins to catch it on his shoe, landing perfectly.

"One left. Come at me, bro!" Sonic said, kneeling into his running position.

"Nah, I'm good." Shadow smirked and spun around, showing him wearing all four rings.

"Huh? No!" Sonic, Flash, and Draal gasped.

Shadow looks at the rings and smirks at them.

"So long, Sonic. See ya back home." He says and then zooms off. Sonic starts to panic, looking at his gloves and shoes.

"No, no, no, no!" Sonic panics.

Sonic, Flash, and Draal chases Shadow as he was gonna leave. The Rebels see this and go to prevent him from escaping.

"We can't let him leave!" Kanan said as they arm up and charged at Shadow who grins.


Shadow teleports ahead of them as he and the Speedsters peed up the mountain. Energy bolt zap up around Sonic. In bursts, he loses control. Shadow looks back and grins and focuses ahead again. Different colors glow around Shadow and they fly off to the top of the mountain and Shadow keeps going up. He later disappeared in a flash. Soon his friends followed behind him as they left the Shattered Space. Once they exited the Shattered Space, they continued on fighting each other. Draal then jumps in between them as he creates a shockwave that knocks them back.

"ENOUGH!!!" Draal roared to the Hedgehogs.

"That is enough fighting! Shadow, look... I understand on what you feel about Sonic. Trust me, he's made many... many mistakes." Oliver says as Sonic looks upset.

"BUT! He has ways of fixing his mistakes. And sometimes his recklessness can sometimes be what we need to win a battle." Oliver said as he smiles at Sonic who smiles back.

"Besides, we're out of our element... we don't know about the galaxy, the planets or anything in this universe and these Rebels know their universe better than us. The only way for us to succeed in finding the remaining of our missing friends and shards are for us to work together." Lloyd said.

"Fine. Then I guess we're working together." Shadow grunts.

"Good. So... I'll take my tech back." Sonic smirks.

Shadow grumbles and looks at his gloves. He notices the rings are gone. Electronic zaps was enough for him to know Sonic already took his tech back and wears them as he deadpans.

"Ha-ha, got ya!" Sonic said.

Sonic shows off rings on his shoes, making Sabine roll her eyes.

"So... what's next?" Shadow asked as he crossed his arms.

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