Chapter 15: Search & Rescue

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 williamsmaurice1254
Things on Lothal ironically only got more difficult after sending that message out to the galaxy. Sure, they got their message out, but they also lost two of their friends, as well as causing the Empire to tighten security. That made it a little harder for them to try and figure out where they would take their friends.

When they staged an attack on a patrol with a Walker, they planned to have R2 and Chopper plug into it and find out where they were. Things weren't exactly smooth, with them needing a few extra hands. Luckily, they got some help from the JL members.

Green Arrow and his Gundark took on the ground troops while Zeb, Chopper, Ezra, and R2 infiltrated the walker. Sabine provided air support from the rooftops, as Flash had Speed Force. He helps his friend by knocking troopers left and right, sending them flying everywhere.

Chopper then flew in from another rooftop and was helped by Zeb. He went inside where he saw Ezra had removed the unconscious troopers from the vehicle before they interrupted their movement.

"Plug in, chop," Ezra said as he struggled to move him. This was so much harder than Sonic had made it look. "We need to find all prison logs from every Imperial detention facility."

Chopper grunted and immediately got to work on the technology. But Ezra was getting a little difficult to try and keep the Walker steady with the troop in the seat.

"Hey, keep it steady in there," Zeb warned them.

Ezra quickly handed up the arm to the unconscious trooper. "Here, take this."

Zeb saw he could work with that idea as he took the arm and flung the entire troop into the crowds below. He ended up knocking down a few Stormtroopers, giving Oliver a hand in taking them down easily. Sabine saw this opening and ran over, jumping onto the walker to see what they were doing, taking longer than she expected.

When Sabine got inside, she was met by Chopper who explained what had taken so long.

"There is no connection?" Sabine asks, confused as to how that could be. "That's impossible. The entire system would have to be down."

"Well, they did just blow up their own comm tower," Zeb reminded them as he kept firing the last of the troops.

"Ugh!" Sabine exclaimed in anger, taking her frustration out on the second seat by kicking it with all her might. "They must have taken their entire data network down."

"How are we going to find out where they've got Sonic and Kanan now?" Ezra wondered as he piloted the walker down the street.

"Walker 693, stand down. Repeat, stand down." Someone on the comms demanded.

Outside, Oliver, Barry, and Spike the Gundark were finishing off the Stormtroopers who had thought it was a good idea to get closer. Green Arrow blasted them with his arrows, whilst Flash leaped into the air and slammed into the ground, releasing a shockwave of lightning to send them all flying.

They took a moment to calm down when they noticed two more Walkers approaching from their left. The Walkers began to open fire as Green Arrow, Flash, and Spike did their best to fend them off, but they were outnumbered, and the Walkers were actually able to take the gauntlets.

Spike decided to try and charge at one of them and take its legs out with his claws. But that was stopped when he was shot shockwave and the firepower of the Walker sent Spike flying backward.

"Spike!" Oliver called as he ran to his aid.

Spike however wasn't hurt and was only whiplashed from the hit. He whimpers a bit as Oliver comforts him.

"Specter-2, we need a pickup," Sabine said as she watched the Walker fire on Oliver and his Gundark.

"Copy, Spector-5. Rendezvous at the town's western border." Hera reported back.

The Walkers kept opening fire on them as they made their escape. "Hate to be the pessimist, Ezra," she said, not wanting to be the one to bring up the subject, "but how do we even know..."

Ezra said, "They're alive, Sabine." He didn't give up on his friends so easily. "I know it. They wouldn't go through all of this just to kill them."
Tarkin, Kallus, Mara Jade, and the Inquisitor entered the interrogation room where they were holding the Outsider. What they saw was Sonic strapped to a chair, sweat pouring down his face, his arms bound by powerful restraints that could hold a Rancor back. There were a few small marks to show that there had been some recent bruising from the torture.

"Oh, finally," Sonic said, letting out a sarcastic sigh of relief. "Are you guys going to floss my teeth? Because I haven't been to a dentist in months." But then a thought occurred to him. "Wait, you guys do know what a dentist is, right?" He then eyed the Inquisitor and let out a chuckle. "Yet again, that would explain his teeth."

The Inquisitor recognized an insult when he heard one and looked down as if trying to examine his teeth. Then, he looked back up at Sonic and snarled at him, ready to kill this Speedster.

Tarkin however raised his hand to silence the Inquisitor. "This facade you have made will not mask the truth from me." He said as he began to circle Sonic. "You have made them believe you are a bumbling idiot cracking remarks. But I recognize a true tactical genius when I see it."

Sonic didn't even pay him any mind until he heard that, earning a jolt from Sonic. "Wait, did he just call me a tactical genius?" He couldn't help but chuckle at that, even though it hurt to laugh.

"Buddy, the only tactics I have are what I learned from experience and with Batman. And along with the other Justice League members." Then he looked at his current company and laughed.

"What the hell is a Batman?" Mara Jade asks.

"These jokes to try and distract us won't work," Tarkin stated as he marched over to face him. "You will tell us everything you know."

"About what exactly?" Sonic asked him. "You guys suck at interrogations if you torture them first, then ask the questions."

"Everything about the whereabouts of the Outsiders," Tarkin stated.

Sonic laughed. "Yeah, that's not happening. You can torture me all you want. I sat through one of Dr. Eggman's boring villain speeches. Do your worst."

"Oh, don't worry. I plan on doing my best." Tarkin promises.

That was when the torture began for Sonic, as he endured electric shocks that sent him jolting. He let out screams of agony and fought against the restraints but to no avail. But even through the pain, Sonic's body was also absorbing the electric shocks that the tortured device hit him with.
Back with the others, they were making their way up the Walker when Hera arrived to pick them up. Oliver leaped and helped his friend. Sabine and Ezra were next to jump into the Phantom, finally followed by Zeb. But when they all got on board, they noticed they were down one annoying droid.

Ezra asked, "Where's Chopper?"

Sabine guessed, "He must still be looking for them."

"I'll get him!" Zeb shouted as he leaped out of the Phantom, and back onto the Walker. When he reached the hatch, he looked inside and saw Chopper still plugged in. "Come on, you stubborn junk pile! You're gonna get me shot!"

Zeb then picked Chopper up like a football and ran for the Phantom. With the two Walkers still firing at them, the one they were standing on exploded the second Zeb jumped. They quickly began to move swiftly out of town to get out of the area.

"How did it go?" asked Hera.

"It didn't." Ezra was sorry to say.

Sabine made her way through the Ghost while Zeb and Ezra were searching through the hologram maps. They were trying to locate where on Lothal the Empire had taken them. When she made it to her room, she was a little surprised to see R2-B1 was there, working with Gideon to locate Sonic. They were going with a more technical approach to finding him, using one of Sonic suit's technology to pinpoint his location.

"Any sign of him?" Sabine asks.

"I'm sorry, Sabine, but no luck." Karen was sorry to tell her.

Sabine was starting to get frustrated with the situation. She made her way out to see Zeb and Ezra still staring at the map.

Sabine guessed, "They are probably still being held at the Imperial Complex," as there was nowhere else to hold powerful people like them.

"If they do, we all know they're as good as gone," said Zeb sadly.

Ezra however did not have the same attitude as he was attempting to locate them with the Force. His power wasn't quite at that level yet, but he was able to tell they were at least still alive. He could feel their presence with the Force.

"They're not gone. And they're not being held at the complex." Ezra said as he stood to face away from the map, feeling they weren't even on Lothal.

"How do you know that?" Zeb wonders.

"I just know," Ezra said, not sure how to explain it.

Sabine sighed as she closed the map. "We can't make a plan based on a feeling."

"Yes, we can," Ezra replied to that statement. That was literally how they got into this situation. "We do it all the time!"

Hera entered the room after just having had a secret talk with Fulcrum. "Not this time."

Ezra was shocked when he heard that and looked over at her. "What are you talking about?"

Hera explained to him, "We can't go after them; the Empire will be waiting with a trap."

"When has that ever stopped us?" Ezra asked.

"We can't risk it," Hera said, getting Sabine and Zeb to see she was serious.

"Can't, or won't?" Ezra asks, not ready to let it go.

"Ezra, there's a bigger mission you're not seeing," Hera tells him. "It can't be jeopardized for...a few soldiers."

Ezra couldn't believe how Hera described them. "A few soldiers? They are our friends, Hera. I can't just forget about them. And after everything, I couldn't believe you would either. They would do anything it would take to protect us."

"They already did, when they gave their lives to give us time to escape." Hera reminded him. "Ezra, do you think they'd want us to run into a for sure trap?"

Ezra got mad as he then walked off, leaving the room with anger.

R2 made his way through the Ghost and sighed in sadness when he saw there was still no sign of Sonic. It was almost like he was waiting for Sonic to just appear back on the ship. Sabine was walking past after talking with Ezra about an idea to save them when she saw the droid.

Sabine asked, "You're worried about him too?"

R2 sighed in sadness as he looked down at the floor.

Sabine sighed as she knelt to face the droid. "Yeah, I'm worried about him, too. But we might have an idea to save him. You in?"

R2 jumped and was ready to do anything he could to help. Sabine sighs in relief.

"Great. First, I need you to do something for us so we can get some backup." She said to the droid.
Sonic the Hedgehog groaned as he began to regain consciousness after enduring their torture. He hadn't even cracked once or said anything that could jeopardize his friends. He had to admit, he surprised himself in that. When he opened his eyes and gained focus, he realized Mara Jade was the only one in the room with him.

"Gotta admit, I thought you'd have cracked up by now." Mara Jade commented.

Sonic scoffed as he winced. "Yeah. Surprised myself there."

"I have to say," Mara Jade said as she began to circle him, "you are stronger than you look." She paused and then continued, "I wonder if it's a condition all of you have there."

"All of us?" Sonic wasn't sure he understood.

"You think you're the only one we found?" Mara Jade asks. "You're one of the more recent captures, the last guy was basically a walking idiot."

Hyena. He was here or at least in one of their detention facilities.

"But I don't care about him," Mara Jade said as she faced him. "I'm here to break you."

"You've already tried that." Sonic reminded her as he laughed.

"No, we did it Tarkin's way. Now let them try one of my tricks," Mara Jade said as she then raised her hand to use the Force on him. Sonic winced and grunted as he felt her beginning to invade his mind.

Mara was beginning to use her mind-probing ability on him. This was a powerful ability of the Force that allowed the user to sense or even sift through the thoughts, emotions, and memories of the victim, seeking useful information.

"What are you hiding?" Mara Jade asked as she rummaged through his mind. "I can sense your emotions for your team. You see them as your family." Sonic struggled to fight back against her probing. "And you're willing to suffer if it means they're safe." But then she felt his emotions shift. ", I sense something else. Your feelings for the Mandalorian girl...they're not as innocent."

"Get out of my head!" Sonic tried to fight back.

"Oh, no," said Mara Jade, letting out a little laugh. "You like her. An Outsider and a Mandalorian, two people without a place in the galaxy."

"I said get out!" Sonic kept trying to fight back.

"You're still hiding something," Mara Jade said she knew there had to be more. "I can sense you've got something deep hidden away."

Mara Jade then froze when she felt as if she hit a mental barrier. She opened her eyes and suddenly they began to glow light blue. Sonic had stopped trying to push her out and opened his eyes to see that he were also glowing blue.

"Who...what...who is that?" Mara Jade asked as she saw a silhouette of someone.

"Who are those people?" Sonic asked as he also saw the silhouettes of someone.

"Is that...?" Mara Jade was confused about who she was seeing.

"Are those...your parents?" Sonic took a guess and assumed those people were Mara Jade's parents.

Mara Jade heard the man's voice say, "With great power..."

"You were taken from them." Sonic watched her life. "The Emperor took you from them."

"You lost her." Mara Jade watched Sonic's origins.

But all of a sudden, the force between the two of them blasted them both backward. Mara Jade went flying and slammed into the door, while Sonic slammed against his restrained chair.

Mara Jade was shocked by everything she saw. She had essentially experienced everything Sonic had ever gone through in his entire life. From losing his adoptive mother and Uncle Chuck, to the Particle Accelerator Explosion, to the Battles against Dr.Eggman, the Metal Virus Plague, and everything else that had happened to him.

"Your mother...your uncle...everything you've been through..." Mara Jade was shocked by how much Sonic had gone through and became a hero. "You still see the light after all of that? How?"

While she was experiencing this, Sonic saw how he had essentially experienced all of Mara Jade's life. He saw everything from her family home before being taken by Palpatine, to being tortured during training. She had been through so much, and raised by pure evil; it was no wonder that she became who she is.

"Your parents...they loved you...they fought for you. But he came and took you. You gave into the darkness." Sonic was finally beginning to understand Mara Jade. "You fight for the darkness because you've never experienced the light."

Mara Jade didn't even say anything else; she just made her way out of the cell and down the hallway. She was lost as to what she had just done, it was like she actually experienced his life. But that's not all, she shared memories with the Hedgehog. Memories that she suppressed years ago, that were suppressed to contain her emotions and fuel her rage and anger. But seeing his life... seeing how good his childhood was, seeing how dark it was, and yet he still found the light, it was something that she had to admire.

But then a pair of hands wrapped around her neck, and she froze, trying to fight back. "Step any closer and I'll snap his neck!"

"You won't be doing that, Red Death!" A man in a gray and black bat-themed suit shouts to the one who's holding her.

But when she punched the man holding her back, she was shocked and noticed that there was nobody there. She looked around and saw the entire hallway was empty, leaving her to wonder what she had just seen.
Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra managed to make their way to the Phantom while Chopper was keeping Hera busy. If she was going to give up, then it meant that they were going to have to disobey a direct order, and are planning to meet up with a few friends to get the help that they need. Hera may have given up, but they certainly haven't given up hope on finding them.

When they flew the Phantom off, they met at the rendevous point that they had set up with the Bad Guys and Oliver. When they reached it, they parked the Phantom in the open field and approached them.

"Was beginning to think you changed your minds," Snake said as she watched them approach.

"Did you guys happen to find anything that can help us?" Ezra asks them.

"Come on, what do I look like to you?" Wolf scoffed.

R2-B1 then grunted and made some noises, garnering some looks from the rest of the Ghost crew.

"What? What did he say?" asked Wolf.

"I don't feel comfortable repeating it," Sabine stated.

"What did you find out?" Ezra asks.

Webs nodded her head toward the Falcon, asking him to follow. "Keep an eye out. We had to smuggle ourselves in, and we could have been followed." Everyone complied as Webs, Ezra, and Barry entered the Falcon to see what they had found. "Ever since you guys destroyed the tower..."

"Actually, they did that themselves." Ezra defended.

"Down to the point..." Webs chose to ignore him. "They lost their long-range communication network in the process." Then she activated a hologram and showed off some strange R2-like units that looked as if their heads were stretched.

"So, they've begun using these droid couriers to transfer information between their ground and the ships above." Drago said.

"What kind of information do they hold?" Ezra wonders.

"Troop transports, weapons, armory, deployment, stuff like that." Webs shrugged.

"Prisoners?" Ezra asks.

"If you're lucky," Webs said. "It's a daily occurrence. It should be going down tonight."

Ezra nodded and started to come up with a plan that they could use to save their friends. Making his way outside, he saw Zeb, R2, and Sabine looking out into the distance.

"It's okay, guys, I might have an idea," Ezra assured them.

That's when they separated, revealing that Hera had already found them. She looked seriously mad about the fact that they disobeyed her orders and also stole the Phantom.

"For disobeying a direct order, you better have more than an idea," Hera warned him.
Mara Jade was currently in her chambers, pondering what she had seen. The strange vision almost felt real to her. She wasn't sure what it was. In all of her studies in the Force and all her training, she had never seen anything like that before.

"I must... keep running..."

Mara Jade jumped and began looking around, assuming someone had entered her room. However, there was no one there. As she turned back to face the door, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. It was Sonic. She was confused, wondering if he had somehow managed to escape from his cell. When she reached for the door, she noticed her hand passing right through it. Confused, she examined her hand and watched in horror as her skin slowly began to turn into metal, coating her in a corruption of a virus to slowly follow.

Panic began to spread through Mara Jade as she watched her left hand begin to transform into metal. Slowly, piece by piece, her entire hand changed before her eyes. She felt panic and fear spread throughout her body, her heart beating so fast she thought it might burst from her chest.

Mara Jade then leaned against the wall, as whatever was happening to her seemed to be spreading everywhere over her body. She collapsed to the floor and curled up, unsure of what she should do next. After a moment or two, she realized nothing was happening and opened her eyes. When she looked down at her hands again, she saw they had returned to their normal state.

"What was that?" Mara Jade asked, not realizing she had experienced another one of Sonic's memories, this one of the Metal Virus Attack.
Hera was in no mood to talk as she marched back to the Ghost; Chopper was returning the Phantom. Ezra raced over to catch up with her to try and explain why he did what he did.

"Hera, wait." Ezra stopped her, getting her to face everyone. "I know you're mad-"

"Mad? Try furious." Hera retorted. "I gave you a direct order, and you disobeyed me."

"Well, it paid off. We know how to find Kanan and Sonic." Ezra defended as Hera kept going. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Hera questioned. "All of that for a maybe?"

"Hera, none of us want to give up on Kanan or Sonic." Ezra defended. Watching Hera's face go from mad to sorrowful.

"And you think I do?" Hera questioned.

"No, I don't. That's why I took the risk." Ezra explains why he disobeyed.

Hera looked at Ezra, then at Sabine, and Zeb. She saw they were determined to continue this mission. She needed to stop thinking of this as a military operation and realize it had become personal. Sonic and Kanan were their friends, and practically family. If they were in their shoes, she knew they would be willing to do anything. Now it was time for her to be ready to do the same.

"Okay. What's the plan?" Hera asks.

"It's a work in progress, but it involves Chopper." Ezra said, eying the droid.

That night, they had identified the shuttle that was likely carrying the droid with their data. Wolf used his mask to scan the ship and found that there were a few men on board. They all got the plan where they are going to replace Chopper with the droid that is carrying the data, and have him plug himself into the mainframe to transfer the data and learn where they're holding Sonic and Kanan.

"I've found the shuttle likely for the pickup." Wolf reported in. "Anyone got eyes on that moving trash can?"

Oliver climbed up a high rooftop to gain an advantage and looked around at night. Thanks to the new HUD tech in his mask, he could see just as clearly at night as he would during the day.

He stealthily made his way around until he spotted a half dozen troops were indeed escorting a droid. "I have located the droid. How is our little friend doing?"

Sabine was currently in the alleys, finishing up her paint job on Chopper. He wasn't exactly grateful for the task and was actually shaking and moving, making Sabine's job harder.

"Calm down, Chop. If you don't want to get shot, then let me finish this." Sabine said as she finished the job. "See? They won't know the difference."

Chopper was still skeptical about this, and R2-B1's mocking of him didn't exactly help.

"Chopper. Come on, this is for Kanan and Sonic." Ezra reminded him.

Then Chopper calmed down after that and growled, indicating his willingness to go along with their plan.

As the Stormtroopers were escorting the R2 unit towards the shuttle, a small pyramid-shaped device slid into the middle of the group. When it activated, it sent a wave of energy that disarmed the blasters from the Trooper's hands. Then all of a sudden, Sabine came in and blasted two of them into the wall with her blasters.

"Behind you," Sabine warned them.

"Ha! Like we're gonna fall for that," the trooper said as he drew his pistol.

Before he even had the opportunity to reach for his gun, Drago leaped from behind them and sliced right through his shoulder using a Time Blade. The trooper let out a cry of pain as his detached arm made contact with the ground. In order to keep this incident quiet, Wolf finished the job and Sonic Howled him into the wall hard.

When the other troop realized what had happened, it was too late to react. Chewbacca had already grabbed him by the arms and pulled. He ripped the arms right out of their sockets and left the stormtrooper screaming in pain. Then, Flash came in and raced down the street, where he punched and shattered the trooper's mask in the process, silencing him.

The R2 unit was still in the middle of everything and was beginning to freak out at the sight of them. Not exactly hard to believe after what it had just witnessed them do. Then all of a sudden, it shut down and toppled over.

"Well, that made that easier," Wolf said shrugging as he placed his weapon away.

Zeb then picked up the Imperial droid as Chopper made his way in to replace him. Luckily, they were far enough away from the shuttle that they didn't even hear the commotion they caused. And not to mention, they also had no way of communicating with one another.

"Here's the courier," one of the troops said as Chopper entered the shuttle. "Where's his escort?"

"Not our problem," the second trooper said. "We're running late as it is." The trooper didn't seem to care. He and the other trooper began entering the shuttle to make their way back to their base. "BN-749, the courier is aboard."

Everyone watched from inside the Ghost as the shuttle started taking off. Part one was a success, but they had to hope that Chopper would be able to find any information on where they'd taken Sonic and Kanan and get it to them.

"You sure that crazy droid can pull this off?" Snake wondered as he sat aside from Hera as she piloted.

"Chopper hasn't failed us yet," Hera assured her.

Then the doors opened and Chewbacca was carrying the R2 unit from the Imperials. They weren't going to risk someone coming across him and jeopardizing their plans. But he was getting a little annoying, with how much squirming he was doing to get out of their grasp.

"Calm down little guy, we're not gonna hurt you," Sabine promised.

"Do you have a lock on Chopper's beacon?" Ezra asked as he walked up to the two of them.

"Looks like he's aboard the cruiser." Hera was happy to tell him.

Ezra sighed and hoped that this plan would be a success. "Come on, Chop, find them."

Chopper was making his way through the cruiser and continued to act as if he were the carrier they were waiting for.

"You're late, 264." The commander told him. Chopper began to get to work and plugged into the system. He began to search through all of their data to try and find out if he could locate where they sent their prisoners. "Hey, where is the data? I'm not seeing it on my monitor." And he needed to hurry up, as it seemed they were beginning to get suspicious. "Hey, hold it. You're not authorized to copy communication logs."

"What's the problem here?" Another Imperial asks.

"This doid is malfunctioning, sir."

Back on the Ghost, everyone was waiting for the signal from Chopper to confirm that he found the information. Han was with them, laying back and having his feet propped up against the console in the back.

"So, is all of this really necessary?" Han asks the crew. "I mean, you are going through all of this effort for just two people?"

"They're our friends," Ezra informed the smuggler. "I thought that's what the Wookie was to you."

Chewbacca growled, which none of them but Sabine and Han could understand.

"Really? Ten years?" Sabine was surprised at how long he'd been with Han. "You think that if you were captured, he'd risk his life for you?"

Chewbacca growled in response, shrugging as if saying he wasn't sure of the answer.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Han told Chewbacca sarcastically.

Then a signal came through on their end, giving them the signal that they were waiting for. "There's the signal!" Hera reported.

"He must have found something!" Ezra was pleased to say. He jumped from his seat.

"Positions, everyone!" Hera tells them

Everyone jumped from their seats, except for Han who just sat there since he didn't really have much play. There were only so many positions that could be given. Zeb was going to his position when he looked down at 264.

"What about this guy?" Zeb wonders.

"Take him with you." Ezra shrugged as he ran to his position.

"Why me?" Zeb questioned.

Wolf shrugged as he passed the Lasat. "You're intimidating."

Zeb chuckled as he had to agree. "Can't argue with that." He then growled to get the droid spooked. "Let's move."

To cover Chopper's escape, they needed to work fast and began to open fire on the Imperial cruiser. Chewbacca and Han worked the guns at the front of the ship, while Sabine took the side cannon, Ezra the top cannon, and Zeb the lower one. They started firing on the destroyer, hoping to draw its attention away from their droid and mask his escape.

Zeb got a fire from their run around as they were opening fire on them. "Keep those cannons busy!" Hera called in.

"Karabast!" Zeb cried as he tried to put out the fire. "I could use some help down here."

264 then came in and ended up helping by extinguishing the flames. "Hey, I am starting to like you much better than our regular droid."

It didn't take long for Chopper to find his way to an Imperial escape hatch and escape through it, taking a squad of troops with him. He used his small rocket pack beneath him to fly through space, putting some distance between himself and the Imperial ship. Once he made his way to the Ghost, they opened the hatch for him to make his way inside while they plummeted towards Lothal to get as far from the Empire as they could. When Hera got the ship steady enough, she began to close the hatch and everyone rejoined the droid as he made his entrance.

"That was amazing, Chopper!" Ezra congratulates him.

"Not bad," Zeb commented.

R2 jumped in as he landed on next to Chopper and did a little dance of happiness. Chopper got a little frustrated. 264 then approached and seemed to congratulate him. Chopper didn't seem to care about that and didn't seem to even like him.

Oliver stepped forward and gave the Imperial droid a pat on the head. "Our friend here has been a help to have around."

"You know, Oliver, we could use a droid," Barry told his friend. "Who knows what kind of information he was carrying up there?"

"That we could." Oliver agreed.

"Give him a bit of new paint, he'll fit right in," Barry stated.

"You're free to him." Hera shrugged and saw he could be useful to the cause. "Come on, Chopp, let's see what you found."

Chopper bumped into 264 on purpose, as he still wasn't a fan of him, but knew he wouldn't be much of a pain for long. Hera plugged Chopper into the comms so he could see the information he had gathered, and Sabine found it.

"Got it," Sabine said as she showed the information that Chopper found on Sonic and Kanan. "They're being held on Governor Tarkin's Destroyer, the Sovereign. It's still here above Lothal, but it's scheduled to leave soon."

"Where's it heading?" Snake wonders.

"The Mustafar System?" Sabine wasn't sure what it was. "I've never heard of it."

"I have," Draal said, getting everyone to face him. "They were going to transport me there before you got me out of there."

"Kanan spoke of it as well," Hera confirmed. "He said that Mustafar is where Jedi go to die."

Everyone was beginning to worry about what would become of their friends. They needed to hurry and save them before Tarkin could take them away and they might never be heard from again.
Sonic was lying against the restraining chair, still trying to get his head on straight after Mara Jade had tried to probe his mind. As he was trying to get some much-needed rest, the doors opened again and he didn't even react.

"No, I'm in no mood for it today, Mara." Sonic groaned as he laid back. "Come back tomorrow."

"I think you mistaken me for someone else," a male voice said, getting Sonic to look and see someone with a syringe. "I'm here for something else. Not information, but something I see as much more valuable."

Sonic was confused about what he was doing when the man walked up and placed the syringe up to his forearm. It seemed as though the man was searching for a vein and Sonic couldn't really fight back in the condition he was in.

"You're a strange metamorphosis that I've never encountered before." He said as he began to extract some blood.

"Anyone ever tell you, your voice is really high pitched?" Sonic tried to make light of the situation, even in his tired state.

"It has come up." He admitted.

The doors opened again and Tarkin stood tall. "Ohnn, get what you need and move on. I don't need you getting chatty with the prisoner."

Jonathan Ohnn then looked over towards Sonic and smiled. "See you soon, Sonic."

Sonic wasn't entirely sure what was going on anymore or even cared at this point. He lay back in the chair, covered in sweat from everything he had endured throughout the recent day.

"Sabine...where are you?"

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